Chapter 453 Mental Test

"Mental hospital?"

"Yes." Du Lala nodded: "It's the mental hospital. This is where our sociology experts have deduced that Pennywise may appear next."

Jiang Xiao was speechless for a moment.

Should I say it or not? Is this a professional counterpart now?

"Just being a mental hospital doesn't determine which mental hospital Pennywise will appear in, right?"

Facing Jiang Xiao's question, Du Lala showed a confident smile.

"Don't worry about this. There are a total of six mental hospitals in Sihai State. We only need to temporarily take most of the mental patients in five of them to other places. Pennywise will definitely be the last one in the entire network!"

There is no other reason. The more mental patients gather, the higher the total spirituality. As long as Pennywise is not stupid, he will definitely go to a crowded mental hospital.

"Then you'll be lurking in there as a mental patient. Well, you're highly spiritual anyway, so there's no sense of violation in sneaking in."

Jiang Xiao:.

Let me tell you something, you are really good at judging people~

B2 drove, carrying Jiang Xiao and Du Lala, and finally arrived at the [Hao Zai Lai Mental Hospital] at sunset.

b2 interrupted and said to Jiang Xiao apologetically.

In addition to them, three emergency teams were stationed nearby, but this time they were not given any offensive instructions.

Jiang Xiao raised his eyebrows, intuitively telling him that this short-haired man was a soldier and did not look like a staff member of this mental hospital at all.

The admission procedures and other tedious processes have been organized from top to bottom.

"Don't be stunned. Come in and report quickly. There is only one director of this mental hospital, named Yu Tianci. You can just use your real name, Jiang Xiao."

To put it bluntly, the research institute mainly wanted to see how strong Jiang Xiao was.


A sweet girl in a white coat in the room took out a pair of black bracelets.

"I don't want to either. This is what others want. Someone above wants to test what category Jiang Xiao's mental state falls into."

After watching Jiang Xiao enter Haozailai Mental Hospital, Du Lala and b2 drove into a corner not far away and stayed there.

Obviously, this mental test was something done by someone in the organization who did not believe Jiang Xiao.

"Wait a moment!"

As soon as he entered the door of the mental hospital, a man with a short hair led Jiang Xiao to a fully enclosed room.

But Jiang Xiao didn't care about this. He had long been accustomed to mental testing and the like.

But it doesn't matter, as long as he comes, he will be at ease. He is still very confident about whether his mental level is normal.


Du Lala glanced at b2 in confusion, and then frowned dissatisfied.

"Well, Brother Jiang Xiao, according to the rules, every patient will have a set of mental tests before admission, and you will need your cooperation at that time."

"Jiang Xiao, come here and put this on."

"B2, what's going on? Where did the mental test come from? Hasn't the green channel been opened before?"

When he saw the words "Come back soon", even with Jiang Xiao's imagination, he was silent for a long time.

b2 said nothing, looked straight ahead without squinting, and said calmly.

But there is a name tag on her chest that says "Wang Tian", which should be her own name.


This staff member is not a mental patient. Although she is very beautiful, she gives people a completely different feeling from Bai Jie, a professional nurse.

There was a man on the other side who was serious and serious. His name tag read "Liu Dengyun".

"Huh?" Jiang Xiao, who took the black bracelet, looked startled and murmured: "I know this one!"

"Do you know him?" Liu Dengyun on the side looked unconvinced.

"Of course, this isn't a little genius children's phone watch?!"

Two people: "?"


Wang Tiantian explained:

"Not only can you check the time, but it can also communicate with us internally. It can also detect your heart rate, blood pressure, mental threshold, etc."

"So, if this isn't a little genius children's phone watch, what is it?"


If you think about it this way, they do have the same purpose. Under Wang Tiantian's operation, Jiang Xiao still put it on her wrist.

Liu Dengyun walked aside silently and turned on the dedicated computer connected to the bracelet.

"Let's start testing."

"Okay." Wang Tiantian nodded and asked Jiang Xiao: "Let's play a game. I will take out the painting and you will answer the question, okay?"

"OK! I'm very confident in my IQ!"

Quite strange?

Anyway, this was Jiang Xiao's first time encountering this kind of mental detection method of reading pictures and reading words.

"Looking at this picture, what do you want to say about it?"

Wang Tiantian took out a picture of a monkey. The monkey in the picture had blood-red eyes and was holding a bone stick, as if he was about to hit something.

The picture gives people a crazy and bloodthirsty feeling.

"Stop caveman." Jiang Xiao replied calmly.

Liu Dengyun:

"Okay, next question, what do you want to say when you see it."

Wang Tiantian took out a photo of a giant octopus full of tentacles. The tentacles crowded the entire picture, full of depression and absurdity.

"Hey, Squidward, do you want to blow bubbles? It's only twenty-five cents."

Liu Dengyun:

"Okay, next question."

Wang Tiantian rubbed the bridge of her nose and took out a sunflower, which was full of sunshine and warmth.

"Waibi, Waibi, Waibibabu?"

Liu Dengyun:?

"Continue, let's change the gameplay this time. I'll talk, and you can answer whatever comes to your subconscious mind within two seconds. Do you understand?"

"it is good."

“Can consciousness exist apart from matter?”

Jiang Xiao frowned and said decisively.

"No! I am a staunch materialist!"

“Can consciousness dominate the existence of matter?”

"Okay! Because I am also an idealist from time to time!"


Wang Tiantian and Liu Dengyun looked at each other and saw the confusion in their eyes.

"It's quite abstract."

"What elephant? Where is it? How did you smoke it?"

Wang Tiantian was stunned for a moment, then continued.

"We have a traitor in our midst!"

"Created traitor? Now the traitor is treated directly skipping the torture mechanism and coming to the porn bonus level?"

Two people:? ? ?

A generous gift crab!

"Liu Bei!"

"Seven in and seven out Zhao Zilong!"

“Xiliang Jinma Chao!!”

"Do I care if he doesn't care?"

its not right?

"You seem to be in an abnormal mental state."

"Lenin once said that truth is often in the hands of a few people, and I think the same is true for mental states!"

"No, no, no, I mean, you might be mentally ill, the hopeless kind."

"What is mental illness? Mental illness? Or mental illness? I am mentally ill, so is my roommate living next door mentally ill?"

"Yes, yes"

Wang Tiantian stumbled in her answer. After all, this is a mental hospital.

(End of this chapter)

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