Chapter 621 Reaching Agreement

A trace of surprise flashed in the eyes of the high priest. It did not expect humans to make concessions so quickly, especially on such a vital matter involving land.

It knows that for humans, territory means more than just a piece of land.

Territory symbolizes sovereignty, resources, and the blood, sweat, and memory of countless generations.

Especially resources!
The high priest's silence lasted for a moment, and his eyes became complicated, as if he was reassessing the value and intentions of the humans in front of him.

The deep divers have always been known for their wisdom, and their understanding of humans is far deeper than humans imagine.

The High Priest knew that human history was full of struggle and change, and that every loss of territory was accompanied by pain and struggle.

However, now these humans are willing to cede part of the land. Does this mean that they have really learned something from this crisis?
The doubts in the high priest's heart were like the whirlpool at the bottom of the sea, unfathomable.

It slowly raised its head and looked directly at the supreme commander with its deep eyes, as if looking through his eyes into the depths of his soul.

"You humans are really willing to make such a sacrifice?"

The high priest's voice was low and powerful, and every word was like an echo coming from the abyss of the sea.

The supreme commander did not hesitate, his eyes were firm.

"We are willing, we are willing to use this method to prove our sincerity and determination, and we also hope that this mistake can become an opportunity for us to make progress together."

The high priest was silent.

Its eyes turned to the other team members in the submarine, each of their faces filled with determination and anticipation.

It is related to the survival of our homeland and all our compatriots.

At this time, everyone at the scene held the purest and purest emotions in their hearts.

Finally, the high priest nodded slowly, indicating that he accepted the human's proposal.

"We, the Deep Diver clan, are willing to accept your sincerity."

There was a hint of imperceptible relaxation in the high priest's voice. Maybe he was also worried that humans would be defeated.

“But we also have our principles, and we will sign an agreement to ensure that this land will not be used against us. At the same time, we are also willing to share some of our knowledge and technology with you, so that this mistake will be the fault of both of us. The starting point for mutual growth.”

Very good!
Unexpectedly, the other party was actually willing to share part of their knowledge reserves!
The atmosphere in the submarine suddenly relaxed a lot, and the team members had relieved smiles on their faces.

They know that this is not only a resolution of the crisis, but also a new beginning between humans and deep divers.

The supreme commander bowed deeply and thanked the high priest.

"We will keep our commitments, not just for ourselves but for the future of the world."

The High Priest nodded again, its gaze passing through the submarine's steel walls.

It was as if I had seen the future world, a world where humans and deep divers coexist harmoniously.

The air inside the nuclear submarine became thinner and thinner, and every breath felt like exhausting all the strength of the body.

The remaining team members were pale, and the light in their eyes was almost extinguished. They knew that their fate was no longer in their own hands.

The supreme commander's face was full of ravages, and his eyes shone with firmness and helplessness.

He already knew that there was no turning back for their profession.

Their physiological limits have almost reached the critical point, and it is no longer possible to return to land.

Now they can only fix the nuclear submarine at its current position, otherwise any change in pressure will cause a fatal blow to them.

He turned to the remaining team members, his voice weak but trying to remain firm.

"We have no retreat, but our sacrifice will build a bridge of peace between humans and deep divers. Our names will be engraved on the stone monument of history and become the cornerstone of the future world."

Although the team members were powerless, they found some comfort in the words of the supreme commander.

The surviving team members supported each other, used their last strength, and nodded to express understanding and acceptance.

The high priest looked at this scene, and there was a strange emotion in his heart.

These fragile beings, with hair and pupils of various colors, clearly do not come from the same country.

But even at the last moment of their lives, they still persisted in their beliefs and commitments, which was something they had never seen in all their years.

Perhaps, this is the reason why humans can survive to the extreme!
Even with constant internal fighting, when these people face a unified threat, they can explode with unparalleled synergy.

It slowly walked up to the supreme commander and spoke in its powerful voice.

"You are not certain to die, although your bodies have reached a limit and cannot withstand any changes in pressure."

