In this online game world, I suppressed it for sixty years

Chapter 184 Ancestor, times have changed

Chapter 184 Ancestor, times have changed

"It's him!"

As soon as the old man appeared, he was recognized by the ancestors of the Sword Sect present.

"It's the Soul Ancestor, the Soul Ancestor is still in the world!"

Everyone in the Sword Sect was extremely surprised when they heard this.

In addition, people from various factions had different expressions when they saw this, some were surprised and some were surprised.

The old man's surname is Luo, but there is no word "hun" in his name. It is estimated that few people can tell his real name even though he was a famous figure hundreds of years ago.

But just know his name.

Everyone in the Sword Sect calls him the Soul Patriarch, because of his self-realized Soul-controlling Sword Intent.

Generally, the understanding of sword intention comes from all things in nature, but most of them still lie in objects.

As soon as you hear the word "taming the soul", you will know what it means. It can be understood as the meaning of controlling, controlling, and guiding the spirit...

The sword intention itself is a kind of momentum, the momentum of heaven and earth!
Leveraging the power of heaven and earth, we form our own unique power from the east. Every movement and stillness among all things in heaven and earth is in the power of power.

Just like the momentum in the wind, elegant or violent!

The power of the mountain, steady or steep!

The force of the water flow, gentle or turbulent!

The power of a person lies in the heart.

Sword intention is a kind of mental attitude.

To practice sword intention is to grasp this force in your heart, control it with your spirit, and then use the sword as a medium to release it.

As for the Soul Patriarch's Soul-controlling Sword Intention, he has found something new, and he has comprehended the Spiritual Sword Intent among thousands of sword intensions.

The soul-controlling sword intention of the soul ancestor is to control, control and guide the spirit. This is unique in the history of the sword sect.

In the past, it could only interfere with other people's minds, but now it has the power to confuse other people's minds. It can be said to be the absolute No. 1.

For the Sword Sect, it has been 100 years since this ancestor last appeared, and they even all know that this ancestor has passed away.

But now, not only does it appear here intact, but its strength has even improved. This is undoubtedly a great joy for the Sword Sect.

"Ancestor Soul! Is it really you?"

Patriarch Yunfeng of the Sword Sect stepped forward excitedly and asked Patriarch Hun.

Ancestor Soul nodded, smiled slightly and said, "It's me."

Hearing Ancestor Soul's answer, the people of the Sword Sect were even more excited.

"Ancestor Soul, it's great that you are finally back!"

The Jianzong side was experiencing climaxes one after another, and warriors from all factions also entered a state of eating melons.

"Wow, the soul ancestor is also a warrior who has broken through to the martial arts heavenly realm. It seems that the Sword Sect will not overturn this time."

"I heard that Ancestor Soul was a ruthless man a hundred years ago. If there had been a list of Heavenly Dao Spiritual Lists, he would have definitely been on top of those who committed the most heinous crimes."

"Back then, the Soul Ancestor disturbed people's hearts, confused their minds, and killed tens of thousands of innocent creatures with the soul-controlling sword intention. This Soul Ancestor was also very evil and more terrifying than the Sword Immortal."

"Sword Immortal? Haha... I'm afraid he's just a junior in front of the Soul Ancestor."

Obviously, although Patriarch Soul has not appeared in the world for a hundred years, his appearance can still arouse the memories of many people.

Some people who can't deal with the Sword Immortal naturally think that the Sword Immortal is nothing more than that.

After Patriarch Hun and Patriarch Yunfeng nodded, they immediately stared at Murong Qingxian, with that gloomy look that seemed to be able to erode the soul.

At the same time, he also said to Gu Jian: "Gu boy, as a swordsman, remember not to hesitate, otherwise you will only harm yourself."

"If some people don't recognize their identity, then don't be polite to them."

"That's what Ancestor Soul said!"

At this moment, Gu Jian could only nod his head in agreement. After all, he was from his own family, and the sudden action of Ancestor Hun had already broken the situation he had just wanted to relax with Lingxu.

He looked towards Lingxu and said, "Master, I remember my great kindness to Gu. However, I cannot agree to this. Anyone who deliberately undermines the Sword Sect will not be spared!"

His eyes were deep, and he had no intention of stopping and reconciling just because of his previous kindness.

At this time, Murong Xue and Ye Muli were still in a state of confusion. They didn't know why this big boss who suddenly appeared wanted to save them.

Xiong Da, on the other hand, looked like he was surviving the disaster and just sat down on the ground. He seemed to be a talented person who knew how to watch theater!
And Lu Yuan also smiled lightly: "Jianzong, it's always been like this!"

