Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 172 Tang San and Ning Fengzhi's Plan to Eliminate Beixuan

Chapter 172 Tang San and Ning Fengzhi’s plan to eliminate Beixuan

The match between Blazing Fire and Weevil ended so quickly that the audience didn't even have time to react, and the seven meat mountains flew out of the field.

In this match, Hu Yanli didn't even have time to use his soul bone.

They didn't wake up until Beixuan left the field with the other Chihuo team members.

"It's so strong. It's obviously a five-element academy, but Blazing Fire and Elephant Armor are not at the same level at all."

"No, it should be said that Beixuan from Blazing Academy is not at the same level as the others."

The audience burst into exclamations.

Just now Tang San broke into the enemy formation alone and controlled the seven. It was indeed very powerful, but Beixuan was even more extraordinary. With pure physical strength, he knocked out all seven of them within half a minute. Ten times scarier.

Tang San clenched his fists involuntarily, he would not admit defeat, one day, he believed that he would be able to surpass Beixuan, after all, he had twin martial spirits, besides the blue silver grass, he also had the world's number one martial spirit , the Haotian Hammer.

Moreover, he already has a way to deal with Bei Xuan. Although it is not very sophisticated, it has two advantages. First, if he is lucky, he can kill Bei Xuan. Even if he does not die, he will be coveted by many parties and put in danger. Second, he can remove himself from this incident and is not afraid of Yu Lin's revenge, because whether this method can succeed or not, it has little to do with him.

In order to achieve his goal, he is going to find Ning Fengzhi, although now he doesn't have the friendship with Ning Rongrong in the original book, and even the relationship with Ning Fengzhi is mediocre.

However, he knew that the enemy of his enemy was his friend. As the leader of a sect, Ning Fengzhi would not fail to understand this truth.

"Uncle Ning!"

After the whole day's competition was over, Tang San found Ning Fengzhi who had left outside the arena.

Even if the actual relationship is not very good, Tang San has already learned Tang Hao's true identity from Tai Tan at this time. Since the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School and the Haotian School are both the top three schools, and Ning Fengzhi is the same generation as Tang Hao, he called him uncle. reasonable.

No matter what time, superficial relationship is to be maintained.

And because of the last Titan incident, his Clear Sky Hammer was forced out by Titan's soul power. Ning Fengzhi already knew the situation of his twin martial souls. , it is worth a little bit of belief.

"Oh, little friend Tang San, what's the purpose of coming to see me?" Ning Fengzhi asked.

Tang San cupped his hands and said, "Uncle Ning, I have something to ask of you, could you please come and talk to me."

"Yes, please lead the way." Ning Fengzhi nodded, followed Tang San to a tavern and opened a private room, "If you have anything to do, just talk here."

"Uncle Ning, today's Beixuan, you must have seen his strength. His talent potential is not inferior to me who has the talent of twin martial souls."

"And his uncle is Meteor Demon Douluo. My teacher knew a lot of secrets about Wuhun Palace from a friend of his. According to my teacher, Meteor Demon Douluo and Lingyuan Douluo of Wuhun Palace were young. They are lovers, which means that Beixuan is also Lingyuan Douluo's nephew, I guess he may have a heart for the Wuhun Temple in the future, if such people are not eliminated, they will become enemies in the future."

Tang San said bluntly, he just wanted to get rid of Beixuan. "

"Not long ago, I already knew the identity of my father from Senior Tai Tan. Wuhun Palace is destined to be my enemy. I will not let him successfully join Wuhun Palace. Haotian Sect and Qibao Glazed Sect are in the same spirit. I also hope Uncle Ning can do me a favor."

"Tang San, you don't need to guess anymore. It's not that he may have a heart for the Spirit Hall in the future, but he has already been to the Spirit Hall. It is said that he will join them after graduation. You are right, you really can't let that child be so easy. Join the Spirit Hall." Before Ning Fengzhi could speak, Bone Douluo spoke first, for him, the interests of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School were more important than anything else.

He absolutely can't let another thousand-level monster appear in Wuhun Hall.

Ning Fengzhi nodded, "That's right, but killing him is not easy, don't forget, his uncle is Meteor Demon Douluo, protected by Habayashi, who can easily kill him."

"It's impossible for Meteor Demon Douluo to stay by his side every step of the way. My first request is if I can find a way to distract him for a while." Tang San naturally knew about Habayashi's existence, so he came to ask Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

"Then, after being separated, who will take action? Even if Beixuan is alone, this is Tiandou City. Who can kill people openly and honestly in Tiandou City without leaving any traces? After all, Beixuan's own strength is also very weak. Weak." Ning Fengzhi said, "I can make it clear to you, I will not let Uncle Gu take action, because he can kill Beixuan quietly in Tiandou City, but at the same time, he can only He can do it, I can't let Wuhundian and Yulin transfer all their hatred to my Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, but let you Haotian School stay out of it."

Tang San smiled slightly, "That's right, we can't openly be enemies of Wuhun Palace and Fallen Demon Douluo now, so apart from getting rid of Fallen Demon Douluo and needing your help, neither of us can do anything else. In fact, we have to seduce Beixuan went to the outside of Tiandou City and died there without anyone noticing. There is only one person who can do it."

"Shi Nian!" Ning Fengzhi was so smart, even if Tang San only told half of it, he completely guessed Tang San's entire plan.

That's right, Shi Nian could indeed make Beixuan walk out of the city unconsciously, relying on his peculiar Martial Soul Remnant Dream.

No matter how strong Beixuan's physical strength is, his spiritual power will never be able to compete with the soul saint of the spiritual department.

And if Shi Nian made a move, it would have nothing to do with the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School or Tang San. Even if they wanted revenge, they could only find Shi Nian.

Yu Lin's method of using Ma Hongjun to divert the attention of the major forces was indeed effective, but it also had a counter-effect, that is, except for Wuhun Palace and Qibao Glazed Sect, which knew the inside story, the other forces only knew about Ma Hongjun and not Beixuan.

If you randomly ask a small-power person on the street who Yu Lin's nephew is, most of them will say, Ma Hongjun?
As for who Bei Xuan is?I'm so unfamiliar.

In the same way, Shi Nian would not know about Habayashi's concern for Beixuan, as long as there are enough interests to shake his heart, with his greedy character, there is a possibility of making a move.

Seeing what Ning Fengzhi was thinking, Tang San said to Ning Fengzhi, "The benefit lies in Beixuan himself, does the soul bone count?"

Now that he knew Tang Hao's identity, he naturally guessed that the titled Douluo who saved Xiao Wu was his father. Therefore, Xiao Wu no longer concealed anything and told the whole truth.

In order to save her, Tang Hao gave Habayashi a piece of dark left arm bone, he also knew.

Yulin's Martial Soul is not suitable for dark soul bones, but Beixuan's Nightmare is suitable. If he guessed correctly, that soul bone must have been absorbed by Beixuan.

The soul bone is touching, especially for a person like Shi Nian, as long as Bei Xuan is forced out of this soul bone in front of everyone in the arena, what will happen next is naturally self-evident.

"Hehe, I understand. Next, leave it to me. It's not difficult to force out Beixuan's spirit bone." Ning Fengzhi smiled slightly, agreeing to Tang San's plan.

The main thing is that no matter whether this method is successful or not, it will not affect their Qibao Glazed Sect.

There is no harm in giving it a try.

(End of this chapter)

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