Facing the respect of the Haotian Sect's long-browed title elder, Qin Dong's eyes were as calm as an ancient well. He glanced at the Haotian Sect's long-browed title elder in front of him, and an indifferent voice slowly sounded: "I, Qin Dong, Titled 'Shanhe'!"

"Mountains and rivers!!"

In an instant, the eyes of the five elders of the Haotian Sect and Tang Xiao suddenly shrank. As the "Shanhe Qin Family", one of the extremely rare "heavy weapon" type martial arts families on the mainland, how could they not be clear about this.

Especially in the past two years, because of the demise of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family, their Haotian Sect has naturally had more contact with the outside world, but according to the rumors from the outside world, isn't Qin Dong of the Shanhe Qin Family just joining the Titled Douluo a few years ago? ?How could there be such terrifying strength.

Perhaps in terms of martial spirit quality, the 'Shanhe Cauldron' is inferior to the 'Haotian Hammer', but in terms of weight, it is much heavier than the 'Haotian Hammer' martial spirit inherited by their Haotian Sect. You must know that this is in the soul. The Clear Sky Hammer is known as the first martial spirit weapon in the mainland among the masters.

In the past two years, as Shrek Academy's reputation has continued to expand, the reputation of Mountain and River Douluo Qin Dong has also spread crazily. Coupled with the terrifying spatial power displayed by Qin Dong's 'Shanhe Cauldron' martial spirit, it has vaguely threatened Haotian. Signs of Zong's 'Haotian Hammer' martial spirit.

After all, the Clear Sky Sect has been a sect for nearly 20 years, and there is no trace of the Clear Sky Hammer spirit in the soul master world. Except for the older generation, the rest of the new generation of soul masters have no idea about the Clear Sky Hammer. How many concepts, plus the push behind Wuhundian...

If it weren't for the difficulty of inheriting the martial spirit of the 'Shanhe Cauldron', there would only be Qin Dong and Qin Mo's grandson in the Shanhe Qin family. In addition, Qin Dong had already broken through to the level of a titled Douluo, and space-type titled Douluo would be extremely difficult to deal with. The Great Elder also thought about it...

Thinking of this, the six major titles of Haotian Sect, including Tang Xiao, all trembled in their hearts, and instantly felt extremely happy. Fortunately... Fortunately, they didn't make any move... Otherwise... ·····

The old guy who was able to survive the farce back then could be said to be extremely aware of current affairs. Even the seventh elder with the most fiery temper was extremely quiet at the moment.

In terms of age alone, perhaps several of the five elders in the Haotian Sect are older than Qin Dong, but in the soul master world, strength is always respected.

The five elders of the Haotian Sect quickly bowed respectfully to Qin Dong: "Greetings to the demigod of mountains and rivers!"

Facing the respectful obeisance of the five major titles of the Haotian Sect, Qin Dong's eyes were slightly filled with emotion, and he said with a hint of sigh in his tone: "The Haotian Sect... has declined..."

As soon as these words came out, Tang Xiao, the leader of the Haotian Sect, the five elders, and even Tang Hao all showed a hint of embarrassment in their eyes. Although the deepest part of his soul consciousness had been controlled, his most instinctive reaction was not to Will be affected, or as long as Qin Mo doesn't think about it, there will be no impact at all.

Especially the five elders in the Haotian Sect, their eyes were even more unconvinced.

After all, if Tang Hao is included in the current Haotian Sect, there are seven titled Douluo. The second-generation disciples headed by Tang Xiao, the ones with the weakest souls have broken through to the Soul Saint level, and the souls of the third- and fourth-generation disciples are His strength is also much stronger than that of outside soul masters.

Even the clan members of the Haotian Sect during the Tang Dynasty were not as powerful as the Haotian Sect today.

As for the emotions of the five elders of Haotian Sect and brothers Tang Hao and Tang Xiao, even if they are extremely vague, Qin Dong can sense them very clearly. After practicing the pill condensation method to the eighth level, unless there are 'demigod' level beings , otherwise very few beings would be able to hide anything from him.

However, Qin Dong did not care what to say in response to the dissatisfaction of several people. He just shook his head slightly and sighed: "The best fighting soul hammer, the towering Haotian Sect..." As Qin Dong said this As soon as the ten words came out, Tang Xiao and the five elders of the Haotian Sect all trembled in their eyes. They instantly understood what Qin Dong meant. Especially the five elders of the Haotian Sect, what they had done in the past ten years quickly appeared in their minds. , a feeling of embarrassment quickly surged into my heart.

Ignoring the thoughts of the five elders of the Haotian Sect, Qin Dong felt this way because he only admired Tang Chen decades ago. The Haotian Sect in the hands of Tang Chen back then was worthy of the title of "The Best Fighting Soul Hammer." These ten words are "Weiwei Haotian Sect".

And the Haotian Sect after Tang Chen...
So he was just a little emotional, and then Qin Dong handed over the leadership to today's protagonist, quickly looked at Tang San beside Qin Mo, patted Tang San's shoulder, and said with a smile: "Go ahead... ···”

Feeling the feeling on his shoulders, Tang San felt as if he had an extra sea-fixing needle in his heart. He looked at Qin Dong and Qin Mo with a hint of gratitude in his eyes: "Thank you, Grandpa Qin..."

The five elders who received no response from Qin Dong felt their hearts tightening, especially after seeing Qin Dong's attitude towards Tang San.

Slightly restraining the gratitude in his heart, Tang San quickly looked at the five elders of the Haotian Sect in front of him, especially the Grand Elder of the Haotian Sect, and the expression on his face instantly became extremely cold.

Following Tang San's gaze, the eyes of the five elders in the Haotian Sect quickly fell on Tang San. Their eyes were not as contemptuous as in the original work, but instead extremely solemn.

"Tang San, son of Tang Hao, has met all the elders!"

Tang San, who had taken the dominant position, did not attack directly. Instead, he first bowed slightly to the five elders of the Haotian Sect in front of him.

No matter what the five elders of the Haotian Sect in front of me are like, as my father's uncles, they are worthy of my worship, but this worship is only for etiquette.

Seeing Tang San's salute, the faces of the five elders of the Haotian Sect, instead of getting better, became more solemn. However, due to the presence of Qin Dong, they did not dare to make the slightest move.

However, the Seventh Elder, the most fiery and forthright among them, couldn't help but say: "Tang San... what do you mean..."

Hearing this, Tang San glanced at the seventh elder's face. Compared to the other elders, Tang San was not that disgusted with this seventh elder with the most fiery temper. Moreover, he also learned from his uncle Tang Xiao's words You know, the parent and son that the seventh elder in front of you valued most died because of that incident back then, and he was a victim together with their family.

But even if he wasn't so disgusted, Tang San didn't intend to respond. He quickly withdrew his gaze, stretched out three fingers to the five elders of the Haotian Sect in front of him, and said in an extremely calm tone: "Three requests... ···”

Hearing this, the five elders of the Haotian Sect suddenly felt a trace of anger in their eyes, but when they saw Qin Dong behind Tang San, that trace of anger completely disappeared as if frozen by ten thousand generations of mysterious ice.

With Tang San's perception ability, when facing the five titled elders, he could completely detect the anger rising in their eyes, but so what, with the support of Qin Dong and Qin Mo, Tang San was completely confident. He didn't care about the expressions of the five titled Douluo in front of him. (End of chapter)

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