In this online game world, I suppressed it for sixty years

Chapter 179: The alternative talent of inheriting the divine throne

Chapter 179: Inheriting the Divine Position ≈ Alternative Talent

Xiong Da didn't understand a word and made Gu Jian angry.

Because at this moment Xiong Da looked like he was ignoring him.

Moreover, the next step was really just teasing him. After Xiong Da pretended not to hear clearly, he muttered in a low voice the next second: "Is the Sword Sect so hard to be awesome? It also has the sacred beast that protects the sect?"

"Bah, you want to enslave me, Xiong Da, but you don't even want to know who I am?"

Xiong Da sighed again, his tone of voice showing that he didn't like Jian Zong very much.

Hearing Xiong Da's disdainful words, a lucky beast dared to ignore him like this.

Gujian could no longer suppress the anger in his heart, and the sword intent around him suddenly condensed, and the power of heaven and earth burst out.

"You're such a beast, no matter how smart you are, you're still just an animal."

"Since you are so ignorant, then just die!"

"Sword come!"

After saying that, he patted Gu Jian casually, and an ancient long sword appeared out of thin air, exuding astonishing sword energy.

"Long time no see, old friend!"

With the Wusheng Sword of spiritual level treasure quality in hand, the aura of the ancient mirror has been strengthened by three points!

"It's the Wusheng Sword of Jianchi Ancestor. It used to be at least a spiritual-level treasure. However, I heard in the early years that this sword was broken after a good battle with the Sword Immortal."

There were also knowledgeable warriors underneath, who soon revealed the origin of the sword in Gu Jian's hand.

"It seems that the rumors are false. Also, the quality of the spiritual-level Noble Phantasm is not so easy to break."

"Although the Sword Immortal is very powerful, don't brag too hard. I have never heard of a warrior who can casually destroy spiritual-level treasures."

Some people think that even the Sword Immortal Lonely Boat cannot have the strength to break a treasure of spiritual quality.

The Wu Sheng Sword in Gu Jian's hand is surrounded by disordered sword intent, and the trace of aura revealed seems to be able to cut off everything in the world.

Of course Xiong Da was worthy of him. Although it was surprising to him that he had inherited this divine position inexplicably, Xiong Da was still very happy to be able to speak.

And the power of the gods is indeed extraordinary.

[Name: Giant Spirit God

Quality: Intermediate level

Power: The ability to control the flow of rivers
Abilities: Divine Power
Explanation: An ancient god from the mythological period, the river god giant spirit. He is born with divine power and has the power to split the sacred mountain!He is born with the ability to control the direction of the river. 】

The power of the giant spirit god it has now manifested can control the direction of the river. Fighting in these places is its home field, and its strength can be increased a bit.

However, there is no river here at the moment, so it still functions normally.

But adding an ability characteristic later is equivalent to adding an alternative talent entry.

This ability is placed on Xiong Da, and it fits him very well. Its power was already extremely powerful. Now with this ability and characteristics, Xiong Da's power has surpassed that of a warrior in the Nirvana realm.

But he has not reached the level of a warrior in the Heavenly Realm.

But yes, the state of nirvana and the state of unity between man and nature is a huge step forward.

The power of the gods allowed Xiong Da to resist several of Gujian's killer moves before.

Manifesting the divine position has further enhanced Xiong Da's current strength to the extreme level of Nirvana.

It was also because of this that Gu Jian had other thoughts. After all, if a divine beast could be used as the protector of the sect, it would be of great benefit to the Sword Sect.

At this moment, the statue of the great manifested bear has no other appearance than its own image.

In fact, if someone studies it carefully, they will probably guess that if this mythical figure really comes out, there is no reason why his god should be the image of a black and white panda.

That looks too silly.

In this case, it would be better to say that Xiong Da is the first among the giant spirit gods.

But Xiong Da didn't feel anything. Anyway, he was happy that his strength could be enhanced, especially now that he could speak this time, it felt even more fun!

Xiong Ziran felt that he might not be able to deal with this person even with the power of Zhang Shen.

Human beings are still very powerful.

But it doesn’t matter to Xiong Da. Anyway, my boss is here and I can be as arrogant as I want.

Therefore, Xiong Daneng felt the power of Gujian, but he did not flinch. Instead, he cursed and said: "Speaking of beasts, I feel that your Jianzong is more suitable. A group of sanctimonious guys have taken a fancy to my body. One by one They all want to invade me..."


Lu Yuan almost didn't laugh. What kind of tiger and wolf words are Xiong Da talking about?
Looking at the people from various factions below, their eyes lit up after hearing this, as if they had heard some big news.

"Beast, you can't even speak, how dare you speak arrogantly?"

