The sky tilts to the northwest and the earth sinks to the southeast. The sky is not full of northwest, so the sun, moon and stars move away. The earth is not clear from the south, so the water and the dust return there.

During this time, all the gates to different time and space that appeared around the world were destroyed by a magical force at the same time.

Then there was a barrage that even Ximen Chuixue couldn't understand.

There was also someone in the barrage who saw this happening with his own eyes and shared it immediately.

Of course no one believed it at first. After all, these intruders and evil creatures were obviously here to destroy Blue Star. Their goal had not been achieved yet. How could they stop so easily?

However, this news was soon confirmed to be true, and it also made it into official reports. Of course, we still have to remind everyone to be careful, maybe this is just a cover-up for those evil things!

The emergence of this incident also gave everyone new hope.

As long as the remaining evil things are dealt with, the world will restart again...

For a time, some people began to talk about their imaginations about the future online.

And only one place seems gloomy and bleak?

North China region, Star Academy headquarters.

In a bright and spacious discussion room.

Chen Chang was sitting in the main seat, surrounded by some scientific research leaders.

Chang Chen knocked on the table, looked at them, and said solemnly: "The events here have changed again!"

According to the historical process before his rebirth, the collapse of the door to different time and space will not happen at this time.

"Although I know that the future is undefinable, judging from previous experiences, not everything has changed, and every change in events will be accompanied by an unstable accident."

"So what do you think about this now?"

Originally, they didn't need to think about these things, but Chen Chang was in a special situation. He was not only a reborn person, but also the leader of scientific research at this stage.

And although they are just scientific researchers behind the scenes, they also have another identity, which is to study weapons on how to deal with these evil creatures.

At present, ordinary thermal weapons, if they have enough bullets, can indeed be unafraid of the invasion of these levels of evil creatures.

But they knew that these monsters were just the first wave, and in Chen Chang's original timeline, this first wave had caused the global population to drop by 80%.

After the second wave, they were barely able to resist the invading extraterrestrial evil beings.

Also during the second wave, Chen Chang was reborn one day and returned to that day two years ago.

But now, through his efforts, the damage on the rabbit's side has been minimal.

Being able to save nearly ten people, he felt that he had done his best.

And he couldn't do this alone.

Now facing this unexpected event, they didn't feel it was strange, but they also felt a sense of urgency in their hearts.

Because this means that things are no longer going according to their normal course.

But before they could come to any conclusion, Chen Chang saw Ximen Chuixue's live broadcast room, and his face instantly became solemn:

"This unexpected thing happened after all!"

Then Chen Chang shared the live broadcast room with them, and they all watched it immediately.

After seeing the figure among them, they all couldn't help but hissed, obviously knowing what the appearing figure was?

At the same time, Chen Chang also said in a deep voice: "How is the formation of the Chaos War Beast completed?"

"Can it come in handy now?"

A middle-aged man frowned and said: "The core components are still being upgraded. I could have completed the upgrade before the evil kings of this level appeared and then blocked them, but now..."

Obviously, the evil creature that appeared this time was beyond their imagination.

Because according to Chen Chang's description, such a powerful evil creature will appear at least a year later.

As soon as this was said, they all fell silent.

After a moment of silence, Chen Chang asked again: "What will be the consequences if it is used forcibly?"

"The strength is incomplete, and there is a risk of scrapping if used forcibly." "What do you think?" Chen Chang looked at them.

In fact, he was already making suggestions on whether to forcefully use this war beast that was still being upgraded.

This version of the war beast was specially developed by them. Although it is the same type as the other three mecha war beasts named after mythical beasts, their quality is different. It was also prepared to deal with the sudden appearance of this powerful evil creature.

The strength is comparable to the martial arts heavenly realm!

Of course, the prototype comes from the armored soldier in the game Xunxian!

At this time, someone said suspiciously: "I have a question. Since all powerful evil creatures of this level have appeared, it can't be the only one, right?"

Chen Chang reacted immediately, "Xiao Bai, do you search for evil creatures of this level that have appeared elsewhere in Blue Star?"

An ethereal voice sounded: "Ding, the search has been completed for you. Currently, no other abnormalities have been found anywhere in Blue Star except here!"

Although Xiaobai is not omnipotent, he can definitely be trusted.

Hearing it say this, everyone felt relieved.

Xiaobai is the mutated intelligent life before Chen Chang, but he has already released his authority. Now Xiaobai has formed the consciousness of the intelligent network, but he still has some authority.

It is simply the authority to mobilize the intelligent network to do calculations.

"No other powerful evil creature appeared?"

Some people said in surprise.

Because according to Chen Chang's timeline, there were three evil creatures in his place who were comparable to the martial arts heavenly realm.

"If there is only one, I agree with forcibly activating the Chaos Star Battle Beast."

Someone suggested.

Several people started to discuss.

Most of them are in favor.

At this time, another person hesitated and said, "I have a plan! Maybe I can save the Chaos War Beast."

"How to say?"

The man said: "The Chaos War Beast is not complete yet. Damage is inevitable after it is forcibly activated. If you want to preserve the integrity of this thing as much as possible, you must first let this powerful evil creature suffer some loss!"

"The most important thing is that with the current strength of the Chaos War Beast, it may be difficult to suppress the opponent."

“The idea is fine, but how to do it?”

"Yes, the current strength of the Chaos War Beast may not necessarily be able to defeat the opponent."

This is easy to say, but not easy to do. If they had such power, they wouldn't need to use an incomplete mecha beast.

No, it doesn’t seem like he doesn’t have that kind of power?

Some people had already reacted, then shook their heads and refused and said: "If we use the power of peace, then those people here may not survive."

That's right, they have already thought about what the person just said would consume the opponent's strength.

Currently, only the Peacemaker has the power of equality for all living beings on Blue Star.

Not to mention, they have already transformed the Peace Messenger, and Chen Chang found some schematics of Dongfeng Express in the Heavenly Treasure House. The principle has been changed based on Dongfeng Express, which is just a game about finding immortals.

Now the power of the Peace Envoy is even more terrifying. They have developed a Peace Envoy that is enough to threaten the martial arts realm.

However, because of its large size, the missile delivery capability is insufficient, and it is still under improvement research.

It is best to launch it from the Nantianmen base.

Although this plan has been criticized by many, it is indeed a very suitable plan.

(End of this chapter)

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