The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 139 Let’s have a battle between captains

Chapter 139 Let’s have a battle between captains
Compared with the White Tiger Spirit inherited by the Star Luo Empire royal family, the Swan Spirit inherited by the Tiandou Empire barely reached the advanced martial spirit level. Countless years ago, the Swan Spirit inherited by the Xue family only barely reached the intermediate level. The martial spirit of the martial spirit.

If the Dai family of the Star Luo Empire's royal family can securely sit on the throne because of their absolute strength, then the Xue family of the Tiandou Empire is because the successors of the past generations have extremely outstanding methods. They are proficient in the use of checks and balances, coupled with the complete An army of millions controlled by the royal family.

Therefore, although the level of martial arts is not top-notch, the Xue family's throne in the Tiandou Empire is still unshakable.

But this does not mean that the Xue family has no desire for its own strength. On the contrary, the Xue family values ​​its own strength far more than all other major forces.

This is especially true for those sitting on the throne. They know the importance of their own strength better than any other force.

Therefore, the successive Tiandou emperors spared no effort to improve the Xue family's martial arts foundation. After countless generations of emperors, they forcibly upgraded the Xue family's swan martial arts from the original, which was barely an intermediate martial spirit, to one comparable to an advanced one. The level of martial soul.

In order to have the absolute combat power that belongs to the Xue family, it has even seen the light of day, but in the end it ended in death.

Emperor Xueye, the emperor of the Tiandou royal family, also attaches great importance to Shrek Academy, which has a titled Douluo, but as one of the people with the highest status in the entire continent.

Emperor Xue Ye paid more attention to the titled Douluo who sat behind Shrek Academy. As for the many students and teachers in Shrek Academy, he actually didn't pay much attention to them. The only ones who paid more attention to them were Qin Mo, Ye Lingling and Ning. It’s just Rongrong and the other three.

Among the three, Qin Mo is the grandson of Qin Mo, the Mountain and River Douluo. Behind Ye Lingling is Ye Renxin, the strongest healing soul master in the continent, and Ning Rongrong is the next sect of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, one of the three sects. heir.

Even so, Emperor Xueye did not come forward in person, but ordered Prince Xue Qinghe to come forward.

Not to mention other students, the Tiandou Empire is too vast. The number of advanced soul master colleges alone is nearly half a hundred, so even if there are rumors about how talented the students of Shrek Academy are.

But for Emperor Xue Ye, as long as he hasn't grown up, he is just a genius.

But now, Ma Hongjun's performance really shocked Emperor Xueye, especially the bird martial spirit, who could clearly sense the terrifying suppression coming from Ma Hongjun.

That was the phoenix spirit's absolute suppression of the bloodline of all bird spirits. The swan spirit in Emperor Xueye's body even trembled crazily under the cry of Ma Hongjun's phoenix.

Although the quality of the Xue family's swan martial soul has gradually improved over countless generations and has reached the level of advanced martial arts, it has also reached its limit. Unless the swan martial soul can be fused with a more powerful bird bloodline and evolve in this way, it will not be ordinary. means will not have much effect.

The Phoenix Martial Spirit owned by Ma Hongjun in front of him is the most top-notch martial spirit among birds, and although Emperor Xue Ye does not pay too much attention to the students of Shrek Academy, he also knows that more than [-]% of the students in Shrek Academy Students are all from civilian backgrounds, which means...
Emperor Xue Ye quickly looked at Ning Fengzhi beside him. As the Emperor of Heaven Dou, he was naturally very clear about the relationship between Ning Fengzhi and Shrek Academy, especially during this period of time, Ning Fengzhi, Sword Douluo, and Bone Douluo The three of them went to this royal hunting ground quite often.

"Sect Master Ning, do you know anything about this Phoenix Soul Master from Shrek Academy?" Emperor Xue Ye's eyes were full of heat, especially when he paused slightly on the word "Phoenix".

Hearing this, Ning Fengzhi knew what Emperor Xue Ye was thinking without even thinking about it. His eyes wavered slightly and he was about to speak.

Platinum Bishop Salas on the other side naturally understood what Emperor Xue Ye was thinking. With a smile on his face, he said: "Your Majesty, why bother asking Sect Master Ning about this trivial matter."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Ning Fengzhi to refute, he directly said: "The soul master on the stage is named Ma Hongjun. His martial soul is a phoenix martial soul that mutated from the poultry and chicken martial soul. Perhaps it is because the chicken martial soul before the mutation is really strong." It is too weak, causing its Phoenix Spirit to have huge flaws..."

As a high-level executive of Wuhun Palace, Salas also attaches great importance to Shrek Academy, which is home to Titled Douluo. Even the space soul guide on Salas's body contains a secret message from Wuhun City, asking him to use the utmost strength to win over with sincerity.

Even if they fail to win over him, they cannot be succeeded by other forces, especially the royal family of the Tiandou Empire.

The moment he heard what Salas said, Emperor Xueye's expression froze. Especially after hearing that Ma Hongjun's Phoenix Spirit was mutated from an ordinary poultry chicken and that it had defects in the spirit, the heat in his eyes quickly turned away. He regretted it and quickly looked at Ning Fengzhi, as if to confirm whether what Salas said was true.

Seeing this, Ning Fengzhi's eyes flashed slightly, and he nodded to Emperor Xue Ye, then pointedly said to Salas: "Your Excellency Salas knows the students of Shrek Academy quite well. Well."