"The last thing I say is, join my sword sect, otherwise don't blame me for being ruthless under the sword!"

Gujian's eyes were cold, and the Wusheng sword in his hand was pointed directly at Xiong Da. The chaotic sword intention took shape, and the sky and the earth were pale, and his tone was full of majesty.

Xiong Da patted his belly and said nonchalantly: "Hey!"

Still ignoring his words, even with a hint of ridicule.

After being slapped in the face by a strange beast one after another, Gujian lost his patience. Now he no longer cares whether the other person is a god or not.

No matter who he is, today he is going to show everyone that even a god can be killed with a sword!

"No life - return to the void!"

Gu Jian whispered, and the Wu Sheng Sword in his hand turned into a stream of light and roared towards Xiong Da.

Accompanied by the strange phenomena of heaven and earth, the sword energy was like a rainbow, striking Xiong Da directly and tearing apart the void. Even the clouds and mist in the void were evaporated by the sword energy.

Xiong Da did not show any fear, but gave a low drink, and his whole body suddenly erupted with endless golden light. The golden light shone like a golden sun, extremely dazzling.

In the golden light, the bear's figure gradually disappeared, replaced by a huge golden bear, exuding an ancient aura, like an ancient god of war, standing proudly between heaven and earth, watching everything in front of him.

"What a terrifying power!"

Below, the strong men of all the forces can feel the terror of the two forces above.

"I didn't expect that a strange beast would have such strength with the blessing of a god."

Everyone's eyes were filled with radiant light. At this moment, they knew that this god was really up to something.

Even if you can't get it yourself, you should make good friends with these inheritors who have obtained the divine status.

"I wonder which of them can win?"

"Needless to say, that must be the Sword Crazy Ancestor. The Sword Crazy Ancestor is a strong man who has broken through the realm of heaven and man."

It is no secret that the martial arts heavenly realm is no longer a secret. However, except for the top three who appear on the heavenly spirit list, no one who has made a breakthrough in this realm is on the list. Therefore, there are not many people who have broken through this realm at present. It is estimated that there are only two hands. !

"With such a powerful sword intention, I'm afraid the sword immortal is just like this. He is worthy of being the ancestor of the sword madman who has lived for hundreds of years."

Another person who steps on others and holds them in arms, there are not a few such people.

Of course, they only dare to talk about it secretly.

"I seem to remember, why do I look so familiar to this iron-eating beast? That's it!"

"What did Brother Liao say?"

"If I remember correctly, this strange beast, the iron-eating beast, may be related to Heaven."

at this time,

Xiong Da raised his head to the sky and roared loudly. His huge bear claws struck hard on the sword energy wielded by Gujian. When the two met, a terrifying force suddenly burst out. With a bang, the surrounding void instantly shattered. , countless space cracks appeared in the void, and terrifying space storms swept across all directions instantly.


With a loud noise, the Wusheng Sword was slapped away by the bear's big paw, spun around in the air several times, and was stuck on the ground.

And Xiong Da also took a few steps back because of the huge impact.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.

This power is indeed terrifying. It can actually defeat the spirit-level weapon with bare hands, and it is still entangled with the power of the ancient madman's disordered sword intent.

Gu Jian's face was calm. The move just now was just a casual try, but Xiong Da's power was indeed terrifying. "It seems that we can no longer hold back and must deal with this strange beast as soon as possible."

A fierce look flashed in Gu Jian's eyes. Quick victory has always been his aim, but he also wanted to see what the ancient god's power was.

But now it seems that it is just a means of power.

"God, it's just that..."

Gu Jian said lightly, Gu Jian took a deep breath, and the vitality of heaven and earth rioted.

Everyone was watching this scene, and they knew that the lawless ancient lunatic was back again.

A terrifying aura erupted from the ancient madman, and the space around him seemed to freeze.

"Sword come!"

Gujian shouted again, and the Wusheng Sword flew back into his hand again. The sword intention on the sword was even stronger, as if it could pierce the void.


There were no fancy moves. Gu Jian held the Wusheng Sword with both hands and slashed at Xiong Da.

A huge sword energy cut through the void and roared towards Xiong Da.

It's simply a miracle...

Facing this sword energy, Xiong Da did not dodge. He roared, and an even more terrifying force burst out from his body.

It raised its huge bear paw and slapped it hard towards the sword energy.


There was another loud noise, the sword energy collided with the bear's paw, and a strong shock wave erupted, blowing away all the surrounding vegetation.

Gujian's clothes were blown by the wind, but they were not messy.

He stood there and seemed to have decided the winner.

But Xiong Da was knocked back a hundred meters by the shock wave.

