The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 236 The Death Spider Emperor’s Real Body

Seeing Da Ming and Er Ming being so decisive, Qin Mo's eyes suddenly showed a strange color.

In the original work, the first encounter between the two spirit beasts and the Spirit Hall would have cost them the opportunity if it weren't for Xiao Wu's recklessness.

With their fighting prowess, even the two titled Douluo, Ju and Ghost, who possess martial soul fusion skills, would not be able to obtain benefits at all, and would even have to pay a huge price for it.

Even if they don't fight head-on, with the strength of Da Ming and Er Ming, it is still very easy to escape with Tang San and Xiao Wu under the two major domains. At least Xiao Wu will not be forced to sacrifice at all.

But maybe it’s not their fault. The sacrifice in the original work may not be without the calculation and influence of the gods in the divine world. After all, it is too coincidental...
Not just that time, but it was also the case when the two spirit beasts met Wuhun Palace for the second time. Da Ming and Er Ming happened to be chased by Wuhun Palace and were on the verge of death, and Tang San happened to arrive just in time... ·
The first sacrifice of Xiao Wu was to save Tang San, while the second sacrifice of Da Ming and Er Ming seemed to be to force Tang San to resurrect Xiao Wu immediately, but in fact the ultimate beneficiary... ·Not to mention nothing to lose, but also to gain two potential and loyal subordinates...
According to Qin Mo's previous life, Blue Star, he was PUA to the extreme.

But now, perhaps without the influence of the gods, Da Ming and Er Ming made the most appropriate decision in an instant.

Although they were guarding the "Lake of Life" in the Star Forest, they were not completely ignorant of the outside world. The most important thing was that they had already dealt with Bibi Dong more than ten years ago, although they had not faced her directly. , but they were also very clear about its terrifying extent, and for this reason they lost Aunt Rou, whom they had always respected.

After more than ten years, Bibi Dong, who was already extremely talented, must be even more terrifying. With the assistance of two titled Douluo, even if their bloodline is strong, they are not very sure, especially since they have not sensed it. After the response in 'Lake of Life', Da Ming and Er Ming had a bad premonition in their hearts.

Tang San, who held the unconscious Xiao Wu in his arms, wanted to say something, but before he could say anything, he saw Qin Mo shaking his head slightly at him, with an inexplicable look in his eyes.

Seeing this, Tang San's eyes instantly showed a trace of doubt, but he quickly swallowed what he originally wanted to say, and then quickly followed Da Ming and Er Ming's words and responded: "Don't worry, Da Ming, Er Ming! I will protect you." Good Xiaowu... I guarantee it with my life..."

Hearing the incomparable determination in Tang San's tone, Da Ming and Er Ming both showed a hint of relief in their eyes. They didn't say anything more, but took one last look at the unconscious Xiao Wu, and then two violent and ferocious souls appeared. The force and pressure exploded.

Although their bodies were as huge as mountains, the speed erupted by the two soul beasts Da Ming and Er Ming was extremely exaggerated. The terrifying impact caused countless huge trees along the way to break and collapse crazily, and some of them were even knocked down. It was shattered and thrown away by the huge force impact.

Violent roars, explosions, and collisions sounded wildly.

In just an instant, the figures of the two giant beasts disappeared in front of Qin Mo and Tang San.

Feeling the auras of Da Ming and Er Ming gradually moving away, and seeing a hint of hatred on Xiao Wu's face in his arms, Tang San couldn't help but look at Qin Mo, about to ask something.

But before Tang San could speak, Qin Mo's voice instantly sounded: "Do you want to ask me why you didn't take Da Ming and Er Ming away together? I obviously have the strength..."

Hearing this, Tang San was startled. These were the questions he wanted to say. The outside world didn't know Qin Mo's strength, but Tang San and the others were very clear about it, especially the space method that took Da Ming and Er Ming away together. easy.

However, after seeing the meaningful expression on Qin Mo's face, Tang San's pupils shrank instantly, as if he thought of something, and his eyes quickly looked in the direction where Da Ming and Er Ming were leaving.

Seeing this, Qin Mo's eyes suddenly showed a trace of approval. Tang San was worthy of being the protagonist in the original work, and his reaction was really quick. However, it was a pity that he knew too little and could only guess part of it.

He patted Tang San on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Don't think too much, I'll send you and Xiao Wu to Dean Flanders and the others first, and you leave the Star Dou Forest first."

After finishing speaking, a strange invisible space barrier quickly enveloped Tang San and Xiao Wu.

