The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 110 Time flows backward? 'Dojo' power!

Chapter 110 Time flows backward? 'Dojo' power!
Looking at Tang Hao who was like a puppet, Qin Dong showed a hint of surprise in his eyes and said, "Mo'er, how long can you control this pill?"

Soul skills that can achieve similar effects in Douluo Continent basically have time limits. Just like the 'minions' among their Qin family secret guards, one of the soul skills of the soul ring is to control the dead, so Qin Dong thought Qin Mo's elixir is similar.

After all, after taking the elixir, it will inevitably be absorbed and metabolized by the human body itself, especially the stronger the soul master, the more so.

Hearing this, Qin Mo showed a smile on his face and said: "Grandpa, the 'Yin Yang Soul Control Pill' I refined is not an ordinary pill. The power of the medicine is directly integrated into the brain through the seven orifices. If you want to break the control, you have to remove Tang Hao's entire body." Take out the brain, remove the elixir powder bit by bit, and then put it back."

Hearing this, Qin Dong immediately felt relieved. If the control of the elixir had a time limit, then he would really not be worried. He immediately nodded and said: "That's good."

Then looking at the devastated potholes under his feet, Qin Dong frowned. It was not that simple to eliminate such exaggerated and obvious traces of battle.

Although this place is hundreds of kilometers away from Shrek Academy, since Qin Dong broke through the seal, the Balak Kingdom has granted nearly a quarter of the area close to Shrek Academy to Qin Mo. If it is discovered by other forces, ······
Qin Mo naturally understood why his old man was in trouble, and a mysterious smile suddenly appeared on his face, saying: "Grandpa, I have a way."

After finishing speaking, Qin Dong directly summoned the martial soul 'Qiankun Ding' without waiting for him to speak.

"Yellow!" "Purple!" "Purple!" "Black!" "Red!"

Five soul rings slowly rose. In front of his old man, Qin Mo didn't have to hide anything.

A faint divine light shone on the 'Qiankun Cauldron', and Qin Mo unfolded the temporary 'dojo' after teleporting to this area.

The first and second soul rings slowly lit up, and the invisible power of time and space began to brew in the 'Qiankun Cauldron'.

The scene of this temporary 'dojo' suddenly appeared in Qin Mo's consciousness.

With his thoughts moving slightly, the origin of the world on the attribute panel began to slowly decrease. The temporary 'dojo' in the sea of ​​consciousness was like time flowing backwards, and the devastated holes began to shrink rapidly.

As for the outside world, the 'Qiankun Ding' in Qin Mo's palm seemed to be transformed into the world consciousness of this area.


The 'Qiankun Cauldron' trembled slightly, and invisible time and space ripples quickly covered this area. After the time and space ripples completely covered this area, it also began to change like the changes in Qin Mo's sea of ​​consciousness, and the devastated holes began to quickly become smaller. .

In just a few moments, this area was completely restored to its original appearance, and even the weeds that originally grew in this area were completely restored.

Looking at the scene of time flowing backward in front of him, even Qin Dong, whose combat power was comparable to that of a demigod, had a stunned expression on his face, and even touched the weeds beside him in disbelief.

Qin Mo looked at the completely restored plain in front of him, and his eyes suddenly showed a look of satisfaction. Even though his 'dojo' was only a super low-end, MINI version, it had a lot of similar authority. In this Douluo Continent, it was undoubtedly Dimensionality reduction attack.

Although Tang Hao's battle with his old man seemed to completely destroy the objects in this area, in fact the total amount of matter in this area did not change at all.

In addition, Qin Mo had consumed the source of the world long before the battle, launched a personal 'dojo', and used the power of the 'dojo' to cover this area with memory.

Therefore, as long as Tang Hao and his old man do not completely wipe out all the matter in this space, he can activate the power of time and space to consume the origin of the world and restore this space to its original state.

Of course, because Qin Mo's 'dojo' is just a super low-end, MINI version of the pseudo-dojo, he can only control ordinary materials in the 'dojo' area.

After completely restoring the area, Qin Mo took back the 'Qiankun Cauldron' and quickly disbanded the 'dojo'. He smiled at the old man who still had a look of shock on his face and said: "It's done, grandpa, we should go back. ”

After hearing Qin Mo's voice, Qin Dong suddenly woke up. Looking at the eyes of his beloved grandson, a look of helplessness appeared on his face. He patted Qin Mo's head angrily and said, "You bastard, When do you still have this ability?"

Hearing this, Qin Mo shrugged slightly and said with a smile, "I've had it for a long time."

Seeing Qin Mo's somewhat embarrassed look, Qin Dong suddenly flashed a smile in his eyes and didn't care. When the soul power in his body moved, the space instantly began to distort.

The next moment, the three figures disappeared directly into the distortion of space.

Shrek Academy - Soul Fighting Stage in the Square of the Outer Campus!
At this time, the battle for sequence has already progressed to the battle for the second sequence.

After Tang San won the seventh sequence, he did not continue to challenge higher sequences. It wasn't that Tang San didn't want to challenge, but when faced with Ye Lingling, who possessed the martial spirit of 'Nine Hearts Begonia', he had to use 'Blue Silver Grass' The suppression of Wuhun is really too great.

