Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 408 Two and a half years

Chapter 408 Two and a Half Years

Bai Chenxiang has been staying in Tiandou City during this period. In fact, his life has not changed much compared to before.

It's just a city change. If anything has changed, it's that I've become uncomfortable.

Because she used to live with her brothers and sisters from the Po clan, and her grandfather Yang Wudi who loved her.

But now, it was replaced by Tai Tai and Niu Gao who were not so familiar.

Tai Tan, in particular, kept introducing people to her in different ways all day long. The first one he recommended was Tang San Xue Beng, followed by outstanding disciples from the Li Clan and the Yu Clan.

Anyway, I just want to use her to get married and get closer to the partners.

But now that the Min clan was relying on someone else, she could only refuse in a more tactful way. There was already a fiery red figure in her heart.

Although they had only met once, that time, when the man enveloped her in flames, she felt extremely warm and her heart beat violently.

"Miss Bai, there is a man outside looking for you."

There was a knock on the door suddenly, and when she heard the sound outside, Bai Chenxiang stepped forward and opened the door. When she saw that it was a disciple of the Force Clan, she couldn't help but sigh, "Hello, this eldest brother, is this Grandpa Taitan?" What kind of outstanding disciples from aristocratic families have you found for me to go on a blind date with?"

She had already made up her mind. No matter who the visitor was, she must meet him. Now that she was living under someone else's roof, she could not refute Tai Tan's face.

But after that, she will definitely try her best to show that she is not suitable for that person.

However, when Bai Chenxiang heard the next sentence, all his thoughts were overturned.

"No, he said his name is Ma Hongjun!"

With a "whoosh", Bai Chenxiang disappeared in front of the disciples of the force clan in an instant. The speed of the agility clan was fully utilized by her at this moment.

At the door, Ma Hongjun was waiting silently, but he did not expect that Bai Chenxiang would come out so quickly. When he saw Bai Chenxiang flying in the air with the Swift-tailed Swift Spirit in order to see him, Ma Hongjun smiled and said, "Hey, there is love. Youyi sister Yanzi, the pure and flawless Fire Phoenix handsome man has forced my brother to come see you. I am here to chase you this time. My brother Xuan said that if you like her, you have to be decisive, so I am here."

Ma Hongjun doesn't know how to talk in a roundabout way, so he just says what he has to say.

It was also love at first sight, and it was also a bold courtship, but it was completely different from the period in the original work. There was no sense of vulgarity at all. Bai Chenxiang felt only two words, cheerful!
The legendary evil-warming king Beixuan taught his younger brother well. Even though he was a bit of an elder brother, he was still the same as before. When he spoke, he never strayed from his elder brother.

Bai Chenxiang smiled slightly at him, their eyes met, time seemed to stand still, nothing was said.


While everyone in Tianlu City was doing their own thing, Wuhun Palace was fully recovering its strength, and Tang San was training on the Divine Island in Shanghai, the mainland had a rare long period of tranquility and peace.

And this peace lasted for two and a half years.

In Beixuan's room in the City of Killing, the endless blood of the entire City of Killing suddenly rushed toward him crazily.

In the past two and a half years, the Killing City has undergone great changes. What has changed is not the appearance, but the atmosphere here. The feeling of violence and anger has been reduced a lot.

The evil power left by the Rakshasa God in the Killing City was almost completely purified by Beixuan.Of course, this situation cannot be hidden from the Rakshasa God. Unfortunately, the road from the God Realm to Douluo Continent has been completely sealed by Xuan Ge. No matter how angry she is, it will only be incompetent rage.

But Beixuan, through constant killing and training, broke through his own bottleneck.

"Lord King of Slaughter, what happened? I feel like the air is trembling, and all the Bloody Marys in the city evaporated into blood in an instant." The Killing Messenger hurriedly ran to the King of Slaughter to report. .

Bloody Mary is made of human blood, so of course it will be taken away by Beixuan's fully powerful evil-bending king realm.

In fact, it's not just Bloody Mary, the blood pool in the Hell Killing Fields, and the blood pool in Hell Road are all evaporating at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"The God of Death appears and destroys the City of Killing. Could it be that today is the day of prophecy?" The King of Killing quickly used the crystal ball in his hand to detect the direction of the blood energy concentration.

Soon, he found the source.

It's Beixuan!

"It's the Evil Dispelling King. He broke through level [-] and advanced to the Title Douluo realm!" The King of Slaughter said in shock. The fact that Beixuan could break through the Title Douluo realm did not surprise him.

After all, for a monster like that, a breakthrough would be a matter of time.

But the noise was too big. Those who didn't know it thought he was becoming a god.

The King of Slaughter breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it was just a breakthrough. What he was afraid of from beginning to end was the prophecy that the God of Death would destroy the City of Slaughter.

Otherwise, with his skill, why would he be so afraid of Bibi Dong and Tang Hao.

As long as Beixuan doesn't attack the Killing City, he won't do anything.

But unfortunately, one thing he did not expect was that although Beixuan would not do anything to the Killing City, he would take action against him sooner or later, even not long after.

Because Beixuan's next plan is related to the King of Slaughter, Beixuan needs to use him.

"How powerful. Is this the evil-fighting royal family? It is obvious that his bloodline only has such a little power, but it can trigger such a big breakthrough vision. I really want to know how powerful he will be when he is fully recovered. Will he be able to surpass the Supreme God King?" Brigitte murmured.

"Haha, it's far more than that. Although Xuan'er's bloodline power has recovered to [-]% now, do you think that after [-]%, he will only be five times stronger than [-]%?" Xuan Ge said with a smile. After two and a half years, After sleeping, he woke up again.

"Just like after a level 95 Titled Douluo, the one-level gap is larger than the previous ten levels. The later Xiao Xuan's bloodline power reaches the later stage, the more inestimable the improvement in his strength will be every time he recovers. As long as he can recover At [-]%, it will be a thousand times more powerful than at [-]%, which is why the rules of the plane must restrict him, otherwise, this plane cannot withstand the power of Beixuan who has fully restored his bloodline." Xuan Ge said.

Brigitte is now willing to believe in the Lord's judgment. By joining forces with this person, perhaps we can really see the day when the soul beast clan returns to the God Realm.

Beixuan restrained all his blood energy, and the black and red light in his whole body flashed back and forth, gradually returning to calm. The skills in his body, after being sorted out by the evil-fighting clan skills, had completely stabilized and were extremely pure.

Next, he will go back to the Star Dou Forest and go to the Silver Dragon King to ask for his ninth ring.

Although he might not be invincible against the King of Slaughter now, it would still take some effort. It would be better to come to him after getting the ninth ring. By then, it would probably not be difficult to defeat him.

(End of this chapter)

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