Chapter 84
When Lanxiang and Beixuan returned to the Eye of Ice and Fire, Yu Lin and Huo Wu had already returned.

They came back several hours earlier than Beixuan. After all, the soul ring that Huo Wu needed was much easier to find than Beixuan. Generally, those with fire attributes were very suitable for her as long as the age was right.

The advantage of having a Titled Douluo is that it is convenient to hunt for soul rings. As long as it is not a desperate place like the lake of life, there is nothing to dare to break into, and it is also very convenient to find rare soul beasts.

Huo Wu's third soul skill, like the original book, is to resist the ring of fire.

The skill does not have any attack power, but it can eject all enemies within the range of the fire resistance ring to a certain range.The ejection distance depends on the soul master's own control.

The coverage area of ​​the soul skills is 60 meters in diameter and three meters in height. As long as the opponent's attack skills do not exceed the tenth level of Huo Wu's own soul power, he can ignore any skills and defenses, and all skills within the range of the fire ring will be temporarily expelled. It is a very good control and defense soul skill.

This is what Huo Wu has always wanted. In previous soul fights, Bei Xuan, who stood in front, was often besieged by his opponents. With this soul skill, Huo Wu will be able to bounce other people away in the future, allowing Bei Xuan to run as fast as possible. Solve one person and defeat the opponent one by one.

"Congratulations on breaking through level [-]. Both of you are much better than my granddaughter." Dugu Bo sighed as he walked slowly.

He originally thought that his granddaughter was already a rare genius, but at this moment, Huo Wu was slightly better than Dugu Yan, and compared with Bei Xuan, it was a world of difference.

"The soul master is the first important watershed in the cultivation of soul masters. I don't know how many people have been trapped in the realm of great soul masters all their lives. The sooner they break through the soul master, the more helpful it will be for future cultivation." Dugu Bo looked at Beixuan, "Brother, if you like my fairy grass, you can just take it. Didn't you say that it's the same with those things, the sooner you eat them, the better the effect."

Beixuan was taken aback, "Senior, but I haven't completely unraveled your poison, this first promise, it's not time to fulfill it."

"Haha, the old man has already started to fulfill the second and third promises, do you still care about the first one? It is true that my poison has not been completely resolved, but it is [-]% complete, and the rest will be almost the same in less than three months." Already," Dugu Bo laughed, he had already recognized his promise.

The Five Poisons Red Flame Body has fully proved that Beixuan can indeed help him get rid of the poison in his body. After that, he will pick up Dugu Yan again and pass on the Five Poisons Red Flame Body to her.

It can be said that Beixuan has saved their grandparents and grandchildren, so what is a mere fairy grass?
"Thank you so much, senior!" Beixuan arched his hands, Dugu Bo was right, fairy grass has a unique effect of improving aptitude, as long as the physique reaches the level that can withstand the medicine, the sooner you eat it, the better .

"That's great, Brother Xuan, please help me choose a plant." Ma Hongjun was very excited, since he came here and heard the powerful effects of the fairy grass from Beixuan, he has been salivating for a long time.

But before Beixuan said that these fairy grasses were not theirs, but belonged to Dugu Bo.

Dugu Bo is one of his own, as for his own treasures, even if they are stronger on their side, they can't snatch them by chance, they have to wait for him to offer them willingly after the poison is unraveled.

So he can only endure.

"Don't worry, I've already thought about your part." Beixuan walked to the vicinity of the fire spring, where there was a flaming red fairy grass. Beixuan used a special technique to pick off the fairy grass, and walked back to Ma Hongjun. , "This is Cockscomb Phoenix Sunflower, which can further purify the flame in your body. I think after taking this, your flame will be closer to the ultimate fire."

"It's great, thank you Brother Xuan." Ma Hongjun took the fairy grass, asked how to take it, and happily ran away.

Next is Lan Xiang and Yu Lin, they are already at the Title Douluo level, the effect of the fairy grass on them will be slightly discounted.

