Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 125 Master Comes Tang Hao's Request

Chapter 125 Master Comes Tang Hao's Request

With the return of Beixuan, everyone in Blazing Academy finally let go of their worries.

Especially when Beixuan revealed the ten thousand year fourth ring, the principals, directors, directors and teachers of the entire academy were all speechless in amazement.

Their academy really produced an amazing monster this time.

At the same time, everyone in Shrek also returned to the academy.

director's office.

Full of surprise, Flender listened to Zao Wou-ki's narration of the trip to the Star Dou Great Forest, his face changed several times, and finally he was relieved when he heard that everyone had returned safely.

"It seems that we are still too careless." Flender sighed and felt a bit of fear in his heart, "Next time we will hunt spirit beasts. I will lead the team with you and two teachers. These children are the proud children of heaven. , in case something goes wrong, it will ruin the genius."

Zao Wou-ki sat on a chair beside him, he was even more afraid of accidents than Flender, and said with a wry smile: "I can't blame you, who knew that the Star Dou Forest has become so strange now, and there are so many stories happening around it, First I met the Blazing Academy, and then I met the Unrivaled Dragon Snake couple. What I don’t understand the most is the appearance of the Titan Giant Ape. How can I say that it shouldn’t easily come to the outskirts of the forest because of its status among the soul beasts. Fortunately, Xiao Good luck, Wu. Otherwise, we will really lose this time, and frankly speaking, even if we go to the four teachers to protect these children as you said, we will end like encountering the Titan giant ape."

"But the Star Dou Great Forest is the closest soul beast colony to the college. We have no choice but to go there. But from what you're saying, that Titan giant ape doesn't seem to have any hostility and didn't kill you. Otherwise, even if you Using the spirit avatar was also unstoppable, and Xiao Wu's survival was even more surprising. What was the roar of the bull she was talking about? Could there be any spirit beast in the Star Dou Forest that could contend with it? The war started." Flanders was puzzled. He had heard of the Titan Giant Ape, but he had never heard of the spirit beast that roared like a bull.

"The so-called roar of the bull should be the Azure Bull Python!" At this moment, a voice came from the door.

"Haha, someone who knows is here, Xiaogang, come in quickly." Flender was overjoyed, and hurriedly stepped forward to open the door to welcome this person in. This person was wearing a black robe and had short, crew-cut hair. He looked very ordinary.

Zhao Wou-ki was a little puzzled, the person in front of him, as a soul sage, he could tell the level of his soul power at a glance, level 29, such a low-level soul master, does Flender need to be so enthusiastic?

"Come on, Wuji, let me introduce you. You haven't met him yet, right? This is a master who is famous as a soul master. He is Tang San's teacher and my partner when I traveled to the mainland. Just call him master." It is." Flender laughed.

"Famous soul master?" Several question marks flashed in Zao Wou-ki's mind. In fact, he had heard the name master before, but many people read his ten theories as a joke. Yang soul teacher world, he doesn't want to change him, the title of King Fudo Ming is very good.

However, he would not refute Flender's face, he immediately stood up and said, "So you are a master, I have known you for a long time, hello, I am Zao Wou-ki."

"Your Majesty Fudo Ming is polite." The master nodded, "Since you are back, Xiaosan and the others should come back with you, right? How did you gain this time?"

"Although there are some twists and turns, overall it's not bad..." Zao Wou-ki narrated to Grandmaster what happened in the Star Dou Forest.

The master frowned after hearing this, "Going to the outskirts of the Star Dou Forest to hunt for a soul ring, unexpectedly so many things will happen, Beixuan from Blazing Academy and Ma Hongjun from Phoenix Wuhun, in this world, there is actually someone more talented than Xiaosan Strong children exist, it is a pity that the cockscombed snake spirit ring, if you successfully snatch it, and the food-type child absorbs it, there is a high probability that he will be able to obtain speed-related soul skills."

