Chapter 130 Boy, don’t cross the line...

Flanders looked at the people in front of him and nodded slightly, pretending to be calm and said: "I'm here to announce something."

Hearing this, the eyes of Dai Mubai, Oscar, and Tang San suddenly condensed, with extremely serious expressions on their faces.

Seeing this, Flanders smiled in his eyes and said solemnly: "From now on, Sect Master Ning, His Majesty Sword Douluo, and His Majesty Bone Douluo will officially become our consultants at Shrek Academy..."

As soon as these words came out, except for Qin Mo, Ye Lingling, and Ning Rongrong, the eyes of everyone in the inner courtyard suddenly widened, and their faces were full of disbelief.

They all knew the identities of Ning Fengzhi, Sword Douluo, and Bone Douluo. They were one of the three powerful sects in the world of soul masters, the helmsman of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, and the two great sect-protecting Douluo. They were absolutely at the top of the world.

Now he has become the consultant of their Shrek Academy, a mere high-level soul master academy. Even if he is just a consultant in name and does nothing, it is so unbelievable. It is simply a fantasy.

Especially Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing, two direct descendants from the Xingluo royal family and the Netherworld Duke's Palace, had a slightly psychedelic look in their eyes.

Oscar, Lin Nuo, Tang San, and Xiao Wu may not understand what this means. After all, even though they were civilians and studied in the inner courtyard for half a year, they only knew that Ning Fengzhi, Sword Douluo, and Bone Douluo were the Seven Treasures. The controllers of Liuli Sect still don’t understand the concept of them becoming consultants of Shrek Academy.

But Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing knew it very well.

Even the Tiandou royal family of the Tiandou Empire only allowed Prince Xue Qinghe to join Ning Fengzhi's sect. Even Ning Fengzhi might not have been willing to accept Xue Qinghe if it hadn't been for the development of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect in the Tiandou Empire.

As for the name Tiandou royal family, don't even think about it.

But now...

Dai Mubai patted Oscar beside him in a daze, and murmured: "Oscar, pinch me, why do I feel like I'm dreaming..."

Hearing this, although Oscar's eyes were extremely surprised, in the past few days when he was getting along with Ning Rongrong, he had some suspicions in his heart. Looking at Dai Mubai, whose pupils were a little blurry, Oscar did not hesitate, and the soul power of his two fingers fluctuated slightly. .

One pinch!Twist!
"Ouch!" "Ugh!"

The severe pain instantly caused Dai Mubai's face to change drastically, and he subconsciously began to cry out in pain.

But as soon as he opened his mouth, Oscar quickly covered Dai Mubai's mouth with his eyes and hands. The huge force instantly made Dai Mubai's face turn blue, and he quickly began to struggle, whimpering while struggling.

The movement of the two people instantly attracted the attention of everyone present.

Seeing this, Oscar's expression remained normal, and he quietly let go of the hand covering Dai Mubai. He looked at Dai Mubai with an innocent and calm face, and looked at Qin Mo and others who were stunned for a moment with smooth movements.

Looking at Oscar with an innocent face, Dai Mubai's eyes showed a little fear and said: "Oscar, do you want to kill me? You did it so cruelly..."

Hearing this, Oscar's eyes became more innocent, as if he was saying: "What are you talking about, I don't know anything."

Seeing this, Ning Rongrong beside Oscar couldn't help laughing anymore, and Qin Mo and others couldn't help but laugh.

In addition to the embarrassment on Flanders' face, Ning Fengzhi also had a gentle smile on his face. Even the two titled Douluo Sword and Bone looked at Oscar without a hint of coldness. They could tell it. , my good daughter and granddaughter are truly happy.

After a while, the laughter gradually died down. Except for Qin Mo, Ye Lingling, and Ning Rongrong, all the people present in the inner courtyard looked at Ning Fengzhi, Chen Xin, and Gu Rong with burning eyes.

Even if they all know that Ning Fengzhi and the other three are just in name, even if they come to Shrek Academy just because they want to see Ning Rongrong, if they can get some advice...
Looking at the burning eyes of Dai Mubai and others, Ning Fengzhi's eyes fluctuated slightly. After seeing the sequence battle, Ning Fengzhi no longer looked down upon Dai Mubai and the others in front of him. They were definitely geniuses with the potential to be titled.

In particular, if Oscar, Lin Nuo, Ma Hongjun, Tang San, and Xiao Wu, five geniuses from commoner backgrounds, could successfully recruit a few of them to join their Nine Treasure Glazed Sect, they would be able to ensure that the sect would flourish again for at least hundreds of years.

And now that they have the status of consultants, doesn't this give them a chance?
Thinking of this, Ning Fengzhi's already gentle and jade-like face showed an extremely gentle smile at this moment, not only Ning Fengzhi, but also Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo on both sides.

Even though the two of them were Super Douluo with soul power levels as high as level 95 or above, they both had to admit that the talent and combat power displayed by the young people in front of them in the sequence battle were far stronger than they had been at the beginning.

Especially the combat power shown by the first three sequences, even the two of them are not sure that they can compete with them in the same level.

