Chapter 58 The whole army was wiped out!


Sun Wei turned her body around again.

"If you leave, next time a new dad comes, I'll just find a way to make him break the rules and kill him!"

She was grinding her teeth and her cheeks were bulging with anger.

He said killer words, but no matter how he looked at it, he felt like a little woman acting coquettishly.

After thinking about it, Sun Wei smiled again.

"Maybe it's not my turn to kill at all, Shi Shi and the others will solve it directly~"

Ah this
Jiang Xiao silently prayed for the future "new father" in his heart.

Dude, it's not my fault~
If nothing unexpected happens, for the chosen ones who choose Shi Shi in the future.

This seven-star ghost story will be even more difficult than the nine-star ghost story.

"By the way, do you know where people like us come from?"

Jiang Xiao still couldn't help asking this most concerned question.

Unexpectedly, Sun Wei shook her head frankly, expressing that they didn't know either.

Everything is done according to the rules.

There are still tens of millions of online viewers in the Longguo live broadcast room.

But no one posted any barrages.

It wasn't until Jiang Xiao and Sun Wei fell asleep that someone started talking about it.

[Strange, why are the strange stories about the rules that Jiang Xiao experienced different from others? 】

[The story of the big boss Bai Liu made me uncomfortable for a while last time, and this time too. 】

[We haven’t said goodbye yet, so why do we have to do this kind of farewell? 】

[Hey, actually I also want to have a mother-in-law like Sun Wei and a daughter like Shi Shi. 】

【Bros?Judging by your id, it seems a bit familiar. You were the one who wanted to marry Bai Liu last time, right? 】

[Brother is not laughing at you. You look like the old tree demon who has become a spirit. How can you give birth to a beautiful girl like Shi Shi? 】

[Ahem, if it is really born, I suggest you do an evaluation! 】

[The latest statistics! There are less than 118 candidates from 30 countries left!All others are dead! 】

What the hell!

Many Longguo people who had been staying in the Longguo live broadcast room were stunned.

The death rate is so high?

Only half of these seven days have passed. Do the chosen ones from other countries have cerebral thrombosis? Are they so stupid?

Didn't Jiang Xiao act very relaxed and comfortable?

Horse eggs!

Thanks to those chosen ones who died in the ghost story, they didn't know what the people of Long Kingdom thought.

Otherwise, the height of the coffin board will not be able to hold down!

proceed if you can!
The children's various unreasonable demands have tortured them to the point of collapse.

Every day, I have to find ways to keep the children's game time within 30 minutes.

The wife's emotions also need to be considered, and the elderly in the family also need to be taken care of.

Sometimes these old Biden's troubles are more troublesome than the children.

At night, I was frightened by the crying of children from time to time.

That's fine, I can't show any signs of fear and flaws from the beginning to the end!
Even if you step on the horse and finally resist all the problems.

What about the neighbors?
How should you deal with neighbors like Wang Mei and Niu Jishi?

I won’t say it anymore. If I say too much, I will feel sad and cry!
If it weren't for Jiang Xiao, an outlier.

This seven-star strange story is very likely to kill all the chosen ones!
Seven days came to the last day in a blink of an eye.

During this period, Jiang Xiao stayed with Shi Shi and the others every day.

Even Sun Wei, who had always been emotionally cold before, became like a "real" mother.

Their cold hearts were completely warmed up.

Niu Jishi often went to Sun's house to discuss techniques with Jiang Xiao.

Ever since I made Jiang Xiao as a friend.

Niu Shi's reputation has also improved, at least he won't be as withdrawn as before.

You can often see him saying hello and chatting with villagers when they meet by chance.

Jiang Xiao heard from Niu Jishi that he has now found something more interesting than being abnormal.

That is the friendship between friends, and he intends to make everyone in the village into good buddies!

As for the perverted field, he didn't let go.

And put love on things.

Concentrate on his carpentry work.

To put it in a nutshell, the sense of accomplishment from making this thing is much better than the torturous sense of accomplishment!
Good guy, the perverted man has evolved into a perverted science and engineering man?
There are two candidates who are getting the most attention right now.

A Jiang Xiao who played the strange talk of rules into a family sitcom.

A Umekawa Uchiku who plays badly with good cards.

It's just that Umekawa Neku no longer has any five limbs.

He was also thrown in the kennel in the backyard by Big Fatty, without food or drink for two days.

Occasionally grabbing some dog food depends on the dog's expression.

The family status is mother>grandmother>big fat>rhubarb>Meichuan Neiku.

