I said Dongli in adversity

Chapter 71 Are you enlightened?

Chapter 71 Are you enlightened?

Outside the thatched cottage in Hengshan——

The ground is covered with blood and the body is covered with dust. The martial bones that used to have extraordinary talents are now broken, the martial bones are completely useless, and only a broken body is left. Full of unwillingness, resentment, and the last thoughts for the people who care about him, in The ground crawled slowly, and behind him was a long muddy road mixed with sand and blood.

Why?Why?Why have things come to this point?Do you really think you are wrong?

"Mother, goddess... I'm sorry, I didn't protect you, I'm sorry."

With his consciousness blurred, Qingsha muttered to himself, and two figures with the most concern in his life appeared in front of him one after another.

"Goddess, I don't blame you."

"Love kill!"

I saw a woman with a dignified and delicate appearance wearing an aqua blue dress coming outside the thatched cottage in Hengshan Mountain.


Hazy consciousness, hazy consciousness, looking at the blurry figure in front of me at this moment, I couldn't tell whether it was a dream or an illusion.

"Qingsha, I understand that you are concerned about what happened the day before yesterday. Qin Juexian does not ask for your forgiveness. I only hope that you will be intact as before."

You are still so kind...even in my dream...

But...do you really understand what I'm thinking...

"Goddess, it's no need. Even if my muscles and veins recover and my body recovers, it won't help. I understand the situation at that time, but do you really understand the idea of ​​​​killing someone for love?"


Seeing the goddess weeping, Qingsha shook his head, "I thought I would die outside the vast sea, but I didn't expect that I could drag my life back here. Did you save me?"

"It's He Yuanxi, but that's not important anymore."

The woman leaned down and slowly helped Qingsha up, "Qin Juexian is just a piece of duckweed floating in the sea of ​​lovesickness. Thank you for your follow and companionship over the years. It was Qin Juexian who failed you and made you unable to obtain equal love." In return, I will make you suffer even more."

"To a goddess, there are only four words for love and murder. You are willing to do it, and you don't need to worry about it."


Tears flowed down the woman's face, "Qingsha, today's piano is full of strings, and it's tired of floating. The love back then can no longer be pursued, and it's time to repay the favor, so Qingsha, I'm back."

"Goddess, you!"

"Now, I want to renew your blood flow. No matter what, you must remain calm."

"Goddess, no!"

Needless to say, the woman moved her fingers, and a red vein sprang out. Qingsha couldn't move, so he could only watch the vein penetrate into his body.

"Without my strength, it would be difficult for me to renew your pulse. This love and kindness are so severe that I can only repay you with this!"

The broken strings are plucked again, and the three-fold heart of the piano is the tune of eternal farewell, the sound of hateful farewell, intermittent, leading to the impending impermanence.

"I would like to ask how the river tide and the sea water are like the love of a king and the heart of a concubine. Hatred is not as good as faith in the tide. When you miss each other, you will realize that the sea is not deep, ah!"

"Goddess, no!"

The tendons are used to renew the pulse, and life is easy to die. Qingshu lay down on the ground, and the pipa in the woman's hand also dropped.

Until a long time passed, the comatose person slowly woke up, thinking that everything was a dream, but in front of him, the figure covered in blood and cut off the aura was so real at this moment, and he could even reach out and touch it.


The muscles and veins were restored, but the person he loved in this life was lost. He cried out in love, and stepped forward to hug the woman's body. He had imagined this action countless times in his mind, but never thought that it would be like this. situation, with such a result.

"Goddess, Goddess..."

"Cultivating together for thousands of years, there is a lack of boats and sails. There is no boundless sinking, and the Fahai crosses the voyage."

A voice interrupted the scene. Qingsha turned his head and his eyes instantly lit up with hope.

"Master, please save the goddess. I am willing to work hard in this life to repay your kindness."

Qingsha kept kowtowing to Quezhou Yifandu with such force that the ground was dyed red within a few moments.

Looking at the scene in front of him, a look of compassion appeared on Quezhou Yifandu's face.

After dozens of breaths, Qingsha's forehead was bruised.

"Amitabha, love kills the benefactor. On the day when Que Zhou was in Wudaoyang, he warned the benefactor that full of love, he would hurt himself and others."

"When Qin Juexian came into the world, it was foreseeable that the benefactor's obsession with girl Qin and his impulsive temperament would go to extremes."

"My Buddha cannot save all the people in the world, Amitabha."

"Countless people regret that they took the wrong path back then, and no one reminded themselves at a certain critical moment."

"Quzhou also reminded the donor that day, but..."


Quezhou Yifandu sighed, and the sound of Sanskrit bells echoed again. Qingsha felt a sharp pain in his mind. When he came back to his senses, the scene in front of him changed, and he suddenly returned to the sealess ocean.

And Quezhou Yifandu sat at the table, holding a teapot, "Donor, would you like some tea?"

"Me? What I saw just now is..." "Just now?" Quezhou Yifandu had a puzzled look on his face, "What did the donor see just now?"

"I..." He was about to speak but stopped.

Yes, everything just now was just an illusion. This time, I can definitely save the goddess, I can definitely...

Qingsha picked up the tea and drank it in one gulp regardless of how hot it was. "Master, I will never give up on the goddess no matter what."

Quezhou Yifandu just shook his head and recited a Buddhist chant.


Qing Sha opened his eyes again and found himself in the thatched cottage in Jufengli again. This time, he did not speak harshly to Linghu Shenyi, but left with Nanny Feng.

After returning home, Qing Sha began to practice his sword skills hard. As long as he was not defeated by the drum master, then nothing in the dream would happen.




With great skill in swordsmanship, he killed the man and woman he hated most in his life. However, in the end, he could only watch the love of his life die for another person in front of him.

"Donor, would you like some tea?"


"How could it be! How could it be so!"



"Did I make a mistake from the beginning? No, how is that possible!"



Once, twice, three times...

One year, two years, three years...

Tried again and again, failed again and again, either by myself, my mother, or...

Could it be that the meeting between the two was wrong from the very beginning?

If it was a mistake from the beginning, then...


In the thatched cottage in Hengshan, there is a solitary tomb, lit with lamps.

The sound of wooden fish echoed among the huts, and the sound of chanting floated in the sky above the small courtyard.

But I don’t know, is it for the deceased, for myself, or for that period of love buried in memory?


"Master, you are here."

Qingsha opened his eyes, put down the mallet in his hand, got off the bed, and stepped outside the house.

Before my eyes, I saw the transcendent Buddha again.

"Have you realized the reincarnation of ten lives?"


I was speechless, and when I looked back suddenly, I was in a desolate place.

On that day, I never left the thatched cottage. On that day, I was always by my adoptive mother's side.

That day, the ancient Buddha of Qingdeng chanted sutras continuously.

The separation of life and death seems to be before our eyes again and again. If everything is really fate, then perhaps only by letting go can we truly be free.


A moment of enlightenment means letting go of obsessions and inner liberation. Putting your hands together is a final farewell to your former self.

"Excellent, after three thousand emotions and thoughts have been broken up, after ten lives of reincarnation, and a hundred lives of repayment, I will give you the Dharma title."

"Sword monk, return the favor."

"Thank you, Master. Thank you for your great wisdom."

Killing with love, or rather... the sword monk returned the favor with a slow salute.

"Follow great wisdom and save the world...great compassion."

(End of this chapter)

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