Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 317 The spiritual competition across the air: Xuan Ge VS 7 Great Enshrinements

Chapter 317: The spiritual competition across the air: Xuan Ge VS the Seven Sacrifice
Just a few days after Beixuan took over the Qibao Glazed Sect, a huge earthquake occurred in Wuhun Palace.

Pope Bibi Dong put down the tea in his hand, and quietly listened to the report of his subordinate Cardinal.

It's just that when the cardinal was reporting, his legs were shaking all the time. Obviously, this result was very bad.

"In the battle with the Qibao Glazed Sect, we sent a total of 3000 soul masters and killed nearly 6000 of the opponent's people. However, because the opponent's resistance was too fierce, we suffered nearly [-] casualties. Moreover, Beixuan suddenly appeared and repelled the four worshippers. My lord, this is why Ning Rongrong and Sword Douluo survived without completing their efforts."

"In the battle with the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex Family, we sent six thousand soul masters. With the help of Yu Luo Mian, the surprise attack was successful. However, the intelligence was wrong. The elder of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex Family had already broken through to the Titled Douluo realm, and Yu Yuanzhen joined forces and completely resisted the four elders. The sudden appearance of Fallen Demon Douluo Yu Lin caught us off guard. The ninth elder was killed by Yu Lin's sword. Fortunately, Elder Ling Yuan ordered the retreat in time, and our side More than 2000 soul masters were lost, and about 500 members of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family were killed."

Bang——, the teacup in Bibi Dong's hand instantly turned into powder.

"Asshole! A total of [-] soul masters were attacked, including nine titled Douluo. Another sneak attack, and the result was [-] injuries to the enemy and [-] losses to ourselves. Are these top three sects really that strong? ?”

"And Beixuan, you are really looking for death. You dare to destroy the plans of my Wuhun Palace for many years. How can I tolerate you." Bibi Dong said with a cold look.

Beixuan really violated her bottom line this time.

What's even more surprising is Beixuan's strength. He can actually compete head-on with Lion Douluo. If this continues, within a few years, even he and Qian Daoliu may not be able to defeat him.

He must be destroyed now.

In fact, there was no need for Bibi Dong to specifically inform Qian Daoliu. When he saw Si Zongfeng returning from the battle with a broken arm, Qian Daoliu was already completely furious.

A mere puppet from a thousand families dared to turn back on his master.

"You ungrateful boy, if you want to die, why don't I help you?" As he spoke, Qian Daoliu's forehead flashed with light.

As a great worshiper of the Angel God, he had of course passed the Angel God's top-level assessment. After successfully passing, the Angel God's mark was imprinted on his forehead.

In fact, the mark on Beixuan's head is just a small part of his power.

Just like the blood of the evil-fighting clan, no matter where Beixuan is, he can control it at will.

At this moment, Qian Daoliu completely activated the power of the Angel Seal, preparing to completely annihilate Beixuan's soul.

Beixuan, who was heading towards Thunder Dragon City, suddenly stopped.

Feeling that the angel's divine seal seemed to be destroying his soul, he smiled and said, "Haha, bad old man, can you finally hold yourself back?"

Just when Bei Xuangang wanted to use the blood of the evil-fighting clan to devour this divine seal, Xuan Ge suddenly said, "Wait a minute, Xuan'er, you don't have to do anything, just leave it to me, and let me compete with that big worshiper across the air."

Xuan Ge woke up when Beixuan's soul was attacked. As an elder, his child was bullied by an old man, so of course he had to stand up for him.

Xuan Ge stretched out a finger and pointed at the divine seal, and his soul power exploded.

Qian Daoliu suddenly felt that the part of his mental power that controlled the divine seal was being strongly resisted or even countered.

"What's going on? Why is there such strong mental power in Beixuan's body?" Qian Daoliu was not only unable to control the divine seal at this moment, but the other party was even trying to destroy his own mark through the mark.

If this continues, he will become the brain-dead one.

"Lao Wu, help quickly!" Qian Daoliu shouted with a ferocious expression.

What he called was the fifth enshrined person in the Enshrinement Hall, Guang Ling Douluo, a peak level 96 super Douluo who possessed the top martial soul Guang Ling Divine Bow.

As a long-range shooter, Light Ling Douluo no longer needs to rely on his eyes to target his opponents, but relies on his mental power to target them. Therefore, he specially absorbed a special head soul bone that can fuse the mental power of several people.

Now Qian Daoliu wanted to use the ability of Guang Ling Douluo, combined with the power of other offerings in the enshrinement hall, to defeat that guy over at Beixuan in one go.

