Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 246 Huo Wu’s life is in danger

Chapter 246 Huo Wu’s life is in danger
When the referee's words fell, the audience did not burst into loud cheers, but became completely silent. Only people from the two colleges of Tianshui and Chihuo expressed their joy.

After all, this is the home ground of Wuhundian Academy, so there must be more people supporting Wuhundian Academy.

Bibi Dong took the initiative to step forward and applauded slowly. In fact, of course she was unwilling to do so, but as the Pope of Wuhun Palace, she couldn't be petty at this time. She was formalistic about what to say and what to do. There will be no shortage.

"Blazing Fire Academy, you have performed very well. You have passed all levels along the way, defeated all strong enemies, and successfully won the championship. As the Pope, I congratulate you, especially Beixuan. I believe that you will definitely become the strongest in the future. A great soul master."

Except for Huo Wu, who was still unconscious, several other people from Chihuo Academy stood in a row and collectively saluted Bibi Dong, "Thank you, His Majesty the Pope, for your compliment."

Bibi Dong nodded. At this time, she showed the calmness that a pope should have.

Taking the brocade plate from the Wuhun Palace staff, his eyes passed over the three soul bones without any nostalgia. If you lose, you lose. If you can afford it, you must let it go.

A cardinal shouted loudly, "Representatives from Blazing Academy, please come forward and receive the championship reward!"

"Go, Xiaoxuan!" Huo Wushuang pushed Bei Xuan and said, "Although I am the captain of the team, the biggest contribution to winning this time is you. You are our blazing soul and the most qualified. The one who gets the championship reward.”

"Okay!" Beixuan did his part and walked towards Bibi Dong.

"Beixuan, you are outstanding, even better than I imagined. Now that your mission has been completed, when are you going to join the Spirit Hall?" Bibi Dong asked.

Beixuan deliberately smiled bitterly and touched his forehead, "Is there any difference between me now and already joining?"

Bibi Dong was paused when he heard this. It seemed that the child had discovered that having been planted with the Angel Seal, he had become a puppet of Qian Daoliu. This was indeed no different from joining the Spirit Hall.

The difference was that he was forced to lean towards the side of the Enshrinement Hall in the Wuhun Hall.

Originally, Bibi Dong wanted to take Beixuan to her side.

"Don't worry, I will find a way to help you solve this divine seal later." Bibi Dong said, but she only said half of it.

She will solve the Angel Seal, but she will plant the Rakshasa Seal while solving it. She will not allow such a big variable in Beixuan to escape her control.

Beixuan pretended not to understand her thoughts and said gratefully, "Thank you, His Majesty the Pope!"

"I will go back to Blazing Fire Academy first to complete the graduation procedures. After that, I will do some tasks assigned to me by the Great Worshiper."

"Is this the mission of the Great Enshrinement? Okay, I understand." Bibi Dong sighed slightly. She understood that the current Beixuan could not disobey Qian Daoliu.

In her heart, she actually felt that Beixuan was a little pitiful. He was so talented, but because his talent was too strong, he had to fall under the control of others.

Bibi Dong handed the three soul bones to Bei Xuan's hands, and countless greedy eyes from all around were immediately cast on Bei Xuan.

As long as you are a soul master, who would not feel the desire to see a soul bone.

Especially this is still three pieces. If this wasn't the Spirit Hall and there weren't so many titled Douluo here, someone would have snatched it away.

But of course no one dares to do this now. After all, Bibi Dong personally handed these three soul bones to Beixuan. Who dares to snatch them?That was tantamount to slapping Wuhundian in the face.

Bei Xuan slowly walked back to Blazing Academy, dragging the plate.

There are nine contestants from Blazing Academy this time, including Fire Hammer who was injured and did not come, but there are only three soul bones, so how to distribute them is still a problem. "Let's go back and make arrangements. Let's go back to the hotel first. I'm a little worried about Senior Huo Wu." For Bei Xuan now, there is something more important than the soul bone, and that is Huo Wu's body.

After bidding farewell to Bibi Dong, everyone returned to the hotel.

Yu Lin was proficient in medical skills and immediately checked Huo Wu's physical condition.

Although Huo Wu had woken up, she was still very weak. More importantly, she found that she was completely unable to use her soul power to heal herself.

"Uncle Yulin, how are you doing, senior?" Beixuan asked worriedly.

Yu Lin said expressionlessly, "It's not good. This child has forcibly merged the different types of soul powers of six people into her body, which has exceeded her limit. And her Fire Dance Yaoyang move has not integrated all the souls." All her soul power had been exerted. Now, in addition to her own soul power, the soul powers of the other five people were also left in her body. These powers beyond her control would continue to harm her body, and she would probably die soon. "

Everyone was shocked when they heard this. How could this happen? Huo Wu was actually injured so seriously.

Huo Wushuang and Huo Xuan's eyes were red. Winning the championship was important, but if the championship was obtained with the lives of their daughter and sister, they would rather not.

Although Bei Xuan was also worried, he was not as panicked as they were. It was not that he did not love Huo Wu, but that he understood better that instead of panicking, it was more important to find a way to treat Huo Wu.

Huo Wu's current state was similar to that of Linghu Chong among Jin Yong's characters, with his body filled with alien energy.

The two simplest ways to treat it are to, like Linghu Chong, learn the Star Absorbing Technique, drain the true energy from the whole body, and then absorb other people's internal energy to restore the skill.

The second is to learn exercises like the Yi Jin Jing to gradually transform the different types of energy throughout the body into the same internal force, and then the injury will resolve itself.

People in this world may not be able to do these two things, but Bei Xuan and Yu Lin, who come from a higher world, will never be helpless.

Yu Lin's expression at this time is the best evidence. If his eldest nephew's wife was really going to die, how could he be so indifferent.

"Uncle Yulin, don't be pretentious and tell me directly how I should save Senior Huowu." Beixuan asked anxiously.

"This..." Yu Lin's expression was extremely tangled, and he seemed to be in great trouble.

Seeing Yu Lin's appearance, Huo Wu felt despair. It was clear that she couldn't be saved.

"Can you all go out and let Xiaoxuan and I be alone for a while?"

Huo Wu has a bold and cheerful personality. She knows that she is going to die. Although she is sad, she wants to seize the last time and be with her sweetheart.

At this time, no one was allowed to compete with her, not even Shui Bing'er.

After all, after her death, Beixuan will belong to Shui Bing'er alone for countless years to come, but at least now, he must belong to her only.

"Okay, daughter, you must be strong. Even if your father goes to heaven or to earth, he will definitely find a way to save you. Xiaoxuan, please, you must take good care of my daughter." At this time, Huo Xuan didn't bother to care about his position. Problem.

Compared with her daughter's last wish, the Tiandou royal family is nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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