Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 339 Plan to successfully absorb the ten thousand year soul ring

Chapter 339 Plan to successfully absorb the 10-year soul ring


In the Star Forest, flames exploded all over the sky, and Huo Wu's attack with all his strength had far exceeded the limit of the Soul Saint.

In that sea of ​​blood, a blood-red soul ring slowly emerged.

At the Lake of Life, Ju Ghost Douluo looked at the direction of the explosion strangely. Ghost Douluo said, "What happened over there? Could it be that they have already chased the soft-bone rabbit, but the attack just now was comparable to a soul fight." Luo, I don’t know which idiot sent it, aren’t you afraid of killing that rabbit directly?”

The order they received was to capture Xiao Wu alive, because it was the soul ring that Bibi Dong wanted. If they only brought back a 10-year-old soul bone to Bibi Dong, they would not have even completed half of the task.

After all, Bibi Dong already had six soul bones in her body, and she wouldn't be able to absorb another 10-year-old soul bones.

"Sister Xiao Wu!" Both the Titan Giant Ape and the Azure Bull Python's eyes turned blood red for a moment, and their feelings were clearer than Ju Gui Douluo's.

At that moment, Xiao Wu's breath completely disappeared.

Their little dancing sister is dead!
"Bastard!" The two soul beast kings were furious and struggled with all their strength. Even if all their soul power was exhausted, they still had to break free from these two static realms.

Seeing the two soul beasts suddenly going crazy, Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo quickly increased their soul power output to maintain their territory.

But if this continues, both sides will only suffer losses and their soul power will be exhausted at the same time.

"Martial soul fusion skills, youmei." On the shore, Hu Liena and Xie Yue used martial soul fusion skills to join the battlefield, "Shui Bing'er, just let's capture you. No matter how powerful you are, you can't stop so many of us by yourself." impossible."

Shui Bing'er said nothing and kept waving her ice sword among the crowd. Her swordsmanship was mainly defensive, and combined with the Ice Phoenix Domain, she could not defeat her opponent, but it was difficult for her opponent to easily defeat her.

After activating the Ice Phoenix true form, her cold energy has reached its peak. Any opponent who fights her will feel as if they are in an ice hell, and their movement and attacks will be greatly restricted.

If it weren't for a group fight, none of the people here, be it the peak soul saint or the soul fusion skill demon, would be Shui Bing'er's opponent.

In addition to these two places, there was actually a third battlefield, but the battle on that battlefield ended not long after.

It was the ten Soul Saints who were sent out by Wuhun Palace to chase Xiao Wu, but they were intercepted by Beixuan halfway.

With Bei Xuan's strength, it was really easy to deal with them. He quickly beat five of them to death and five of them were injured. To deal with a character of this strength, he didn't bother to step forward to touch up the damage, so he went to Huo Wu's side first.

Huo Wu has already begun to absorb the soul ring. A 10-year-old soul ring is definitely not easy to absorb successfully, not to mention that this soul ring may still have a strong resentment on Xiao Wu.

But Beixuan believed that his princess would not lose to a mere resentment.

After sucking Huo Wu, who was absorbing the soul ring, and the right leg bone next to her into the Lotus Realm, Beixuan dodged and came to the Lake of Life.

His sudden appearance shocked everyone.

Bei Xuan raised his right hand, and Nightmare's sixth soul ring flashed, "Sixth soul skill, hunting time!"

His move comes from the 10-year-old Black Demon Scorpion, which releases countless poisonous needles and attacks in a large-scale group.Bei Xuan's main attack targets were Ju Ghost Douluo and the two forest kings.

At this moment, both of them, one maintaining the domain and the other restricted by the domain, have no means of escape.

In an instant, the four of them were stabbed by countless poisonous needles.

Perhaps with their soul power and body, they would not die, but getting rid of the black scorpion's poison cannot be done in an instant.

"Beixuan!!!" Ju Douluo roared angrily. At this moment, he still couldn't tell that they were set up by Beixuan this time.

"This is the black poison of the Black Demon Scorpion? Brother, hurry up and use your power to get rid of the poison." Daming has dealt with the Black Demon Scorpion and knows how terrible this poison is. If it is not eliminated, even they will be in danger. .

In addition, the rest of the Wuhun Hall, except for the demons, have also received one or two shots more or less.

They felt that poison was invading their bodies and had a fatal feeling. They were so frightened that they quickly sat down cross-legged and used their soul power to remove the poison.

Upon seeing this, Shui Bing'er knew that her mission had been completed, spread her wings and flew up, arriving next to Beixuan.

Beixuan smiled and said, "Thank you for your hard work, Bing'er."

Shui Bing'er shook her head, "It's not hard. Besides, I didn't gain anything. The talent field is really useful."

If she had not obtained the Ice Phoenix Domain, she would never have had the confidence to intercept ten soul saints and a demon comparable to the peak soul saint by herself, let alone a bonus Soul Emperor Yan.

Hu Liena and Xie Yue released their martial soul fusion. Hu Liena took a few steps forward and looked at Bei Xuan with a complicated expression, "I finally see you, little brother Xiao Xuan, Shui Bing'er was sent by You to deliberately approach us, right? Let us deal with the two kings of the forest, and you will profit."

"That's right, Sister Nana, you guessed it very correctly, but it's a pity that you found out a little too late. Now that the little rabbit's soul ring and soul bones are in my hands, I can already imagine your teacher's furious look. It must be interesting." Beixuan smiled.

"Bastard, you traitor, you really want to fight us until death." Xie Yue was furious. The soul hunting operation was ruined by this man. Now the hunt for 10-year-old soul beasts has also been ruined by him. He really regrets that he was in Wuhun in the past. Cheng, did not kill Beixuan.

Bei Xuan said coldly, "Since the day Qian Daoliu wanted to turn me into a puppet, I have parted ways with you. I, Bei Xuan, would rather die than be controlled by others. Today, my goal is just to have a 10-year soul." You are a beast, so I won’t kill you all, but next time we meet, I won’t be merciful anymore.”

"You lied!" Hu Liena complained plaintively, "You obviously still care about me, otherwise why did the flying needle you just launched injure everyone but let me go? Xiaoxuan, you believe me, I will definitely let you go." You can return to Wuhun Hall without any punishment, and no one will give you any divine seal to control you. I can even give you the position of the Holy Son. Haven't you always aimed at the position of the Pope? You go back with me..."

"Do you believe this?" Beixuan mocked, "Sister Nana, although you are the saint of Wuhun Palace and the heir to the Pope, in the final analysis, even Bibi Dong, Wuhun Palace is not her one-word hall. , how much weight can the words of a saint like you carry?"

"I did show mercy to you just now, because you have never harmed me, so I still regard you as a friend. I hope that the day when we fight each other on the battlefield will come later, so I say goodbye!"

After Beixuan finished speaking, he took Shui Bing'er and quickly flew away from the Lake of Life.

Of course Wuhundian and the two soul beast kings wanted to chase him, but unfortunately they were all poisoned and were unable to stop him at this moment. They could only watch Beixuan leave.

(End of this chapter)

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