"Yes, great offering!" Light Ling Douluo did not hesitate and immediately built a spiritual network.

The remaining worshipers released their spiritual power without hesitation and merged with Qiandaoliu's spiritual power.

Combining the power of the seven people, they can finally compete with Xuan Ge.

Xuan Ge smiled slightly, "Oh, my mental power suddenly increased greatly, but that's all. Unfortunately, I'm just a remnant soul and can't release too much power. That's all. I'll leave you to Xiao Xuan. Deal with it yourself."

After saying that, Xuan Ge pinched the divine seal with his hand and directly used force to squeeze it into little golden lights. "puff!"

In the worship hall, the seven worshipers vomited blood at the same time and were knocked to the ground together. Everyone was still a little dizzy.

"Damn it, no wonder this Beixuan is so confident in the divine seal I planted. Next to him, there is an extremely terrifying spiritual powerhouse." Qian Daoliu said angrily.

The Angel Seal was destroyed by Bei Xuan. It was impossible to kill him with this. The only option was to find a way to find Bei Xuan and kill him face to face.

However, even Qian Daoliu was very afraid of that mental master.

Of course, Qian Daoliu didn't think that he would definitely lose to him. There is no perfect soul master in this world. Every gain and loss must come together. To have such mental strength, he must be a strong person who specializes in the spiritual path. Then, Other aspects, such as melee capabilities and physical attacks, will be relatively weak.

The strongest aspect of the angel spirit is that it uses the angel domain as its core to dissolve the opponent's power. As long as he uses his own strengths to attack the enemy's weaknesses, Qian Daoliu believes that he can definitely win.

As one of the two famous soul masters in the mainland for nearly a hundred years, Qiandaoliu still has this kind of confidence.

"Beixuan, what's wrong with you?" Ning Rongrong asked strangely when he saw Beixuan suddenly stopped and couldn't walk away.

"It's nothing, it's just that the expression on someone's face must be very interesting when I think of someone who has done all his tricks, but lost his wife and lost his troops." Beixuan smiled, thinking that in a short time, there must be another relationship between him and Wuhundian. The battle will be the real battle. After victory, Tianlu City can truly stand in the world.

Seeing that Beixuan seemed very happy, Ning Rongrong didn't ask any questions. She had just joined and was self-aware.

Beixuan will naturally tell her what she should tell, and she doesn't want to know what she shouldn't know, so as not to make Beixuan jealous.

It has to be said that this girl has grown a lot in all aspects, including personality and wisdom, since she experienced the disaster of annihilating her family and the tragic death of her father and grandfather in front of her.

In fact, in the past few days, Ning Rongrong has gradually recovered from the pain. It does not mean that she is no longer sad in her heart, but even if she is pretending, she must be strong. Now her clan members have to rely on her.

So sometimes she would deliberately return to her true nature as a little witch, joking with them with ease, making trouble with them, and deliberately making the tribe members happy.

She understands that only a smile can help everyone gradually overcome the sadness of the death of a loved one.

Compared to the innocent little witch before, she now looks like Ning Fengzhi's biological child.

At the same time, in the God Realm, Poseidon, who was practicing, opened his eyes.

"Just now, the great seal of the Angel God was almost shattered. That power seemed familiar."

Part of the power of the Angel God Examination has long been interfered with by Poseidon.

This is also the real reason why the original Qian Renxue’s Angel Divine Examination was completely different.

Therefore, in addition to the angel god, the sea god can also sense part of the angel's seal.

Poseidon soon remembered that the reason why this power felt familiar was because the mental fluctuations were very similar to the mental fluctuations that suppressed them when the plane barrier was torn apart.

Bei Luo and Xuan Ge are twin brothers, so they are very similar in every aspect.

Over the years, God Shura has been searching the lower planes to find out what the purpose of the man who tore apart space was.

Now it seems that he brought someone into the Douluo Continent plane.

Poseidon did not doubt him. After all, that person was too strong. If he had entered in his true form, the rules of the plane would not be able to withstand his power and would have collapsed long ago.

"That guy Shura gave an order to explore the source of that power, but as gods, Shura and I can't go down to the world at will. In this case, let the inheritor I selected to investigate." Poseidon murmured.

In the Tiandou City Imperial Palace, in the center of the treasure room, stood a dark blue cone-shaped cover.

The cover suddenly emitted a ray of light, rushed out of the treasure room, found Prince Xue Beng, and entered between his eyebrows.

Blue light suddenly flowed in Xue Beng's pupils.

(End of this chapter)

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