Chapter 97
Lan Xiang stepped on the ground with his right foot, accelerated with the help of reaction force, and flew up, while his left arm lighted up slightly.

Those wolf thieves who rushed forward were all bounced off by the left arm bone of his defense system, and they couldn't get close to him at all.

When the wolf saw this, he was immediately afraid because of his wisdom.

This guy is indeed invincible at ordinary times. After all, his strength is comparable to that of a human soul king to soul emperor. He also has soul bones to protect his body, and he has a wolf bandit group that is comparable to an army of ten thousand people.

In these marginal areas, it is absolutely fine to be domineering.

Unfortunately, he met Titled Douluo today.

"You can't go." Lan Xiang left an afterimage in the air, and instantly appeared in front of the escape route of the leader of the wolf thief, kicked him in the air, and kicked him to pieces.

Originally, Lan Xiang's kick had the intention of directly kicking it to death, but at the moment of the hit, he suddenly felt that the wolf thief's physical strength had suddenly doubled.

In addition to its rough skin and thick flesh, its power at that moment was comparable to that of the Soul Saint.

Lan Xiang didn't use all his strength and couldn't kill it with just one kick.

He took a closer look at the wolf thief and saw that his right leg was glowing with blood, and his eyes no longer held the fear of him before, becoming extremely bloodthirsty.

Lan Xiang suddenly understood, "So that's it. This is a right leg bone with a mad soul skill. No wonder the body's strength has improved so much, but it seems to have lost its mind."

Taking advantage of the moment when the two confronted each other, countless wolf thieves also climbed up from the hillside. Their movements were extremely fast. Although they were not as good as this leader, they were not inferior to the soul masters of human soul masters to the soul sect level.

No wonder one hundred wolf thieves are comparable to an army of 1 humans.

Although Douluo Continent's power system is not strong, it is not a big problem for a soul master at the soul master level to defeat hundreds of ordinary soldiers without soul power.

Lan Xiang didn't want to hang out with these guys anymore, so he directly summoned the evil-fighting magic gun.

However, at this moment, the wolf thieves who had planned to continue to pounce were suddenly frightened and trembled when they saw the magic gun in his hand. Then, one after another actually crawled to the ground.

"Huh?" Lan Xiang looked at this scene strangely, but soon he figured it out.

"So it turns out that His Highness's blood has activated a trace of evil power in my evil spirit gun. This is the absolute suppression of beasts by the big monster."

Just like the aura of the great demon exuding from Beiluo in the original book of Gu Jian, it would scare the little demon out of breath at every turn. At this moment, the group of wolves and robbers were frightened by the evil spirit on the evil spirit spear.

There is only one exception, and that is the leader of the wolf thieves. After he turned on the madness, he has completely lost his sense and has no idea how to write the word "fear".

"Second soul skill, evil spirit chasing gun!"

Lan Xiang didn't waste any time and pierced its head with a spear. The physical strength of a mere Soul Saint was nothing more than that to him.

Looking at the body of the wolf bandit leader, Lan Xiang stepped forward and used his soul power to pull his right leg. A right leg bone that exuded blood-red light fell into his hands.

"Hehe, as His Highness expected, these wolf thieves really have stock in their hands." Xiang Lan put away the soul bones in satisfaction, looked at the other wolf thieves and said, "You guys, don't you come up to avenge your leader?"

"This... my lord, you are joking. Our werewolf race respects blood, and your blood is more than a million times nobler than the boss. How dare we offend you." A rather old wolf thief knelt down and said, "And You have killed the boss, and you have a more noble blood than the boss, we are willing to regard you as the new king."

Sure enough, Jiang is very old. This wolf thief seems to have a high IQ and can even speak human language.

But what it said is correct, the evil spirit bloodline is indeed the ceiling of this kind of bloodline, and there is a folk saying that evil spirits are called evil spirit lions.

The lion is classified as a cat, but its living habits and hunting methods are close to those of the canine.

To ward off evil spirits can be regarded as the top bloodline shared by cats and canines.

