Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 100 Xiao Wu: Damn, His Eyes Glow

Chapter 100 Xiao Wu: Damn, His Eyes Glow

Zhao Wou-ki and Huo Xuan just looked at each other, but did not respond to each other.

They all felt that the person opposite was not simple, and the soul power of the two of them was probably between equals.

Fortunately, the entrance of this hotel is big enough, no one needs to let anyone else in, and two groups of people can enter together.

Beixuan took a look at this group of people with interest, a blind bear plus three men and three women, and one little fat man missing, this should be the protagonist group of Shrek in the original book, I didn't expect to meet here.

He didn't come forward to chat. After all, he knew them, but they didn't know him. He couldn't act like he was very familiar.

But when he brushed past Xiao Wu among them, Xiao Wu's whole body trembled suddenly, as if he felt something very scary.

"Xiao Wu, what's the matter, aren't you feeling well?" Tang San, who was most concerned about Xiao Wu, saw her like this, and hurriedly stepped forward to ask concerned.

Even with the comfort of her favorite brother, Xiao Wu couldn't calm down at this time, and looked at Bei Xuan more and more frightened.

Her appearance aroused the curiosity of others, Beixuan also looked at her, unexpectedly, with just such a glance, Xiao Wu hid behind Tang San in fright and shouted, "Oh my god, his eyes can shine!"

"Strange, why do I seem to have heard this word somewhere?" Bei Xuan tilted his head and thought for a while, always feeling that Xiao Wu's words seemed familiar.

"Xiao Wu, what's the matter with you?" Dai Mubai was also very puzzled, he didn't feel any malice from these people on the opposite side, even if there was, their strength is not weak, is it necessary to be afraid of this?
"Boss Dai, brother, you... stop me quickly, or Xiao Wu will be eaten by that man." Xiao Wu pointed to Bei Xuan.

"Eat... eat it?" Hearing this, everyone's heads were covered with black lines, especially the girls, their faces were flushed.

Men eat women, and anyone who knows a little bit understands that this is a word for tigers and wolves.

"Yo, Junior Scumbag, it seems that you are really famous, even girls from other schools already know your name." Huo Wu said angrily.

The Xiao Wu in front of me looks three points prettier than her, and her expression is full of four words, I'm jealous!

"Well, Huowu-senpai, I guess you are thinking wrongly. Have you ever thought about the possibility that what the little girl said about eating is eating in a physical sense, not what you think." Bei Bei Xuan explained.

In fact, he remembered, what Xiao Wu said just now, when Bei Luo entered Wuyi Country, a little demon also said to Bei Luo.

That is the suppression of the bloodlines of other beasts by the great demon to ward off evil spirits.

Beixuan is different from Lanxiang Yulin who lost his blood. His evil blood is still in his body, but he can't use it now, just like a recessive gene.

Ordinary weak soul beasts can't feel it, but Xiao Wu is a 10-year soul beast, probably because he has slightly sensed the hidden evil power in his body, that's why he was so frightened.

"Okay, Zhaxuan, don't explain, we still don't know your ability to pick up girls? You have picked up both water and fire, and there is another one outside. It's not a strange thing, but we don't know. When did you It's not enough for a brother to have such a cute one, so I won't introduce it to us."

Others also expressed their disbelief, thinking that he was having an affair with Xiao Wu.

Seeing several people teasing Xiao Wu like this, Tang San became angry, stepped forward and said, "Guys, please pay attention to your words, my sister is pure and pure, has nothing to do with this person, and this scumbag brother, please take back your Look, don't look at my sister like that again."

"What's wrong with my eyes?" Beixuan frowned, feeling that he was wronged. He just glanced at Xiao Wu because of his strange movements. He had neither killing intent nor lust.
Also, he was surnamed scum again.

"No matter what look in your eyes, I just ask you not to look at my sister, you scared her!" Tang San said coldly, Xiao Wu is his Ni Lin, Bei Xuan's five senses are amazing, he even heard the sound of something being loaded .

If he guessed right, it should be Tang San's Hidden Arrow.

It seemed that I had inadvertently violated his way of taking death.

And for some reason, this Tang San seemed born with great hostility towards him.

"Are you threatening me?" Beixuan's voice also became cold, what kind of person is Tang San, and he is also qualified to make him confess?
Feeling that the atmosphere was not right, Huo Wushuang and the others, who were still smiling, immediately stood beside Beixuan.

Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing on the opposite side were also ready for battle.

"Hey, ladies and gentlemen, what are you doing standing at the door? Come in, come in and sit." At this moment, Xiao Er rushed up to meet him.

Although he is only a sophomore, since this hotel is located near the Star Dou Forest, he has naturally received many soul masters, so he is well-informed.

Seeing how the two groups of people are at war, once they fight, this hotel can't bear the power of the soul master, and it will be scrapped in minutes.

"Okay, there's no need to fight over trivial matters, Xiaoxuan, don't bother with them, get some rest early, we're going to the Star Dou Forest tomorrow." Huo Xuan said.

Hunting for spirit rings was the most important thing. In his opinion, fighting over a girl's jealousy was the most meaningless.

Zhao Wou-ki also looked at his students, "You too, sit down and rest immediately after eating."

He could feel that the strength of the teacher on the opposite side was not inferior to his, and this group of people on the other side was absolutely not easy to mess with. What a dangerous place the Star Dou Forest was, if he got hurt before going there, the loss outweighed the gain.

Xiao Wu tugged on Tang San's sleeve, "Yeah, bro, don't fight with them, I'm hungry and want to eat carrots."

In the past, no matter who Tang San's opponent was, she didn't worry about it. Even if she was against Zhao Wuji, who was over level 70, she still trusted her brother.

But the moment she passed by Beixuan just now, the power of the blood in Beixuan's body she sensed was too terrifying.

I'm afraid that even if the combined blood power of Da Ming and Er Ming is multiplied by ten, it is impossible to have such a sense of oppression.

Such a person is almost invincible in a battle of the same level.

She even doubted whether this person would be like her, a 10-year-old soul beast, otherwise why would he have such blood power.

Hearing Xiao Wu's voice, Tang San's murderous aura dissipated immediately, and gently patted Xiao Wu's head, "Okay, I won't fight with them, do you want carrots, I'll buy them for you."

The tense atmosphere dissipated at Xiao Wu's request, and the discerning Xiao Er immediately led two groups of people into the hotel lobby to sit down, and deliberately arranged their positions on the left and right sides, as far away as possible.

After leaving Beixuan for a certain distance, Xiao Wu breathed a sigh of relief, the absolute oppression of her blood just now really made her feel too uncomfortable.

Xiao Er did this to prevent them from having conflicts again.

Unfortunately, what he doesn't know is that Shrek has always had a tradition.

Not daring to cause trouble is a mediocrity!
(End of this chapter)

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