Judging by Mei Chuan Neiku's mental state, the distance from death is only an instant.

However, Umegawa Neiku still had a glimmer of hope in his heart.
As long as I can live for seven days.

As long as you survive, you can start all over again!
As long as he leaves this strange talk, his body will return to normal.

At that time, I will be a national hero with S-level talent!

"Haha, Zhou Qin? Is your husband at home?"

"Niu Niu Niu? What? Looking for Meichuan Neiku? Oh, in the backyard, um, it doesn't matter, it's okay, you can do it as you like."

Just when Umekawa Neku was thinking about the future.

He heard a voice that made his soul tremble.

It's him!

Umegawa Neko raised his head stiffly.

He met Niu Jianjie's big smiling eyes.

"Brother Neiku, I haven't seen you for a long time and I miss you so much. It's just that you don't seem to be in a good state?"

"Sack of bridge beans! Bro, bro! I beg you, I'm all over this."

Niu Guoshi shook his head.

"Originally I could have let you go, but... I promised something to someone~"


Meichuan Neiku instantly understood.


Is it?

The Chosen One of the Dragon Kingdom never thought of saving himself from the beginning to the end!
That's right ~
The last few whispers that Jiang Xiao and Niu Gyoshi said back then were to let him kill Mei Chuan Neiku on the last day.

But at the beginning, the two of them were whispering, and the people in the live broadcast room didn't know what they said at all.

The purpose of Jiang Xiao's doing this is to hope that the outside world can get the benefits from Sakura.

At the same time, he was unwilling to let Sakura, the S-rank chosen one, go out alive.

If it is some countries that have a friendly relationship with Longguo, Jiang Xiao doesn't mind helping them.

But cherry blossoms?

No talk!

Ushiaki carried the crippled Umekawa Neku and walked swaggeringly on the village road.

This caused many people in the village to point fingers.

Even Jiang Xiao, who was playing 123 wooden figurines with Shi Shi and the others, ran into each other by chance.

When I saw the proud Jiang Xiao playing games with his precious daughters.

Mei Chuan Neiku's eyes instantly turned red!

"Jiang Xiao! You are a despicable and shameless villain! You, you!!"

Seeing that the opponent's alveoli were about to explode, Jiang Xiao spread his hands innocently.

┐('~`;)┌ "That's right, I'm Yang Ying pulling out teeth. Baby has no teeth, how do you treat me?"

"You! Your Dragon Kingdom cheated us of the benefits of our Sakura Kingdom! You are a liar! A liar!!"

"Hey! You can eat shit but you can't scream. What do you mean Long Guo lied to you? This is obviously my own initiative, okay? I lied to you, that's right~"


Without breathing heavily, Mei Chuan Neiku directly spurted out a mouthful of old blood.

Jiang Xiao didn't even want to take another look at the Meichuan Neiku.

"The mean is the pass of the mean, and the noble is the epitaph of the noble."

That's right, he's going to kill Umekawa Naiko, right?

He doesn't care what international public opinion is.

We will leave the merits and demerits to 200 years. No!Leave it to the people of Longguo 100 years later to comment!

Wang Ju's smile reached behind his ears.

well well.
This trick is bad enough!Shameless enough!Shameless enough!
But it doesn't prevent the people of Longguo from liking Jiang Xiao~
This kid is so good at it!

This time, their Dragon Kingdom is completely in trouble.

It was like Qin Shihuang chewing peppercorns and touching wires and getting numb one after another!


Like feeling something.

Shi Shi, Baiyi and Mu Xitang dropped all the toys in their hands and rushed towards Jiang Xiao.

Before Jiang Xiao arrived, he had already seen tears in the eyes of the three little girls.

Jiang Xiao sighed.

He and Sun Wei had always made a tacit agreement not to mention this matter, but did they finally feel it?
Counting the time, today is the day to leave, right?
 Another copy is about to be completed~
  I didn't want to say it at first, after all, it involves the later plot, but I think everyone's reaction is very strong.

  Regarding Sun Wei and the others, I know everyone likes them. Regarding the issue of taking them out, I can only say that they will be soon, but not now.

  After all, I had already finished the character card for the homepage from the beginning.
  Hold on.

  Mr. Pai and Mr. Sponge will meet Shi Shi at the top!
  No one guessed the role of the third dungeon.

  Because it's not an anime character~
  But the nationality is definitely surprisingly high.

  ps: The character card of Fen Mao Mu Xitang has come out~
(End of this chapter)

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