Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 391 Beixuan VS2 Great Enshrinement

Chapter 391 Beixuan VS Two Major Enshrinements
The iron of the Meteor Demon God turned into a giant sword that covered the sky and the sun.

This move is somewhat similar to the Great Sumeru Hammer, but it is hundreds of times more powerful and hundreds of times more difficult to practice. It is one of the unique moves in Tianlu Sword Technique.

Even with Bei Xuan's talent, it would be difficult to comprehend it in a short time.

It's a pity that this move must be used by the evil-proofing clan to exert its maximum power. With all the power of Yu Lin's bloodline, the power of this move has long been gone.

In order to make up for the strength gap with Golden Crocodile Douluo, Yu Lin could only choose to explode the ring.

However, because the special move itself was powerful enough, Yu Lin thought that there was no need to explode too much. He only exploded the fifth and sixth soul rings, and he felt that it was enough to defeat the Golden Crocodile.

Bei Xuan's eyes were fixed on this battlefield. It was rare to see the evil-fighting clan's unique trick. He had always been eager to learn it but couldn't master the trick. He must carefully observe all Yu Lin's movements, hoping to learn something from it.

"Beixuan, fight with me, do you still dare to be careless and forget about the time when you were in Tiandou Palace?" At this moment, a swift cyan figure suddenly appeared behind Beixuan.

Qingluan Douluo's hands were covered with green flames, and he grabbed Beixuan's head with one claw.

But Bei Xuan avoided the blow with just a flick of his hand.

He quickly grabbed Qingluan Douluo's wrist with his backhand and said, "Senior Qingluan, don't you think that my current strength is still the same as when I was in the palace? Your speed no longer poses any threat to me."

"What?" Beixuan's speed surprised Qingluan Douluo. He dodged his attack so easily and counterattacked him. This speed was already faster than him, and the 50-year-old soul ring and soul bone increased his strength. , is it really that big?


Before Qingluan Douluo could react, Bei Xuan punched him in the abdomen. "Ugh," Qing Luan Douluo grunted and spat out a large mouthful of blood. Seeing this, Bei Xuan took out a small bottle to catch the blood. , kicking Qingluan Douluo away.

"The fourth soul skill, high explosive penetration."

An ice arrow suddenly shot towards Beixuan at an extremely fast speed. The Guangling Divine Bow was a top-notch weapon with dual attributes of light and ice.

The arrows fired have the speed of light, as well as the sharpness and strong freezing power of ice.

Bei Xuan sensed the danger and raised his left arm. When the ice arrow was less than one centimeter away from his eyebrows, he clamped it with his fingers and then used force to disperse the ice arrow into ice crystals.

"You crushed my ice arrow with just your fingers. What kind of monster?" Guang Ling Douluo was shocked. Even Golden Crocodile Douluo might not be able to achieve this level, and only a big sacrifice would be possible.

"I don't believe that a Soul Douluo is really so powerful. It only has eight soul rings."

"Fifth soul skill, coming without a trace!"

Light Ling Douluo's soul-locking skills can make the arrows specify the target and continue to pursue it. Moreover, this is a continuous attack skill. Light Ling Douluo shot nine arrows in an instant.

"It sounds weird for a young lady to call herself an old man. You want to compete with bows and arrows, right? As a fighting race, my evil-fighting tribe has always been omnipotent. No matter what kind of weapon, I can learn and use it. The second soul skill, Shadow Demonic soldier." Bei Xuan also transformed into a dark long bow with nine black arrows on it.

"Try the nine-star arrow technique of my evil-fighting clan!"

Beixuan shot the nine arrows at the same time, at an unbiased angle, just in time to meet Guang Ling Douluo's nine ice arrows. These arrows were transformed by soul power, and they would explode the moment they collided, and the entire sky was like fireworks for a moment. As spectacular as a chorus.

Bei Xuan opened his six wings and rushed towards Guang Ling Douluo.

He knew very well that a Titled Douluo like Guang Ling, whose martial soul was bow and arrow, was not good at close combat, and his combat effectiveness would be reduced by several points.

Sensing Bei Xuan's plan, Guang Ling quickly retreated in an attempt to distance himself. Unfortunately, his speed was not as fast as Bei Xuan's, and he was caught up by Bei Xuan in an instant.The bow in Beixuan's hand has been replaced by a sword. The sword's light is cold, and the chasing Light Ling Douluo is in an extremely embarrassed state.

"Little brat, don't imitate other people's speech when you are young. Even if you want to learn, don't imitate that imbecile Qian Xunji. Be careful not to grow up."

Beixuan was still leisurely making sarcastic remarks, but Guang Ling Douluo was furious, "Nonsense, I am much older than Xiao Qian, he has to learn from me."

"Lao Wu, don't be led astray by this kid's trash talk. He is deliberately messing with your mind. Defend the enemy with all your heart. I'm here to help you." Qingluan Douluo flew over quickly, his body covered with strong wind, and his regular opponent , just by getting close to him, you will be crushed by the strong wind around him.

"The sixth soul skill, Nightmare Black Crystal Armor!" Beixuan used his 10-year-old soul skill to summon the armor to possess him.

Although Qingluan Douluo's Gangfeng was powerful, it could not affect Beixuan at this time.

The battle was reaching its climax, and everyone below could barely see three rays of light, one black, one blue, and one green, constantly intersecting and colliding.

Beixuan, who was one against two, not only was not at a disadvantage, but gradually suppressed the two blue-green rays of light.

In the three battlefields, Yu Lin and Golden Crocodile Douluo are a collision of strength, Lan Xiang and Qianjun Subduing Demons are a battle of skills, and Beixuan and Qingluan Guangling are a competition of speed.

These three places are basically Tianlu City suppressing the Wuhun Palace.

Qian Renxue's eyes were horrified. Even she couldn't join those battlefields now. She didn't expect Tianlu City's strength to have reached such a level.

It seemed that it was impossible to capture Tianlu City before Bibi Dong and Qian Daoliu arrived.

"Qing Luan Mian, Guang Ling Mian, I will show you right now, one of my strongest fighting methods, the third soul skill Nightmare Demon Shadow." Beixuan was halfway through the fight when a clone suddenly appeared. Then he took out the Qingluan Douluo blood he had just collected, and gave a drop for the clone to absorb.

"The fifth soul skill, copy!"

The clone's martial spirit instantly turned into Qingluan.

"The sixth soul skill, Nightmare Black Crystal Armor!" Beixuan himself used the sixth soul skill again. The most powerful thing about his Nightmare Black Crystal Armor is that not only can he use it himself, but he can also share it with his teammates. Of course Also includes clones.

But if this is the case, the soul power will be consumed very quickly.

Coupled with the double consumption of clones and copies, Beixuan will not be able to hold on for long before his soul power is exhausted.

Light Ling Douluo smiled coldly, "What kind of method did I think it was? Although your clone and copy are powerful, how long can you hold on? What is the strongest way to fight? In my opinion, it is the stupidest way to fight. , the sixth soul skill, ultimate feather light!"

"The fifth soul skill, doomsday wind ball."

Guang Ling and Qing Luan took action at the same time, preparing to attack each other to consume Beixuan's soul power to the greatest extent.

Bei Xuan smiled confidently. The tactics of these two people were certainly correct before he obtained the eighth soul ring, but now, they can only have counterproductive effects.

Since Bei Xuan said that this was one of his strongest fighting methods, of course there would be no such flaw.

The right leg bone flashed with a burst of green light, "Soul bone skill, emerald protection!"

(End of this chapter)

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