Chapter 126 What do you...want?
Seeing their sweet granddaughter weeping, the expressions of the two titled Douluo, Sword and Bone, changed rapidly, and they instantly took out several exquisite items from their respective space soul guides, and began to coax Ning Rongrong as gifts.

Seeing the gifts in the hands of the two grandfathers who loved her the most, Ning Rongrong's eyes shone slightly, and she wanted to accept the gifts, but for a moment, she seemed to have thought of something, and she quickly looked at Ning Fengzhi with a hint of crystal eyes.

The smart eyes seemed to be saying: "Grandpa Jian and Grandpa Bone have brought gifts to Rongrong, what about yours, dad?"

Seeing this, Ning Fengzhi showed a helpless smile on his face, raised his forehead slightly, and quickly took out a string of exquisite and bright necklaces from the space soul guide, just as he was about to say something.

Before the words could be spoken, the necklace in his hand and the gifts in front of the two titled Douluo Sword and Bone disappeared instantly and appeared in Ning Rongrong's hands.

The exaggerated speed once again made Ning Fengzhi, Chen Xin, and Gu Rong shrink their pupils. With their strength, they could naturally feel that the speed of Ning Rongrong's attack just now was no worse than that of the battle spirit masters of the same level. Outside Shrek Town, Ning Rongrong exploded with speed.

Moreover, Chen Xin and Gu Rong could tell from their combat experience that Ning Rongrong's burst of speed was entirely out of instinct and was not deliberately intended to be shown in front of them.

The eyes of the three people flickered. Ning Fengzhi originally didn't care about the content of the letter Ning Rongrong sent back before, but Ning Rongrong's performance at this moment directly overturned their thoughts, that is to say... ··
Looking at Qin Dong who was calm and composed in the main seat, and Qin Mo who was calm and calm, they finally decided not to explore for the time being. After all, for their Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, breaking the restrictions of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda was more important than having combat power. .

Thinking of this, Ning Fengzhi's eyes gradually calmed down, and with a smile she looked at Ning Rongrong, who had no tears in her eyes but was full of excitement, and said, "Little princess, are you satisfied?"

Hearing this, Ning Rongrong nodded quickly, kissed Ning Fengzhi, Chen Xin, and Gu Rong directly on the face, and said, "Thank you, Dad, Grandpa Jian, and Grandpa Bone."

Seeing this, Ning Fengzhi, Chen Xin, and Gu Rong's eyes became more gentle and doting.

Then Ning Rongrong slowly raised her right hand, the soul power in her body quietly surged, and the dazzling nine-color light began to condense in her palm.

Seeing the light condensed in Ning Rongrong's palm, Ning Fengzhi's eyes showed great excitement, as did the two titled Douluo Sword and Bone beside him.

"Nine layers and nine colors, nine treasures glazed tower!" Ning Fengzhi said with some trembling.

According to the legend of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, if there is a special opportunity, the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda can evolve into the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda. However, after countless years, the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda has never appeared in their Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, just like an invisible fate. Like shackles.

But at this moment, the nine-layered and nine-color Nine Treasure Glazed Pagoda Martial Spirit was floating peacefully in the palm of his daughter's hand. Ning Fengzhi's eyes were slightly red at this moment.

Not only Ning Fengzhi, looking at the "Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda" Wuhun in Ning Rongrong's palm, Chen Xin's eyes quietly flashed with a sharp edge. If he had the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda at the Title Douluo level to assist in the increase, the Wuhun Palace's Respect the legend······

Looking at the expressions on the faces of his father and the two grandfathers who loved him the most, Ning Rongrong still had a hint of 'little witch' in his eyes at this moment.

After nearly half a year of training in the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy, Ning Rongrong has undoubtedly grown a lot.If Ning Rongrong before entering Shrek Academy was an eldest lady who was full of arrogance, had a weird temper, didn't understand the sect's difficulties, and only cared about her own happiness.

So Ning Rongrong at this moment is the heir of the sect who is arrogant and has gradually matured.

The practice of 'shi' in the inner courtyard has made him restrained, and the seemingly incomparable rules of freedom have made him independent. The hard work with others has polished his pride, and he has grown up proudly. The study of library knowledge and the research department have made him broaden his horizons and make him wise. .

It seems that the inner courtyard is only for cultivation, but in fact there is growth everywhere.

Looking at the 'Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda' martial spirit in his daughter's hand, Ning Fengzhi suppressed the intoxication and envy in his eyes and slowly said: "Rong Rong, put the martial spirit away."

Hearing this, Ning Rongrong took back the "Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda" martial spirit in her palm very obediently and stood quietly beside Ning Fengzhi.

After a little calming down the excitement in his heart, the expression on Ning Fengzhi's face slowly recovered. Looking at the extremely calm Qin Dong on the main seat, Ning Fengzhi showed a wry smile and said: "Make Uncle Qin laugh."

Hearing this, Qin Dong shook his head slightly. He understood Ning Fengzhi's excitement very well: "It's human nature."

As the leader of the Qibao Glazed Sect, one of the top three sects, emotional management is the most basic. At this moment, Ning Fengzhi's face has completely returned to a gentle and elegant look, and there is a strange and incomparable nobility faintly exuding from his body.

Ning Fengzhi slowly looked at Qin Mo, with a gentle tone, like a real uncle and nephew, and said: "Xiao Mo, can I call you this?"

Hearing this, Qin Mo's eyes were slightly embarrassed, but he still nodded and said respectfully: "Of course."

