Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 405 Hugging Ren Xue

Chapter 405 Hugging Qian Renxue

"Because, there is nothing to hate, right? We have different positions, and our goal is to unify the continent, so we are naturally enemies. Enemies fight each other, and the continent's hegemony depends on their own abilities. Why should we hate?" Bei Xuan said with a smile, "Bibi Dong, Even if you come and kill me thousands of times, I will not hate you, because this is what you should do."

"However, although I don't hate you, I will keep my grudge and kill you thousands of times when I find an opportunity, until your Wuhun Palace surrenders or I kill you completely."

"Do you only hold grudges but not grudges? I didn't expect that you still have such a mentality. If I could have no hatred in my heart like you, I wouldn't have been entangled for so many years, right?" Bibi Dong sighed.

"It's not that I don't have hatred in my heart, it's just that I won't hate something as trivial as someone trying to kill me. I'm an evil-fighting tribe and I like fighting, so I actually like the feeling of being assassinated. But if one day, you hurt me Bing'er or Senior Sister Huowu, then I will pour all my hatred on you at all costs."

Beixuan's expression suddenly became very serious, and Bibi Dong said, "What? Are you trying to intimidate me?"

Bei Xuan shook his head, "It's not a threat, it's a fact. It's true that Bing'er and Senior Sister are my weaknesses, but they are also my armor. Their existence will make me stronger and stronger, as strong as anyone in this world." All unmatched.”

Bibi Dong stared at Bei Xuan closely and looked at him again, "I didn't expect that you, a scumbag, seems to be quite reliable when it comes to protecting your lover. Don't worry, no matter what, I owe you three whole favors, and I won’t hurt your family.”

"I'm going back to reality, Beixuan. See you on the battlefield in the future. When I become the Rakshasa God, if you can still defeat me, I promise you that you will give up your ambition to dominate the continent and lead the entire Spirit Hall. I surrender to you, Tianlu City, and I will never go back on my words. Even if you lose, I will not kill you and your family, because I will repay what I owe you."

Bibi Dong's temperament suddenly improved a lot. When she speaks now, she no longer feels the same pressure as before.

And there seems to be a lot less malice towards the world in her heart.

Bei Xuan doesn't know whether she will seek revenge from Qianjia now, but Bei Xuan is sure that she will no longer have the perverted mentality to destroy Wuhun Palace, or even the mainland.

In the city of killing, Beixuan opened his eyes, "God Realm, in order to kill me, you really do everything possible, but this time, I guarantee that you will lose your wife and your troops. I am in Bibi Dong There are things that belong to me left in her body, and who will use her then is unknown."

"Well, Mr. Beixuan, I suggest you change your words." Bi Ji complained in Beixuan's spiritual sea, what does it mean to leave something of your own in someone else's body.

It's too thought-provoking.

If Xuan Ge hadn't fallen into a long sleep because he had consumed too many life souls before, she would have insisted on letting him get up and teach his nephew a lesson.

On the other side, Bibi Dong in reality finally opened her eyes.

"Teacher, great, you are finally awake!" Hu Liena said excitedly. God knows how worried she was during this time.

Bibi Dong smiled and raised her arm, caressing Hu Liena's face, "Nana, how long have I been asleep?"

Hu Liena replied, "It has been more than half a month since the war with Tianlu City ended. You have been unconscious. In the beginning, you were always having nightmares. In the past few days, you suddenly got better."

"It's been more than half a month, Nana, I've made you worry. Don't worry, the teacher is fine." Bibi Dong sat up from the bed. In fact, her trauma, under the self-treatment of the immortal body, was already fine. It’s almost done, it’s mainly a mental issue.

"Teacher, you seem to be" Hu Liena hesitated. She felt that Bibi Dong seemed a little strange today, too gentle.

Although Bibi Dong was very kind to her in the past, but always had a strong sense of majesty, but today, she was as gentle as a mother.

Bibi Dong smiled and said, "You think the teacher is a little strange today, don't you? In fact, during this period of time, I have been tortured by nightmares. Later, Beixuan entered the dream and saved me, and also resolved the inner demons I had been having for many years." "Little Brother Xuan, he fell into a dream and saved you? Teacher, you don't think you are dreaming, do you?" Hu Liena was confused and only said that Bibi Dong had been confused by dreaming during this period.

"No, in short, this time, I owe him a lot of favors. Nana, why not do this? When the teacher conquers Tianlu City, how about snatching Beixuan away and becoming your royal husband? As a person, how about this? My disciple, it is up to you to bear the debt that the teacher has not yet paid." At this moment, Bibi Dong seemed to have returned to the way she was before she was not harmed by the master and Qian Xunji.

Hearty and bright.

Hu Liena was both ashamed and happy to be told that, of course she was willing to be with Beixuan, and these words actually came from Bibi Dong. Could it be that she had agreed to associate with someone who was hostile to her?
Will she be able to meet her little brother Xiao Xuan openly from now on?
"Sister, are you awake?" At this moment, the door was suddenly pushed open, and Qian Renxue walked in.

Although she appeared to be indifferent to Bibi Dong, she had actually been sending people to keep an eye on this place. As soon as Bibi Dong showed signs of waking up, a maid went to inform her.

She couldn't wait to come.

When Bibi Dong saw Qian Renxue, she stood up and walked towards her slowly. Then, with her disbelief in her eyes, she hugged her into her arms. Her movements were so skillful that she seemed to have practiced them thousands of times.

"Sister, what do you mean?" Qian Renxue became embarrassed subconsciously, and even stuttered when she spoke. Bibi Dong had never hugged her like this since she was a child.

Every time they meet, they are full of disgust and make cold remarks.

"Don't call me sister, I am your mother. I'm sorry, Xue'er, I have suffered so much for you these years." Bibi Dong stroked Qian Renxue's long golden hair, "It turns out that holding the grown-up version of you is like this a feeling of."

"Mom, mother? Are you kidding me?" Qian Renxue was a little unbelievable that Bibi Dong actually admitted their relationship.

Now she just felt that Bibi Dong was playing tricks on her, or she must be dreaming, otherwise how could such an unrealistic thing happen.

Bibi Dong shook her head, "I'm not kidding you, Xue'er, you are my daughter. After you were thrown away by that bastard Beixuan more than 1000 times, I finally realized that this is an undeniable fact."


Qian Renxue was still confused at this moment, with questions all over her head. When had she been thrown by Beixuan more than 1000 times?

The total number of times they have met has only been three times.

It seems that Bibi Dong is not dreaming, but she is dreaming, it must be!

Qian Renxue subconsciously used her soul power to pinch her thigh.

"it hurts!"

"It's not a dream!"

(End of this chapter)

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