Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 395 Xuan Ge Arrives

Chapter 395 Xuan Ge Arrives
The aura of the Evil-Warding King was extremely sharp and shot straight into the sky, finally alarming not only the Douluo Star, but also the God Realm.

"It's that aura, it's unmistakable. Although it's far inferior to the one who suppressed us more than ten years ago, it's definitely the same power. It's indeed on the Douluo Continent." The God Realm Committee, the Five God Kings surrounded sit together.

The Evil God King said, "Shura, you have always been in charge of Douluo Continent. What are your plans?"

Before Shura could reply, the God of Destruction flashed a cold light in his eyes, "What else do you need to plan for? Why don't we come in real form and completely destroy that guy."

"No." The person who stopped him was none other than his wife, the Goddess of Life. "The power of the God King is too great for Douluo Planet. Once our true form comes, the Douluo Continent plane cannot bear us. The power will destroy all lives."

"I agree with life. Gods cannot come to the world easily." The kind god king said.

These two goddess kings do have some compassionate characters. For them, it is important to remove external forces, but they cannot ignore the thousands of creatures in the world in order to achieve their goals.

Otherwise, what is the difference between gods and those demons in the abyss?
The five members of the committee voted two in favor and two against, so the final decision fell in the hands of God Shura.

God Shura said, "On Douluo Continent, the gods with the best inheritance are Poseidon, Angel God and Rakshasa God. The inheritors of Poseidon God have not yet grown up. In this matter, I have asked the inheritors of Rakshasa God and Angel God to Do it.”

"That alien life has not yet reached the level of a god. The two of them can handle it. If it fails this time, I will agree with the God of Destruction and personally go down to the world to kill it."

Shura's choice is more moderate, let the people below try it for themselves first, and then go down if it doesn't work.

The other four god kings nodded, agreeing with Shura's opinion. This is also the best way at present.

Douluo Continent plane.

A ray of light shot down from the sky, illuminating the entire Tianlu City.

Originally, after a fierce battle, there were casualties in Tianlu City, and some people were too exhausted. Although the dead could not be resurrected, under this light, regardless of serious or minor injuries, or the consumption of soul power, they all recovered to their best condition in an instant.

There is no way, Xuan Ge is not as good at healing and warding off evil as Ni Shang, and he cannot come back from the dead. It is already good to be able to do this.

Finally, under that ray of light, the figure in white gradually solidified into shape.

Wearing snow-white Tianlu Huashang, he is extremely handsome. His face is very similar to Bei Xuan. He is like a mature version of Bei Xuan, with a more calm and noble temperament.

The angel realm and death realm that originally suppressed everyone in Tianlu City all dissipated in an instant.

"This is it, uncle?" Huo Wu murmured in relief, "It really made me see Xiao Xuan in the future!"

Ning Rongrong's eyes were filled with little stars, "Is Master Beiluo's brother? He's so handsome!!!"

Lan Xiang and Yu Lin excitedly flew to Xuan Ge's side and knelt down on one knee.

"The evil-fighting tribe leads Yu Lin!"

"Lan Xiang, the leader of the evil-fighting tribe!"

"See Your Majesty!"

"Yu Lin, Lan Xiang, you have worked so hard to help me take care of Xuan'er these years. I never thought that we would have another day to see each other again in my lifetime, which really makes me very happy." Xuan Ge showed a smile, which was the joy of seeing his family again.

"Uncle!" Beixuan also flew over.

Xuan Ge stretched out his hand and stroked his hair, "My child, you are very good. You have always worked hard and are very confident. After today, no one will be able to stop you from reaching the top."

"Are you Xuan Ge?" Bibi Dong asked, "I didn't expect you to still be alive."

"But now is not the time for you and your nephew to reminisce. As my first opponent after restoring Ultimate Douluo, you are qualified." Bibi Dong did not have time for them to continue chatting. She was bound to destroy Tianlu City today.

Seeing this, Xuan Ge said calmly, "Xuan'er, step back and leave the rest to the uncle."

"Yes, uncle!" Beixuan responded, leading everyone in Tianlu City to the ground. Xuan Ge had already appeared, so there was no need for him to take action.

