Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 476 The Realm of God and the Realm of God of War

Chapter 476 The Realm of God and the Realm of God of War

After turning on the soul bone armor, Bei Xuan's overall attributes have been greatly improved, and the six wings of light and shadow have made his speed not inferior to that of the God of War.

Supplemented by the rift that can teleport at any time, Beixuan can use his speed to suppress the God of War.

Bei Xuan launched a counterattack, and his arm turned into an evil claw. With one claw, the space was torn apart. Although the God of War used his supreme fist power to resist in time.

But his invincible fist strength was quickly torn apart by the evil claws.

"The soul bone armor, which is comparable to the top artifacts, has raised this guy's strength to that of a second-level god. He is really a monster, but don't think you can defeat me like this." The God of War roared and punched harder. Hit back Beixuan's claws.

He should have used martial arts. In Douluo Dalu terms, it was equivalent to creating his own soul skills.

At this moment, his punch was as powerful as thunder, and when he punched out, even the air seemed to explode, making a crackling sound.

Wherever the sound passed, the mountains, rocks, grass and trees instantly turned into dust, and a ravine stretching for dozens of miles was exposed on the earth.

"What a powerful punch. A casual blow can have such power." Beixuan praised. With his current skills, even if he has soul bone armor, if he takes too many such attacks, he will probably be seriously injured. .

Beixuan used his own strengths to attack the enemy's weaknesses. He did not fight head-on with the God of War. Instead, he used space movement to increase his speed and attack the God of War from all directions.

This God of War is not just someone who has gained fame in vain. He has a solid fighting foundation and rich fighting experience.

Although he can't keep up with Beixuan's movements, he has a strong ability to predict and can always perfectly judge every landing point of Beixuan's crack in the sky and launch an attack in advance.

Forcibly smooth out your own disadvantages.

The two of them exchanged hundreds of moves in a short period of time, and the fight was so intense that the sun and the moon were eclipsed, but no one could take advantage.

The God of War sneered, "Haha, alien thief, your combat power has indeed reached the god level and is as strong as a monster. However, your skill is only level 99 after all. If you continue to fight like this, I guarantee that you will die!" "

Beixuan was not affected by the words of the God of War and continued to attack quickly, but he had to admit that what the God of War said was true.

The God of War is much more powerful than him. As time goes by, this evenly matched phenomenon will inevitably be broken.

By then, his defeat will be inevitable due to lack of skill.

"The Domain of the Evil-Resisting King!" Beixuan opened the Domain of the Evil-Resisting King, and continued to improve his skills with the power of the domain, intending to achieve a quick victory.

"Haha, even in a mere realm, you dare to be presumptuous in front of gods." The God of War laughed disdainfully, "Thief, I will show you, what is the biggest difference between gods and humans!"

"The swords and swords are dancing in the clouds, and the battlefield is filled with smoke!"

As the God of War spoke poems, the surrounding scene gradually began to change, and it was no longer the mountain forest.

"No, this is...the realm of gods!" How could Bei Xuan not know the realm of gods? After all, he still clearly remembers the battle between the two gods and the confrontation between the four realms of gods in the original book.

Boiling like a giant beast swallowing up the sky and devouring the earth, he is peacefully in the realm of the Poseidon who embraces the sky in his arms.

The misery in the world is like a feast for me, and the resentment turns into the sickle light to tear apart the prison of Rakshasa of all living beings.

The way of the world is my way, and one sword will determine the angelic realm where the light of heaven opens for a lifetime.

The sharp edge is sheathed to observe the law of truth coldly, and the murderous intention is like a blade to strangle all illusions in the realm of Shura.

These are the final forms of the realm, which can only be understood by reaching the realm of gods.

Of course, just as not all soul masters have gifted fields, not all gods master such powerful skills. Most first-level gods have them. Among second-level gods, only a few powerful beings master the divine domain. For example, the Dream God has not been mastered. After all, she is only a third-level god, and her actual combat power is far from that of the God of War. Within his own divine domain, this god is invincible, and the divine domain of the God of War is of course...

"The Realm of the God of War!" Following the roar of the God of War, Beixuan entered a world full of weapons.

The realm of God, who is worthy of being the God of War, is all about weapons.

The realm of the Evil-Resisting King was instantly suppressed. The potential of this realm was definitely greater than that of the God of War, but Beixuan had not cultivated it to the level of Xuan Ge.

Right now, it is only the realm of the evil-repelling king in the realm of talent, which is no match for the realm of gods.

"Thief, suffer death!" The God of War rushed towards Beixuan, followed by thousands of weapons.

He casually picked up a big ax and struck at Beixuan.

The big ax struck Zhongbeixuan's armor, leaving a small mark on the armor, but the ax also shattered.

Beixuan secretly thought something was wrong. Although the God of War's ax did not break the defense, it still left a mark, which meant that the attack was effective. There were endless weapons here, and the collapse of an ax by the God of War was nothing at all.

Sure enough, the next moment, he changed to a square halberd and stabbed Beixuan again.

With the blessing of the realm of the God of War, the God of War perfectly demonstrated what it means to be the pinnacle of a second-level god, with combat power that can rival a first-level god.

Bei Xuan can no longer keep up with his speed, nor can he match his strength.

Only with the soul bone armor, which is comparable to a defensive artifact, can we encourage resistance.

The God of War smiled coldly, "I just want to see how long your turtle shell can last."

The god of war keeps picking up new weapons.

Cutting with knives, stabbing with swords, cutting with axes, smashing with hammers...

In a short period of time, this guy has changed dozens of weapons. He is worthy of being the God of War. He uses all kinds of weapons with great proficiency. He even uses the off-beat weapon such as the Judge's Pen with great proficiency.

Not only in terms of strength and speed, the God of War is also extremely sophisticated in the use of his moves, probably surpassing many first-level gods.

It is not groundless to say that this guy is qualified to fight a first-level god.

"No, the soul bone armor will be broken sooner or later. Xuan'er, summon me out immediately!" Xuan Ge shouted anxiously.

"Uncle, your life soul is really too little. I have discovered it a long time ago. The last time I summoned you, the life soul was lost, but now it has not recovered at all. Although you said I can summon you three times, but every time Summoning you out will shorten your hope of resurrection." Bei Xuan refused. Now, he definitely doesn't want to summon Xuan Ge at will anymore.

"Xuan'er, you have to understand that if you die, how can I resurrect you?" Xuan Ge said anxiously.

"Uncle, don't worry, I won't lose. Our evil-fighting race is a fighting race. My strength is increasing with the accumulation of my fighting spirit!" Beixuan said with a smile.

Although the situation was completely at a disadvantage, he had no fear at all, and instead became more and more happy.

Only then did Xuan Ge discover that when no one had noticed, Beixuan's evil-destroying king realm had slowly awakened and was evolving in a new direction.

Xuan Ge said in shock, "Such a thing could happen... This child's fighting talent may have gradually surpassed Beiluo's."

(End of this chapter)

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