In this online game world, I suppressed it for sixty years

Chapter 192 I turned Mars into a restricted area

Chapter 192 I turned Mars into a restricted area

It's not often that things can make her so angry.

Sure enough, Lu Yiling said angrily: "I thought this primeval sect was a good thing, but I didn't expect it to be such a good thing. It even said that when the goddess gets married, they will also send out sword attendants as dowry. It's really abominable. ."

If it was just that, she wouldn't be so angry, but she saw some players who had joined the Su Nu Sect come out and said that among them, Ye Muli was also the selected swordsman.

She didn't think this behavior was approved by Ye Muli, and she also knew during this time that Ye Muli was going back to the Su Nu Sect because of this matter.

But there was no mention of this matter in the letter, which meant that the Su Nu Sect had done it on their own initiative without even being notified.

Of course, this practice has been made known to everyone. If Ye Muli finds out about it on the way back, he can choose not to go back.

However, based on her understanding of Ye Muli, this little sister would definitely not do this, because if this matter were true, her actions would cause her master and other elders to lose face.

Even if Ye Muli's master thought it was okay, she definitely didn't think so.

So it can be predicted that when Murong Xue and Ye Muli go to the Su Nu Sect this time, something unexpected will happen?

Thinking of this, Lu Yiling jumped up, stood on the sofa, and said, "No, I want to go take a look too."

Then he jumped off the smooth floor and returned to his room with brisk steps.

Not just to join in the fun, but also to help.

She had no interest in this matter. What business did it have to do with a woman seeking a bride?

Moreover, the public recruitment of brides can only be said to be very consistent with the plots of some martial arts novels. Players will not be surprised if such plots are included in the game.

Instead, the incident was treated as a plot mission.

This is also the reason why this incident is so popular in the world.

There are now as many as [-] million players in this game. At present, domestic game equipment is fully available and has begun to be sold on the official website.

The number of domestic players alone exceeds [-] million...

You must know that the world of Immortality Realm among the Six Realms of Xunxian has less than one billion people living there.

The total number of people in the six domains may be less than 60 billion.

Take the world of the Sea of ​​Death, one of the six realms. 90.00% of this world is a dead sea, and the living population is less than [-] million people.

Even in a place like Shanhai Continent where the seasons are unknown and the living environment is harsh, the number of people living there is higher than in the Sea of ​​Death.

At this time, Lu Yiling returned to the game and went to the Su Nu Sect. After knowing that Murong Xue and the others experienced the Sword Sect incident safely, they separated.

Lu Yiling also wanted to make her own way in the world on her own, including the Qi family brothers and sisters.

Lu Yuan also saw this matter. Although it was revealed by a player, it should be close to home.

He knew that Ye Xiling also planned to return to the Su Nu Sect, but he probably didn't know about it yet. She was the kind of fairy who was used to acting alone. With her current strength, she could travel thousands of miles without resting. Not tiring.

Lu Yuan took another look at the popular ranking list on the game's official website. There were quite a few lists, but they knew how to do it. The game didn't have a ranking list, so the players made it themselves.

At the beginning, there were only a combat power list, a level list, and a beauty list.

They are divided into NPC's and players'.

After that, there were more and more, such as the Prodigy List, the Adventure List, the Wealth List, etc...

The source of the data is the players' own analysis and the records of Tianji Pavilion in the game...

Recently, a new god list has been added to the list.

Today’s popularity: 1.1 million+
It immediately exceeded [-] million. The popularity is as high as one day, which shows how many people are paying attention to this matter.

This list also specifically records the gods currently appearing in the game, and then ranks them according to level.

Currently, the little god Xiong Da is still at the top of the list.

No. 2 is actually an intermediate god, but it may be the first filter, so Xiong Da is still ranked first.

"Is that much already?"

However, Lu Yuan was a little surprised when he looked at the number of these gods below.

If we count down, there are already more than 60 gods, and it is estimated that the number will exceed [-] in a few days.

Although they are all junior divine positions, they are already worth it for most people.

Moreover, these gods that have emerged so far have more or less the power of the gods.

Just like the goddess of the Su Nu Sect, the God of Snow, who can freely control the power of falling snow within the scope of his jurisdiction. Isn't this similar to the power of rules?
When it comes to any warrior, even a warrior in the Heavenly Realm does not have the ability to control the power of natural rules.

