In this online game world, I suppressed it for sixty years

Chapter 195 Little Zhoutian Starry Formation

the present.

A monitoring center on the outskirts of the domestic capital.


"Warning, danger warning..."

"An unknown creature was detected at Mars Tianwen No. [-] base..."

"what happened?"

"What happened?"

"Unknown creature? How could there be a creature on Mars? It immediately entered the unmanned remote sensing state, and the data from the Tianwen-[-] base was sent back."

The director of the monitoring center immediately took control. Although the people in the monitoring center were surprised, they quickly returned to their posts.

"Director, this is..."

At this time, someone saw the data sent back from the Mars base, which made people a little unbelievable.

"...Is there any abnormality in the data of Tianwen No. [-] base? Where did these creatures come from?"

The director of the monitoring center hurried over and saw the picture displayed on the screen, his expression suddenly changed.

"Director, the data is all normal."

The staff checked and found that all equipment was functioning normally.

"According to the analysis of Tianwen-[-], it can be defined as an intelligent life form, which is more than a hundred times more powerful than our unmanned exploration machine on Mars!"

"Is this a black technology developed by other countries?" said a researcher.

"Impossible!" The director categorically rejected this speculation. "We are all very aware of the exploration progress of each country. Even if there is something concealed, it is impossible to reach this level."

He stared at the screen, trying to capture more clues from the image.

"and many more…"

When the director of the monitoring center was looking at the image slices, he shouted directly when he saw a gray background picture of a starry sky.

Even if these images have Nantianmen Base as a transfer station, the images transmitted back are still very blurry.

However, Zhao Xuexin still saw the difference in the images at a glance.

"This figure..."

"It seems a bit like a person?"

Zhao Xuexin hesitated slightly. He did not dare to be too sure, but some researchers knew how to zoom in and express their thoughts.

Zhao Xuexin nodded: "It's a bit, but because of this, I'm not sure."

Although he is not engaged in scientific research, it is precisely because of this that he knows that these things need to be treated rigorously.

They are just a monitoring center. Although there are people engaged in scientific research, there are no experts here, so it is difficult to make a decision on this matter.

Including the staff present.

"Requesting further instructions, Director Zhao."

Then, all the staff are waiting for the next step of action.

After all, professional things should be left to professionals.

"Activate the emergency plan and temporarily stop all detection tasks, with the priority of protecting our detection equipment. At the same time, transmit the data to the laboratory."

The director of the monitoring center thought for a moment and issued the order.

"By the way, it's best to let Mr. Chen know about this."

"Yes, Director!"

The monitoring center immediately took action.

At the same time, the Tianwen-[-] base on Mars has completely stopped its detection mission after receiving the order.

Although it has stopped its own detection mission, it still needs to monitor the intelligent life that suddenly appeared on Mars.

to see what exactly they are going to do?
After a while, the monitoring center exclaimed again:
"Oh my God, what are they doing?"

These people were completely dumbfounded when they looked at the images from Mars.

"Is this a base?"

"This seems to be an excavating machine?"

"This is a bit like a detection machine. It seems to be more advanced than the Zhurong."

"What...are they going to do?"



Two days later!
At this moment, a certain area on Mars is like an industrial development zone, unfolding in full swing...

Not long after, the first batch of mineral resources had been collected.

In order to prevent the harm of meteorites, Lu Yuan planned to set up a small defensive formation first.

It's not a big secret that Mars is prone to meteorite strikes.

Although it has only been two days, the intelligent engineers have already collected a lot of resources.

Ferro-titanium, copper-nickel, ferro-chrome, gold, etc., these are basic materials and are not lacking.

Mainly mithril, hematite, meteorite, glazed sand...

Together these have collected 3000 million tons in two days.

Mithril is mainly used in forging tools to make the adhesion between materials stronger and more stable.

These materials have exceeded the basic quality, just like iron ore refined into iron, and later pig iron and wrought iron.

This type of material is already a special material and cannot be used by ordinary people, and may even be considered useless.