Therefore, these wolf thieves regarded Lan Xiang, who was holding the magic gun to ward off evil spirits, as a member of the same race who had evolved the power of his bloodline to the limit.

"Respect me as king!" Lan Xiang thought for a while and said, "I am a bit conscious of being a weak person, but I am not a king, but a warrior under the throne. His blood is more noble than mine. If so, he will be your real king in the future."

"Yes. Then may I ask, sir, where is the king? We will go to see him immediately." The old werewolf requested.

"Don't worry, you will see me when you have the opportunity in the future. Now you can all obey my orders. I think there are more than just you group of wolf bandits in this fringe area. Is there anyone else? Please point me in the direction. "Lan Xiang ordered that if he wanted to subdue them, he would naturally have to take in all the wolf thieves here.

Since Beixuan wants to build his own forces in the future, besides the high-end combat power, the middle and lower-level combat power is also very important.

As long as there are a thousand wolf thieves, it will be comparable to the empire's [-]-strong army. This is not a weak force.

As for these wolf thieves being villains who have killed countless people, to be honest, neither Lan Xiang nor Habayashi Beixuan care at all.

Jiuxie is indeed a demon clan with an excellent reputation, because not only do they not harm people, but they can also save people, but this does not mean that Jixie is a holy mother, let alone a policeman.

They will only do what they can, and will not sacrifice anything for those strangers. Even if they guard the Demon Realm, in addition to repaying Emperor Xuanyuan, the more important point is that the evil spirits are an extremely warlike race. .

In a place like the Demon Realm, they can kill without restraint, not just to help the human race.

Therefore, when Lingyuan promised not to kill people indiscriminately in the future, Yu Lin could reconcile with her immediately. As for the fact that she had killed many people before, Yu Lin didn't care. After all, there were no relatives he cared about among them.

The monster race was originally a predator of the weak, the people Lingyuan killed all his life, is there any Mordor that Habayashi killed in the past year?

Therefore, it doesn't matter what these wolf thieves were like before, as long as they are under their evil-fighting authority and no longer kill indiscriminately.

Just when Lan Xiang was very busy with Beixuan.

In the Wuhun Hall, Yubayashi just woke up from the gentle village.

Pulling away a jade arm around his neck and taking a look at Ling Yuan, who was still sleeping next to him with a slight smile on his face, Yu Lin smiled, got dressed and was about to leave.

"Really, can't you stay with me for a few more days?" At this time, Lingyuan's voice full of complaints came. In fact, she woke up as soon as Yulin moved. Although Yulin did not violate the promise and would visit her often, but Just one day at a time.

She wanted to hang out with Habayashi for a few days but couldn't do it.

"Yuan'er, I have one more thing to do now. I promise you that when the matter is finished, I will accompany you to travel around the mountains and rivers for a month. I will never regret it." Yu Lin said softly.

Although it was because of Beixuan that he agreed to return to Lingyuan, he was actually secretly happy in his heart. This guy is indeed a plain scumbag, but he also gave his heart to every woman he flirts with.

He also really loves Lingyuan.

If it weren't for Beixuan, he really wouldn't mind spending time with Ling Yuan.

But now, he can't hand over all the responsibilities to Xiang Lan, he also has things he must do.

For a force to take shape, in addition to combat power, resources are also very important. His next task is this.

"Really?" Lingyuan was pleasantly surprised. As an elder, she rarely received missions that required her to fight. It was boring to stay in Wuhun Hall every day. She had long wanted to travel the mainland with Yu Lin.

"I will never go back on my promise to you." Yu Lin kissed Ling Yuan gently on his forehead, said goodbye and left.

Ling Yuan, a titled Douluo, was holding her cheeks in her hands, as happy as a little girl.

The place where Yu Lin returned was not the Blazing Fire Academy, but the Ice and Fire Eyes.

Originally, his task could actually be left to Dugu Bo to complete, but since Bei Xuan promised Dugu Bo not to let him do these trivial tasks, he would not break his promise.

(End of this chapter)

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