The embodiment of martial arts is still powerful strength.

Being able to use the power of heaven and earth does not mean mastering this power.

This reproduction speed is quite fast. He is now in the original state and has only a few thoughts. As long as he wants to know, he can know anything about the six domains.

Under normal circumstances, he would not interfere too much with the measures of Kamigawa Tiandao, but the information has been transmitted, so you will know it.

Then he looked at his personal information panel:
[Personal attributes:
Character: Lu Yuan

Position: Lord of the Planes (World Editor)
Realm: true body realm
Unique Skill: "Collect, Transform, Transport, and Send"

Luck of Heaven: 5000+ (I haven’t even calculated it yet)

Talent entries: Innate Dao Bone (red), peerless understanding (red), innate divine consciousness (red)
Description: You can use the luck of heaven to randomly modify or add talent entries. Modification: [-]/time!Increase: [-]/time. 】

Then click on the world editor, ignore the others, and look at the information column, which is the news about God's Domain.

Although he can know this information with just a thought, it is more straightforward to see it this way.

The first thing is about the number of gods. The number of primary gods is limited to [-].

Just like the number of people who can enter, the same is true for the intermediate level gods, which are limited to 650, [-].

The number of high-level gods is limited to 360 and five.

There are only 36 top-level gods.

There is no limit, but it is the most rare thing.

Moreover, top-level divine positions can only be obtained in top-level divine realms, but top-level divine realms also include divine positions below high-level divine ranks.

It is equivalent to obtaining any god position from the top god realm, and the competition is quite high.

In addition to these, there will be artifacts appearing in the future. Not only that, Lu Yuan took a look at the subsequent plans. Isn't this borrowed from the mythical heaven?
It was different from the Heavenly Court he created for fun. Only a few departments of his Heavenly Court used the name Heavenly Court, and the models were different.

A divine court will appear later!
Kamigawa didn’t want to use his brain at all!

The Way of Kamigawa: Different paths lead to the same destination

But in this case, I don’t know whether it is good or bad for them who have inherited this divine position.

This god position is not used to control them. Anyway, it has advantages and disadvantages.

Since he has a priesthood, it is obviously impossible to be free.

That is to say, in the future, any righteous god with the power of authority will take Xiong Da as an example:

Name: Xiong Da

Divine position: Giant Spirit God (intermediate divine position)
Power: The ability to control the flow of rivers.

Realm: Late stage of Nirvana
Secret Skill: Daluo Bear's Palm (self-named)
Talent entry: Divine Power

Description of the title: An ancient god from the mythological period, a river god and giant spirit. He was born with divine power and had the power to split a sacred mountain!He is born with the ability to control the direction of the river. 】

Originally, Xiong Da had no talent entry, but the inheritance of the divine position not only gave him a talent for nothing, but also allowed him to speak.

Regardless of his body shape, he is actually no different from ordinary people.

However, the terms of reference also said that since he has the ability to control the power of the river, this is his responsibility.Half of the strength of divine power comes from the place he manages.

The other half is that you can condense it yourself. If the place or thing you manage is destroyed, these things will also affect the stability of your own divine power.

Like Xiong Da, if all the rivers in the world are destroyed, then his status as a god will be declared broken.

Another example is the Snow God of the Su Nu Sect. If someone is powerful enough to change the rules of the world, her status can be declared useless.

This seems a bit difficult.

So for now, the divine position is still beneficial.

It's just that everyone doesn't know it yet, but many people are also speculating on the many possibilities for the emergence of the god.

After all, it was too bizarre to appear.

Coupled with the back of the ancient god in God's Domain, some conspiracy theorists even said that this might be all planned behind the scenes by the former lord of heaven, "Emperor".

In the past, the mainstream theory was that Emperor Zun was dead, but the incident on Oracle Island some time ago revived him for a while.

Then the heat passed and silence fell again.

Now there is another ancient god figure similar to Emperor Zun, which is hard not to make people think wildly.

But no one has verified it.

Although the truth is close.

However, the emergence of the Divine Court is not used to control people, but an important force used to resist the invasion of plane pollution sources.

It's just that the emergence of the divine court later will inevitably lead to the emergence of classes. After all, the divine positions are inherently divided into hierarchies, and they are inherently high and low.