If Ning Fengzhi, Sword Douluo, and Bone Douluo were willing to agree to become consultants of Shrek Academy ten days ago, the main reason was because of the two pills, but they were still somewhat reluctant.

After watching the series of battles at Shrek Academy, Ning Fengzhi, Chen Xin, and Gu Rong no longer had any reluctance in their hearts to become consultants of Shrek Academy.


Three days later!
On the edge of Shrek Town, an extremely luxurious carriage slowly stopped in front of Qin Mo and others.

Ning Rongrong looked at Ning Fengzhi, Chen Xin, and Gu Rong with a face full of reluctance: "Dad, Grandpa Jian, Grandpa Gu, you guys should come and see Rongrong more often." Not only Ning Rongrong, but also Ning Rongrong. Even Dai Mubai and Tang San had a hint of disappointment in their eyes. In the past three days, they had received a lot of advice from Ning Fengzhi, Chen Xin, and Gu Rong.

Only Oscar looked at Ning Fengzhi, Chen Xin and Gu Rong with slightly stiff expressions. It was not that he had not received any guidance from Ning Fengzhi, Chen Xin and Gu Rong in the past three days.

In fact, he was the one who received the most guidance in the past three days. Ning Fengzhi even taught him the secret method of Qibao Glazed Sect's 'Seven Apertures Exquisite Heart'.

Instructing Dai Mubai, Lin Nuo and others, Ning Fengzhi, Chen Xin, and Gu Rong basically just talked, but to him...

After hearing Ning Rongrong's words, Ning Fengzhi, Chen Xin, and Gu Rong also had expressions of reluctance on their faces, especially the two titled Douluo, who had the idea of ​​staying behind.

Of course, this kind of thought only passed by in a flash. Although he doted on Ning Rongrong very much, he also knew the importance. They had been away from the sect for too long. If they didn't go back to take charge, there would really be trouble.

However, the two titled Douluo Sword and Bone made a decision in their hearts to find as many opportunities as possible to visit their sweet granddaughter, and they happened to be eyeing a certain hungry wolf who coveted their sweet granddaughter.

The eyes of the two titled Douluo instantly glanced at Oscar, and their slightly cold gazes immediately made Oscar freeze.

Ning Fengzhi stroked Ning Rongrong's hair gently and said gently: "Rongrong, be good, your Grandpa Jian and Grandpa Gu and I will come to see you whenever we have time."

Then, Ning Fengzhi looked at Oscar next to Ning Rongrong, with a trace of solemnity in her eyes, and said: "Oscar! I only have a daughter like Rongrong, protect her!"

Hearing this, Oscar's eyes suddenly showed a look of determination, he nodded extremely seriously, and solemnly said: "I will do it, please don't worry, Uncle Ning!"

After speaking, Oscar looked directly at the two titled Douluo, Sword and Bone, behind Ning Fengzhi, bowed slightly, with an extremely firm look in his eyes, and said solemnly: "I will protect Rongrong!"

Seeing Oscar's appearance at this moment, the two titled Douluo Sword and Bone were stunned, Gu Rong snorted coldly and did not answer.

Sword Douluo, on the other hand, with the sharp sword power in his eyes flashing, said indifferently: "It's best this way."

Hearing this, Ning Rongrong's heartbeat began to accelerate in vain, and a blush quietly appeared on her fair face.

After the three of them got on the bus, Qin Mo, Dai Mubai, Tang San and others directly performed a master salute to Ning Fengzhi, Chen Xin and Gu Rong to say goodbye.

Seeing this, Ning Fengzhi, Chen Xin, and Gu Rong all showed a smile in their eyes.


Following the order given by the driver wearing the uniform of the Qibao Glazed Sect, the carriage quickly began to leave.

After watching Ning Fengzhi, Chen Xin, and Gu Rong leave, Oscar felt relieved. Facing the pressure of the two titled Douluo was not that easy, even if the Sword and Bone Douluo didn't have a trace of malice.

But before Oscar could completely relax, two soul power transmissions instantly appeared in Oscar's ears.

"Oscar! You don't need me and Old Bones to teach you what you should do and what you shouldn't do..."

"Boy, don't cross the line..."

The two soul power transmissions from Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo directly caused Oscar to stumble, and his expression instantly became extremely stiff.

The title Douluo's threat, don't dare to move, don't dare to move...

Dai Mubai and others who didn't know the reason suddenly showed a hint of teasing on their faces when they saw Oscar who almost fell to the ground, and said: "Hahaha, Oscar, your feet must be weak, right?"

Even Ning Rongrong looked at Oscar with a hint of curiosity on his face.

Seeing this, Oscar's eyes suddenly showed a wry smile, and he reluctantly nodded and admitted. After all, he couldn't say the threats in his ears by the two titled Douluo.

Of course, facing the two super Douluo head-on did make his legs weak, but it was not enough to cause him to stumble.

Only Qin Mo showed a half-smiling look in his eyes. This area was still within the scope of his 'dojo', and he could also clearly hear the soul power transmissions of the two titled Douluo.

Seeing Oscar admitting it, Dai Mubai and the others felt a little bored. After all, they also knew the pressure of facing a titled Douluo head-on.

(End of this chapter)

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