"Come again!"

However, Xiong Da was not affected at all. He jumped up on the spot and let out a roar, his big black eyes flashing with excitement.

At this moment, it seemed a bit ferocious.

The next moment, an even more powerful force burst out from it.


Gu Jian narrowed his eyes. He didn't expect that this strange beast could be so capable. He snorted coldly and slashed towards Xiong Da with the Wu Sheng Sword in his hand again.

This time, the sword energy was even more terrifying, as if it was tearing the void apart.

Xiong Da also felt the danger. He looked up to the sky and roared, and all the power in his body burst out, forming a huge whirlpool that enveloped him.

The next moment, a heaven-destroying power burst out from the whirlpool, heading towards the Wusheng Sword.


With a loud noise, the Wusheng Sword collided with the whirlpool, erupting into a force that destroyed the world and turned everything around into powder.

Gu Jian's face darkened, and he waved the Wusheng Sword lightly in his hand, and an extremely sharp sword energy suddenly shot out, roaring towards Xiong Da.

Xiong Da was not afraid at all, he waved his giant palm and struck hard against the sword energy.

The sword energy collided with the giant palm, making an earth-shattering noise.

A violent wave of air erupted instantly, the surrounding trees were uprooted, dust flew, and birds and animals were frightened.

This scene of fighting made the eyes of those below shine brightly.

They feel that this is much better than a baptismal competition for quotas.

"It's too strong. Fortunately, these powers are not aimed at us."

Someone murmured that outside the Treasure Pavilion at the main peak of the Sword Sect was a martial arts performance field. The venue was very large. At this time, basically all the forces from the six regions were standing here.

Except for the six major forces, they are almost all top-notch forces in the world.

The battle between Xiong Da and Madman Gu has reached the standard of the Heavenly Realm.

They felt that if they were within the fighting range of this man and one beast, they might not even be able to survive.

"You guys are saying that if this strange beast dies here, will people from the former heaven come forward? After all, this is the emperor's former pet!"

Someone was communicating in a low voice. They already knew Xiong Da's identity from someone's mouth.

There are three major divine beasts in heaven, which can also be said to be the emperor's pets.

And bear poop is one of them.

But Xiong Da back then was not as majestic and powerful as he is now.

It used to only be cute, but now it is a fighting beast with overwhelming fighting power.

"Hehe, then there will be something good to see."

"The Holy Lord Liuli is called Murong Qingxian, right? She is now the No. 1 martial artist recognized by the world. Do you think she would take any action if she knew about this?"

"Tch, it's just a breakthrough first, why is it No. 1?"

Someone said disdainfully.

"You have the ability to orally orgasm in front of her?"

"Is she capable of showing up?"

That guy doesn't believe in evil, what's wrong with his mouth?
Could she still be psychic?
Murong Qingxian indeed did not hear these exchanges in the martial arts field below, and could not eavesdrop. After all, there were many strong people here, and any slightest disturbance could arouse their vigilance.

Even if she is at the Heavenly Realm and has strong spiritual consciousness, her spiritual consciousness is fixed and cannot be as powerful as Lu Yuan's innate divine consciousness.

It's easy to spot using mental power.

However, her current focus was on the battle between one person and one beast, and she really didn't pay attention to anything else.

At this moment, Xiong Da was obviously at a disadvantage, and Gu Jian seemed to have found the trick to deal with Xiong Da.

Although Xiong Da was blessed with the power of a god, he was best at close combat. In this area, Gu Jian felt that he could only be [-]-[-] against this strange beast.

What swordsmen are best at is long-distance attacks, and saturation attacks.

The sword energy that filled the sky was attached to the Wu Sheng Sword, with a trace of disordered sword intent. The world seemed to be in chaos.

There is no order in the world!


Seeing this, Murong Qingxian couldn't help but complain:
"I think you're asking for trouble."

Murong Qingxian stood next to Lu Yuan, her clothes fluttering, and she was carrying something in the shape of an unknown sword wrapped in a gray cloth behind her back.

She has a stunning face, but no features, and an average figure, which looks a bit strange, but this way she looks more like a maid.

"Fortunately, I cured this guy, and it was also because of you."

Murong Qingxian still doesn't know whether Lu Yuan did it by accident or on purpose.

But no matter what, Xiong Da was the pistachio of the Heavenly Family. Although he was now mature and no longer childlike, Murong Qingxian, as a member of the Heavenly Family, did not want this fool to be harmed.

"If you don't take action, then I will."

Murong Qingxian did not say it politely.

She didn't care what Lu Yuan's plans were.

"what ever…"

Lu Yuan shrugged indifferently, he really didn't have any plans.

(End of this chapter)

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