Ning Fengzhi, who didn't notice the change in Qin Mo's eyes, showed a warm smile on his face and said, "I heard Rongrong say that the reason why her Qibao Glazed Pagoda martial spirit evolved was because she took the 'elixir'? "

Hearing this, Qin Mo didn't intend to waste too much time on words. With the mind and scheming of the leader of a powerful sect like Ning Fengzhi, even if he has the background of two generations, he is still far behind in terms of words. Compared with When it comes to verbal exchanges, Qin Mo prefers the absolute crushing of the situation.

With a slight movement of his palms, he directly took out two jade bottles from the space soul guide. Each of the jade bottles contained a bright golden elixir with faint tulip patterns on the surface.Looking at the two jade vases in Qin Mo's palm, Ning Fengzhi, Chen Xin, and Gu Rong's eyes suddenly lit up. They originally thought that after Ning Rongrong took one of these miraculous 'elixirs', they would be useless at most. There is only one left, unexpectedly...

Especially Ning Fengzhi. The reason why the Qibao Glazed Sect was able to build up such a large foundation was not only Ning Fengzhi's methods, but also the martial soul of the 'Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda'.

In addition to the extremely powerful attribute increase, he also has the ability to detect treasures that is the envy of all soul masters.

The moment Qin Mo took out the elixir, the "Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda" martial spirit in Ning Fengzhi's body almost didn't appear directly. The wave of incomparable desire quickly came from his "Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda" martial spirit.

If Ning Fengzhi had not been in charge of the Qibao Glazed Sect for many years, which made him strong in concentration, and if he had not practiced the secret method of "Seven Apertures Exquisite Heart" to the extreme, Ning Fengzhi would have made a fool of himself on the spot.

Ning Fengzhi forcibly suppressed his excitement, with a slight smile on his face, and asked, "I wonder if I can take a look?"

Hearing this, Qin Mo nodded slightly and said with a smile, "Of course."

After speaking, the soul power in his body fluctuated slightly, and one of the jade bottles disappeared directly from Qin Mo's palm, flashing like a stream of light and appearing on the table beside Ning Fengzhi without a trace.

Looking at Qin Mo's exposed hand, Ning Fengzhi's eyes flickered slightly, and Chen Xin directly praised: "What a subtle soul power control."

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, Ning Fengzhi slowly picked up the jade bottle on the table and looked at the faintly flickering light on the elixir in the jade bottle. There was a hint of heat in his eyes, and the restless "Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda" martial spirit in his body told him. If he takes this elixir, he will definitely be able to evolve.

Thinking of this, even Ning Fengzhi's breathing was a little hurried at this moment, and he put down the jade bottle with some reluctance. As if he was afraid that he could not bear the temptation, he stopped observing and turned his attention to Qin Mo.

The reason why he looked at Qin Mo instead of Qin Dong, who was a titled Douluo, was because from the moment Ning Fengzhi received Ning Rongrong's letter, he had guessed that Qin was the leader of this matter. ink.

Seeing Ning Fengzhi put down the jade bottle so quickly, Qin Mo's eyes suddenly revealed a hint of sigh. He was truly worthy of being the master of a powerful clan, his character and determination were far beyond ordinary.

Ning Fengzhi thought for a moment and asked: "I wonder what medicinal materials this 'elixir' is made of? How long is the shelf life of the 'elixir'."

The two questions directly hit the point. As for the refining method of the elixir, Ning Fengzhi did not ask.

Hearing this, Qin Mo shook his head slightly and replied: "Uncle Ning, the main material for refining the elixir is a fairy herb called 'Qiluo Tulip'. It does not grow in any magical place. I'm afraid there is only that one in the world." , if Uncle Ning wants to look for it, it will most likely be in vain."

After all, in the original work, during the tens of thousands of years from Dou [-] to [-], the second "Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda" martial spirit did not appear.

Hearing this, Ning Fengzhi's face suddenly felt a little disappointed, but he did not give up in his heart and was about to ask for information about 'Qiluo Tulip'.

Then he saw Qin Mo take out a page of pictures depicting strange flowers from the space soul guide, handed it over with his soul power, and said: "Uncle Ning, this is the message of 'Qiluo Tulip'."

Looking at the picture in his hand, Ning Fengzhi's eyes flashed. The flowers on the picture have roots, stems and leaves like a vine curtain, finely combed, but at the top is a golden tulip. Behind the picture, there is a detailed description of its growth environment. , medicinal efficacy, maturity time and other information.

As for the existence of a powerful force like Ning Fengzhi, even if others say it with certainty, they will definitely not give up if they have not personally searched for it.

So Qin Mo didn't care, but continued: "As for the shelf life of the elixir, as long as the layer of 'beeswax' outside the elixir is not broken and is stored in jade, the medicinal properties will not be lost at all for hundreds of years. "


Ning Fengzhi, Chen Xin, and Gu Rong's eyes suddenly lit up. The shelf life of the 'elixir' was longer than they expected, but the value was therefore higher.

Thinking of this, Ning Fengzhi suddenly fell into deep thought and didn't speak for a long time.

Seeing this, instead of being anxious, Qin Mo's face became more calm, as if he was sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai.

The inner courtyard fell into silence for an instant.

for a long time······
Ning Fengzhi's eyes became extremely deep. Looking at Qin Mo with a calm face, his eyes fluctuated slightly. After taking a deep breath, he said solemnly: "What do you... want!"

As Ning Fengzhi's words fell, the eyes of Chen Xin and Gu Rong beside them were in vain. With their tacit understanding with Ning Fengzhi, they naturally understood the weight of Ning Fengzhi's words.

(End of this chapter)

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