Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 315 Ning Rongrong’s request is to exchange sincerity for sincerity

Chapter 315 Ning Rongrong’s request is to exchange sincerity for sincerity
Just when the Qibao Glazed Sect encountered a catastrophe, the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family was also attacked by the Spirit Hall.

Since the Wuhun Palace believed that the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family had only one strong enemy, Yu Yuanzhen, the lineup they sent was far inferior to that of the Qibao Glazed Sect.

Taking the lead is Level 94 Turtle Douluo, followed by Level 93 Spirit Kite Douluo, Level 91 Mad Bull Douluo and Level 91 Holy Dragon Douluo.

Of course, there is also a guy who cooperates inside and outside, Level 83 Contra Yuluo Mian.

Yu Luomian deliberately transferred the family guards, so that the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family was caught off guard.

It's a pity that such a lineup is enough to destroy the original Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family, but it can't be done now.

Because their family elder Yu Yuanheng, with the help of the spiritual grass grown by Yu Lin, after a year of hard training, finally succeeded in breaking through the ninety level, and after hunting the soul ring, he became a titled Douluo, a titled Thunder Douluo .

This secret has not been announced to the public under Beixuan's suggestion. Except for Yu Yuanzhen and Yu Tianheng, no one in the entire family knows about it. Even Yu Luomian, the traitor, has no time to provide this latest information.

This rare soldier has thus become one of the keys to victory or defeat.

Although they are both newly promoted Titled Douluo, the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Dragon Spirit is still stronger than the White-armored Earth Dragon. Yu Yuanheng can at least overpower Tuoba Xi.

In this way, Yu Yuanzhen only needs to fight one against three. In the original work, he was one against four and died with one of them. There are only three opponents, which makes it much easier for him.

After transforming into a dragon, one against three can hardly be defeated.

This guy's actual combat ability at the same level is much stronger than Sword Douluo, and not inferior to Tang Hao.

However, in addition to these four titled Douluo, Wuhun Palace also sent a total of six thousand soul masters, and the number of soul masters from the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect was around three thousand.

The gap was fully doubled. In addition, among the six thousand soul masters in Wuhun Palace, there were masters at the level of masters of major sects such as Fire Leopard Sect, Black Tiger Sect, and Bird Bee Sect. There was a huge disparity in strength between the two sides.

After a battle, the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family began to be gradually at a disadvantage.

Fortunately, Beixuan had already arranged for Yu Lin to take action in time.

With him, a level 97 Titled Douluo, the four Titled Douluo in Wuhun Palace fell into a rout.

Beixuan didn't choose Dugubo just to make the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family owe him a favor.

After all, although Dugu Bo was from Tianlu City, he was also an in-law of Yu Yuan Zhen. When he went to save people, it was just the in-laws helping each other.

Therefore, Dugu Bo had already been assigned other tasks by Beixuan.

The situation of Yu Lin's attack was completely different. He had nothing to do with Yu Yuanzhen. Yu Yuanzhen owed Tianlu City a huge favor for saving the family this time.

During the battle, Lingyuan met Yu Lin again and begged him and Beixuan to come back. In order to completely break her heart, Yu Lin finally struck a cruel blow.

Of course, with Yu Lin's character of caring for women and cherishing jade, the target of his attack was not Ling Yuan, but the unlucky Ninth Elder who was killed by Yu Yuan Zhen in the original work.

He still did not escape the original ending and died in the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family. This time he was beheaded by Yu Lin's sword in the battle.

The gap between a level 91 titled Douluo and a level 97 Yu Lin was so huge that it was almost an instant kill.

Yu Lin was using actions to show his determination. He and Beixuan had truly and completely drawn a clear line between themselves and Wuhun Palace.

Now that he has even killed the Titled Douluo Elder of Wuhun Palace, the two sides have become a fight to the death. What position do you Lingyuan have to persuade him?

In the end, Lingyuan could only lead Wuhun Palace to retreat with unwillingness.

The losses of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex Family were much smaller than those of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect. Of the three thousand soul masters, only a few hundred soul masters were killed, and more than 1000 others were slightly or seriously injured.

Although it can be said to be a thorn in the side, it is still a thousand times better than the destruction of the family in the original work.

One day later, in Qibao Village.

In the battle last night, the entire top of Qibao Mountain was flattened, and the Qibao Glazed Sect was also destroyed.

Therefore, Beixuan took Ning Rongrong and the remaining members of the Qibao Glazed Sect to the village at the foot of the mountain for recuperation.The villages near Qibao Mountain were fine. Of course, it wasn't Wuhun Palace that showed mercy and let them go, but the 1000 to [-] demon wolf legions that Beixuan had arranged here in advance.

The soul masters who came to attack these villages were not too strong, and they were instantly repelled by the demon wolf army.

After all, Beixuan had lived here for several days and got to know the villagers.

Beixuan was a soul master, and he was young and handsome. These villagers fawned over him a lot, and many even climbed up poles to introduce him to the village beauty.

The two sides got along pretty well, and Beixuan didn't mind meddling in their affairs once and saving them.

