Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 377: Saving the beautiful Ma Hongjun VS the leader of the Bird Bee Sect

Chapter 377: Saving the beautiful Ma Hongjun VS the leader of the Bird Bee Sect
"Are these...wolf thieves?" Tuoba Xi was shocked.

What is a wolf bandit? It is a monster that has no sense and only knows how to kill. Can Lucheng even conquer such a thing today?

And it seems that they have been trained into a well-trained legion.

Wolf thieves are all species born from the union of the Wind Demon Wolf and humans, and Feng Xiaotian's Gale Two-Headed Demon Wolf is equivalent to the superior rank of the Gale Demon Wolf. Beixuan feels that it is most appropriate for him to lead the Demon Wolf Legion. .

This is indeed the case. These wolf thieves who have been trained by Lan Xiang are inexplicably listening to Feng Xiaotian. He is simply the destined leader of the Tianlu City Demonic Wolf Legion.

With the demon wolf army guarding him, it would not be easy for the people of the four sects to touch Ning Rongrong.

This amount of time is enough for four battles to be decided.

Ma Hongjun brought Bai Chenxiang and Yang Wudi to the ground, "Um, this Miss Yanzi, Senior Yang will leave it to you to take care of. I will deal with the bee girl."

"Okay, thank you. I can't repay Bai Chenxiang for saving my life today." Bai Chenxiang is self-aware. She knows the upcoming battle. She, a pure sensitivity soul master with no offensive power, is not qualified to intervene at all. Or The job of taking care of Yang Wudi is most suitable for her.

Ma Hongjun nodded, spread his flame wings and flew towards Bee Langdie.

Feng Langdie has never taken the initiative because she is really afraid of Ma Hongjun. Even if there are two more links, she is still not sure of victory.

But Ma Hongjun has now taken the initiative to attack, and she cannot sit still and wait for death. "The sixth soul skill, Thousand Bee Stings."

Bee Langdie once again released its stingers all over the sky, preparing to sting Ma Hongjun into a hornet's nest.

"Phoenix - Explosive Punch!" Ma Hongjun roared and punched violently.

This is his self-created soul skill, which combines the soul bone skill Phoenix Explosion Strike with the dazzling fire fist taught to him by Yu Lin. The explosive power is extremely powerful, comparable to the soul saint's strike under the martial soul's true body.

At this moment, Ma Hongjun is assisted by Ning Rongrong. The intensity of his flames will increase as his soul power increases, and because of the pure Yang technique, his soul power is even more pure than that of Contra.

The power of this punch exceeded Bee Langdie's soul skill.

The flames of the fist wind turned into a roaring fire phoenix, burning all the poisonous needles wherever it passed.

"The third soul skill, Phoenix Wings Flying to the Sky!"

Ma Hongjun himself also spread his wings and kept up with his own flame.

Then he punched twice in succession.

The fist strength is layered one on top of the other, just like the three waves of the Yangtze River in the world of martial arts, using subsequent strength to strengthen the previously released force.

Beixuan taught him that martial arts is dead, but people are alive. If you blindly practice according to the boxing manual, you will never reach the highest level. Belief in books is worse than no books at all. You must learn and apply them lively.

Therefore, during the three years that Ma Hongjun practiced alone, he relied on actual combat to accumulate experience and integrate his own martial arts.

The combined power of these three punches can already threaten Contra.

"The eighth soul skill, Venomous Bee Thousand Wings."

Bee Langdie used her strongest eighth soul skill without hesitation, summoning countless sparrows and bees to fly around.Each bird's wings are flapped to condense the blue wing blades.The blades of the wings are extremely sharp, capable of cutting through gold, breaking jade, and breaking apart rocks.

The swarms of birds and bees swarmed towards the fire phoenix transformed from Ma Hongjun's flames, and every bird and bee could reduce his punching power by one point.

When all the birds and bees were burned, Ma Hongjun's fist power also completely dissipated.This time, the two sides fought evenly, and the consumption was similar. Ma Hongjun used the soul bone skill three times in a row, and the soul power consumed was not much less than Bee Langdie's eighth soul skill.