It seems that the other party's behavior has been anticipated.

Ancestor Soul glanced at Lingxu and the others, and his cold eyes fell on Murong Qingxian.

"Little girl, this sword in your hand is not bad, and your strength is not bad..." Soul Ancestor sneered, with his hands behind his back, his eyes were sinister, and a trace of greed flashed in his eyes: "I thought it was not easy for you to practice, so I will forgive you if you hand over this sword. You guys have a life."

He looks very confident!
Because judging from the previous fight, he was surprised that this girl was in the same realm as him, but he found that this girl couldn't use a sword.

From the perspective of an experienced person like him, this kind of behavior is either a sign of confidence in his own strength, or simply a sign of high level and lack of combat prowess.

Holding the sword is just a show.

It took him more than 400 years to enter the realm of gods and humans, and he finally broke through when the time limit was approaching.

In their opinion, it was very difficult to break through this realm. He was confident that he was a genius among geniuses, but Murong Qingxian looked like he was not even a hundred years old, but he had already broken through to the heaven-human realm.

This surprised him, but he also subconsciously felt that there might be some adventure in dealing with him. He had made a breakthrough in terms of realm, but he definitely couldn't keep up with him in terms of combat power.

Otherwise, wouldn't his hundreds of years have been in vain?
"Old man, it's just you?" Murong Qingxian said coldly, pointing the black and shiny long sword in his hand at the opponent, and a sharp sword energy rose into the sky, as if it was going to split the void.

"You still want to fight me, you're too young!" Ancestor Soul snorted coldly, and disappeared instantly. The next moment, a terrifying sword energy shot out of the air, heading towards Murong Qingxian. .


There was a loud noise, the sword energy collided, and the air waves surged into the sky. Everyone around them retreated to avoid being affected.

When the soul ancestor saw this, he was slightly shocked. This girl was able to take his blow. It seemed that she had something, and her strength should not be underestimated.

Of course, if that was all, then he would be relieved.

"The power is good, come again..."

However, although the Soul Ancestor was arrogant on the surface, he did not make any advances. He just snorted coldly and sent invisible sword energy flying all over the sky!

He was still cautiously trying to take action.

I saw terrifying sword energy emerging one after another, and each one was like substance, rushing towards Murong Qingxian.

When Murong Qingxian saw this, she did not dare to be careless. Because she could not use her own power, her current strength would be greatly reduced.

Fortunately, the sword in her hand is also a god-level sword, so it can close this gap in a short time.

The two of them kept fighting, and the terrifying forces kept colliding. The whole space was shaking, as if it would collapse at any time.

In just a short moment, everyone below was dazzled, and some people could barely see both sides.

Ancestor Soul felt that he seemed to have figured out the details of the other party.

He actually kept attacking in a defensive manner, and even relied on the power of that divine sword.

This made Ancestor Soul feel that his guess was correct, and that this girl just looked like she was worthless.He didn't know how to break through this realm, which made the old man who had spent hundreds of years reaching this realm break his defenses.

Then the sword energy attack became more rapid.

To be honest, these sword energy attacks are already a certain death situation in the eyes of others, but for both parties in this realm, it is just a little pressure.

Even the consumption is not huge, because there is no real use.

And here, Gujian also looked at Murong Xue and the others... Ye Xiling behind them!
"excuse me!"

Gu Jian's eyes darkened and he suddenly took action.

He instantly turned into an afterimage and rushed towards Murong Xue and others.

When Murong Xue saw this, her expression changed drastically. The look in the other person's eyes just now made them feel like they were about to die, but she still subconsciously blocked behind Ye Muli, preparing to face Gu Jian's attack.

However, the target of Gujian is not them, but Ye Xiling!
He knew that since the other party had already taken action, it would definitely not be that simple. Instead of staring at them, it was better to knock off the other party's help first.

In the midst of the lightning and flint, Madman Gu's figure had already rushed out, and he raised his hand and struck out with a palm.

The wind in the palm roared, the speed was extremely fast, as if even the space was torn apart.

This attack actually included Murong Xue and the others. If Ye Xiling didn't take action, they would be hit.

However, at this critical moment, Ye Xiling suddenly moved.

She seemed to throw out a treasure with a wave of her hand, forming an invisible force and pushing Murong Xue and the others to an uninhabited corner.

There was an explosion like the sound of drums, and Gu Jian's palm was actually blocked by an invisible force.

However, his expression only changed slightly. Although he had known that this woman might also have the strength of the Heavenly Realm, was it too exaggerated?
Both maids were in the realm of gods, and this master Lingxu was probably more terrifying than he imagined.