Of course, after the divine court appears, they can also freely choose to strip away the divine throne and transfer it away.

Then the power of this divine throne comes from the previous power of heaven, enfeoffing regional authority!

Then the origin of this divine position was formed.

It's just that Kamigawa Tiandao's cunning operation directly regarded his figure as the cover of Ancient God.

This makes people suspect that he is the mastermind behind the scenes.

In this way, why does it feel like this search for immortals has really become a search for myself?

After Lu Yuan browsed the Shenting plan, Shenhe Tiandao had similar ideas to his, so he didn't need to interfere.

Then I didn’t look at anything else.

But there are a lot more interesting things in the world.

It should be said that since the players appeared, there have been more interesting things in the Six Domains.

Because of the importance of power, players began to unite to form their own power after their strength improved slightly.

Even Lu Yiling knew that in the game players should huddle together for warmth, and other smart people naturally understood this truth.

Then you will find that almost all popular sects in reality will appear in the game...

In this way, there will be more interesting things, and you will see ten or eight scenes where the Wudang Clan and the Kunlun Clan appear together.

That scene is funny just thinking about it...

This is the consequence of no system restrictions.

Lu Yuan just looked at it and originally planned to play the game, but after thinking about the incident in Shenting, he began to think deeply.

Originally, he wanted to normalize this side and take over the management rights here before doing defensive things.

But now that I think about it, I have the strength to prepare for defense now, so I don’t have to wait until then.

Lu Yuan lowered his head secretly and said in a calm voice: "Is this the psychology behind standing at a high place!"

Yes, his previous thoughts were actually to let nature take its course and live for himself!

It was just because of his family that he had more ideas.

"It's a good idea to keep enemies out of space."

At this time, Lu Yuan stood up. He was not very tall, but very stylish. His eyes were deep and calm, shining like stars, like a still lake with no waves in an ancient well.

The next moment, he appeared in outer space.

Lu Yuan glanced at the sun, which was shining in all directions. Although it was night in Blue Star, here, he could look directly at this ancient star!

Lu Yuan felt a little bit, and with his current strength, he could barely touch the core energy of the sun.

"It seems that we need to mention our strength as well."

Lu Yuan sighed. Compared with the sun, his energy is only equivalent to that of the sun.

Then the next moment, he disappeared into another star.

But the moment he disappeared, a commotion broke out in an underground observation room in Blue Star.

"My God, what is this?"

"Call Mr. Chen quickly."

"Mr. Chen, an unknown energy body appears outside space. Can you see what it is?"

There is a large screen in the observation room, and the space model can be observed on the screen in real time.

The moment Lu Yuan appeared, a powerful energy wave was detected here, and then an alarm sounded!

There are many satellite-like things in space, and I don’t know what they are used for. And you can also see your own national flag.

Lu Yuan did realize that he was being observed, but he did it on purpose. Otherwise, he could just go to Mars directly, and there would be no need to appear here in transit.

This place is on Mars, so there is no need to describe the specific environment. Anyway, it is desolate, which is definitely very different from Blue Star.

If you want to transform this place into a place for immigrants, it is better to think about how to transform the desert into a place for immigrants.

Of course, this is definitely the case for Blue Star on the normal timeline.

But not necessarily now.

As long as the rules here can be changed, no matter what planet it is, it can become a livable home!
Of course Lu Yuan didn't come here to build a home. Now Rabbit has established his own base on the moon. Although he doesn't know the scale yet, since the Nantianmen project is almost completed, it will definitely not be much worse.

There is even a rabbit base on Mars, but it is used for research.

"Let's make some preparations first!"

As he spoke, a group of intelligent engineers appeared in front of him. At this time, they were useful again.

Although he has a mentality of indifference, if he still has divinity, he may not do this.

After all, what does the life and death of others have to do with him?
It's best to let nature take its course.

But whether it should be said or not, he has his own independent personality, and it is normal to be different mentally and behaviorally.

After all, he still has seven emotions and six desires, and he still misses his loved ones!

The main reason for establishing a defensive land on Mars is that it is rich in resources and it is easy to transform.

After taking some action, Lu Yuan found that it was quite difficult.

Carve the formation, condense the materials...

These cannot be accomplished overnight.

 Got stuck

(End of this chapter)

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