However, he had Ning Rongrong's three-day soul to assist him, so it was not a big deal.

"Hey, Contra, is this all you have?" Ma Hongjun touched his nose and said sarcastically, "How does it feel when the spirit is restrained? Isn't it uncomfortable?"

Having said that, Ma Hongjun continued to attack Fenglangdie fiercely, leaving no room for error.

Bee Lang Die Kong had a strong soul power, but he couldn't use it at all.

The two fighting methods she is best at are summoning bees and bee venom. Unfortunately, no matter how many bees she summons, they cannot get close to the fire phoenix. They are often burned within one or two meters of each other. Moreover, this The extremely pure Phoenix Fire is not afraid of poison at all.

If it were another Soul Douluo, Ma Hongjun, a mere Soul Emperor, would indeed be far from his opponent, but he was not afraid of Bee Langdie at all.

"It's amazing!" Below, Bai Chenxiang covered her mouth and said in horror. This was the first time she saw the Soul Emperor suppressing Contra throughout the fight.

Yang Wudi nodded, "It is indeed powerful. The legendary bird spirit ceiling, Phoenix, is truly well-deserved. This person should be the youngest guy in the team when Blazing Academy won the last Soul Master Competition. I really didn’t expect that in just a few years, his strength would improve so rapidly.”

"So, this man's age is actually about the same as mine." Bai Chenxiang's eyes dimmed, so it turned out that this was the real genius. At the same age, she could only close her eyes and wait for death, but this boy could suppress him.

"Young boy from Tianlu City, don't be too arrogant. The seventh soul skill is the martial soul's true body!" Bee Langdie's seventh soul ring shone with a thick black light while her body continued to shrink.

"Huh? The true form of the martial spirit that can shrink the body? Isn't this the same as the sharp-tailed swift of the Min clan!" Ma Hongjun said solemnly.

He learned this knowledge when he was studying at Blazing Academy.

Usually when a soul master uses his spirit avatar, his body will become larger so that he can withstand more soul power. However, some soul masters' spirit avatars shrink their bodies. This does not mean that his soul power has not been enhanced. Instead, he was forcibly compressed, making the speed he exploded even more terrifying.

Bee Langdie enters this state probably because of her poisonous needle. As the strength increases, the force-bearing area decreases and the speed becomes faster. In the end, the pressure will increase significantly.

At this moment, Bee Langdie's speed and attack power may not be comparable to those just now.

"Suffer death." Bee Langdie roared and rushed towards Ma Hongjun. She wanted to tell him that even if the martial souls were in conflict with each other, no matter what, the gap between Soul Douluo and Soul Emperor was the difference between heaven and earth.

"The sixth soul skill, the flaming phoenix!" Ma Hongjun was suddenly enveloped in flames, and his entire body turned into a phoenix.

The source of his sixth soul ring is not simple. It comes from a vermilion fire bird, which is about 4 to [-] years old. It is a super-life soul ring. Fortunately, the strength of that bird is not too strong. With the help of Pure Yang Kung Fu, However, he still managed to absorb it. This was something Yu Lin personally selected for him.

Maybe it was someone else who wouldn't have given the Fire Phoenix such a seemingly inferior soul ring, but Yu Lin was different because he could sense a trace of the blood of the divine beast from the bird's body.

If he felt right, it was the bloodline of the Vermilion Bird. If it were one level higher, it would be the Vermilion Bird, one of the four divine beasts. Even in some myths, the Vermilion Bird was the Vermilion Bird.

But it is unlikely that the Douluo World can contain the power of Suzaku. At most, it will only have a trace of blood power like Xu Sanshi's Xuanwu in later generations.

After absorbing this soul ring, Ma Hongjun suddenly felt that his fire phoenix power had been greatly improved, and he could transform into a phoenix. In this state, not only did his fire power greatly increase, but he was also temporarily immune to physical attacks. Worse than Wuhun's real body.

"The seven treasures are famous, attack on the fifth day!"

At this moment, the light that originally belonged to Chen Xin suddenly shone on Ma Hongjun.

It seems that another battlefield has already decided the winner.

(End of this chapter)

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