Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 351 Shui Binger Huowu VS Ren Xue

Chapter 351 Shui Bing'er Huowu VS Qian Renxue

Taking advantage of the short period of time when the Ice Phoenix Domain froze the energy of the Angel Domain, Shui Bing'er quickly launched an offensive, slashing horizontally with the ice sword in her hand, attacking Xue Qinghe's right arm.

Huo Wu followed closely behind, sweeping her slender legs towards his left arm from the other side.

"A flank attack from both sides!" Xue Qinghe smiled slightly, but was not afraid at all, "The fifth soul skill, the sacred sword!"

The Angel Holy Sword is a long sword condensed from sacred fire, which can also be used as a hand sword.The attack power is extremely powerful, and it can also increase the purification effect of one's own angel soul power by [-]%.If a general soul master is struck by a sword, his soul power will be greatly melted first, and coupled with the trauma he has suffered, his skin will be peeled off even if he does not die.

Xue Qinghe raised his left arm to block Huo Wu's leg skills, and held the sword in his right hand to attack Shui Bing'er's ice sword.

Even an ice sword made of extreme ice can hardly withstand such a powerful melting force.

When the soul power attached to the ice sword is eliminated by the angel's divine power, the sword becomes extremely fragile and instantly shatters.

Shui Bing'er's eyes turned cold. Xue Qinghe's soul skill was so powerful that it was unimaginable. It was indeed a god-level martial soul.

"Soul Bone Skill, Extreme Cold Shock!"

Although the ice sword was broken, she did not panic and hit the edge of Xue Qinghe's sword with a backhand punch.

The two forces of ice and holiness collided with each other.

But there was Huo Wu on Shui Bing'er's side, and her legs were faster than lightning thanks to the blessing of Zhui Feng's left leg bone.

Develop seven legs in an instant.

Although Xue Qinghe continued to use the angel's six wings as a shield, he was still kicked in the abdomen by the last kick, and his whole body flew backwards.

It wasn't until Xue Qinghe slapped his back, and with the help of the reaction force, that his body regained its balance.

Xue Qinghe, who is a Seraph Martial Spirit, is certainly slightly stronger than either Shui Bing'er or Huo Wu, but it is not that easy to fight one against two.

She could even defeat Tang San and Xiao Wu who were over level 60.

Both Shui Bing'er and Huo Wu have been promoted to Soul Saints.

Moreover, both of them have three soul bones each, and one of Huo Wu's soul bones is a 10-year-old soul bone.

"You'd better not be too calm when fighting with our sisters, otherwise you'll get slapped in the face easily!" Huo Wu provoked.

Xue Qinghe's feeling that he didn't take them seriously made her very unhappy.

"You guys, it's best not to irritate me too much. The seventh soul skill is the angel's true form." Xue Qinghe suddenly shone brightly, and the huge shadow of the angel's spirit condensed behind him.

"Shui Bing'er, let me tell you, the true power of the innate domain will only be revealed after the true body is activated, and the increase in the domain by the god-level martial spirit cannot be compared to that of the top martial spirit."

"Then let's try it, the seventh soul skill, Phoenix True Form!"

"The seventh soul skill, Red Flame True Body!"

The three girls activated their martial soul avatars at the same time.A holy angel, a cold phoenix, and a flaming goddess.

The three martial soul avatars stood facing each other in a triangular formation.

At this time, Shui Bing'er discovered that the restriction of her Ice Phoenix Domain on Xue Qinghe's Angel Domain began to weaken.

Sure enough, as Xue Qinghe said, after a god-level martial spirit opens its true form, the increase in domain power is definitely beyond that of ordinary top-level martial spirits.

After the Seraph's domain is expanded in the spirit's true form, it can cover thousands of square meters in the air. Within this range, Qian Renxue is the absolute master.The angel field allows the user to transform into an illusion, increasing one's own strength by 30.00% and weakening the enemy by [-]%; the field is filled with sacred energy with its own purification and ablation effect, which can continuously dissolve the enemy's soul power; the field itself can greatly It greatly weakens the enemy's sensory capabilities and can also fix the enemy in the center of the field. Even if it moves instantaneously, it will only stay in place.Even if it moves a certain distance with the help of the opponent's attack, it will immediately return to the center position after the attack effect dissipates.

This is an extremely powerful domain. In today's world, the only ones that can rival it are the Killing Domain of the King of Slaughter and the Poseidon Domain of Poseidon Douluo.

There is another one that can surpass the angel realm, and that is Beixuan's evil-fighting king realm. Under the evil-fighting king realm, the angel realm cannot be developed at all, but the ice phoenix realm is always weaker.

Shui Bing'er's right arm flashed, and she activated the soul bone technique to double her strength. She fought with Xue Qinghe again. She wanted to defeat Xue Qinghe with all her strength before her own domain was completely dissolved by the angel's power.

The Red Flame Goddess and Ice Phoenix cooperated tacitly. The two women joined forces and were able to suppress Xue Qinghe steadily in a short period of time.

The two girls here have the advantage due to their two-on-one advantage, but the scene in the sky is not so good.

Beixuan was suppressed and beaten by Qingluan Douluo almost the entire time.

His body had been cut with many scars by various wind blades, but Qingluan Douluo was still unscathed.

"Beixuan, you are indeed very strong. Your current strength is comparable to a level 95 Super Douluo. The fourth child also said that if you fight in a place with heavy killings, you can absorb blood and your strength can be further improved. It has reached a level between level 96 and level 97, but unfortunately, there is not so much blood energy for you here today." Qingluan Douluo said solemnly, "So, you are doomed!"

Having said that, Qingluan Douluo's body turned into afterimages. As a soul master with the ultimate wind attribute, his speed is really incredibly fast.

Bei Xuan was caught off guard and was hit in the chest by a palm. After spitting out a large mouthful of blood, his body fell rapidly towards the ground.

"Xiao Xuan!" Seeing this, Huo Wu hurriedly used the Soft Bone Rabbit Soul Bone skill to teleport and caught Bei Xuan in time to avoid secondary damage.

But her departure also caused Xue Qinghe's pressure to plummet.

Whether it was soul power or domain power, she was steadily suppressing Shui Bing'er.

If it weren't for Shui Bing'er's exquisite swordsmanship, he would have been defeated long ago.

The Angel Holy Sword has learned from the past experience of the Ultimate Ice Sword. Shui Bing'er injected more soul power into the sword body and would never let Xue Qinghe break it easily again.

The two of them were fighting alone, with constant clashing sounds in the sky, and in the blink of an eye they had already exchanged more than a dozen moves.

Xue Qinghe held up Shui Bing'er's ice sword and said, "Hmph, you are really good at swordsmanship, Shui Bing'er, but Beixuan seems to be unable to hold on any longer. If I were you, I should persuade him to surrender. He is definitely not at the peak of level 97." Uncle Qingluan’s opponent will definitely die if he continues to fight."

Shui Bing'er said calmly, "So you are not me. I will not persuade him to surrender, because Xiao Xuan said that no matter what time, he will never lose!"

Xue Qinghe smiled disdainfully, "That's just a man's tough talk. You don't really believe he can win, do you?"

"Why don't you believe it? He is my husband. I, Shui Bing'er, don't believe in my husband but believe in you, an outsider. What a stupid woman she is. You should think about how to defeat me first. Sun and Moon Demon-Conquering Sword - Aurora Sword power!" Shui Bing'er's eyes were firm, and her sword skills became more and more powerful, not wavering at all because Beixuan was at a disadvantage.
(End of this chapter)

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