Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 180 Shui Bing'er Provoked Tang San's Wrath

Chapter 180 Shui Bing'er Provoked Tang San's Wrath

"It may be that he has made a breakthrough recently, but this old poisonous creature, even though he has a Titled Douluo level of cultivation, has already been poisoned by his own body. Half of his soul power has to suppress the toxins in his body. The combat power he can show is only He's only a little stronger than Peak Soul Douluo, but he actually dares to challenge me." Ju Douluo said disdainfully.

Dugu Bo is indeed very strong in group battles, but he really doesn't take it seriously when fighting alone.

Lingyuan also didn't think that Dugu Bo had won Ju Douluo, and nodded, "In that case, then I'll go with you. Anyway, Dugu Bo is also near Tiandou City. Let's get rid of him before going to my nephew."

"Okay, let's go now, sister. If we go late, the old poisonous guy will think I'm afraid of him." Yue Guan said with a smile.

The two of them flew up at the same time, flying towards the direction of the Tiandou Empire.

In the cave behind the Ice and Fire Eyes, Dugu Bo sat cross-legged, with the green Five Poison Qi circulating throughout his body. Although he was still at the sixth level, his skills could still continue to improve.

Just today, he finally broke through to level 93.

The next step was to wait for Tang Hao to send him what he needed. As long as he got it, he was confident that he could reach level 95 as quickly as possible within three to five years and step into the threshold of Super Douluo.

It's just different from Lanxiang and Yubayashi, after level 95, unless there is another breakthrough in the five poisonous red flame body, it will not be easy for him to continue to improve.

As far as it is concerned, it is probably not a problem to teach the moon pass a lesson.

Dugu Bo walked out of the cave, put his hands behind his back, and murmured, "Chrysanthemum Pass, just come, the two of us will have to settle our accounts after all."

After several days of competition, the leading academies of the Heaven Dou Great Soul Arena qualifiers have basically been determined.

The academies with perfect victories include Chihuo and Tianshui. These two academies have soul king-level powerhouses, and Beixuan basically participated in the competition without missing a single game. Even if the opponent's strength is far inferior to them, he never absent.

There is no way, Beixuan is warlike at heart, he will not let go of the opportunity to fight.

Because Tianshui has not yet met Chihuo, he is also victorious.

Kamikaze lost two games, namely to Blazing Fire and Tianshui.

The Thunder lost three games, precisely because they lost to the above-mentioned three academies.

Strictly speaking, the results of the five elemental colleges are considered good, except for the weevil, who lost five games, not only lost to the other four elemental colleges, but also lost to Shrek.

Because of Ning Rongrong's early joining, Shrek barely has the strength of six soul sects.

The Five Elements Academy had the best performance last time, but this time it was truly at the bottom.

Shrek's results were also very good. He only lost two games, namely Blazing Fire and Kamikaze, and he voluntarily admitted defeat, which was the master's suggestion.

There was no way, the blazing flames and the divine wind's wind blade could both restrain Tang San's Blue Silver Grass, so they had no chance of winning.

Since he lost the dual immunity of ice and fire in the original work, and the toughness of the blue silver grass was not strong enough, Tang San did not choose to fight hard this time, but accepted the master's advice.

Anyway, as long as the top five qualify in the qualifiers, there is no need to compete for the first place.

And today, they are about to lose the third game, because their opponent in this game is Tianshui Academy.

Grandmaster is still as usual, ready to let them keep their strength and admit defeat directly. After all, there is a soul king in Tianshui, and a soul king with a ten thousand year soul ring is not the same as ordinary soul sects.

However, just when Shrek walked out of the lounge and was about to abstain, he happened to encounter the Tianshui girl group walking towards them.

Shui Bing'er looked at Tang San coldly, "Why, Shrek's, you are going to admit defeat again. I remember your slogan is 'Champion without Opponent'. It turns out that you give up when you encounter a strong enemy. There is no opponent like this." The technique is really ridiculous.”

"What did you say?" Xiao Wu was angry. She couldn't bear to be ridiculed like this.

"I say, you are all useless trash, especially you, Tang San. If anything happens, resolve it openly and openly in the spirit fighting arena. Don't just do small tricks in the dark." Today's Shui Bing'er spoke unceremoniously. , completely different from her usual gentleness.

Because after Beixuan went back that day, he told Shui Binger and Huo Wu about the past years, and he also told them that Tang San was most likely behind the frame of him.

Bei Xuan had nothing to hide from his lover, so that they would be more cautious when meeting Tang San in the future.

Taking advantage of Soul Saint's greed to kill people with a knife, this method certainly made the two girls furious. If Beixuan hadn't been strong, they might have been killed.

Huo Wu originally wanted to teach Tang San a lesson in the spirit fighting arena, but Shrek immediately gave up, leaving her with nowhere to vent her anger. After all, it was unfounded and she couldn't just rush to Shrek Academy to kill him. Without Tang San, Beixuan wouldn't let her be so reckless.

Killing people in Tiandou City, the royal family will not let her go.

He was just Tang San, not worthy of her harming him like this.

But today, Shui Bing'er didn't want Tang San to escape again.

"I don't understand what you're talking about. It's just our strategy to admit defeat."

Faced with Shui Bing'er's cynicism, Tang San was not angry at all, this guy's city is definitely top-notch, and his ability to hide his emotions and anger is about a thousand times that of Hu Yanli.

Shui Bing'er smiled slightly, "Really, so being a thief and stealing the secret exercises of your own sect is also your consistent strategy, Tang San?"

"What did you say?" Tang San turned his head, looked at Shui Bing'er coldly, he stole the Xuantian Treasure Record, but how could anyone in this world know what happened in his previous life.

In fact, Shui Bing'er didn't know about Tang San's previous life, but Beixuan told her that Tang San, like the two of them, had mastered higher-level exercises and martial arts than many great sects. Be careful when encountering it.

Shui Bing'er curiously asked about the origin of the exercises, Beixuan only said that Tang San stole them from his own sect, and because of this he was chased and killed by his own sect, and then expelled from the sect.

So Shui Bing'er naturally imagined Tang San as a thief, or even an ungrateful person.

"It seems to be true." Seeing Tang San's excited expression, Shui Bing'er became even more convinced of his identity as a thief, "Humph, you really don't have any self-awareness at all. Tang San, do you think what I'm saying is What does that mean?"

"How a sect's skills are passed on has its own rules and regulations. As a disciple of the sect, if you want to learn the secret skills of the sect, you should practice hard and devote yourself to the development of the sect, and then establish meritorious deeds, prove yourself, and get Only with the appreciation of the head of the sect or the elders can you pass on the secret books of the sect openly and aboveboard, even if you can steal things from your own sect, you deserve to be expelled from the sect."

"You!!" Tang San clenched his fists tightly, he didn't care about other things, only Xiao Wu and Tang Sect were the two biggest rebels in his heart.

"Why, if you want to teach me a lesson, then I'll see you on the Soul Arena. I hope you don't abstain again this time." Shui Bing'er turned around and left, provocative to such an extent, as long as Tang San was still a man, she believed that Will avoid her again.

Shui Yue'er stared at her sister blankly. She had never thought that her gentle and kind sister could have such a venomous side.

Sure enough, as soon as the brother-in-law was involved, the temperature of that gentle ice phoenix dropped directly to absolute zero.

(End of this chapter)

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