Ning Rongrong picked up Bone Douluo's shattered bones bit by bit, and buried him and his father halfway up the Qibao Mountain. There was no way, the top of the mountain was destroyed, and Ning Rongrong knew that the two of them were worried about this. The feelings of family can only be buried on the mountainside.

She seemed to have grown up overnight. After burying her relatives, she immediately took action.

On the one hand, the casualties of the clan members are counted, which ones are still alive, the seriously injured are treated first, and the slightly injured are left to rest and recuperate on their own.

In addition, she also sent flying soul masters around to recall clan members who had escaped disaster because they were still doing business outside.

Now the Qibao Glazed Sect must unite and determine the future path together. She needs the support of her clan members.

The final statistical results were not very good. In this battle, the Qibao Glazed Sect lost 700 people on the frontal battlefield. The soul masters outside were also blocked by the Wuhun Palace. Death reports continued to come, and the number had exceeded nine. One hundred percent.

The second largest clan in the world, which originally had four thousand soul masters, now has less than 400 surviving members, which has shrunk to one-tenth.

Fortunately, Oscar is alive, which is an unexpected surprise for Beixuan. His talent is very good, and it is also very helpful to Tianlu City.

It's a pity that only Ning Rongrong is left in the direct line of the Ning family. Ning Fengzhi originally had several sons, but they all died on the battlefield. Now Ning Rongrong has really become the only one.

Sword Douluo was still unconscious, and Ning Rongrong, who had finished all the tasks, guarded his only remaining relative day and night.

She has lost too much. If she loses Chenxin again, the strength she pretends to be will disappear in an instant and her whole person will completely collapse.

"Grandpa Jian, please wake up, you are the only one left in Rongrong."

Bei Xuan walked in and said, "Ning Rongrong, don't be too anxious. Chen Xin has deep skills and shouldn't die so easily."

Ning Rongrong glanced at Bei Xuan and suddenly knelt down, "Please, Bei Xuan, save me, Grandpa Jian. From now on, the Qibao Glazed Sect will follow your lead. Even if you want, I can be yours." .”

Beixuan frowned, "Do you want to use yourself as a bargaining chip to make me accept you?"

Ning Rongrong said, "Isn't it what you want to accept the power of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda? The intelligence personnel I sent sent news that the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family was also attacked by the Spirit Hall, but was defeated by the Fallen Demon Douluo. Rescue, this was also arranged by you, right? You were able to arrange your strength so justly to save our two sects. You must have anticipated the Wuhun Palace's action, but you did not give us an early warning. Its purpose was In order for Wuhun Palace to beat us to the end, we have to surrender to you in the end, right?"

Bei Xuan smiled slightly, "Not bad, Ning Rongrong, you have suddenly become a lot smarter. That's right, I am using Wuhun Palace to force you to surrender to me, because I want to build my own power. The foundation of your two sects , very useful to me, but I didn’t expect that you would still be willing to join me after thinking about this.”

Ning Rongrong smiled bitterly, "My father said before he died that he had twice planned to kill you. This is a life-and-death feud. Even if you stand on the side of Wuhun Palace and attack my Seven Treasures Glazed Sect for revenge, I can't do anything. No matter what you say, you still took action at the last moment and saved the last strength of our sect. No matter what your purpose is, this is a favor. I have to admit it. Moreover, I understand very well that Wu The Soul Palace will attack my Qibao Glazed Sect. You are just using their power. Before my father died, he asked me to convey the words to Grandpa Jian, "Hate those who deserve to be hated". In fact, it is also telling me that my real enemy is always Wuhun Palace."

"Now, the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect is in urgent need of someone to rely on. The three upper sects cannot protect themselves, and the empire cannot trust them. I can only choose you, who has the most powerful Title Douluo. After watching your battle with the Lion Douluo, I am very sure that your future will be better." It will definitely aspire to be the strongest, and I am willing to take advantage of now to let the Qibao Glazed Sect get on your boat as soon as possible so that it can rise again in the future."

"So, I beg you to accept it. As for myself, I am just giving it a try. If you like me, letting me become the wife of the city lord will be of great benefit to the Qibao Glazed Sect. I will naturally be happy to see it happen. If you don't like me, then I won’t force you, I will just concentrate on being your subordinate.”

"Haha, you are so direct. You made it so clear that the purpose of wanting to follow me is to get benefits." Beixuan said with a smile.

"Because I know that with my wisdom, I can't compare with you at all. Playing tricks with you is just humiliating myself. It's better to face it with sincerity in exchange for your sincere acceptance." Ning Rongrong looked at Bei Xuan, his eyes full of Hope, she really needs someone to rely on now.

Beixuan stepped forward and stretched out his hand to her, "After Ning Feng died, the hatred between me and the Qibao Glazed Sect has been eliminated. Let's just forget about becoming the wife of the city lord. Although I am a scumbag, I know very well that there is no relationship between you and me. There is no relationship between men and women, but I am willing to accept the Qibao Glazed Sect and become comrades from now on."

Ning Rongrong smiled, took Bei Xuan's hand, and stood up, "Okay, then please give me some advice in the future, Lord City Lord, by the way, since you don't want me, then I can continue to work hard to become your stepmother from now on. Bar?"

"Uh, about this, you should ask my mother directly from now on."

(End of this chapter)

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