Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 438 Information from the Far North

Chapter 438 Information from the Far North

After finally dealing with everyone, Haote stepped forward and said, "Thank you City Lord for saving my life!"

The figures of Beixuan and Shui Bing'er slowly fell from the sky, "Haote, you are from our Tianlu City. As the city lord, it is my duty to protect you. There is no need to say thank you. Moreover, even if you are one against many, , and completely unafraid, and did not retreat even one step to protect Oscar, he was indeed very courageous, yes, he did not disgrace our Tianlu City."

"Hehe, boss, I'm not ashamed, right?" Oscar ran to Beixuan with a smile and looked at him with expectant eyes, "Boss, how much blood of a strong man do you still have in your body? Share some of it with me. !”

Because of the special nature of his sixth soul skill, Oscar is a strong man. The more blood he has, the stronger he will be, and his fighting methods will be ever-changing.

Since joining Tianlu City, Oscar's grudge against Beixuan has long been gone. After all, Beixuan stopped the soul hunting operation, which is equivalent to saving his life. Oscar at least thinks that he is not a person who does not repay kindness, so he Like Ma Hongjun, he recognized Beixuan as the boss.

Isn't it human nature for a younger brother to ask for something good from his elder brother?

"In my hands, I have Yu Lin, Lan Xiang, Senior Dugu, as well as the blood of Guang Ling Douluo and Qing Luan Douluo that I got when I defeated Wuhun Palace, as well as the blood of Tang Chen, the Ultimate Douluo who I defeated in the Killing City. Now I will give you some, so you can use it sparingly." Beixuan generously gave half of the strong man's blood to Oscar.

When Oscar heard these names, he couldn't help but be excited. Each one of them was an extremely powerful person in the world, even Tang Chen, the legendary invincible Ultimate Douluo on land.

Then when he breaks through the Titled Douluo stage in the future, relying on the blood of these people, his combat effectiveness will definitely be very strong.

"Okay, Oscar, don't think about the future for now. You should absorb the soul bone first." Bei Xuan used his soul power to suck the mirror beast skull into his hand and handed it to Oscar.

Oscar hurriedly said, "No, no, I'm very satisfied with absorbing the soul ring. Brother Haote saved my life. This soul bone should belong to him."

"I don't want it!" Haote immediately refused, "The effect can only be maximized if the soul rings and soul bones of the same soul beast are absorbed by the same person. You don't know this."

"Xiao Ao, with your talent, you are likely to become an unprecedented food-type Titled Douluo in the future. This soul bone is my investment in you. Since you call me big brother, big brother will have to rely on you in the future. .”

"Thank you, Brother Haote, thank you, Boss Beixuan!" Oscar expressed his sincere gratitude to the two of them.

He knew that without the help of these two people, he would not be able to obtain such a good soul ring and soul bone.

While Oscar was absorbing the soul ring, Beixuan and Haote sat aside to protect him.

Beixuan asked, "Haote, I remember that your hometown, Icefield City, is the city closest to the Far North, right? Then do you know a lot about the Far North?"

Although the Tianmeng Ice Silkworm in his body was born in the Far North, it has been away from here for too long. Things and people have changed, and even when it lived here, it spent most of its time either sleeping or being hunted. .

When it comes to understanding the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion, no one in the world can surpass it, but when it comes to ordinary soul beasts, it may not know it so clearly.

On the way here, Tianmeng Bingcan only talked to Beixuan. Although the cultivation level of the ferocious beasts in the Far North is not as high as in the Star Dou Forest, in terms of ordinary 10-year-old soul beasts, there are definitely more and more powerful beasts here than in the Star Dou Forest.

Because the environment in the far north is too harsh, and there are basically only ice-type soul beasts here, ordinary soul masters rarely come here.

How could a soul beast that had no natural enemies against human soul masters and could grow in such a cruel environment be weak?
Hot thought for a while and said, "Lord City Lord, do you want to go to the far north to hunt soul beasts?"

Bei Xuan nodded, "Yes, Bing'er and I have reached a bottleneck and are in great need of information on the soul beasts there."

"Sir, the Far North is divided into regions. This frost forest is the periphery of the Far North. And just in the periphery, there may be soul beasts that are more than 5 years old. It is conceivable that the real Far North What a terrible place."

"When I was a child, I heard elders in the city mention that in the far north, there are many high-level soul beast tribes, such as the ice giant elephant tribe, the snow soul demon bear tribe with the same martial spirit as mine, etc., all of whom have 10-year-old souls. Beasts exist, and the two strongest tribes among them are the Titan Snow Demon tribe and the Ice Jade Scorpion tribe. The chiefs of these two tribes are so highly cultivated that they are said to have reached an incredible level."

"In addition, it is said that there is a soul beast hidden in the deepest part of the Far North that is stronger than the two clan leaders, but this is just a legend. I don't know the exact details."

"The seventh ring of my Snow Demon Bear was to venture deep into the Far North and take advantage of the opportunity of a 4-year-old Snow Demon Bear to be alone, so I gathered a group of friends to successfully hunt it. If you need help, sir, I can take you there.”

"Thank you, Haote!" Beixuan said with a smile, "Then how much do you know about the Ice Jade Scorpions? It is said that they have a soul skill called Ice Explosion, which is the most powerful among the ice soul skills. The presence."

"I don't know very well about this. The Ice Jade Scorpions are so powerful that no one has ever dared to provoke them." Hot shook his head. He was not bold enough to provoke the Ice Jade Scorpions.

Besides, he may not be able to successfully absorb the ice jade scorpions' soul rings. The soul rings and soul bones of this group are extremely special. If they are not close to the ultimate ice, they cannot absorb their power.

"Forget it if you don't know. In that case, after we wait for Oscar to absorb the soul bone, we will take him to your house to rest first, and then I, you, and Bing'er will go deep into the far north to have a look. Don't worry, I, Beixuan Rewards and punishments are clear, as long as you can do this well, I will never treat you badly!" Beixuan said.

Hot is a person who values ​​love and justice, and has very good talents. He is definitely a person worth cultivating.

"Yes, I am willing to serve the city lord!" Hot said respectfully.

Since he joined Tianlu City, he has only been able to practice outside Tianlu, because after all, he came here after the war and has not made great contributions to Tianlu City, so naturally he cannot enter Inner Tianlu casually.

Haote knew very well that the legendary Inner Sky Deer must be a treasured place for cultivation, because every time someone practices there, their skill will increase significantly.

Haote has always hoped to get the qualification to enter the Inner Sky Deer, and this is an opportunity.

(End of this chapter)

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