Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 327 Passionate after 5 years

Chapter 327: Passionate after five years
Late at night, Beixuan hugged two girls and admired the moon on the roof.

They said goodbye five years ago on a moon-viewing night, and reunited again on a moon-viewing night five years later.

"Bing'er, senior sister, thank you."

"It's nothing, this is what we should do." Shui Bing'er smiled. She knew what Beixuan was thanking them for, but since she recognized Beixuan in her heart, as a granddaughter-in-law, it was only natural for her to be filial to her grandfather.

"That's right, instead of thanking us, why not honestly explain what you have done in the past five years? I have not forgotten your nickname that first made you famous in the Elements Academy, Zha Xuan!" Huo Wu looked at him angrily. Beixuan, who knows if this guy has found any sisters for them.

Seeing Huo Wu's random thoughts, Beixuan said speechlessly, "Sister, in a place like the Killing City, how can I have the heart to show off my scumbag nature? I kill every day and level up, even if a beauty like Hu Liena is with me. , I managed to keep my eyes open for three years.”

"In the past three years, you have been with Hu Liena?" Huo Wu completely filtered out Beixuan's other words and only heard the key words that he and Hu Liena had been together for three years.

He actually spent three years living with a stunning beauty like Hu Liena day and night.

Beixuan said that he was not attracted to Hu Liena, which Huo Wu believed because Hu Liena was not Shui Bing'er.

Except for Shui Bing'er, she had never seen Beixuan take the initiative to be enthusiastic about any girl.

After all, he is a person who can make people miss him heartbrokenly. He will not distrust his lover so easily.

But what about Hu Liena?

Bei Xuan's appearance can be said to be handsome, coupled with his extreme talent, and his support for her all the way, she may have become a love rival invisibly. No wonder she came to them specifically to inquire about Bei Xuan's whereabouts before.

Beixuan continued talking to himself. When they heard that Tang Hao had attacked and killed them, the two girls' hearts tightened.

Although Beixuan is holding them well now, it is still unavoidable to make people feel scared, because that is Haotian Douluo, a being who even killed the Pope of Wuhun Palace back then.

"Why, this Tang San family insists on killing you, time and time again. It's obvious that you never provoked them in the first place. Even if you reported Xiao Wu, it was she who set you up first!" Huo Wu said angrily.

From the beginning Xiao Wu sent the Titan Giant Ape to attack and kill, to Tang San planning the assassination, then Xiao Wu framed Bei Xuan as a spirit beast, trying to use Lan Xiang to borrow a knife to kill people, and finally Haotian Douluo took action himself.

It seems that they will not give up until Beixuan is put to death.

"Next time I see Tang San again, I will kill him with all my strength." Shui Bing'er was filled with chills. A girl like her would rarely use the word "kill", but at this moment, she was really pissed off. .

Kindness is not the Virgin.

No girl can tolerate her lover being set up again and again and almost losing his life.

Beixuan smiled slightly. He would take revenge. This time, he would collect some interest from the Tang family first.

As the night progressed, Bei Xuan explained his experiences in the past five years bit by bit. The two girls did not expect that Bei Xuan's experiences in the past few years were so exciting, much more exciting than what the two of them had done behind closed doors.

The two of them made up their minds that they would never be left behind by Beixuan again. No matter how much effort they put in, they had to get closer to him in order to help him.

"I'm going to practice. I'm going to help Huo Wu hunt for soul rings this time." Shui Bing'er stood up. She was going to absorb one or two pieces of the betrothal gift given to her by Beixuan to see if she could be promoted to the highest level in one go. Level seventy.

At that time, she can also obtain the martial soul's true body together.

Moreover, she also knew that she had to leave now. After all, she was not as bold as Huo Wu.

After saying that, Shui Bing'er jumped off the roof.Seeing this, Huo Wu was ready to go down, "Then I will also absorb the soul bones and practice."

"No, senior sister, Bing'er can leave, but you can't leave for the time being." As soon as Huo Wu stood up, Beixuan took her hand and pulled her into his arms again.

"Do you know that I've been putting up with this for five years? You can't eat me up and be irresponsible."

Bing'er has a conservative personality, and Beixuan is willing to respect her and will not touch her until they get married. However, he and Huo Wu have already reached the final step, so of course he doesn't have so many scruples.

"You can't be on the roof." Huo Wu hammered Beixuan's chest with his weak fist and said with a red face.

No wonder Bing'er ran away so quickly just now. She had already anticipated her feelings and was afraid of being eaten by this evil evil spirit.

"Okay, then." Beixuan moved his arm, Huo Wu opened and closed his eyes, and returned to Beixuan's room.

"Now are you satisfied? Senior sister, you will definitely not be able to run away today. No matter where you run away, I can use my space skills to catch you back in my arms."

"Fool, who is running away?" Huo Wu looked at Bei Xuan with watery eyes. In the past five years, Bei Xuan missed her, so why didn't she miss Bei Xuan.

Compared to the wedding night five years ago, tonight's fire dance was even more passionate. It seemed that he wanted to completely release all his longings for many years. Even after five years, the tacit understanding between the two has not diminished. , the art of dual cultivation began to operate quickly, and soon after, Huo Wu felt that he had entered a fairyland.

Fortunately, Xuan Ge is now asleep in the evil-proofing bone, otherwise he would be full of resentment if he knew that Beixuan used Riakong for such a thing.

After the battle spirit skill Roaring Roar, Likong was also ruined by Beixuan.

The next morning, Beixuan got up refreshed. Beihan had already prepared breakfast for the three of them.

"Xuan'er, where are the grandchildren's wives, haven't you gotten up yet?" Bei Han asked strangely when he saw Bei Xuan coming down alone.

His two granddaughter-in-laws have always lived a very regular life and never slept in. Why did Beixuan teach them bad things as soon as he came back?

"One of them repaired too late, and the other rested too late, so it will probably take a while." Beixuan said with a smile.


As expected of a grandson, Bei Han's state when he was confused was exactly the same as Bei Xuan's, as if there were a few more question marks on his head.

Since they were both cultivated too late, why should we talk about them separately?
I can only speak of the way of writing, which is profound and profound.

Shui Bing'er is preparing to absorb soul bones to break through level [-] in one go. Soul Saint can be regarded as entering the later stage of cultivation. Just one soul bone may not allow her to successfully break through. She may have to absorb two soul bones, so it will take a lot of time. Absorb and practice.

As for Huo Wu, he was tortured by Beixuan most of the night and rested too late. If he didn't sleep until noon today, he probably wouldn't be able to get up.

In the room, Shui Bing'er had actually successfully absorbed a piece of soul bone. Although she didn't plan to absorb all the soul bones given by Beixuan in one go, since she was going to absorb them, she would of course choose the best one.

Bing'er directly chose the 8-year-old right arm bone and the 7-year-old left leg bone, both of which were Haotian Sect's inherited soul bones.

After all, like a right leg bone that is 4 to [-] years old, a better one may appear in the future, and you can change it if you want.

And those with soul bones that are more than 8 to [-] years old are not so common.

(End of this chapter)

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