Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 129 New "7 Shrek Monsters"

Chapter 129 New "Seven Shrek Monsters"

Soto City, the Great Spirit Arena.

Today, the atmosphere here is full of joy, and laughter is everywhere, but it is not laughter, but mostly ridicule.

Beixuan's laughter was also mixed in. He and Shui Bing'er arrived in Soto City yesterday, but the people from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect hadn't arrived yet. To pass the time, he and Shui Bing'er came to the Great Soul Arena to watch the fight soul game.

Unexpectedly, I saw a scene that made people laugh.

"Hahahahaha.....Senior Bing'er, look, this... this guy, you're fucking me!" Beixuan laughed heartily, but no one paid special attention to him because of this. Many people have similar situations.

"Okay, is it so funny, no... isn't it just an old man mixed in with a group of children... just in the middle?" Shui Binger spoke intermittently, obviously holding back her laughter, but she is a goddess character, even if she laughs It also has to be a low-browed smile, which makes people feel like a spring breeze.

Therefore, she absolutely cannot laugh without image like Beixuan.

In fact, the reason why Beixuan smiled like this is very simple, it is because of the "Seven Shrek Monsters."

Originally, Beixuan thought that after he took Ma Hongjun away, the Shrek Seven Monsters team would not be able to form a team. Even if they participated in the soul fighting, they could only be one-on-one or two-on-two at most. Unexpectedly, they still participated in seven people. team fight.

If one person is missing, one more person is naturally needed to make up.

And the person who loves him is actually a master.

The six Shrek people at this moment, except Dai Mubai whose level is much higher than the others, the other spirit powers range from level 27 to level 32, and the master level is 29, just in the middle, the one mixed in as a supplement.

Soul fighting in the Great Soul Arena does not depend on age, but only on the level of soul power, so it is not against the rules for the master to do so.

It's just that there is an old man caught in a group of children, which is against harmony no matter how you look at it.

" can't be done, Senior Sister Bing'er, help me calm down, I'm going to lose my temper if I keep laughing." Beixuan couldn't help but said.

"You are just like a child at this time." Shui Bing'er caressed Beixuan's chest helplessly, "Actually, although that person is ridiculous, he is quite admirable, isn't he? Participating in team battles and training, disregarding one's own dignity, but letting them gather enough people to participate in the soul fighting is also very rare."

Beixuan had to admit that what Shui Bing'er said was actually a bit reasonable. Ever since Grandmaster participated in the soul fight with Shrek and the other six, he would be ridiculed by everyone basically every time he played.

But since he was ridiculed since he was a child, he seems to be used to such laughter, and he also warned the other six people to get used to fighting under all kinds of pressure, even if they are ridiculed by everyone, they must be firm, this is a qualified soul master.

Being able to regard this kind of laughter as an experience for the students, from this point of view, the master also has something worthy of praise.

At least that face is not inferior to Beixuan when he was chasing Shui Binger.

"Little brother, what your girlfriend said is right. Don't underestimate that guy. Although he is only level 29 at a very old age, he is the leader of Shrek. The team he led has won 27 team battles recently. Soul, has achieved a good result of 25 wins and [-] losses, including a [-]-game winning streak and a [-]-game winning streak, and now it has won [-] consecutive victories. It is said that after today's game, many of them will I've been promoted to Silver Fighting Soul." Said an uncle sitting next to Beixuan.

"I think you and Shrek's children are about the same age. You shouldn't laugh at them, but follow their example, practice hard, and strive to be like them, possessing the strength of a soul master at a young age."

"This... this uncle, it may be a little difficult for you to ask me to become a soul master at their age." Beixuan said helplessly, he was already close to the soul king, could it be that he wasted part of his soul power and downgraded?
"Hey, why are young people so ungrateful? People always have dreams, otherwise what is the difference from salted fish, and what if they come true?" The middle-aged man sighed.

"Can you say such philosophical words, dare to ask Mr. Gao's name?" Beixuan asked in surprise.

"It's easy to say, my name is A Xing, and everyone calls me Master Xing. I'm a cleaner at Soto Intermediate Soul Master Academy, and my job number is 9527!"

Beixuan was startled, cupped his hands and said, "I have admired you for a long time, but I never thought that you are the famous Master Xing. What Master Xing taught me is that I have been taught."

"Well, if you know your mistakes and you can correct them, you can teach a child." Master Xing nodded in satisfaction.

"Okay, Xiaoxuan, stop playing tricks, the soul fight is about to begin." Shui Bing'er couldn't help pulling Beixuan back to her side. Sometimes this guy is very mature, but sometimes he really looks like an ordinary child. It's so fun to chat with a cleaner who is not even a soul master.

At this time, under the announcement of the competition host Dou Dou, the team battle spirit is about to begin, and the opponents of the "Shrek Seven Monsters" have also appeared on stage.

The No. 20 eight opponents of the Shrek people are the Huangdou team in the original book.

Yu Tianheng looked at Yu Xiaogang on the opposite side, the corner of his mouth twitched violently, what was going on, and why he was inexplicably fighting with his uncle.

"Well, Yanzi, can you not use your blue scale purple poison later, and don't hurt them." Yu Tianheng approached Dugu Yan and asked.

"Why? Do you know them because of those girls?" Dugu Yan looked at Yu Tianheng with an unfriendly expression, thinking that Yu Tianheng had taken a fancy to those girls.

Although the three women in Shrek have half of their faces covered with masks, Dugu Yan can tell that they are all rare beauties, and their bodies are even better than each other. One is tall, with long legs, One has a well-proportioned figure and delicate skin, and the civet with Martial Soul is even more uneven.

Yu Tianheng hurriedly explained, "No, no, I've never met those girls, and I don't know them, but the problem is, that old one is my uncle, dear uncle!"

"Uncle?" Everyone in the Huangdou team was stunned. It was really an anecdote that the fighting spirit of the same level could fight against the uncle of the team leader.

In the direct line of the dignified Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus rex family, there are still a lot of people who are only 29 years old.

"Since that is the captain's relative, I think we should be a little more merciful." The simple and honest Shi family brother said.

Everyone in Huangdou nodded, and they couldn't do anything heavy because they didn't look at the monk's face and the Buddha's face.

Huang Dou's superficial strength is much stronger than Shrek's. After more than two years of training, Yu Tianheng has reached the peak of level 39, which is very close to the Soul Sect.

The others are at least high-level soul masters above level 35.

Dugu Yan has already reached the fortieth level because he cultivated the five poisonous red flame body, but he has not yet hunted the soul ring. The purpose of their coming to Suotuo City this time is not only to practice, but also because it is close to the Star Dou Forest. Ready to hunt for the fourth spirit ring for Dugu Yan.

(End of this chapter)

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