The high priest's voice echoed in the confined space of the nuclear submarine, carrying a trace of mysterious fluctuations.

"But we, the deep divers, have a way to bring you living people back to the land."

The high priest continued, its eyes flashed with the light of the deep sea, which was a deep and mysterious power.

Do they still have hope of returning alive? !
There was excitement in the heart of the supreme commander, and his throat was choked up, but he suppressed his emotions and asked steadily.

"Excuse me, High Priest, what can you do?"

The high priest did not answer immediately. He stretched out his palm, and the palm of his hand flashed with blue light.

The light gradually spread and formed an object similar to a crystal ball. The crystal ball seems to contain the essence of the ocean, sparkling, beautiful and mysterious.

"This is the pearl of life that we deep divers condensed with our own strength. It can temporarily protect your body and resist the pressure of the deep sea."

The High Priest explained, with a tap of its fingers, the Pearl of Life slowly floated towards the Supreme Commander.

The supreme commander reached out to take the Pearl of Life and felt a warm and powerful force pouring into his body.

His fatigue and weakness seemed to be relieved at this moment.

When the team members saw this scene, they all showed hopeful looks.

They know this may be their only chance of survival.

The high priest continued.

"Each of you needs such a Pearl of Life, which will protect you until you return safely to land."

As the words of the high priest fell, more deep divers gradually appeared from the darkness behind it.

The expressions of these deep divers ranged from disdain to relief to hatred to confusion.

The deep divers are also divided into different factions, and they have just launched a heated discussion on whether to kill all humans.

Now that the results have come out, some of the main militant factions are naturally unhappy.

Some of the deep divers also held glowing beads of life in their hands, and they handed these beads to each team member.

The team members received the Pearl of Life one by one. Their bodies gradually began to regain vitality, their complexions turned from pale to rosy, and the light in their eyes was rekindled.

The supreme commander looked at all this, and his heart was filled with gratitude.

He knew that without the help of the Deep Ones, they could not escape their fate of death.

"We will always remember your help, High Priest."

The supreme commander said affectionately, his voice choked again, but this time from emotion.

The high priest nodded slightly, and his eyes revealed a kind of deep-sea wisdom. "I hope you humans will remember this lesson."

In this way, with the help of the deep divers, the surviving team members began their journey back to land.

Jiang Xiao stood in the observation room of the Shanghai-Hong Kong base, holding the communicator tightly in his hand, and the shock in his heart could not subside for a long time.

His eyes penetrated the thick glass windows and stared at the rough sea outside, as if trying to find traces of nuclear submarines in the dark and deep water.

He could hardly believe it when the problem was solved so easily.

The Deep Ones were actually willing to lend a helping hand, not only accepting concessions from humans, but also providing the Pearl of Life, giving those team members who were on the verge of despair a glimmer of hope.

Jiang Xiao's heart was full of complex emotions.

To put it bluntly, he is also one of the planners of this operation and is fully aware of the risks and sacrifices involved.

Everyone was prepared for the worst outcome, but now, everything seems to be going in a good direction.

He sighed softly and held the communicator close to his ear, trying to capture more information.

The voice of the supreme commander came from the communicator. Although it was weak, it was full of determination and hope.

"We are about to begin our journey back to land, thank you all for your support and trust, and please tell everyone we will be home soon."

A smile unconsciously appeared on Jiang Xiao's lips. He knew how much joy this news would cause when it was returned to Blue Star.

However, his smile suddenly stopped.

He realized that although the crisis seemed to have been alleviated, the relationship between deep divers and humans was still full of unknowns and challenges.

Just as Jiang Xiao's thoughts were wandering among these complicated emotions, a vague figure suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

High Priest!
No, to be precise, it's the projection of the high priest?
Its appearance did not attract the attention of the people around it, as if it was only visible to Jiang Xiao.

The high priest's eyes revealed a profound wisdom, and its voice rang in Jiang Xiao's mind. There was no vibration of sound waves, but it was extremely clear.