"Forget it, the soul ring obtained after Oscar is not bad, and there is no way it can't be inferior to others." Flender said calmly, "However, what is the Azure Bull Python you mentioned just now?"

"This is the strangest part of the whole thing, Fudo Myoko, your previous judgment that the titan giant ape and the sky blue bull python fought was [-]% wrong," the master said.

"Why? Apart from the azure bull python that roared, are there other monsters that can compete with the titan giant ape? I could clearly feel that there were two earth-shattering energies on the outskirts of the forest. collision." Zhao Wuji asked suspiciously.

"Because the Titan Giant Ape would never dare to confront the Azure Bull Python head-on." The master recounted a story he had heard.

At that time, there was a Titled Douluo relying on his strength, he went deep into the Lake of Life in the center of the Star Dou Forest, preparing to fight the Titan Giant Ape, but before the fight started, he was startled back by the sudden appearance of the Azure Bull Python.

And when the blue bull python appeared that day, the titan giant ape behaved like a child by its side.

In this situation, how dare the giant ape titan fight with the azure bull python?

Therefore, there must be someone else fighting the titan great ape.

"Forget it, even if none of us have the qualifications to intervene in the collision between these top powerhouses in the continent, it's none of our business anyway." Flender said casually, he wasn't engaging in theory, and he didn't break the casserole to ask the bottom line idea.

On the contrary, the master was very interested in this matter. After asking about Tang San's situation and promising Flender to stay and teach, he left. He was going to find a chance to check later. legend.

When he came to the room that Flender had prepared for him in advance, the master was packing his luggage when he suddenly smelled a bloody smell.


"Master, it's me!" A figure stepped out from a dark corner, it was Tang Hao.

"Your Majesty Haotian!" The master was startled, "Why do you smell so strongly of blood, are you injured?"

"Yes, I was seriously injured this time." Tang Hao whispered, his tone extremely weak.

"Who hurt you? Could it be the person in the hall of worship?" The master could think of not many people who could hurt Tang Hao.

At that time, Pope Chihiro Ji and two elders of Wuhun Temple, and three titled Douluo, were all beaten by Tang Hao, and Chihiro Ji died of serious injuries in the end.

Except for the Shuangyue of the soul master world back then, who else could beat him like this.

Tang Hao denied, "It's not Qian Daoliu, but a mysterious titled Douluo. I've never seen or even heard of him, but he has a god-level martial soul, and his power is no less than that of Seraphim. His actual combat ability is extremely strong, when I fight with him, I feel that he is a real strong man who has experienced many battles, not the kind of pampered and pampered half-bad like Chihiro Ji, who only uses soul power to suppress people."

"God-level martial soul?" After listening to the master, he was surprised and puzzled. In this world, besides the Qianjia Seraphim and the one from the legendary Sea God Island, there are actually other god-level martial souls.

Such a person shouldn't be unknown, and since Tang Hao said that he is a strong man with many battles, he should have already been famous in the mainland.

All kinds of paradoxes made him puzzled.

Tang Hao waved his hand, "Forget it, now is not the time to explore that person's identity, I want to ask Master to do me a favor."

The master nodded, "Your Majesty, just give me your orders, as long as I can do it."

"Take the Pope's decree I gave you, and go to the main halls of Wuhun in the major towns nearby, and bring their precious medicines to help me heal my wounds. Those who hold the Pope's decree, such as the Pope in person, will not dare to disobey." Tang Hao said.

"However, the Pope's order is very important. They may secretly investigate the origin of your Pope's order, but that's okay, as long as you don't let people know that your Pope's order was given by me, or you directly push the origin of the token to Yuyuan Zhenshen, based on the relationship between you and Bibi Dong, even if this matter goes to Bibi Dong's side, she will definitely choose to prove it for you. After all, you just want a little herb, which is not a big deal to her. I will use this to give you the position of an honorary elder so that you can act in a fair and aboveboard manner."

(End of this chapter)

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