Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 460 Feng Xiaotian and Purple Pearl

Chapter 460 Feng Xiaotian and Purple Pearl

"Hmph, you evil wolf thieves, I have long heard that you are robbing people on the edge of the continent, killing people and stealing goods, making the people miserable. Now you actually dare to come to my sea to cause trouble. Today I met you. I am very I will dry you all into dried wolf meat and eliminate harm for the people." Purple Pearl said fiercely as she looked at the demon wolf army in front of her.

"Well, beautiful Miss Purple Pearl, you may have misunderstood. These wolf thieves have indeed done bad things before, but since they were conquered by Tianlu City, I have been leading them to punish and eliminate evil in these years. The sins of the past have been punished by me. A small part of them have been eliminated, and except for those who defended their homeland when the war came, they have never killed anyone." Although Feng Xiaotian was tied up, he didn't feel angry at all, and his eyes were tight Staring at Purple Pearl and smiling.

With a "pop" sound, the whip in Zi Zhenzhu's hand hit the ground next to Feng Xiaotian fiercely, "You bastard, shut up. You are a human being, but you are colluding with the wolf bandits. The wolf bandits are useless." They are species with no brains. They only have hunting instincts. You thought I would believe that they can change their ways, but I believed in your evil deeds!"

"Boss, these people are very rich. There are several gold soul coin cards in their storage soul guides, with a total amount of at least one million. I also found a certificate from the Marquis of the Empire. This person is a god. Marquis of Dou Empire!" At this time, a younger brother took out the contents of Feng Xiaotian's storage soul guide.

It was given to him by Ning Rongrong before leaving. The money in it was used to buy ships and hire sailing personnel.

The title of marquis was given to Beixuan after he became the regent.

Originally, he planned to wait for Feng Xiaotian to make more achievements and then gradually be promoted to Duke or even Prince.

"Okay, you also said that you are good people. You must have robbed this money." Purple Pearl looked at Feng Xiaotian angrily, "None of you nobles are good."

"Brothers, take a quarter of the money in the soul guide of this unscrupulous noble and use it as your hard work. The remaining three-quarters will be used to help the civilians who are persecuted by these bastard nobles. Don't be greedy for ink!" Purple Pearl ordered.

"Yes!" The man went down happily.

Although their pirate group can only get a quarter, it still has more than 200,000 gold soul coins, which is enough for them to use for a long, long time.

"She is such a beautiful and heroic girl. She is even more jealous than sister Huo Wu back then!" Feng Xiaotian looked at Zi Zhenzhu who was giving orders with admiration. His heart, which had gradually cooled down because of being rejected by Huo Wu, became hot again. .

As for the money being robbed, it's a trivial matter, so just grab it. It was given by Ning Rongrong anyway, so go and ask for it from her.

Being stared at by Feng Xiaotian all the time, Zi Zhenzhu shook her body subconsciously and felt goosebumps all over her body, "Hey, what are you looking at, you rubbish noble? Don't worry, I don't like killing people. Wait until those wolf thieves are exposed." Langgan, I will send you back to Hanhai City."

"Yes, yes, yes, even though I hate evil, I still have a bit of kindness. Although I keep swearing in my mouth, it seems more cheerful." Feng Xiaotian's old habit of licking dogs has come back. Anyway, in his eyes now, this Purple Pearl is full of advantages.

However, he thought about what Beixuan taught him before, that this kind of girl would not like a simple dog-licking man, but a positive and sunny man.

In this case, he can't be like before this time.

"Miss Purple Pearl, although the relationship between us just started from a misunderstanding, I can't watch my brother being fucked like a wolf by you. I'm sorry!" After saying that, Feng Xiaotian's soul power shook and he instantly removed the chains on his body. Shocked.

The two-headed wolf of Gale was possessed, and seven soul rings, two yellow, two purple, and three black, appeared.

"Soul... Soul Saint!" Zi Zhenzhu was shocked. She didn't expect that this guy who was easily captured by her was actually a Soul Saint-level master who possessed the true form of the martial spirit.

In the last fight, Feng Xiaotian lost on purpose and did not release the soul ring at all. If Zi Zhenzhu had known that he was a soul saint, she would definitely not have tied him with such a chain that could only bind the soul sect.

Feng Xiaotian's body flashed, and his sharp wolf claws scratched the chains on the Demon Wolf Legion, and the chains immediately broke into several pieces. "Ugh!!!" The wolf thief who regained his freedom roared up to the sky, looking at the Purple Pearl Pirates with fierce eyes.

Although they no longer kill people at will, it does not mean that they are bloodless.

For the enemy, their killing intent will not be less than before.

"Stop, brothers!!" Feng Xiaotian stopped them in time, otherwise the Demon Wolf Legion would have pounced on them.

"Being a Soul Saint and possessing a flying beast martial spirit, why was he captured by me in the first place? Could it be..." Purple Pearl immediately thought of the "truth" of the matter!

"Damn it, you are an imperial official and a member of the Spirit Hall. You were captured by me on purpose this time so that you could sneak into our Purple Pearl Island and kill all of our Purple Pearl Pirates. I won't let you succeed. "

"The fourth soul skill: Viper's Raging Sea!"

The purple soul ring flashed, and a huge sea viper rolled up billowing waves and rushed towards Feng Xiaotian. Its power was not weak, surpassing the attack of an ordinary soul emperor.

Purple Pearl is actually a pretty good genius.

Feng Xiaotian is now about thirty-two years old and a seventy-fourth level soul saint.

Her actual age is thirty-five, and her soul power level is sixty-eight. She is certainly inferior to Feng Xiaotian, but she is not inferior to the thirty-two-year-old sixty-two-year-old Qin Ming of Shrek Academy.

At least he has the qualifications to be titled Douluo.

If she hadn't stayed on Purple Pearl Island and been placed on the mainland, she would have become a famous talent in the world.

"The fifth soul skill, Tornado Blade!" Feng Xiaotian ejected a layer of intense blue light from his body, turning into countless extremely sharp wind blades that were as sharp as entities, and exploded into a dazzling tornado, sweeping the tide towards him. All cut.

"Ah!" Purple Pearl took several steps back. She realized that she was no match for Feng Xiaotian. "Damn it, you guys, follow my order and evacuate everyone. I will cut off the rear!"

Firmly determined that Feng Xiaotian was here to destroy them, Zi Zhenzhu only hoped that her brothers could escape one by one.

In fact, if she calmed down, she would know that Feng Xiaotian had no ill intentions towards her at all, otherwise she wouldn't have just taken a few steps back.

How can it be so easy to catch the wind blade of the two-headed wolf?

"No, we won't leave, boss, no matter how powerful he is, our Purple Pearl Pirates Group has two hundred soul masters, and just a pile of them can kill him!" the younger brothers roared.

They are all from poor families, and they are usually protected by Purple Pearl. In times of crisis, how can they abandon their boss and escape alone.

(End of this chapter)

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