Even if I know it's a good thing, I won't use it.

Of these 3000 million tons of materials, basic materials account for the majority, 60.00%, and the rest are special materials.

I don’t know if these special materials appeared for other reasons or if they existed originally. However, the untapped astral resources are abundant, and so many resources were collected in just two days.

This is almost half of the monthly output of domestic mineral rough stones.

Lu Yuan found an open space, waved his hand, and a large stove appeared.

The stove is a bit like a Bagua type, with an overall shape like a gourd, with three legs at the bottom and a lid at the top.

Well, this is made in imitation of Bagua furnace.

[Name: Purple Gold Furnace
Quality: Spirit Level Noble Phantasm

Air Luck: 140000
Description: Innate earth fire, eight-door auxiliary, has strong smelting ability, can smelt various metals and non-metallic materials, and has excellent effects on refining treasures, formations, weapons and other artifacts.

At the same time, it also has excellent protective effects and can be used to refine elixirs, medicines, etc.


1. Smelting materials: It can smelt various materials, improve the quality of materials, and improve the fusion between materials.

2. Auxiliary weapon refining: It can be used to refine magic weapons, formations, weapons, etc. to improve the quality of finished products.

3. Refining elixirs: It can be used to refine elixirs, medicines, etc. to improve the quality and efficacy of finished products.

4. Protective effect: It has a certain protective effect and can resist some injuries. 】

As soon as the furnace appeared, the surrounding temperature increased a lot.

Fortunately, this is Mars, and the temperature outside is already low, so the temperature increase is not that obvious.

At this moment, the fire in the furnace was blazing.

But he himself was too lazy to do it. Those intelligent engineers were also very skilled in building a series of buildings, and then poured the collected materials into the furnace.

This furnace has the function of becoming larger and smaller, with a maximum height of 12 meters and an internal radius of three to four meters wide.

At this moment, the Purple Gold Furnace is at its maximum.

The intelligent engineers are also skilled in putting materials into the furnace and controlling the heat.

It can be said that he is very skilled, and you can tell at a glance that he has done it often before.

Lu Yuan wasn't in a hurry anyway, it would be better if he didn't have to do anything.

It's naturally faster for him to operate alone.



The temperature of the flame in the furnace gradually increased, changing from red to white, from white to blue, and from blue to violet.

At first there was the sound of melting material, but as the temperature of the flame increased, the sound gradually disappeared.

Of course, Lu Yuan took over in the end, mainly because they didn't know what to practice.

Subsequently, these materials gradually melted into liquid. Under the operation of the engineers, these pale golden liquids were extracted barrel by barrel by the engineers.

By the way, Lu Yuan also gave them instructions: "From now on, you will practice according to this requirement."

Only if they have done it before will they know how to operate it next time.

These liquids contain a pure energy, and star patterns flash inside, as if they can attract the gray stars in the sky.

This is also his first time to refine formation liquid, the exclusive formation of Zhoutian Xingdou Formation.

Then, he asked the engineers to arrange the array fluid.

In fact, it is placed on the earth's veins and does not need to touch the core of the earth's veins.

Then he can do it himself.

Then, after another long day of busy work, the engineers and soldiers returned to their own work.

The next moment, Lu Yuan appeared in a deserted land. He waved casually, and the ground beneath his feet trembled slightly.


Lu Yuan snorted softly and saw streaks of pale golden light appearing on the ground, about one meter high.These pale golden lights are like stars, rising slowly from the ground.

If viewed from outer space, the light patterns on the ground connect to the mountains and rift valleys.

At this moment, upon closer inspection, the desolate land of Mars actually formed a huge formation.

Lu Yuan's power is also communicating with the formation fluid covered by the formation fluid, allowing them to connect and form a formation.

It's not difficult for him to act like this, but Mars' ley lines are a bit dead and it's a bit difficult to communicate.

"Shouldn't it?"

Lu Yuan muttered, he had activated the power of the array fluid, if the earth veins like Mars did not respond, it would be in vain.