"One person can fight two Extreme Douluo? Brother, uncle, can you do that?" Ma Hongjun approached Bei Xuan and asked worriedly, "Do we really not have to help him?" "Little fat man, the king of our evil-fighting tribe, You can't question it, don't meddle in other people's business, just watch the show." Yu Lin taught him a lesson, he was more confident in Xuan Ge than he was in himself.

The Wuhundian side and the Tianlu City side looked at the battlefield in the sky, and everyone was filled with nervousness.

Xuan Ge smiled slightly, and suddenly, two powerful domains spread out. Bibi Dong's soul power overflowed, his face was ugly, and there seemed to be purple light flickering between Qian Daoliu's brows.

"Qiandaoliu, what the hell are you doing? Why are you using the Angel Realm to dissolve my soul power?" Bibi Dong said angrily.

Qian Daoliu said dissatisfied, "I still want to ask you, why was I suddenly poisoned by the Death Spider Emperor poison in your Death Domain?"

After the two of them finished speaking, they were stunned at the same time and looked at Xuan Ge. They guessed that this guy must have done something.

"Is this the real realm of the Evil-Warding King?" Beixuan said in shock.

His Evil-Resisting King Domain does have the effect of devouring the opponent's domain and gaining some of its abilities.

But what can be obtained is only a small part, up to 50% of the power. However, Xuan Ge swallowed up both of the opponent's super powerful fields in an instant, and completely fed back to them. The degree of feedback was far beyond the range. More than 50%, even more than 100%, at least 200%.

In other words, Bibi Dong and Qian Daoliu were attacked by the enhanced versions of the Angel Realm and Death Realm.

"The seventh soul skill, the real body of the Death Spider Emperor."

"The seventh soul skill, the true body of an angel."

Bibi Dong and Qian Daoliu took action at the same time. Although they were confident on the surface at the moment, they were actually unsure in their hearts, because the momentum Xuan Ge showed just now was too great, and his ability was too abnormal. He swallowed up their territory and doubled their counterattack. There has never been such a terrifying ability in history.

That was far beyond what Ultimate Douluo could do, so the two of them activated their true bodies directly.

Xuan Ge smiled calmly, "Xuan'er, see clearly how to use the power of the evil-fighting clan."

He stretched out his finger, flicked it, and flicked his magical power. The sharp but domineering power turned into two shock waves, hitting Bibi Dong and Qian Daoliu at the same time.

As fast as the two of them flew in, they were knocked away as fast as they flew.

Boom boom boom!
The three mountains were collapsed by the two flying bodies. It wasn't until Bibi Dong activated his six-winged purple light wings and used a thousand streams of angelic power to barely stop himself.

Two extreme Douluo were sent flying with one finger. Xuan Ge's attack could be described as terrifying.

"Damn it!" Bibi Dong realized that the Death Spider Emperor was not as powerful as Xuan Ge, so he immediately replaced him with the Soul-Eating Spider Emperor, which had a stronger attack power.

"The sixth soul skill, the Abyss Slash of Space Tear!" The Soul-eating Spider Emperor's sixth soul ring is a 10-year soul ring, giving birth to two very powerful soul skills.

One is the Eternal Creation that has a true damage effect, and the other is the Abyss Slash that tears apart space.

This is also one of Bibi Dong's most powerful attacking soul skills.The Soul-Eating Spider King's two huge green front claws came together and slashed out a green blade of light.The turquoise light blade flashed with twisted light, shattering the detection of mental power below the god level within the attack range.Lock onto the enemy's body and move forward past attacks of the same level.

This is a skill involving the laws of space.

"Really, why do some people keep using space skills against my evil-fighting clan without any thought of life or death?" Xuan Ge shook his head and said disappointedly, "It's too overestimating one's capabilities."

Xuan Ge stretched out his finger again and tapped it gently in the direction of Abyss Slash.

The Abyss Slash stopped immediately, and then the light blade turned around and flew towards Qiandaoliu.

"How is it possible that my Abyss Slash was counter-controlled by him!" Bibi Dong said in shock. There are not many people who can offset her Abyss Slash with attack power, and it is unprecedented to counter-control it.

How deep is this person's understanding of the laws of space?

(End of this chapter)

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