Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 303 Dowry and Dowry

Chapter 303 Dowry and Dowry

The group of people returned to the previous tavern. Yu Yuanzhen's attitude was completely different from before. He hugged Beixuan shoulder to shoulder and called each other "friend", almost not directly recognizing his brother like Dugu Bo.

"Haha, little friend, how did you develop such strength? Even Tang Chen and Qian Daoliu back then, at your age, would not have been so strong that even I could defeat them."

"Your Majesty Lei Lei, you are flattering me. Besides, I didn't defeat you, we were just tied." Beixuan said with a smile.

Yu Yuanzhen shook his head, "You are of the younger generation, a few years younger than my grandson. I am a titled Douluo who has been famous in the mainland for decades. With such a huge age difference, I can only barely tie with you. Of course I am the loser, I am someone who cannot afford to lose."

"By the way, I have approved your Tianlu City. Let's discuss the business first. Today, I specially brought my grandson to propose marriage to Duguyan, the granddaughter of Dugubo, the elder of Tianlu City. I don't know what Beixuan City's idea is. how?"

"Although my grandson is not as amazing and talented as the Lord of Beixuan City, he can still be regarded as a genius among ordinary people. It is not an insult to Dugu Yan."

Beixuan's strength completely conquered him, and Beixuan won without being arrogant, and his character was absolutely qualified. As for whether he could be defeated without being discouraged, I don't know, because Beixuan seemed to have never been defeated since his debut.

With such a leader, and the three titled Douluo assistants behind him, it would be difficult for Lucheng not to rise this day.

As the first group of forces to establish contact with Tianlu City, the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family was happy to receive such in-laws and strong support.

Beixuan nodded, "Okay, then as the Lord of Tianlu City, I think I am qualified to accept your marriage request on behalf of Senior Dugu. As long as Sister Yanzi has no objection, I will definitely be happy to see it happen."

Hearing this, everyone's eyes turned to Dugu Yan, whose face turned red.

Now that Beixuan has said it, it all depends on what she means. Now it's her turn to speak.

"I...I all listen to my grandfather and brother Xiaoxuan." Dugu Yan said softly. Her words had fully stated what she meant, but the shyness of her daughter's family prevented her from saying it directly in front of so many elders.

"Haha, okay, okay, good grandson and daughter-in-law, if Tian Hengruo bullies you from now on, you can come and complain to grandpa. I will electrocute him first, and then let you hang him up and beat him." Yu Yuanzhen said happily, "Come on. , Yuan Heng, take out your things."

The man who had been following Yu Yuanzhen came forward holding a box.

"Little friend Beixuan, let me introduce to you. This is the elder of our Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family, and the number one master of our clan besides myself, Yu Yuanheng, a level 89 peak Soul Douluo."

"Hello, Elder Yuan Heng!" Beixuan looked at this man and raised his hands in greeting. This man had a square face and was somewhat similar to Yu Yuanzhen. He should be his younger brother.

In fact, he originally thought that this person might be the Yuluo Mian.

It's normal if not. That Yuluo Mian has a gloomy personality and his temperament should also be biased toward darkness. But this person, although he was silent and looked paralyzed from beginning to end, his aura was very upright.

Moreover, before Yuluo Mian hooked up with Wuhun Palace, he was just a level 79 Soul Saint. Even after Wuhun evolved into the Purple Lightning Demon Dragon, he only reached level 83 Soul Douluo. He was completely incomparable with the person in front of him. .

"See the Lord of Beixuan City, my two crown princes." Yu Yuanheng looked very polite. After all, except for Dugu Yan and Yu Tianheng, everyone else here far surpassed him in terms of status and strength.

"This is the betrothal gift prepared by our Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family for Miss Duguyan. Please accept it."

Yu Yuanheng opened the treasure box, and inside were two soul bones that exuded a rich light, the soul bones of the left and right legs respectively.Beixuan already had a lot of soul bones on his body, and he could tell at a glance that the quality of these two soul bones was quite extraordinary, at least ten thousand years old.

"These are the left and right leg bones of the 3-year-old Poison Flame Dragon. Although they are not priceless, I hope you, Beixuan, don't dislike them." Yu Yuanzhen said.

"Twin bones from the same soul beast!" Bei Xuan was a little surprised. The Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family was so lucky. This was a very rare opportunity.

It can be said that it is unique for the same spirit beast to produce two spirit bones. Such an opportunity did not exist for Bei Xuan or Tang San in the original work.

Currently, only one person is known to have had such an opportunity, and that is Pope Bibi Dong.

Her left and right arm bones come from the same 10-year-old Death Spider King. The soul bones formed by this situation can be said to complement each other. These two soul bones are also one of the biggest killing moves in her attack methods, and their power is amazing.

Just like Tang San absorbed the soul rings of the three brothers of the Qianjun Ant Emperor, causing the soul rings to evolve, if someone absorbs these two soul bones at the same time, even though they are only 3 years old, in fact the two influence each other and should be comparable to Two soul bones that are at least 5 years old.

This betrothal gift is quite generous.

Beixuan accepted the betrothal gift and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty Thunder Crown. I have received your sincerity. In this case, it is our turn to give the dowry next."

Yu Yuanzhen was slightly startled, dowry?This is usually brought back by a woman on the day she gets married, so there is no need to give it to her so quickly.

Beixuan smiled and said, "The sooner you give this dowry to my sister Yanzi, the better the effect. Good things don't take too long."

"I think Elder Yuan Heng has been trapped in the peak Contra realm for a long time. I'm afraid his potential has reached its limit, right?"

Yu Yuanzhen sighed after hearing this, "My little friend is right, Yuan Heng has almost no potential. No matter how he practices, it is difficult to advance his soul power. Even if he absorbs ten thousand years of soul bones, he cannot break through Contra and Title." The barrier between Douluo may only be possible with 10-year-old soul bones."

Yu Yuanheng is the only peak Soul Douluo of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family. Yu Yuanzhen dreams of him breaking through to the last step. The other sects in the upper three sects are all dual Douluo. Only the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family, He was the only one holding on.

"Haha, he is not trapped in a bottleneck now, but his potential has been exhausted. If he doesn't find a way to increase his potential, he will not be able to make breakthroughs anyway. It just so happens that we, Tianlu City, have a way to help him increase his potential. Beixuan said seductively, "I wonder if this method will serve as a dowry. Is Your Majesty Lei Lei satisfied with it?"

"This statement is true!" Yu Yuanzhen stood up excitedly, "If it is true, I will naturally be satisfied."

A titled Douluo is much more precious than two soul bones.

Beixuan nodded, "Okay, in that case, don't worry, Lei Mian. Within three days, I will ask my sister Yanzi to deliver to you a treasure that can help her break through. However, there is another person below." The transaction request needs to be discussed with you.”

"Little friend Beixuan, please speak frankly." Yu Yuanzhen now sees how Beixuan likes her. If he doesn't have any granddaughter to marry, he must be betrothed to Beixuan.

Beixuan smiled mysteriously, "That's it..."

(End of this chapter)

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