Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 225: Bei Xuan, who defends his shortcomings, beats Davis wildly

Chapter 225: Bei Xuan, who defends his shortcomings, beats Davis wildly


As the reflecting mirror was crushed by Beixuan, Li Yang spit out a large mouthful of blood.

Unlike others, others only had their attacks blocked, and the power of the blocked attacks was all bombarded in his mirror space.

How could he feel better after being continuously hit by the overflowing power of the White Tiger's Fierce Light Wave and Netherworld Spring? It would be good if he didn't die.

"Haha, being injured by your own teammate can be regarded as self-inflicted. Everyone, take action now." Huo Wushuang shouted.

He is the captain and must seize every opportunity to attack. With the support of Mars Ruyi, he and Ma Hongjun, who has activated the Phoenix Wings, rely on their flying ability to attack Li Yang.

"No, cover Li Yang!" Davis shouted. The reflecting mirror is the secret weapon of their Xingluo team and must not be knocked down easily.

"Where do you want to go, Davis, Zhu Zhuyun, your opponent is me, the number one soul skill, Phantom Mist!"

Beixuan spread out the illusionary mist space and enveloped Davis and Zhu Zhuyun. These two people were his prey.

"Damn it, this mist will interfere with our spirit, Zhuyun, rush out." Davis had a strong spirit and instantly felt that his spirit was being suppressed. He quickly called Zhu Zhuyun and prepared to rush out of the range of the phantom mist.

But how could Beixuan let them escape so easily.

This space is his territory, and it is impossible to escape from him.

Possessed by the nightmare, Beixuan appeared behind Davis at an unexpectedly fast speed. He pressed Davis's shoulder with one hand, just like Shui Bing'er suppressed him yesterday, but Beixuan's attack was more ruthless, pressing directly Then he smashed his entire body to the ground.

"Weiss! Damn it, let go of Weiss, the second soul skill, Hundred Claws of the Netherworld!" Zhu Zhuyun was in a panic, possessed by a civet cat, and rushed over to prepare to rescue Davis.

Her Nether Hundred Claw attack speed is indeed very fast, but unfortunately, it is not faster than Beixuan's sword.

Bei Xuan continued to suppress Davis with his left arm, and used his fingers as a sword with his right hand to deal with Zhu Zhuyun's claws with one hand. His sword drawing speed was more than twice as fast as Zhu Zhuyun's claw drawing speed.

Not only did he easily block all the attacks from the Netherworld Hundred Claws, but he also pointed his finger at Zhu Zhuyun's chest from a distance. The invisible sword energy passed through her chest, and a blood hole instantly appeared, and she flew out upside down.

"Zhuyun!" Davis was also flustered, but no matter how hard he tried, he was still unable to move under Beixuan's suppression, "Damn it, the first soul skill, White Tiger Body Shield."

Davis's first and second soul skills are exactly the same as Dai Mubai's. Similar to Zhu Zhuqing, Dai Mubai only changed his soul ring route after entering Shrek Academy.

The white tiger body shield can increase Davis' strength and defense by 50.00%. In addition, he has the assistance of Shan Ruoshui. At this moment, Davis has reached the soul king level in terms of soul power and physical abilities.

At this time, he forced himself to get up.

"Not bad strength, but even if your strength is twice as strong, it's still not enough to compare with me." Beixuan moved his right hand from his shoulder to the back of his head, and violently pushed his head into the ground.

Then he grabbed his hair and smashed it down again.

Grab it and smash it down. Grab it and smash it down.

The same action was repeated until Davis was hit on the head and bled.

The people outside, except for the two levels of masters of Soul Douluo and Titled Douluo, and even Soul Saints, could not completely see the battle inside the illusory fog, but Davis's screams inside were... Let everyone hear it clearly.

Dai Mubai was excited but unwilling. He was excited because it was the first time he saw Davis in such miserable condition. , the evil-eyed white tiger is as weak as an evil-eyed cat, unable to fight back.Davis is completely unable to face such a situation. His martial soul is the evil-eyed white tiger, which is the leading beast martial soul in the power system. He also has two layers of support on his body. Why is his power so much weaker than that of the control system Bei Xuan? , this is not common sense.

Beixuan grabbed Davis and said, "Davis, I don't care if you are the eldest prince of the Star Luo Empire or not. If you dare to bully my family, I will make you pay the price tenfold and a hundredfold."

Davis was angry and confused, when did he bully Beixuan's people.

It was the first time that Blazing Academy met Shui Bing'er today. Yesterday, he was also bullied by Shui Bing'er. He didn't even touch a hair of Shui Bing'er.

This couple is too ungrateful.

Of course he couldn't have imagined that Beixuan was not talking about Shui Bing'er, but Zhu Zhuqing.

Now that Zhu Zhuqing has become Lan Xiang's family, he is his Beixuan family and a member of Tianlu City. The people of Tianlu City will never allow anyone to bully him.

"Beixuan, don't think that I, Davis, am really afraid of you. The fourth soul skill, White Tiger Destroy God!" Davis punched the ground angrily, and the powerful reaction force finally made his body fly up. , broke free from Beixuan's hand.

After a backflip and landing smoothly, Davis' third soul ring lit up, "The third soul skill, White Tiger Shakes the Earth!"

Davis' third soul skill can change the terrain, making the ground undulate like ocean waves.

"Huh, what a boring little trick." Bei Xuan stepped on the ground, and his powerful soul power was introduced into the ground, instantly dispersing Davis' soul power and making the ground calm.

"What, the third soul skill change move, White Tiger Meteor, squeeze!"

Before Davis gave up, the rocks on the ground rose up and turned into a ball, trapping and wrapping Beixuan.

"Very good, Zhuyun, let's take advantage of the moment and deal with him together with the fourth soul skill, White Tiger Destroy God!"

"The fourth soul skill, Netherworld Slash." Zhu Zhuyun endured the pain in his body and used it.

Her Nether Slash is at least twice as powerful as Zhu Zhuqing's Nether Slash. After all, Zhu Zhuqing's is the third soul skill, while Zhu Zhuyun's is the fourth soul skill, and the age of the soul rings is much different.

The two of them wanted to rely on their strongest soul skills to knock Beixuan out of the field at once.

Unfortunately, before they could use their soul skills, they heard an explosion and the White Tiger Meteor was instantly destroyed, trapping Beixuan for less than three seconds.

"The fourth soul skill, Demon Roar!" Beixuan was one step ahead of them.

Nightmare Mei let out a soul-shaking roar, and the soul power that Davis and Zhu Zhuyun had finally gathered suddenly dispersed. Not only them, but other people in Xingluo outside the phantom mist were also shaken away by the roar. The soul power, the two weak auxiliary soul masters, and even the martial soul cannot be used.

When Beixuan suppressed Davis and Zhu Zhuyun, they were already beaten by the others from Chi Huo and could only parry. Now it was even worse.

Beixuan's roar affected even the audience outside the venue to a certain extent.

"Such a powerful group control skill. Even a Soul King-level soul skill doesn't have such soul-suppressing power. This Beixuan's martial soul is unexpectedly strong!" The master said, covering his ears. He was afraid that he would not do it again. If you continue to listen, you will be bleeding to death from Bei Xuanzhen's seven orifices.

But this is just a cover-up. The roar of Beixuan's demon spirit directly attacks the soul. Even if you cover your ears, you can still hear the sound clearly. If Liu Erlong hadn't been behind her, inputting her soul saint-level soul power into the master. His body protected him from the wheezing. Not to mention that the bleeding from his seven orifices was so serious, he must have at least fainted.

(End of this chapter)

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