Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 305 Shui Qingwu’s thoughts

Chapter 305 Shui Qingwu’s thoughts

Ice and Fire City.

Just as Beixuan expected, after Hu Liena begged Bibi Dong that day, she came here with Lingyuan Douluo to find Beixuan.

The result she got was that Bei Xuan had not come back. She didn't believe it. She and Ling Yuan had been guarding him for several days, but no one showed up around Shui Bing'er and Huo Wu.

If Beixuan returns home, he will definitely look for them. This means that he has indeed not returned. Who knows where he went?

In the end, she had no choice but to leave disappointed.

At the school gate, Shui Bing'er and Huo Wu suddenly found that the eyes that had been locked on them in the past few days disappeared. Huo Wu breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Huh, I'm finally gone. It's really uncomfortable to be stared at by this fox every day."

"However, I can see that she cares about Xiao Xuan very much, and is afraid that she will become our love rival." Shui Bing'er said.

"No, he is my love rival, not yours." Huo Wu shook his head, "Huh, you don't have to worry about someone taking Xiao Xuan away from you. You are the object of his love at first sight. There is no one in the world except his mother. I am different if I can snatch him away from you. I gradually moved him through many, many efforts. I am thinking, if there is another girl who loves him as much as I do, will he love him again? Tempting, after all, in his heart, only you are irreplaceable."

"No, you are a little confident. Don't forget, you are his eldest wife. I don't think there will be a second person who can make love bloom for him." Shui Bing'er comforted.

"You're right, I'm not afraid. Now I am the Red Flame Goddess, no worse than Hu Liena." Huo Wu became more confident. More than three years later, not only has her strength improved a lot, she has reached the level of Soul Emperor, and her appearance and figure are even better. There has been an amazing change.

Perhaps due to the intensive practice of leg skills, Huo Wu's legs have now become extremely slender, not much inferior to Xiao Wu's. Her long fiery red hair is spread behind her, and her face has become more graceful. Moreover, she is also a princess of the evil-warming royal family. When fighting, the mark of the evil-warming royal family will appear on the forehead. In this beauty, an extremely sharp and heroic appearance will be added.

"However, since that guy has left the killing city, he doesn't come to see us, what a heartless man!" Huo Wu said dissatisfied. Didn't he know how much she had missed him in the past three years or so?

"There is a high probability that he is looking for a place to retreat again." Shui Bing'er thought for a while, "He doesn't want to make us taste the pain of separation just after getting together with us. Gaining and losing is the most uncomfortable thing. He He feels sorry for us, and he still has very important things to do now. When he finishes the big things at hand, he will definitely come back to us."

Huo Wu nodded, "Well, Bing'er, you are always so considerate. No wonder that bad guy loves you so much."

"No, in fact, this is what my mother analyzed for me." Shui Bing'er said embarrassedly, "Didn't Uncle Lan Xiang suddenly leave some time ago? My mother has been exploring where he went. She I guess it must be related to Xiao Xuan, and then not long ago, news suddenly came out in the mainland that Uncle Lan Xiang joined the Qibao Glazed Sect."

"So my mother guessed that Beixuan's next target is related to the Shangsan Sect. He himself should be near the Shangsanzong now."

"Auntie is really smart, but Bing'er, this is the first time I've seen auntie be so obsessed with a man. In the past three years, she and Uncle Lanxiang have fought so many times, probably a hundred times, right? , several nearby mountains have been turned into snow mountains by Auntie, which has caused the temperature near our Ice and Fire City to drop a lot." Huo Wu teased.Shui Bing'er smiled, "Although my mother is always angry every time she sees Uncle Lan Xiang, I can feel that she is actually very happy. I haven't seen her reveal her face for a long time since she broke up with her father. Smiling.”

"Well, Uncle Lanxiang's personality is completely opposite to your father's. Your father seems to be enthusiastic, but in fact he only knows how to flatter and please. When nothing happens, he uses his aunt's identity to seduce ignorant girls, and even creates a slut. When trouble comes, he hides as far away as possible, leaves everything to his aunt to solve, and always talks big words, saying that he will definitely make his aunt happy. What is the result? In Xiao Xuan's words, he is called... Phoenix Man Right?"

"Uncle Lan Xiang is different. Although his face is cold, his heart is warm. His mouth hurts people more than they deserve, and he looks down on the weak. But once the weak he cares about is killed, he, a strong man, will always be at the forefront to protect him. He is a weak man and knows how to repay his kindness, because Zhu Zhuqing gave him a piece of dry food when he was in trouble, and thus he won Zhu Zhuqing's freedom for life."

Huo Wu compared Shui Bing'er's father and Lan Xiang, and found that the two were really different. Their personalities were not as good as Lan Xiang's, and the gap in strength was like a chasm.

Perhaps Shui Qingwu was hurt by Shui Bing'er's father, so she became attracted to Lan Xiang, who had a completely opposite personality.

"Ah, I'm sorry, Bing'er, I'm not..." After saying that, Huo Wu remembered that he had spoken out loud. Although Shui Bing'er's father was a waste and scumbag, it was human nature to scold his father and avoid his son. Basic morals, no matter what, she shouldn't say that about her father in front of Shui Bing'er.

Shui Bing'er said with relief, "It's okay. You're right. In my heart, my father has died a long time ago. However, if Uncle Lanxiang wants to be my father, it's not that I can't accept it. He is the only one now." Can you bear my mother's violent temper?"

"Sneeze!" Shui Qingwu, who was working in the office of the principal of Tianshui College, sneezed. She quickly looked around, but luckily no one was there. Although she had been a wife for a long time, she still looked like a goddess and sneezed. Such things that damage the image cannot be seen by others.

"I am an ice-type Soul Douluo. It is absolutely impossible for me to catch a cold. It must be that bastard Lan Xiang who is scolding me again. Damn it, you have been away for three or four months. If you can, you will die in the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect. Don't come back again." .”

"There is also the bastard Beixuan, who agreed to treat that guy as a betrothal gift and let me do whatever I want. What kind of evil-fighting clan are they? They are all a bunch of guys who don't keep their promises."

The temperature in the room dropped sharply, and Shui Qingwu kept thinking about it. Recently, there was a rumor in Tianshui College. Principal Shui Qingwu has reached menopause and has a bad temper. It doesn't matter, so don't disturb her.

The culprit who made Shui Qingwu become like this was now a popular drinker in Qibao Glazed Sect. Ning Fengzhi treated Lan Xiang with the highest standard of treatment.

In fact, the news that Lan Xiang intended to join the Qibao Glazed Sect was spread out deliberately. The purpose was to create a fait accompli and stop other forces from trying to make plans for him.

But Ning Fengzhi didn't know yet that these actions of his were about to push the Qibao Glazed Sect into the abyss.

(End of this chapter)

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