Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 186 The Battle of the Title

Chapter 186 The Battle of the Title
The day's soul fighting was over. On the way back, Beixuan asked Lingyuan why she came here.

She answered that firstly it was to support her nephew so as not to be plotted against him again, and secondly she wanted to accompany her best friend Yue Guan to fight with Dugu Bo.

Beixuan did not expect that Dugu Bo would challenge Yueguan so soon, so according to estimation, at this moment, he should break through at least level 93.

Although Yueguan's external soul power is level 95, in fact, according to Ning Fengzhi's description of Tang San in the original book, he is not really a super douluo, but actually between level 94 and 95, which is far from a super douluo. It was so close.

In other words, the soul power gap between him and Dugu Bo has not yet reached a qualitative level.

Dugu Bo, who is carrying the five poisonous red flame body, has a high probability of defeating Yueguan.

At this time, in the depths of the Sunset Forest, in a desolate and poisonous forest without any life, Dugu Bo was walking slowly. This was the venue for another duel between him and Yue Guan.

"After all these years, old poisoner, have you finally accepted your fate? If you dare to ask me for a fight, aren't you seeking death?" A charming male voice came from the woods, it was Ju Douluo Yueguan.

"Hmph, many years ago, I was chased and killed by you and the old ghost to the point of death. Today, I came to settle accounts with you." Dugu Bo harbored years of resentment, and today he is bound to avenge his shame.

Regarding his determination, Ju Douluo smiled disdainfully, "Accountable? Haha, have you forgotten, when you fought with me, it wasn't when I beat you to shame. The most dangerous time, if it wasn't You were lucky enough to meet the inspection army of the Heaven Dou Empire, and that Prince Xue Xing used the strength of the Heaven Dou Empire to force me and the old ghost to retreat, you would have died a long time ago."

Dugu Bo became even angrier when he was mentioned to the pain point, "That's the old man, I should die, Chrysanthemum Pass, let's see how I deal with you today."

"Old poison, this time, there will be no Prince Xuexing to help you."

After the two titled Douluo provoked each other, they started to activate the soul power in their bodies at the same time.

The level of Yueguan is higher, and the first step is to complete the concentration of soul power, and the fifth soul ring around him lights up, "The fifth soul skill, Gathering of Han Ying!"

Chrysanthemum Douluo released countless petals. Under his fifth soul skill, these petals formed extremely fast and indestructible sharp blades, and all flew towards Dugu Bo.

"Hmph, the Gathering of Han Ying is, after all, just a broadsword made of plants. The fifth soul skill, Snake Mang Tiangang Shield!" A circle of green light appeared around Dugu Bo.

This is a rare defensive soul skill of Dugu Bo. It can not only resist attacks, but also contains an extremely poisonous mask.

If ordinary people use their physical body to attack this shield, they will be turned into thick water by the poison on the shield before breaking the shield.

"Snake Mang Tiangang Shield can't stop my gathering of Hanying." Ju Douluo sneered.

This is not the first time they have fought against each other. Dugu Bo also used this trick to defend against his own throwing knives. The result is obvious, the shield was breached, and Dugu Bo was injured and lost.

As an immortal product, the Qiantongtianju is extremely strong and yang, and is not afraid of common poisons.

Dugu Bo's poison can restrain other plant spirit masters, but when you encounter him, you will only be counter-restrained.

"That was before, but now, your strange velvet and sky-green chrysanthemum may not be able to block my poison." Dugu Bo sneered, completely ignoring those flying knives.

Countless flying knives hit his protective shield. Different from the past, not only was the shield not broken this time, the petals of the strange velvet giant chrysanthemum were corroded by the poison and turned into pieces the moment they came into contact with the shield. Dead branches and leaves.

"How is it possible?" Yueguan couldn't believe it, his indestructible velvet Babel chrysanthemum was no match for the poison of this old poison.

"Haha, Chrysanthemum Pass, you should have a taste of my Five Poison Red Flame Body Divine Skill." After saying that, Dugu Bo's figure surged, turned into a ray of green light, and rushed towards Yue Pass.

To Yue Guan, Dugu Bo's speed was not too fast, anyway, it was not as fast as him at full strength.

However, Dugu Bo at this time gave him a feeling of incomparable fear.

Yueguan didn't choose to fight forcefully, but released the enchantment while retreating to test it out, "The third soul skill, breath enchantment!"

Aura Barrier is a unique skill that surrounds the enemy with the petals of the strange velvet blossom chrysanthemum to form a barrier, making the opponent unable to move.

Unlike the gathering of Han Ying who directly touched Dugu Bo just now, these petals were some distance away from him at this time. Yue Guan wanted to try to see how far Dugu Bo's poison had reached.

"Hehe, Chrysanthemum Pass, don't you dare to fight me in close combat? It's a pity that the breath barrier can't restrain me, the true energy of the red flame." Dugu Bo roared, at this time, he was completely green, the poisonous green gas The petals released from his whole body, even if they were not close to him, were still corroded into dross.

And as his aura continued to spread, Yueguan could only keep running away, and finally flew into the sky to avoid this poisonous formation.

"Damn it, this poison can completely corrode my velvet Babel chrysanthemum. Could this old poison be my nemesis? What happened to him? His strength has more than doubled." Yueguan's expression turned ugly.

Martial spirit restraint is really fatal.

In the beginning, he restrained Dugu Bo, so he was able to beat Dugu Bo to the point of death. Now it's completely reversed, and Dugu Bo's soul power seems to have increased a lot recently.

He is an incomplete level 95, while Dugu Bo is in the early 93s, the difference between the two is only a little more than one level.

Such a small gap is not enough to reverse the attribute restraint.

"Chrysanthemum Pass, you can't escape." Dugu Bo also flew into the sky, and today he is going to completely suppress Yueguan with melee combat.

The Soul-Destroying Corrupting Heart Palm, like the Eight Claws Tangled with Silk, are supporting martial arts for the Five Poison Red Flame Body.

There are seven moves in total, and the first one struck by Dugu Bo was the third move, Soul-Destroying Strange Poison.

In Yue Guan's panic, he could only raise his palms to fight.

In the sky, two powerful forces, one gold and one green, kept colliding.

In a short while, the two faced off hundreds of moves, the huge power spread, and the surrounding forests were either destroyed by Ju Douluo's light, or corroded by Dugu Bo's poison.

It was almost the same as the last battle between Sword Douluo and Haotian Douluo. Once a fight started between strong men, life would always be devastated.

Although Yueguan's level is high, his palm skills are not as good as Dugu Bo's. If it weren't for the suppression of his soul power, he would have been at a disadvantage.

"Old poisoner, no matter how powerful your poison is, my level is always above yours. Don't forget, I am a level 95 titled Douluo!" Yue Guan, who had been invincible for a long time, became anxious. The seventh soul The ring finally began to flicker.

"Seventh Soul Skill, Tool Soul Avatar!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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