Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 346: Deal with Xue Beng and prepare to break into the palace

Chapter 346: Deal with Xue Beng and prepare to break into the palace

On the hillside five miles outside Tiandou City, Beixuan crossed his arms and said, "Senior Dugu, it's almost time. We can enter the city."

"Well, we have to be more secretive this time, because we really want to attack the palace, but brother, you really don't plan to use the [-] demon wolf legions. There are a lot of guards and a lot of soul masters. It's not easy to deal with just the few of us, and you won't let me use my full strength." Dugu Bo frowned.

There are at least [-] forbidden troops in the imperial city. It would not be difficult to deal with them all if Dugu Bo had used his full strength.

However, Beixuan hopes that Dugu Bo will continue to retain his strength and must not use the strength above Super Douluo. He also tries not to use the Five Poison Red Flame Body too much.

In this case, the poison he used would most likely be swallowed by Galway Douluo.

Beixuan couldn't help it. Dugu Bo who was above level 95 and he who was below level 95 were completely different concepts.

Bibi Dong had always been very concerned about Dugu Bo. Otherwise, he was just a level 91 titled Douluo. There would be no need for Ju Gui to come out to deal with him.

The main reason is that Dugu Bo's group fighting ability is too terrifying.

At level 91, although he couldn't defeat any Titled Douluo, he could kill only Titled Douluo on the battlefield, plus at most some Soul Douluo or Soul Saints with extremely strong resistance to poison.

Once Dugu Bo breaks through to Super Douluo and masters the red flame poison, it is estimated that it will be difficult for titled Douluo below level 95 to save their lives.

With such combat power, Beixuan decided to retain it to catch the enemy by surprise in the future.

After today, Beixuan guessed that Bibi Dong was determined to take action against him. After all, the three most important plans of Wuhun Palace were all destroyed by him, how could Bibi Dong tolerate him.

The first war between Wuhun Palace and Tianlu City is about to begin.

But Beixuan was not afraid, but rather looked forward to it. He knew very well that through the soul hunting operation, he had obtained the information, and through today's infiltration plan, he was about to obtain a legitimate title.

Finally, it is the test of standing.

As long as it survives this war with Wuhun Palace, Tianlu City can truly gain a foothold on the mainland and become a behemoth that no one can ignore.

"Don't worry, Senior Dugu. As long as I'm here, you won't lose. Let's go!" Beixuan moved his arm and tore through the void.

To reach the snow stars and avalanches without anyone discovering them, using Sky Rift is of course the best solution.

Prince Xue Xing and Prince Xue Beng were waiting anxiously in the dean's room of Tiandou Royal Academy.

The space in front of them was suddenly torn open, which really shocked them.

"Who?" Prince Xuexing's martial soul possessed him and said in warning.

It's a pity that the Swan Martial Soul is really not that good. He has been practicing all his life and is just a Soul King. The configuration of two yellow, two purple and one black soul rings has no deterrent effect on Beixuan.

Moreover, Bei Xuan observed that his potential has reached its end, and he is afraid that he will not be able to obtain the true form of the martial spirit in this life.

"His Royal Highness Prince Xue Beng, long time no see." Beixuan walked out of the crack.

Although Xue Beng was not a thing, he only disliked him in general, and it was not to the extent of killing him for the time being.

The main thing is that this guy has good sense. When he was pursuing Huo Wu before, he got a good idea of ​​Beixuan's bottom line.

To make it clear, tell Beixuan that I came to chase Huowu just to fulfill my father's order. I have no intention of competing with you Beixuan for your girlfriend.

The fact that this guy can survive under Xue Qinghe for so long is inseparable from his knowledge.

"It turns out to be Brother Beixuan. He is indeed the Lord of Tianlu City. His actions are mysterious and unpredictable. It's really shocking that you actually possess such a powerful space soul skill." Xue Beng complimented.

Beixuan smiled slightly, walked to the side and sat down, "I heard what happened from Senior Dugu. I didn't expect that your Tiandou Empire has suffered from internal and external troubles to such an extent."

"You came to me, Tianlu City, to cooperate. I have to say that you made the right choice. At present, no one can help you except me, Tianlu City, so I will just make the conditions. If you can accept it, I will start taking action immediately. "Beixuan's frankness made Xue Beng and Xue Xing stunned. This was the first time they had met to talk about things like this. Didn't they use any polite words or excuses?

"Haha, okay, the Lord of Beixuan City is indeed direct, and I really appreciate it." Xue Beng swung his cloak, walked to the seat next to Beixuan and sat down, "Please speak up. As long as I can agree, I will never refuse."

