Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 355: Defeat the enemy and save Emperor Xueye

Chapter 355: Defeat the enemy and save Emperor Xueye
Qingluan Douluo left with Qian Renxue and Snake Spear Douluo.

No one went after him, they were too lazy to make useless efforts. Facing Qingluan Douluo who was called a strong attack but actually an agile attack, no one of them could catch up.

"Uncle Lan Xiang, Grandpa Huo Ran, there are still many Soul Masters from the Wuhun Palace in the harem. Please repel them. Senior Dugu, we will go to Emperor Xueye's palace immediately. The Imperial Guards are still coming like a tide. Only by rescuing Emperor Xue Ye can everything end." Beixuan said.

"Avalanche, lead the way!"

Seeing that Beixuan had defeated Xue Qinghe and his forces, Xue Beng was secretly rejoicing. Suddenly he heard Beixuan ordering him and suddenly felt a little unhappy. After today, he will definitely become the Crown Prince of Tiandou and the future Emperor of Tiandou. Beixuan She actually spoke to him in such a tone.

Of course, he won't show his dissatisfaction now. Before he really gets the power, everything is just empty. He understands this very well.

So he immediately said, "Yes, everyone, please come with me!"

Xue Beng quickly led everyone into the palace of Emperor Xue Ye, and as expected he saw Xue Ye who was unconscious.

Dugu Bo quickly stepped forward to check and said, "Your Majesty was poisoned by a mixture of poisons, mainly agape venom, combined with various poisons, and concocted in an exquisite proportion to form a chronic poison. "

"This kind of poison will make the poisoned person's body become weaker and weaker day by day, until he suddenly dies. Moreover, no matter how many doctors or healing soul masters come to investigate, they will not be able to detect the poison in His Majesty's body. They will only think that he is normal. When you get sick and die, you can be said to be unaware of it."

Beixuan understood very well that the reason why Xue Qinghe poisoned Xue Ye was because he wanted to take down the Tiandou Empire without any bloodshed.

If Xue Ye was assassinated or died of poisoning, both the royal family and Ge Long would desperately pursue the murderer, adding many variables to the succession.

Only the reason of death due to illness can appease everyone and allow Xue Qinghe to ascend to the throne of the great emperor.

"Agatha poison?" Hearing this, Xue Beng looked at Dugu Bo expectantly, "Senior Dugu, didn't you capture that Agatha Douluo alive? Can you release him and force him to detoxify my father?"

"That's not necessary." Dugu Bo said confidently, "It's just an agouti mixed with poison. Is it difficult to defeat me?"

Before coming, Dugu Bo and Bei Xuan had already thought of a way to treat Emperor Xue Ye.

Use the five-poison red flame body that can integrate all poisons to introduce the red flame poison into Xue Ye's body to fight the poison with poison. In this way, the chronic poison in Emperor Xue Ye's body will be relieved, but he will be poisoned by another kind of poison.

The even more terrifying red flame poison made it impossible for Emperor Xueye to die, but he couldn't live well either.

How could Beixuan, a stingy man who was determined to retaliate, really save Emperor Xueye? After all, he had tried to kill himself several times.

But now Beixuan still needs him alive to stabilize the situation in the Tiandou Empire and to be a tool.

The poison Dugu Bo gave Xue Ye will not kill him immediately. He can probably live for four or five years. During these four or five years, his body will be very weak. He will not be able to eat well and cannot sleep. He will be the same as before at every turn. Like Dugu Bo, his five internal organs were in severe pain, and he was in agony.

Not only that, but after the three thousand beauties in his harem, they can only be used as vases because he is no longer able to serve.

After a few years, Beixuan's Tianlu City developed, and he himself was about to enter the realm of titled Douluo, and Xue Ye would also die by then.

This can be regarded as Beixuan's small revenge on him. After all, Tang Hao was killed by him, and Ning Fengzhi was also plotted to death by him. There was only Emperor Xueye left. He couldn't treat one favorably and just let him go.

Of course I have to send him down to see them.

The imperial troops outside were still attacking the palace gate. They only knew how to act according to the emperor's will. Fortunately, Lan Xiang and others were there, so they could not get in for the time being.As long as Emperor Xueye wakes up, everything can be solved.

About an hour later, Dugu Bo completed the exercise for Emperor Xue Ye.

Xue Ye finally slowly opened her eyes, "Is this here? What's wrong with me?"

"Father!" Xue Beng knelt down in front of Emperor Xue Ye excitedly, "Great, Father, you finally woke up. You were poisoned by a chronic poison. Do you know that during your coma? , how many things happened?”

"Your Majesty." Xue Ye turned to look at Xue Beng and suddenly said angrily, "Where is Xue Qinghe? Where is that traitor? Tell him to get over here. He is the one who poisoned me. I want to ask him, what is the truth about me? How can I feel sorry for him? He is already the prince, and the throne will be his sooner or later. Is there any need to be in such a hurry?"

Xue Ye was not an idiot. Before he was unconscious, the most he drank was the decoction Xue Qinghe made for him.

But the more he drank, the weaker he became. As an emperor, he was always suspicious of everyone around him. He tried to stop Xue Qinghe, but his body was already weak at the time, and Xue Qinghe completely controlled him inside and outside the palace. He could only watch helplessly as Xue Qinghe force-fed him the medicine until he fell completely into coma.

How could he still not understand that the culprit who caused him to become what he was before was none other than Prince Xue Qinghe.

This made him angry and distressed. His most trusted son would actually harm him.

"Father, that is not the eldest brother, but Qian Renxue from Wuhun Palace pretending to be the eldest brother. The real eldest brother died many years ago. Even the second and third brothers were also killed by Qian Renxue..." General Xue Beng All the truth of the matter was told to Emperor Xueye.

After Xue Ye heard this, the anger in her heart could no longer be suppressed.

"You bastard, the Martial Spirit Hall, what a Martial Spirit Hall, actually killed three of my princes in a row, and also tried to infiltrate the royal family and take control of my Tiandou Empire. They really think that my millions of troops dare not declare war with them."

"Your Majesty, you are recovering from a serious illness now. It is best not to get angry, otherwise you may fall into coma again due to the churning of your energy and blood." Dugu Bo advised.

After all, he is a Titled Douluo and his savior. Xue Ye must give him face, "I know, I really want to thank Poison Douluo Mian for saving his life this time."

"And everyone in Tianlu City, for your great kindness to our Tiandou royal family, Xue Ye will be richly repaid in the future."

Xue Ye looked at Beixuan with a complex expression. This person he wanted to kill many times had now become his great benefactor to the Tiandou Empire.

"No need to say thank you, as long as you fulfill your promise later." Beixuan said.

"What promise?" Xue Ye was stunned. It seemed that Xue Beng had paid a price to ask Tianlu City for help.

I just hope that the price will not touch his Xue Ye bottom line, otherwise he will only be ungrateful once.

Even if you don't break your skin directly, you can always make excuses and delay it for a while.

He didn't think that Tianlu City would become a direct enemy of his Tiandou Empire because of this. After all, the real enemy of both sides was the Spirit Hall.

As a generation of emperors, he had learned the thick black skills.

(End of this chapter)

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