"Mako, you seem to have doubts about our goodwill."

Jiang Xiao was shocked. He didn't reveal his doubts to the outside world. How could the high priest know about it?

"Don't be nervous, we can communicate through consciousness, you don't need to open your mouth."

"Actually, we deep divers are not unconditionally easy to talk to." The high priest continued: "We do hope to coexist peacefully this time, because we do not want to face the threat of human beings."

A flash of enlightenment flashed in Jiang Xiao's heart.

Indeed, if the Deep Divers decide to use the power of gods to destroy everything in humanity, then humanity will never sit still and wait to die.

They will resort to desperate measures, even if they die with the Deep Ones.

Therefore, solving this problem peacefully and asking for more compensation is the real result that a wise man wants.

In fact, to put it bluntly, deep divers cannot fully control the power of God.

They can only do some proper guidance.

In their records, Lord Cthulhu has long since fallen into deep sleep, and his response to all the outside world's actions is just a thought.

The Deep Diver uses the altar to give Cthulhu, who is sleeping, enough psychological hints.

"You've told me so much, aren't you afraid that I'll turn around and tell humans to backstab you deep divers?"

The high priest shook his head and looked at Jiang Xiao's expression getting weirder and weirder.

"You are a devil, how could you turn against humans? Touching your own conscience, do you really want this disaster to end?"

Jiang Xiao was silent, and the high priest continued.

"Actually, in your heart, you really want us deep divers to have a big fight with humans, right? In this case, you will feel very happy and exciting, right?"

Jiang Xiao:.
In fact, he did have a little bit of this idea.

But deep down in his heart, he did not want this kind of racial war to happen in front of him.

Because in this case, it is really possible to "wake up" the sleeping Cthulhu.

If this is true, it will not only affect the world of ghost talk, but even Blue Star may suffer backlash.
After staring at Jiang Xiao for so long, the high priest suddenly chuckled.

Needless to say, its majestic smile really disgusted Jiang Xiao.

"I didn't expect that, Demon, you have really changed. In my impression, you are obviously a pervert with no inhibitions, and your mental state is also very crazy. Now you are..."

Jiang Xiao looked directly at it, and the high priest shook his head.

"It's become boring, but it has a different flavor."

"I really can't understand why you call me a devil with one mouthful?"

"Do you consider yourself human?"

Jiang Xiao finally managed not to laugh angrily at the other party's question.

"Watma is not a human, is he a deep diver?!"

"No, no, no, no." The high priest waved his hand to deny: "I mean, is it possible that, in fact, the fundamental reason is that you are a weirdo?"

Am I weird?

I remembered the consequences correctly, Pennywise also said similar words to Jiang Xiao before.

"Yes, think about it carefully, does it feel like going home every time you enter a ghost story? Or, are some of your good friends mostly weird, or are they mostly human?"


Not only are they mostly weird, Jiang Xiao’s wife and children were all found in ghost stories.

But after all this time, he didn't feel anything was wrong?
Any normal human being would not accept this kind of thing about becoming a father, right?

Jiang Xiao fell into deep thought, and the high priest did not disturb him for a while.

"But you don't need to worry. At the very least, your body is human, and you are becoming more and more like a normal human being."

"Why are you telling me so much?"

Jiang Xiao was thankful that he was the only one who could see the current high priest, and the two communicated through their souls.

Otherwise, someone will have to set the pace in the live broadcast room.

"Because we had a chance encounter once upon a time."

see once?
Jiang Xiao knew that the lifespan of a deep diver was extremely long, almost immortal. This guy was already a high priest. Who knew how long he had lived?

"How should I put it? You are in good condition now and can enjoy life. However, your shortcomings are also obvious. You are not very good at fighting. You will never reach the peak of Mako."

These two words lingered in Jiang Xiao's heart like a curse.

Suddenly, he remembered that Mu Xitang had received an encrypted message on the mobile phone he brought out from the ghost story.

It seems to be called Project X?

There seems to be some mention of the birth of a devil or something?

(End of this chapter)

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