"Habayashi, for your fairy grass, follow what we thought before, but are you sure you want to make such a choice? This will affect your future." Beixuan asked Yulin seriously.

Habayashi nodded firmly, "So what, Xiaoxuan, my future depends on you. Before you grow up, I must become stronger to protect you."

In fact, the celestial grass Yubayashi chose is called Hunyuan celestial grass. In the eyes of ice and fire, in terms of medicinal power, it is second only to Acacia Heartbroken Red, which is known as the king of flowers and the celestial product among celestial products.

But this kind of fairy grass has a very big difference from other fairy grasses. In addition to enhancing the soul power, other fairy grasses can also improve their physique and further enhance their aptitude potential. It is also because of this that Zhu Zhuqing of the seventh level has obtained the qualifications to become a god.

The Hunyuan Immortal Grass, on the other hand, simply enhances the soul power, and its ability to improve physical fitness is not as great as that of other Immortal Grasses. Qualification potential will not change much.

This is a choice to give up your own better future in exchange for being temporarily powerful.

The reason why Habayashi is like this is to have stronger strength, to protect Beixuan, and to help him grow.

Seeing Yulin's insistence, Beixuan didn't say any more, and directly picked the Hunyuan Immortal Grass and handed it to him.

Then there was Lan Xiang, he didn't know about fairy grass like Yu Lin, anyway, he would eat whatever Beixuan gave him, and in the end Beixuan chose Moyu Divine Bamboo for him.

This is the fairy grass that is very suitable for his gun-like martial spirit. If Tang Wulin in the original book fuses it, the Blue Silver Emperor can turn into a black jade blue silver gun, which is unparalleled in power. Take it to the next level.

"Senior Dugu, these two are for you." When it was Dugu Bo's turn, Beixuan handed over a fruit and a snow-white herb to Dugu Bo. There were still a few drops of water on the three leaves of the snow-white herb. Pearls are like the dew left in the morning.

"Me too?" Dugu Bo asked in surprise.

"Of course, you contributed the Binghuo Yangyan, and you are now with me and a brother, so I will forget you?" Beixuan said naturally.

"This fruit is snake scale fruit. You can give it to your granddaughter. Her poison is not as deep as yours. I don't need my blood to suppress the poison. The snake scale fruit is enough. It can not only suppress her poison, but also improve Her soul power, combined with the Five Poisons Red Flame Body Divine Art, will not take long for her body to recover, and she will become the strongest in the Emperor Fighting Team."

"As for this herb, it's for you. It's called Wangchuan Qiushuilu, one of the fairy herbs. Although it can't improve the soul power compared to the others, it has a very strong ability, which is to greatly strengthen the eyesight. , I remember that one of your strongest tricks, senior, is the soul bone skill that you send out with your eyes, Medusa's gaze. After taking this, the power of your move will at least double, and it will be counted as multiple cards in the future .”

Said, Beixuan approached Dugu Bo, and said in a low voice, "Other aspects, brother, I dare not say more, but brother, I can guarantee one thing, after taking this, your Medusa staring, it is definitely not good to deal with that chrysanthemum The question is, if that chrysanthemum dares to resist head-on, it will definitely lose."

Beixuan still remembers that the reason why he was injured before was that Lingyuan brought the chrysanthemum ghost to make trouble and ruined his plan with Yulin. Although Lingyuan was the culprit, it was his aunt after all, who later helped Healing himself, Beixuan can only forget it, so the blame can only be placed on the heads of the two chrysanthemum ghosts.

Beixuan must avenge any grudge, no matter what, he must find a way to put them together.

"Haha, good stuff." Dugu Bo was overjoyed when he heard the words. He and Ju Douluo were old rivals. He had beaten him to shame every time they had fought against him a few times before. Now, he finally had a chance to turn defeat into victory.

"Thank you, brother, I'll take a trip to Tiandou Royal Academy." Dugu Bo accepted the gift with a smile, then jumped a few times and left the Eye of Ice and Fire.

(End of this chapter)

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