At this time, Xue Beng showed a magnanimity and calmness that was not inferior to that of Xue Qinghe. No wonder he would become the new Emperor of Tiandou in the future.

"I have several conditions. Although they are many, it shouldn't be too difficult for you. First, I already have the title of Duke of the Empire. If I make a great contribution to saving the country this time, it wouldn't be too much to ask for the title of prince. ?”

"It's not too much, there's no problem with that." Xue Beng said decisively, "After this incident, I will definitely become the crown prince. It won't be a problem to enthrone you the throne. What about the fiefdom, the province where Ice and Fire City is located? The fiefdom is completely autonomous!"

Beixuan smiled and said, "Thank you so much, Your Highness."

This Xue Beng is indeed very smart. He knows that what he wants is justifiable, and he says everything he wants to say in advance.

The Ice and Fire City was handed over to Beixuan's management, and Blazing Fire Academy was also under Beixuan's jurisdiction. This was naturally equivalent to resolving the conflict between Blazing Fire and Tiandou.

The granddaughter of the dean of Chihuo Academy married the prince of the Tiandou Empire, and Huoran would not have any objections to it.

"Second, I want the right to recruit troops on my own. You, the Tiandou Empire, are not allowed to have any opinions. To prevent you from going back on your word, I will need an imperial edict to announce it to the whole world." Beixuan continued.

Hearing this, Xue Beng hesitated a little. The bottom line he had discussed with Xuexing before was that Beixuan could not touch the military power of their Tiandou Empire.

But now Beixuan is not asking for military power, but recruiting troops on its own. It can be said that it has been touched, but not completely touched.

"Haha, His Highness Prince Xuebeng, you don't think that Tianlu City is a force without ambition, right? Then what's the point of Beixuan establishing Tianlu City?" Beixuan said, "If you are worried that Tianlu City will become your Tiandou in the future The threat of the empire, then I tell you, you are right to worry. Our Tianlu City will definitely be stronger than Wuhun Palace in the future, but that is also a matter of the future, and you, the Tiandou Empire, are now in imminent danger. Are you going to Survive first and compete with me in a battle of wits and courage in the future, or die early and be reincarnated and let the Tiandou Empire perish at the hands of Xue Qinghe, you decide for yourself."

"No need to think about it, I agree!" Xue Beng agreed. Indeed, Beixuan was right. Compared with future threats, it is more important to deal with the deadly and powerful enemy in front of him first.

After all, the future is unpredictable. As long as he can become the Heaven Dou Emperor and reach cooperation with the Haotian Sect, it is still unclear who will win in the battle with the Star Luo Empire, Tianlu City and Wuhun Palace.

The premise of all this is that he must survive and gain power first, and everything else is empty.

"Very good, I have courage. The third and last one is, I want the Vast Sea Universe Cover. I wonder if I can part with it?" Bei Xuan asked expectantly.

As for Poseidon Island, he still wanted to visit it later.

"This?" Xue Beng was stunned for a moment.

"Is there any difficulty?" Bei Xuan felt strange. He had agreed to the first two, so why was he hesitant about this one? Although the Vast Sea Cosmic Shield is named a national treasure of the Tiandou Empire, it is actually a mascot and no one knows how to use it. It is useless. .

"Yes, if it were the case before, I would definitely be willing to agree, but not long ago, I gave it to Tang San, and I'm afraid I won't be able to agree to it, Lord Beixuan." Xue Beng couldn't believe it.

"Give it to Tang San?" Bei Xuan didn't expect that Tang San and the Seagod were really destined to be together. Maybe it was due to some strange luck, but he still got what should have been his.

"Since the treasure is no longer in your hands, I won't embarrass you, so let's drop this condition. Your Highness Xue Beng, since you also asked Tang San for help, where is the other person?"

"Brother Tang must have gone to Xingluo." Xue Beng said.

Bei Xuan thought for a moment, "Xing Luo? So that's it. It seems that he went to conquer the four major clans with single attributes."

Xue Beng was startled and said to himself, "This man is really powerful. With such a little information, he can completely guess Brother Tang's goal. It seems that he is not just powerful."

Bei Xuan can't control Tang San's subjugation of the four single-attribute clans for the time being. After all, he has a lot of things to do of his own. After this incident, he needs to concentrate on dealing with the attack from the Spirit Hall. .

"Your Highness Xue Beng, I've made all my conditions. If you can't do the third one, forget it. As long as the first two agree, I will do this for you. Without further ado, let's leave for the palace immediately!"

(End of this chapter)

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