Of course, in the end, it may be that his sincerity was felt by the Martian leyline. After a while, the stars in the gray sky on Mars shone brightly.

(Leyline: ?? Yes, I feel his sincerity)

The power of the stars rippled through the nine heavens, forming streaks of silver starlight on the earth's veins. The stars shone brightly, and a satisfied smile appeared on Lu Yuan's face.

With the cooperation of the earth veins and the formation, the entire Zhoutian Star Array began to move, and the originally dark sky around them gradually became brighter, as if the stars were lit up.

The power of these stars is extremely mysterious, as if they contain some unknown power.

At this moment, Lu Yuan wanted to use the power of this star to unlock the treasures on this planet.

He stretched out his hand and a stream of starlight surged toward the earth veins within the formation.

As the stars scattered, the originally dim formation suddenly became brighter, and the stars became more and more brilliant.

After the stars dispersed, something seemed to be slowly emerging.

At this point, the prototype of the Little Zhoutian Star Formation is completed.

That's right, it's just a prototype.

After all, the complete Zhoutian Star Formation covers the entire star body, and the power of the simple star formation liquid is limited. Currently, it is only used to connect the earth veins.

Other things will be needed later to complete the formation.

Afterwards, Mars returned to normal.

It's as if nothing happened.



In a monitoring center in the capital.

A group of researchers and various scientific research leaders saw the images coming from the Mars Tianwen No. [-] base. They were still having a lively discussion, but they all fell silent at this moment.

Shocking, all this is simply a miracle for them.

"what's going on?"

Some people couldn't help but ask. They really couldn't understand why Mars suddenly changed.

"Did someone exert any supernatural abilities on Mars?"

Someone speculated, but was immediately refuted by others.

"How is it possible? Even if someone can do such a thing, it is impossible to completely change the landscape of Mars!"

Some people retorted that after all, this kind of thing is too incredible and completely beyond their knowledge.

"But this is indeed not a natural phenomenon!"

An old man said doubtfully, "We have just analyzed that there are no abnormalities in Mars' magnetic field, atmosphere, and earth veins. This means that this is not a natural phenomenon, but man-made!"

Everyone nodded, this explanation was indeed more reasonable.

"If there really is a human element, who is this person?"

Someone asked that they really couldn't think of anyone who could have such the ability to change the landscape of Mars.

"General Manager Chen?"

At this time, someone saw Chen Chang looking at everything on the image with a solemn face. They seemed to be aware of something, and they were all startled:
"Is that the source of the strangeness that Chief Engineer Chen said?"

"But didn't the source of the strangeness first appear on the Blue Star?"

Chen Chang only had a solemn expression on his face, but he still shook his head and said, "I thought so at first, but in my memory, there is no such weird creature."

"There are also anomalies on Mars that have never appeared before."

"I suspect that with my rebirth, things that were the same before will change."

Chen Chang said in a deep voice.

Although he is young, he is no less impressive in front of this group of scientific research leaders.

"Butterfly effect?" An old man also said in a deep voice.

"Yes! Butterfly effect, things in the past have changed and the future has become unpredictable."

Chen Chang nodded. He looked at everyone with a twinkling light in his eyes: "I never think that everything will be smooth sailing after I am reborn. I may be the protagonist, but there may also be someone else."

“Instead of studying this, it’s better to stay down to earth and do the things in front of you first.”

"Xiao Chen is right. Don't think that you have everything in hand just because you want future news and knowledge. We who do scientific research must still focus on research."

"But things are really unusual on Mars."

"The information we currently have is too little to judge whether it is really a butterfly effect." Chen Chang said, "But in any case, we must figure out the reasons behind these changes as soon as possible."

Everyone nodded. They currently have too little information to judge the reasons for these changes.

"I suggest that we send an expedition team to Mars to investigate these changes on the spot." Chen Chang suddenly suggested.

"Expedition team?" someone asked in surprise, "Is this too dangerous? The environment on Mars is very harsh. If you are not careful, you may never come back!"