Even when faced with Ma Hongjun, whose attributes restrained him, Tang San would not choose to give up. After all, he could also grow by fighting against a soul master who restrained him. But Ye Lingling was different. In front of Ye Lingling's 'Nine Hearts Begonia', his' Lan Yincao's martial spirit has no ability to resist at all.It can be said that unless Tang San starts to practice the second martial soul 'Haotian Hammer', there is no chance of defeating Ye Lingling when the soul power is not much different, even if Tang San's soul power is ten times higher than Ye Lingling. level, he may not be Ye Lingling's opponent.

Under the absolute crushing force of the martial soul's original level, it even had a certain impact on Tang San's body.

After Tang San chose to stop challenging, he directly started the competition for the fifth sequence position.

Originally, Ye Lingling didn't care much about the competition for the position in the inner courtyard, but this year, with the enrollment of Tang San and four others, especially the appearance of Ning Rongrong, Ye Lingling's competitive spirit was directly aroused.

In an instant, his combat power was fully activated, directly defeating Ma Hongjun, who was originally in the fifth sequence. In the end, Ma Hongjun hid for several months, just to surprise others in the sequence battle. The trump card of the external soul bone tail feather was not even used. Then he was defeated by Ye Lingling.

The moment Ma Hongjun was defeated, Flanders, who was sitting in the main seat of the observation area next to the Soul Fighting Platform, also had an extremely strange expression on his face. He knew exactly what his disciple Ma Hongjun was planning.

He originally planned to surprise Lin Nuo, Oscar, Dai Mubai, and even Qin Mo with his magical third soul skill and attached soul bone tail feathers, but he didn't expect to lose directly to Ye Lingling of the sixth sequence. The cards that had been hidden for months were suffocating.

Not to mention the sequence advancement, he didn't even keep the fifth sequence and was directly transferred to the sixth sequence.

At this moment, Ma Hongjun was sitting in the preparation area on the edge of the Soul Fighting Stage, doubting his life. He looked at Ye Lingling who looked like a goddess of war on the Soul Fighting Stage, with a look of aggrievedness on his face.

After Ye Lingling defeated the fifth sequence, he spent a lot of effort facing Lin Nuo, who possessed the top defensive martial spirit 'Xuanming Shield'.

Lin Nuo's 'Xuanming Shield' not only has extremely strong defensive capabilities, but also has a certain degree of water control and anti-injury power. In addition, Lin Nuo has an excellent understanding of defense. If he wants to defeat Lin Nuo, he can only Forcibly break Lin Nuo's 'Xuanming Shield' martial spirit.

If it weren't for the fact that Ye Lingling's martial soul was the 'Nine-Hearted Begonia', which could recover injuries almost infinitely, it would have required a huge price to break through Lin Nuo's 'Xuanming Shield' defense.

Even so, after breaking through the defense of Lin Nuo's "Xuanming Shield" martial spirit, one of the "Nine Heart Begonias" that had [-]% of Ye Lingling's soul power was consumed.

However, this is also Ye Lingling's limit. Even though the quality of the martial spirit of 'Nine Hearts and Begonia' far exceeds that of all the students in the inner courtyard, its ability is still too single after all. Facing Oscar, who has almost no shortcomings, it is still not good enough. A little bit.

Oscar, who is also an auxiliary soul master, is far superior to Ye Lingling in terms of the concentration of strength, the attainment of soul skills, the control of soul power, and the will to fight.

If Ye Lingling's soul power wasn't several levels higher than Oscar's, he would have been defeated long ago.

But this is normal, after all, the difference in energy invested in combat between the two is too big, and they finally ended up in the fourth sequence seat.


The space fluctuated slightly, and Qin Mo's figure slowly appeared in the preparation area. Looking at the two figures flashing like streams of light on the Soul Fighting Stage, a look of relaxation suddenly appeared on his face. If he had been a little later, he might not have been able to catch up. The battle for sequence started.

After seeing Qin Mo appear, Ma Hongjun, who had doubts about his life, immediately began to cry and said: "Boss Mo! I lost..."

Hearing this, Qin Mo was stunned and looked at Ma Hongjun with some confusion: "Who did you lose to?"

"Sister Lingling!" Ma Hongjun said with a face on his arm.

Hearing this, Qin Mo's eyes suddenly showed a strange look, and he instantly remembered the bold words Ma Hongjun said in front of him and Ye Lingling in the dean's office a few months ago.

Unexpectedly, before giving Lin Nuo, Oscar, and Dai Mubai a surprise, they received a surprise from Ye Lingling first.

He coughed twice subconsciously, patted Ma Hongjun on the shoulder, suppressed a smile and said, "What about that? Pay attention next time."

Hearing this, Ye Lingling couldn't help laughing. She was also a witness a few months ago.

The expression on Ma Hongjun's face suddenly froze. He originally thought he could get comfort from Qin Mo, but what he didn't expect was the next attention. The next time would be three months later.

And... Ma Hongjun looked at Tang San, Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing, and Ning Rongrong who were watching the battle not far away. He recalled the performance of the four of them on the soul fighting stage, and felt a vague feeling in his heart. premonition.

Maybe he won't even be able to keep the sixth sequence next time.

(End of this chapter)

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