After seeing Ning Fengzhi nodding, the pity in Emperor Xueye's eyes became more and more intense. He looked at Ma Hongjun in the campus with a dull look on his face.

The Tiandou royal family, which has gradually evolved intermediate martial arts into high-level martial spirits, has extremely rich experience in the evolution of martial spirits. Compared with the upper limit of the soul master's martial soul bloodline, the Tiandou royal family is more concerned about the soul master's martial arts. The lowest limit among soul bloodlines, especially the soul masters of the first generation of mutated martial souls.

Although the Phoenix Martial Spirit owned by Ma Hongjun can be regarded as one of the top Martial Spirits on the mainland, it was mutated from the lowest poultry Martial Spirit, Chicken.

Their uncontrollability is too great. Once they are combined, their Xue family's swan martial soul may even be contaminated and downgraded before their swan martial soul evolves, and countless generations of their Xue family's efforts will be wiped out.

Emperor Xue Ye couldn't afford to gamble, and he didn't dare to gamble. After sighing slightly, a feeling of exhaustion quickly surged into his heart, causing Emperor Xue Ye to unconsciously lean on the chair behind him with a look of helplessness.Neither Salas nor Ning Fengzhi paid much attention to the state of Emperor Xue Ye, after all, it had been like this all the time in the past few years.

After hearing Ning Fengzhi's pointed words, Salas showed a smile on his face and said: "After all, the title of Shanhe Crown was awarded by Elder Gui and Elder Ju of Wuhun Palace to Shrek Academy in person."

"In addition, Shrek Academy is the only high-level soul master academy in the entire Douluo Continent that is mainly composed of civilian soul masters. Naturally, my martial spirit will know Shrek Academy better."

Hearing this, the smile on Ning Fengzhi's face did not change at all. He nodded and said unequivocally: "That's it."

The two people's eyes quickly collided in front of Emperor Xue Ye, and neither of them evaded the slightest bit.

In this regard, the somewhat uninterested Emperor Xue Ye paid no attention to it...

On the campus grounds, Ma Hongjun’s face was filled with excitement after he defeated seven soul masters in a row.

Although these seven battles did not even arouse much of Ma Hongjun's fighting spirit, this was their first battle in the Shrek Academy promotion tournament.

It is also the first time in the promotion of this Soul Master Competition that one wears seven. What an honor this is.

Under the school grounds, Dai Mubai and Oscar looked at Ma Hongjun, who was like a victorious rooster on the stage. Their eyes were a little red, and they said with a bit of sourness in their tone: "If you can't just wear seven, who else will do it?" Not even if it’s not too late...”

"That's right, the fight is over, the referee has announced it, and I still can't get down quickly..."

Just as Dai Mubai and Oscar said, compared with Shrek Academy, the other senior soul master academy team members are undoubtedly far behind in terms of combat power alone.

For two days in a row, under the strong request of Dai Mubai and Oscar, Qin Mo arranged for them to appear, and the result was just like Ma Hongjun on the first day, with one wearing seven.

The simple and crude arrangement caused many soul master teams to panic. Even though there were only three people from Shrek Academy, the pressure like a big devil gave all the teams a huge headache.

This is true even for the four major academies of Thunder, Blazing Fire, Kamikaze, and Tianshui. Shrek Academy is just the three who participated in the battle, and their combat prowess is no worse than the captain of their team.

Even they could see that although Ma Hongjun, Oscar and Dai Mubai completed one to seven, they definitely had reservations and did not use their full strength.

As for the ten-thousand-year fourth soul ring that appeared during the Oscar battle, many soul master teams did not pay too much attention to it. After all, the soul master academies that were able to advance to the promotion competition had more or less taken whale glue.

Although the fourth spirit ring of ten thousand years is a bit shocking, it is not too strange to have a titled Douluo sitting in charge.

Until the fourth day, Qin Mo and the others encountered Shenfeng Academy, one of the five element academies.

Compared with other soul master academies, the members of the Five Elements Academy team are undoubtedly superior in talent and combat power, especially Feng Xiaotian, the captain of the Divine Wind Academy team, who is a rare soul master with innate soul power.

If it weren't for his love brain and his temporary brain twitch, he chose to spend a lot of time practicing to create his own soul skills. With Feng Xiaotian's innate soul power talent, even if his soul power level could not reach the soul emperor, he would still be able to do so. Reach the level of a high-level soul king.

But now it is only level 46, and even this is due to the use of whale glue, otherwise it would only be level 44 in the original work.

You must know that Feng Xiaotian is a genius with innate soul power. In terms of talent alone, he is even stronger than the three members of the Golden Generation of Wuhun Palace. But now, the strength of the three members of the Golden Generation has reached the Soul King level, but his style Xiaotian is still spinning around in the Soul Sect.

Facing Shrek Academy, which can be called the great devil, Feng Xiaotian of Shenfeng Academy knew that except for himself, the other members of his team would never be the opponent of any member of the Shrek Academy team.

If they follow the rules of the promotion competition, their Kamikaze Academy will definitely lose. Although they won't be beaten seven times like other soul master academies, it will be equally embarrassing to be beaten multiple times.

Thinking of this, Feng Xiaotian was instantly possessed by his martial spirit, and as if teleporting, he appeared in the middle of the campus, directly facing the direction of Shrek Academy and said: "Captain Qin Mo, the rules of the promotion competition are indeed a bit boring and time-consuming. How about we have a battle between captains?"

(End of this chapter)

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