Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 398: The Ascension Formation: Xuan Ge Creates the God Realm

Chapter 398: The Ascension Formation: Xuan Ge Creates the God Realm

Xuan Ge picked up the Tai Sui Divine Sword and threw it towards the ancient Kunlun jade.

With a "clang" sound, the entire sword was directly inserted into the Kunlun Jade.

The next moment, Kunlun Jade burst out with a rich light, and the spiritual energy around it began to rise violently. Countless rays of light flew towards everyone present and imprinted on everyone's foreheads.

Everyone has evil-repelling clan crests on their heads, but they are different from Shui Bing'er and Huo Wu's royal crests. Theirs are just ordinary evil-resisting clan crests.

"Uncle, what are these?" Ma Hongjun asked carelessly. He was not afraid of Xuan Ge at all. After all, Beixuan's uncle was his uncle. There was nothing to be afraid of relatives.

Xuan Ge smiled slightly and said, "Hongjun, do you feel that things have changed here? You are now in the God Realm."

"What? God Realm? Uncle, do you mean that this Lotus Realm has become the God Realm?" Shui Bing'er asked in shock, is this Xuan Ge's work?
Beiluo created a world in a lotus seed, which was enough to shock the past and present. Now Xuan Ge has evolved this world into the divine world. These two brothers are more exaggerated than the other.

"My niece-in-law doesn't need to be so shocked. It's just a small world of gods." Xuan Ge explained, "My brother has a good friend named Cen Ying. She inherited the formation skills of Huangdi Xuanyuan. She sealed a formation with Based on this ancient sword of Tai Sui, only a huge amount of power is needed to activate it, and this formation can sublimate a small land."

"Just like my original Tianlu City, it used the Tianlu King Sword as the formation eye to activate a defensive formation that enveloped the entire Tianlu City, but this one uses the Taisui Ancient Sword as the formation eye to activate a rising In a large formation, the current Tai Sui Ancient Sword is like the center of the God Realm."

"In the future, when you practice here, not only will your cultivation speed be faster, but you will also not be restricted by the human body. After you practice to level 99, even without the inheritance of the divine position, you can break through the hundredth level and become a god, and become the god of Tianlu City. , not the gods of the divine world.”

"We can become gods!!!" After hearing Xuan Ge's words, everyone was so excited that they couldn't help themselves. Becoming gods is the greatest ideal of all soul masters in Douluo Continent.

"Not only that, the center of the God Realm will also reward you based on your contribution to Tianlu City, just like the divine test in your world."

As soon as Xuan Ge finished speaking, a clear female voice sounded in everyone's mind.

Beixuan immediately recognized that it was Cen Ying's voice.

"Beixuan, the Lord of Tianlu City, has made great achievements in protecting Tianlu City. His soul power has been increased by one level, and the life span of all his soul rings has been increased by 5000 years."

"Yu Lin, the great elder of Tianlu City, his soul power has been increased by one level, and the life span of all his soul rings has been increased by 5000 years."

"Lan Xiang, the second elder of Tianlu City, his soul power has been increased by one level, and the life span of all his soul rings has been increased by 5000 years."

"Dugu Bo, the third elder of Tianlu City, his soul power has been increased by one level, and the life span of all his soul rings has been increased by 5000 years."

"Shui Bing'er, the mistress of Tianlu City, her soul power has been increased by one level, and the life span of all her soul rings has been increased by 2000."

"Huo Wu, the mistress of Tianlu City, her soul power has been increased by one level, and the life span of all her soul rings has been increased by 2000."

"Yu Yuanzhen, the patriarch of the family affiliated to Tianlu City, his soul power has been increased by one level, and the life span of all his soul rings has been increased by 2000."

"Chen Xin, the elder of the sect affiliated to Tianlu City, his soul power has been increased by one level, and the life span of all his soul rings has been increased by 2000."