I don’t know if this move is good or bad?
But they have already taken action, so they can no longer hold back.

After the test, the disordered sword intent on Gu Madman's body burst out, as if tearing the sky apart, and a powerful aura emitted from his whole body.

The sword energy breaks through the air, making it impossible for people to look directly at it!
Suddenly, the void shook, and the space seemed to be torn apart. Cracks spread, and a terrifying pressure surged out from it, making people unable to help but feel fear.

Ye Xiling showed no emotion, but instantly revealed the guqin she had been holding.

Ye Xiling's hands were as jade-like as she stroked the strings, as if she was reminiscing.

The sound of the piano was always not that moving, but it was accompanied by a terrifying sound.

"The sound of the piano is like a sword?"

After looking at the ancient book, I couldn't help but blurt it out.


The battle between the two sides was so exciting that everyone present was confused about which side to look at.

At this time, Murong Xue and the others were also very nervous. Although they didn't know why they wanted to save themselves and others, the two ancestors of the Sword Sect knew at a glance that they were not simple things, so it was natural to be worried.

But at this time, someone was eyeing them, and they saw that the master of the Sword Sect had led his disciples to surround Murong Xue and the others.

There are still a few ancestors sitting nearby. With such a battle, they are already unable to fly.

Murong Xue also looked ugly. They had just been watching the battle in the sky, but they had forgotten that they were still in the enemy camp.

Unexpectedly, people from the Sword Sect surrounded him in an instant.

If you want to break out at this moment, you have to face several Sword Sect ancestors who are in the late Nirvana realm or even the extreme realm.

Tang Buyi, the leader of the Sword Sect, also came out and said coldly: "If you dare to destroy my precious land, no matter who you are, you will die!"

"But I can give you a decent chance to kneel down and surrender!"

Tang Buyi's eyes were slightly cold. At this moment, no matter how beautiful the woman was, he would not be tempted in his heart. For him, Sword Sect was everything to him.

And those who destroy Jian Zong are his mortal enemies.

"It's really going to end this time!"

Murong Xue felt like she was about to lose her virginity. She didn't expect that a small revenge could cause such a big commotion.

Although Ye Muli was calm, her eyes were also very cold and stern, and she would not give up just because of this.

But what surprised the two of them was that Xiong Da still looked like he was watching the show, very leisurely and at ease.

This didn't seem to make him nervous.

But when it comes to this, Murong Xue is naturally not someone to be bullied, and replied, "So what if it's destroyed? Your Sword Sect has used all kinds of dirty tricks to incite others to hunt us down. I still think it's destroyed." Not enough."

"Hmph, I should just throw the Dongfeng Divine Technique to you."

Murong Xue was also furious. The Sword Sect really used the big one to bully the small ones, and he didn't even say what good things he had done...

"How brave, yet you don't know how to repent!" Tang Buyi's eyes were bright, and he actually dared to threaten him. He waved his hand and said: "Get them for me, without mercy!"

He naturally knew that Murong Xue was from the Murong family, but he had already come to this point, how could he stop?

The disciples of the Sword Sect obeyed the order and raised their swords one after another to activate their sword energy.

They directly attacked from a distance, which made Murong Xue and the others look solemn.

In this state, it is even harder to break out.

Fortunately, the power of these swords is mediocre compared to the ones that change color at every turn, so it's not too outrageous.

With their strength, they can barely withstand it.

The most important thing is that they have not found a way to break out.

Those sword sect ancestors were squatting aside, and there was a possibility of taking action at any time.

If the other party takes action, they have no strength to resist.

But everyone in Jianzong seems to have forgotten someone?
"You really don't take me seriously if you do something under my nose!"

Lu Yuan's voice sounded faintly from Murong Xue's side.


In just a moment, disciples from the Sword Sect screamed one after another.

"Master Lingxu, do you dare to hurt our disciples?"

Tang Buyi Dingqing looked around and saw an additional figure at the scene. He just knew who the other person was and that he was from Tianji Pavilion, so he said very rudely: "Does your Tianji Pavilion want to be the enemy of our sect?" ?”

At this time, Tang Buyi thought that Lingxu was with Tianji Pavilion.


Lu Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, he really didn't want to move.

With a move of his hand, the Heaven's Secret Spirit Transformation Technique was activated, and he started to operate it directly from the air.

I saw all the approaching Sword Sect disciples scream in agony, and all their true energy was instantly drained out, including their energy and spirit...

This method can be described as ruthless and ruthless. Tang Buyi was so blinded that he shouted angrily: "What kind of magic are you doing? Stop it!"

Sect Leader Tang, you have never seen the world!
(End of this chapter)

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