Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 413 Forced Marriage

Chapter 413 Forced Marriage
Heaven Dou City.

Since Ma Hongjun came here to look for Bai Chenxiang, the two soon fell in love and started dating.

Now Ma Hongjun couldn't care less about Shu. Except when he broke through to the Soul Saint, he went back home and hunted the seventh soul ring with the help of Titled Douluo. The rest of the time, he stayed in Tiandou City.

The relationship between the two continues to heat up, and they have reached the stage of discussing marriage.

Of course, no one from the single-attribute clan would approve of this love affair.

Especially Tai Tan, he knew how much his young master hated Beixuan, how could he allow someone from his own force, especially Tang San's cousin, to marry an important figure from the hostile force.

At first, they were just persuading. Bai Chenxiang kept her grandfather's words in mind and did not want to break up with Tai Tan and others. On the surface, she agreed to break up with Ma Hongjun, but in fact, she continued to meet secretly.

As a member of the Sensitive Clan, it was too easy for her to avoid the naive people of the Power Clan and the Yu Clan.

The only person she couldn't hide was her grandfather Bai He.

But Ma Hongjun asked Yang Wudi to write a letter to Bai He. In the letter, Yang Wudi persuaded Bai He not to trade the happiness of his granddaughter for the future of the so-called Min clan.

If the Tang Sect only uses the women of the Min clan as exchanges of interests for marriage purposes, then there is no need to be loyal.

Although Bai Chenxiang is not his granddaughter, he has long cherished her as his own granddaughter for so many years. Anyway, Yang Wudi firmly stated that her granddaughter's happiness is up to her. Anyone who dares to stop him will use his soul-breaking gun to protect her. Open the way, even if there are two old friends, Tai Tai and Niu Gao, ahead.

Bai He could ignore everyone except Yang Wudi. He was full of guilt, so he chose to turn a blind eye.

Unfortunately, paper can never cover up the fire. The two of them were finally discovered not long ago. In fact, this was done deliberately by Ma Hongjun and Bai Chenxiang. Now that they have reached the stage of discussing marriage, the two of them can no longer be as sneaky as before. , Bai Chenxiang never felt that there was anything shameful about her relationship.

Titan Niu Gao and the other two were immediately furious, and took a three-pronged approach. While confining Bai Chenxiang, they also wrote a letter and sent disciples from the Min tribe to take it to Tang San on Poseidon Island.

Niu Gao, on the other hand, went directly to Ma Hongjun. Although he did not dare to kill Ma Hongjun, it was not a problem to teach him a lesson.

Unfortunately, he underestimated Ma Hongjun's strength.

After being promoted to the Soul Saint, Ma Hongjun's Pure Yang Kung Fu has officially entered the stage of entering the palace. His power of fire is pure and domineering. The martial soul avatar opened by the seventh soul ring fully exerts the power of the Pure Yang Kung Fu and combines it with water. Like Bing'er, he became a fire phoenix with ultimate attributes.

Ma Hongjun also practiced an excellent fingering method among pure Yang Kung Fu, Xuanyang Flame Finger!
Using his Arrancar, he defeated the defense of Level 84 Defense Soul Douluo Niugao head-on, shocking the world.

You must know that Niu Gao's defense is as famous as Hu Yanzhen, the leader of the Elephant Armor Sect. Their defense has reached the level of Titled Douluo, which is recognized by the world.

But now his defense was broken by a young man, which meant that Ma Hongjun's attack power was enough to threaten a Titled Douluo-level master.

Niu Gao was defeated, and Tai Tan knew that it was impossible to drive Ma Hongjun away. Even if he went up against the Fire Phoenix, he still had no chance of winning. It couldn't be two against one. Two veteran Contras besieged a young soul. Holy?
If word spreads, will Tang Clan still want their face?
Tai Tan could only stay silent and wait for Tang San's instructions, and Tang San's reply was concise and to the point.

Tang Sect disciples are not allowed to have anything to do with Tianlu City. Now Tang Sect needs to strengthen contact with Haotian Sect or Tiandou Empire. Elder brothers are like fathers. Tang San asked Bai Chenxiang to be Tang Long, an outstanding disciple of Haotian Sect, or His Highness Xue Beng, choose one of the two, get married as soon as possible, and draw a clear line with Ma Hongjun.After receiving the order, Tai Tan and Niu Gao directly made the choice on behalf of Bai Chenxiang, hiding Tang Long and deciding to marry with the Tiandou Empire.

Although they were loyal to the Tang Sect, they still had no good impressions of the Haotian Sect. How could the eldest lady of the Min clan marry Tang Long.

"What, you want me to marry Xue Beng, Grandpa Taitan, you are going too far!" When Bai Chenxiang heard the news, the resentment and grievance in her heart almost reached the sky.

"Xiangxiang, that day Lucheng Wolf Ambition, like Wuhun Palace, is the largest evil organization on the mainland, and is the target of our Tang Sect and the two empires that will be destroyed in the future. How can you get married to people like them?" Titan persuaded.

"Emperor Xueye's health has been deteriorating over the past few years, and he seems to have thought of abdicating. By then, His Highness Xue Beng will become the new Emperor of Tiandou, and he has not yet appointed a royal concubine. You are the sister of my Lord of the Tang Sect. After marrying , she will definitely be the Crown Princess, and she can also become the Queen of the Empire in the future, what’s wrong with that? This is also very beneficial to us, who belong to the three clans alone."

"Anyway, I won't marry until I die. If I want to marry you, I can do it myself." Bai Chenxiang said forcefully.

Seeing that he could not be persuaded, Tai Tan directly waved his sleeves and said, "Xiangxiang, the sect master personally ordered that you are no longer in control. Niu Gao has already taken your grandfather to the palace to discuss the marriage. The wedding date has been set and spread throughout the country. Before that, Just stay here."

Bai Chenxiang's soul power has been blocked by him, and now she can't leave. Titan only needs to guard against that Ma Hongjun coming to rob her.

As for Tianlu City, as long as they pay attention to their discretion and don't really hit Ma Hongjun hard, those guys probably won't break up with the Tiandou Empire directly because of Bai Chenxiang.

The door was closed, and she felt angry and aggrieved. Bai Chenxiang, who missed Ma Hongjun, couldn't help but lay on the table and cried, "Oh, Hongjun, where are you? Come and save me."

"Stop crying, Hongjun is not here, how about asking his brother to help you?" A voice suddenly remembered.

Bai Chenxiang was startled. She raised her head and saw a handsome young man sitting opposite her, calmly drinking tea.

"You...who are you, and when did you come in?"

"Whenever you and Tai Tai quarreled, I was sitting here all the time." The young man said calmly.

"Impossible!" Bai Chenxiang was shocked. It was ridiculous that such a living person was sitting here watching her quarrel with Tai Tan, but they didn't notice at all.

Either he and Tai Tan were blind, or this boy was not human at all.

"Haha, don't be so afraid. I'm just a little higher in cultivation than you and Tai Tan, so you can't find me. Let me introduce myself. My name is Bei Xuan. You must have heard of it. Hong Jun is my adopted brother. "Beixuan said with a smile.

"You are Brother Beixuan! Xiangxiang greets you." Bai Chenxiang was a little excited, but also a little nervous. After all, it was the first time for her to meet the parents of her sweetheart, so she was inevitably nervous.

She has always heard Ma Hongjun say that his brother is omnipotent, and even she has an inexplicable trust in this elder brother who has never been masked.

If he appears, then all problems will no longer be a problem.

(End of this chapter)

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