Chapter 226 Flame Experience Area
Tiandou Empire—Tiandou City—Shrek Academy!

In the office of the dean of the inner courtyard, the space began to fluctuate in vain, and three illusory figures quietly solidified.

At this moment, Dai Mubai seemed to have lost all restraints, with an extremely relaxed look on his face, and a faint aura of freedom exuding from his body.

The power that had been honed for two years could not help but fluctuate faintly, and a tiger-like roar could be vaguely heard, which had obviously been suppressed for a long time.

Dai Mubai was closely followed by a man whose face was vaguely similar to Zhu Zhuqing and Zhu Zhuyun. His figure was equally hot, but not as cold as Zhu Zhuqing or as beautiful as Zhu Zhuyun. He was also younger than the two in age. He was a little younger, with a somewhat pure and well-behaved look on his face.

Although Shrek Academy moved from Soto City in the Barak Kingdom to Tiandou City in the Tiandou Empire, the aura that uniquely belongs to Shrek Academy has not changed at all.

Feeling this extremely familiar aura, especially the dozen or so familiar soul power fluctuations in the distance, Dai Mubai couldn't help but become excited: "Hahaha, Shrek Academy! I'm back again."

Hearing Dai Mubai's excitement, the figure following him suddenly showed a trace of confusion on his face, but his hands seemed to have been practiced countless times, and he reached out to grab the corner of Dai Mubai's clothes.

"Brother Mubai, why are you laughing?? Didn't you say you wanted to take me to see cousin Zhuqing?"

Feeling the very familiar slight tug on his waist, the expression on Dai Mubai's face suddenly froze, especially after feeling Qin Mo's teasing gaze, there was a trace of embarrassment in his eyes.

However, Dai Mubai, who has been in the "killing scene" for a long time, is much thicker-skinned than expected. The embarrassment in his eyes quickly disappeared. He even looked at Qin Mo with a look in his eyes, and at the same time looked at Zhu Zhuyu's eyes. A little more gentle.

Slowly holding the hands that were tugging at the corners of his clothes, his tone became a little gentler and his eyes were extremely focused. He smiled and said, "I'm happy. Let's go, I'll take you there." Looking for cousin Zhuqing, and my good brothers, haven't you always been curious about them?"

Seeing Dai Mubai's handsome and charming face and the warmth coming from his hands, Zhu Zhuyu's pretty face turned red, his eyes quickly revealed a starry gaze, and he nodded quickly: "Okay!"

Seeing Dai Mubai's actions and the subconscious tenderness and concentration in his eyes, Qin Mo's eyes showed a hint of surprise. He never thought that Dai Mubai, who was once called the 'sexy tiger', would one day have some peace of mind.

Seeing this, the smile on Dai Mubai's face became even brighter, and his eyes looking at Qin Mo became even more provocative, the meaning of which was self-evident.

Dai Mubai, who grew up with Qin Mo, undoubtedly knew Qin Mo very well, so he did not give Qin Mo a chance to fight back. He quickly showed an extremely serious expression in front of Zhu Zhuyu and said seriously to Qin Mo: "Boss Mo, I’ll take Zhuyu to get to know Oscar and the others first, you go about your business first, and we’ll talk later.”

Hearing this, before Qin Mo could react, Zhu Zhuyu, who was beside Dai Mubai, immediately bowed to Qin Mo subconsciously, and followed Dai Mubai in saying, "Goodbye, Boss Mo."

Hearing Zhu Zhuyu's voice, although Dai Mubai looked serious, the smile in his eyes could no longer be suppressed. For fear that he would burst out laughing, he quickly pulled Zhu Zhuyu towards the outside of the dean's office. .

Qin Mo didn't care about Dai Mubai's childish behavior. After suppressing it for two years, it was really time for him to relax. As the king of beasts, White Tiger should not be trapped in the court. It has greatly cultivated its own power, but the most suitable one is the boundless world after all.

Of course, the most important thing is that Dai Mubai can see right away that the gifts Qin Mo prepared for Oscar, Tang San, Dai Mubai and other good brothers, with the virtues of Oscar and Ma Hongjun, will definitely make Dai Mubai remember It’s profound, so why should you care?

Thinking of this, a smile suddenly flashed in Qin Mo's eyes. ······
Shrek's inner courtyard - the island in the middle of the lake!

A huge invisible space barrier completely enveloped the island in the middle of the lake, the man-made lake, and the surrounding large area.

Within the barrier, Oscar, Ma Hongjun, Tang San, Ning Rongrong and others were all distributed in various areas of different colors. Their clothes were soaked with sweat, and the expressions on their faces were extremely weird. Especially Ma Hongjun, who said in his mouth He also kept making strange noises like "Hmph" and "Hmph".

But even so, Oscar, Ma Hongjun and others still did not choose to give up or quit. Obviously they have tasted the benefits of this experience environment.

As for the older generation of teachers in the inner courtyard, only Qin Ming is left, and there is no figure of Flanders, Zhao Wuji and others. No, Qin Ming is actually Qin Mo and his generation, only But they are much older than Oscar.

It is precisely because of this that compared to Qin Ming and Oscar, who are still young, Flanders, Shao Xin, and Li Yusong are older after all, and their ambition is not as enterprising as when they were young.

In addition, the growth of students like Qin Mo, Oscar, and Tang San have already fulfilled their inner wishes, so even the youngest among them, Zhao Wuji, who even has the possibility of being titled, is no longer as talented as he was when he was young. Momentum.

In the flame training area, Ma Hongjun was completely enveloped by the illusory fire phoenix condensed by flames. The extremely hot and violent invisible flame energy burned Ma Hongjun's soul power, physical strength, mental power, and even the soul ring emerging on his body in all directions.

Even though Ma Hongjun's martial spirit was the fire phoenix known as the divine beast, he still felt immense pain under the invisible flame.

This is an experience area that Qin Mo built with reference to the strange flames in a fantasy novel on Blue Star in his previous life. Although it is not as powerful and magical as the strange flames in the fantasy novel, it is in the 'Qiankun Cauldron' and ' Dojo', and the power of the origin of the world, but they have the same purpose.

Therefore, even though he felt extremely painful, Ma Hongjun still did not choose to stop. He even felt the changes in his body, bursting out with more powerful power, and the illusory fire phoenix around him became more solid.

next moment·······

The sound of phoenix cries echoed, and the rhythmic soul rings on Ma Hongjun began to change in vain. Among them, the first two hundred-year-old soul rings shining with yellow light quickly began to transform, and a wisp of purple spirit quietly lingered.

For a moment, it quickly turned purple, and at the same time, a surge of soul power erupted, and the soul power level quietly broke through.

Not only Ma Hongjun, but Oscar, Tang San, Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong and others in various training areas also seemed to be linked, and exciting soul power fluctuations erupted one after another.

Dai Mubai, who was going here, happened to witness this scene. He looked at Oscar and others who made breakthroughs one after another, with an extremely surprised expression on his face.

After completing the breakthrough, Oscar and others also felt Dai Mubai's aura. Although there was no communication at all, everyone present made the decision to 'trick' Dai Mubai in a tacit understanding.

The original weirdness on his face quickly changed to joy and excitement, and even controlled the transformation of the soul ring on his body, which kept flashing.

(End of this chapter)

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