"Ning Rongrong, the leader of the sect affiliated to Tianlu City, has increased his soul power by one level, and the life span of all his soul rings has been increased by 2000."


"Ma Hongjun, his soul power has been raised by one level." "Huo Wushuang, his soul power has been raised by one level."

It's all about rewards based on merit. Beixuanyu Lin Lanxiang who defeated the Enshrinement Hall, and Dugu Bo who instantly killed thousands of troops, are definitely the ones who have made the most contributions in this war, and the rewards are also the biggest.

The rewards for Shui Bing'er and Huo Wu who fought against other titled Douluo, as well as Ning Rongrong who supported them, were slightly weaker.

Later, those who did not fight against title-level opponents, or only dealt with ordinary soldiers, most of them only improved their soul power by one level.

Everyone summoned their soul rings, such as Yu Yuan Zhenchen Xin, and they found that their soul rings had really turned into four purple and five black, especially the ninth ring, which was all black and red, obviously it had been promoted to 9 About ten thousand years.

"Thank you, Master Xuan Ge!" Everyone saluted Xuan Ge sincerely. Now in everyone's hearts, Xuan Ge is a god.

Xuan Ge nodded. At this time, his palms gradually became illusory. He knew that the time for this summons was coming.

Fortunately, everything that needs to be done has been completed.

"Everyone, I hope you will practice well and one day be able to unite the continent with Xuan'er. But please remember that we, the people of Tianlu City, have a rule that can never be violated. We can be ruthless when dealing with enemies, but You must not kill innocent people who are not enemies, otherwise I will kill them in heaven and on earth." Xuan Ge warned.

People who get the mark of the evil-proof clan can also rely on killing to become stronger like the evil-proof clan. Although the degree is not as great as true evil-proofing, it cannot be ignored. There is no guarantee that someone will do such a thing for the sake of strength.

Have to nip problems in the bud.

"I respectfully obey Lord Xuan Ge's order."

Xuan Ge's figure gradually disappeared, and he returned to Beixuan's body.

Shui Bing'er then flew to Bei Xuan and said worriedly, "Xiao Xuan, although the power of the center of the God Realm is great, improving everyone's skills on such a large scale will exhaust the power of Tai Sui and Kunlun Jade. "

As expected of Shui Bing'er, she always thinks deeper than others.

Caressing his hair, Beixuan smiled and said, "Don't worry, Bing'er, you underestimate Tai Sui and such a big Kunlun jade. Whether it's the demonic power in Tai Sui or the spiritual power in Kunlun jade, not only the power contained Big, and qualitatively much higher level than soul power."

"Even if you raise everyone present to level [-] in one breath, it won't consume all the power inside. It's just a drop in the bucket."

"That's good!" Shui Bing'er nodded, feeling very happy that they, Tianlu City, actually had their own little god realm.

Bei Xuan took her hand, then held Huo Wu's hand, and flew in front of everyone, "Everyone, thank you all for your hard work today. This battle is our victory in Tianlu City. Today, everyone has a day of carnival. Starting tomorrow, we will The information about our victory has spread throughout the continent, and I want the entire continent to know how powerful our Tianlu City is."

"Ning Rongrong, as the richest sect and in charge of Tianlu City's financial power, Qibao Glazed Sect, you are responsible for recruiting talents and troops from the mainland for Tianlu City."

"Yes, City Lord, please feel free to leave it to me." Ning Rongrong accepted the order happily.

"I believe you can complete it well. Then, taking into account your outstanding assistance in the previous war, I will combine this reward with you in advance." Beixuan turned his palm, and a luxurious fairy grass slowly Slowly flying towards Ning Rongrong, "This is Qiluo Tulip, a fairy grass that is very suitable for your Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda. After taking it, your tower should be able to evolve into a Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda."

"Really? That's great, thank you Bei Xuan!" Ning Rongrong's joy was beyond words. The bottleneck that had trapped the previous masters of their Seven Treasure Glazed Sect could finally be broken.

(End of this chapter)

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