Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 388 Battle between Tianlu City VS Wuhun Palace

Chapter 388 Battle between Tianlu City VS Wuhun Palace (3)

"Six Soul Douluo, plus hundreds of mid-to-high-level soul masters, Sword Crown and Thunder Lightning Crown, I leave it to you to lead the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect and the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex Family into battle!" Beixuan ordered.

In terms of a head-on competition of power, Tianlu City cannot compare with Wuhun Palace for the time being, and can only defeat ten guilds with one force.

Sword Douluo's Seven Killing Sword and the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus are both martial souls on the Six Emperors of Heaven Dou. With the strength of these two titled Douluo, they can lead the outstanding disciples of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family and some of the Seven Treasure Glazed Dragons. Tower support, I guess there should be no problem.

Two of the three upper sects are indeed suitable opponents for the six sects of the lower four sects.

In particular, these major sects all participated in the soul hunting operation against Qibao and Lan Dian. For Chen Xin and Yu Yuanheng, they were extremely jealous when they met their enemies.

"Hey, under the sword crown, under the thunder crown, I'm here to help you. Leave that bee girl to me." Ma Hongjun confidently rushed towards Bee Langdie.

At the beginning, he completely suppressed the leader of the Bird Bee Sect, and today he is confident that he can defeat him.

"Then, leave Feng Tianlei to me." Zhu Zhuqing was possessed by the ghost cat and turned into a black stream of light, quickly rushing towards Feng Tianlei.

She knew that she was no match for Feng Tianlei, but with the various high-level skills and secret techniques taught by Lan Xiang, she would not be easily defeated in a short period of time.

There were two of them holding back the two Contras.

In a two-on-four battle between Sword Douluo and Thunder Douluo, the odds of winning were extremely high. As long as they eliminated the sect leaders of the six major sects, the second wave of Wuhun Palace's offensive would be in vain.

Not only them, students who performed well in the Soul Master Competition, such as the Blazing Fire Team, also joined the battle group to resist the disciples of the six sects.

Of course, the number of people varies greatly, and they alone cannot do it.

"The sixth soul skill, Wan Jian returns to the sect!"

"The third soul skill, Thunderbolt!"

Chen Xin and Yu Yuanheng, two titled Douluo, not only have to face off against the four Contras, but they also need to help share most of the pressure from the others.

All they used were large-scale attack soul skills.

How could an ordinary soul master block the titled Douluo's soul skills? They would suffer heavy casualties in an instant.

At this time, many strong men joined the battlefield. There were not only a few Soul Douluo in Wuhun Palace. In addition to the power of those sects, their four platinum bishops, some cardinals, and The leader of the intelligence organization, Lordiala, and the first auxiliary, the Golden Scepter Xu Ning, are both Contra-level combatants.

There are as many as fifteen people.

Even if the dean of the Four Elements Academy also came to help, the power of Soul Douluo was still far inferior to that of Wuhun Palace.

Fortunately, Tianlu City is now on the defensive side. They don't really need to defeat Wuhun Palace, they just need to delay it temporarily.

What really determines the outcome is the strongest strength of both sides.

"I really didn't expect that Beixuan would be so courageous, with two titled Douluo-level combatants, just send out to stop our Soul Douluo." Qian Renxue said, "Is this coming from confidence in his own strength? "

"The nine elders and six major sects of Wuhun Palace already have opponents, and now it's our turn." Beixuan's eyes were full of fighting spirit, "Let's go, Uncle Yu Lin and Lan Xiang!"

The first and second wave of attacks from Wuhun Palace were blocked, and the flames of war filled the air everywhere outside Tianlu City.

Bei Xuan brought Yu Lin and Lan Xiang Piao up, and they also had their opponents.

It is the true and strongest foundation of Wuhun Palace, the Enshrinement Palace!

Beixuan glanced at the five people.The two brothers who look very similar are probably the Seventh Enshrinement Demon-Conquering Douluo and the Sixth Enshrinement Qianjun Douluo, both of whom are level 96 super Douluo.

Then there was a young lady with white hair and a childish face, and a chill all over her body. She must be the Light Feather Douluo, the peak level 96.

I have seen Qingluan Douluo Beixuan. He was beaten by this guy last time, but he was unhappy for a long time and wanted to fight him again.

Lion Douluo didn't come, probably because he hadn't recovered from his injury.

The last guy with a rough face must be Golden Crocodile Douluo, the peak level 98 Douluo.

"Yu Lin, as I said before, Golden Crocodile is entrusted to you. Uncle Lan Xiang and Jiangmo Qianjun are all in your hands, okay? You have to be careful. The strength of the two of them together will exceed that of a level 97 titled Douluo. , approaching level 98." Beixuan said.

Lan Xiang didn't care at all, "Level 98, so what, I won't lose to them."

"Yes!" Beixuan nodded, "Then Guangling Douluo and Qingluan Douluo are my prey."

On this day, the three people from Lucheng all had the ability to fight at a higher level in this world.

Today is when Tianlu City truly shows its power.

Seeing that Beixuan and others divided up his side in just a few words, Qian Renxue frowned and said, "Beixuan, although you are strong, you are too arrogant."

Did he think that the Seven Great Enshrinements and the Nine Great Elders were on the same level?
Apart from anything else, has he forgotten how he was suppressed and beaten by Qingluan Douluo when he was in Tiandou Palace?

"After reading this, you will know whether I am arrogant or confident." Beixuan smiled slightly, and the soul power of his whole body exploded, and the dark nightmare emitted bursts of black energy, spreading to the entire battlefield.

At the same time, eight soul rings of yellow, purple, black, red, and red appeared, especially the five golden patterns on the eighth soul ring, which shocked both Qian Renxue and Golden Crocodile Douluo.

As the heir to the Angel God and the oldest and well-informed Second Consecrator of the Wuhun Palace, he naturally understood the meaning of the five golden patterns.

"50-year-old soul ring!" Qian Renxue's tone was full of disbelief.

Beixuan actually has a way to get this kind of soul ring.

She considers herself to be a genius that is rare to see in a century. She broke through Contra before she was 30 years old. She is confident that she can break her mother's record and complete the title ban before she is 35 years old.

But compared with Beixuan, it's not on the same level at all.

Moreover, since Beixuan has a 50-year-old soul ring, he must also have a 50-year-old soul bone. Back then, as a soul saint, he could fight with Super Douluo in an inseparable manner.

Nowadays, his strength has undergone earth-shaking changes compared to that day. Fighting alone, Qingluan Douluo may no longer be his opponent.

"Grandpas, don't be careless and use all your strength to kill him." Qian Renxue reminded loudly.

Beixuan's talent was so terrifying that even she, the inheritor of the gods, had the illusion that even after she became a god, she might not be able to defeat him.

No matter what happened today, Beixuan could never stay any longer and must be killed.

"If you want to kill my Highness, you must get through us first!"

Lan Xiang Yulin held the evil-proofing magic spear and the demon-falling iron in his hands, protecting him in front of Beixuan.

The highest level of battle is about to begin!
(End of this chapter)

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