"Dangers and opportunities coexist." Chen Chang said, "And with our current technology, survival risks are easy to solve. The main reason is the unknown anomaly."

Everyone was silent for a moment, and finally, they decided to adopt Chen Chang's suggestion and send an expedition team to Mars to investigate these changes on the spot.

Chen Chang is right. Because of his rebirth, Rabbit's black technology has exploded. Now there are bases on the moon. Mars only has a small base and some detection machines. It's just because Mars is too far away, it doesn't mean that we can't go there. .

If he hadn't been unable to get away now, he would have even gone to see it himself.

Only through on-site inspection can you know what it is.


on Mars.

The scope of this small Zhoutian Star Formation is approximately more than 1000 million square kilometers, and it can continue to expand in the future.

Now, we can still defend against meteorite impacts.

After returning to normal, Lu Yuan also noticed that under the coverage of the large formation, this area had indeed changed a little.

"The oxygen seems to be flowing much better?"

Lu Yuan looked at the sky with twinkling stars and whispered. In fact, with his strength, he didn't need oxygen or anything.

After all, they were all walking in outer space.

In other words, as long as you have the strength of the martial arts heaven and human realm, you no longer need oxygen.

The way of oneself is integrated into the world, the body is like nature, and all things are born!
It’s photosynthesis itself!
After doing all this, I am free again. I don’t know when the next batch will be, it depends on my mood.

"Then let's make a small breakthrough!"

Then, Lu Yuan found a random place on Mars to retreat.

When he said this, he actually felt it a little bit.

Don't say that he has never practiced. After all, dual cultivation is also a kind of cultivation.

Moreover, the martial arts true body realm gave him a lot of ideas.

The predecessor of Kamigawa Tendo was a puppet that he refined to resemble an incarnation, but he also had a certain amount of intelligence.

Moreover, the appearance of this incarnation can also differentiate his vest and give him an independent consciousness.

Of course, the main consciousness is still dominated by him.

Later, when he went out to fool around, he always let his avatar act as his host and took his vest with him.

No one in heaven would question him anyway, and the incarnation was very strong, so there was no need to worry about exposure.

The only time it was exposed was when Murong Qingxian knew about it.

Now the incarnation has become Tiandao again, and he is dragged to work.

Moreover, the incarnation also has some flaws, that is, it is just an incarnation. If the incarnation is like the original body, his cultivation is equivalent to his own cultivation, which is perfect.

And there is also a method for reference here. The master of the Three Pure Ones transforms the Three Pure Ones into one thing, and the method of altering oneself freely in a certain fantasy novel...

Lu Yuan does whatever he thinks of. He has always been someone who dares to think and act.

He can transform into freedom. The characteristic of this method is that it can transform into powerful magic bodies. He can transform into eternity, he can transform into years, he can transform into reincarnation and other powerful magic bodies. The improvement of combat power is almost to the limit. It can be used as a great magical power. better.

However, Lu Yuan only gave up after a little understanding. At present, his strength still can't change these. Time alone is not something he can change.

At present, his strength can only barely resist the power of time.

On the contrary, one Qi can transform the three pure beings, which is the embodiment of Tao, and he happens to be talented in this area...

The Tao method is natural, originating from the beginning, and following the traces, it is born from the wonderful one, and from the wonderful one, it is divided into three elements, and from the three elements, three qi are generated.

...Those who have three elements are: the first is Hundong Taiwuyuan, the second is Chihun Taiwuyuan, and the third is Mingji Xantongyuan.


In the clearing of Mars, under Lu Yuan's seat, a piece of fresh green grass suddenly grew out of nowhere!
There is water on Mars. Although it is extremely small, it is not suitable for the growth of plants.

But now, there is a green plant in this place?
But he saw that the stars in the sky were shining with dazzling starlight, exuding layers of star power.

That was accidentally induced by Lu Yuan.

At the same time, next to Lu Yuan was a looming aura,

A human-shaped qi!
The Taoist Scriptures say that "Qi" is the root of all things.

(End of this chapter)

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