Feeling the fluctuations in the surrounding space and the temperature coming from Xiao Wu's body, Tang San pursed his lips slightly and looked at Qin Mo: "Boss Mo, Da Ming and Er Ming are not in danger...right..." ?"

Hearing this, Qin Mo paused slightly, looking at the light in Tang San's eyes, a smile appeared on his face, and an extremely calm voice quickly sounded: "Don't worry..."

Then with a wave of his right hand, the space barrier originally covering Tang San and Xiao Wu flashed instantly, the space was instantly distorted, and the two people quickly disappeared in front of Qin Mo.

On the other side of the core area of ​​the Star Forest, Flanders, Zhao Wuki, and Oscar, who were on alert, instantly sensed the changes in the space.

The soul power in Zhao Wuji and Oscar's body rose instantly. Flanders' fierce and sharp eyes like an eagle at high altitude quickly locked, but soon, two familiar auras in the space fluctuations came to the three of them. The breath was quickly withdrawn.

The next moment, Tang San, holding Xiao Wu in his arms, jumped out of the space fluctuations.

Seeing this, the vigilant Oscar quickly appeared in front of Tang San, looked at the unconscious Xiao Wu, and said solemnly: "What happened, where is Boss Mo?"

Not only Oscar, but Zao Wou-Ki and Flender, although they did not directly step in front of the two of them, they also quietly closed the distance.

Hearing this, Tang San paused slightly. Although he knew the temperaments of Flanders, Zhao Wuji and Oscar very well, at this moment, he did not tell the story about Da Ming, Er Ming and Xiao Wu, but concealed it slightly. A little bit, but what he said was also true.

"Pope Bibi Dong, Ju, and Gui of the Wuhun Palace are hunting 10-year-old soul beasts. Xiao Wu was affected. Boss Mo said that we should leave the Star Dou Forest first..."

Hearing this, Flanders and Zhao Wuji glanced at each other subconsciously. With their eyesight, they could naturally tell that Tang San was hiding something, but they didn't pay too much attention to it.

Zhao Wuji's face instantly showed a trace of solemnity, and his eyes quickly looked at Dai Mubai, who was still absorbing the soul ring: "Hunting a 10-year-old soul beast... No wonder there is such a big movement, unfortunately, here. when······"

The falcon-like eyes in Flanders's eyes also showed a hint of helplessness.

But the next moment, an exciting wave of soul power quickly burst out, and the black soul ring on Dai Mubai's body that was still a little empty quickly solidified, and the bottleneck of soul power suddenly shattered.

"Level 71..."

"Level 72..."

"Level 73..."

The soul beast that is more than [-] years old has provided Dai Mubai with more than three levels of soul power.

But before Dai Mubai could open his eyes, the clothes on his back tightened in vain, and then violent wind pressure hit his face, and he felt weightless instantly.

In just an instant, Flanders and his entourage quickly disappeared from the spot and fled out of the Star Dou Forest at an extremely exaggerated speed.

At the same time, it was about ten miles away from the 'Lake of Life' in a straight line. "Roar!"

'Titan Ape' Er Ming's huge mountain-like body stood upright, and the mountain-like aura was released majesticly. The surrounding void instantly began to twist, and the invisible gravity control field exploded.

The doubled gravity instantly caused the surrounding ground and trees to quickly break and collapse.

However, compared with the surrounding environment, the locked Wuhundian group was even more stagnant. Even Ju and Ghost Douluo, who were titled Douluo, staggered a bit. Only Bibi Dong, whose strength was unknown, seemed not to be affected. Influence.

'Titan Giant Ape' Er Ming's fists, like falling stars, instantly fell towards Pope Bibi Dong, with extremely ferocious killing intent in his eyes.

But before 'Titan Giant Ape' Er Ming could drop his fists, Ju Douluo's voice sounded instantly.


The next moment, a bright golden light flashed, nine soul rings quickly lingered, and a huge golden chrysanthemum condensed in an instant. Countless petals were cut like knife leaves, and it quickly blocked Pope Bibi Dong.

Feeling the slight sting from his fists, a trace of disdainful ridicule flashed across the huge eyes of the 'Titan Ape', and the gravity control field that originally covered the entire scene quickly condensed.

The endless earth elements in the surrounding earth condensed instantly, and the huge golden chrysanthemum suddenly collapsed. The speed did not slow down at all, and was even a little faster than the initial one.

Ju Douluo, who felt that his soul skill was broken, was suddenly shocked, especially after seeing the disdain and ridicule flashing in the huge eyes of 'Titan Giant Ape' Er Ming, a look of shame and anger quickly appeared in his eyes. The murderous intention surged instantly.

Quickly shouted: "Old ghost!"

As Ju Douluo finished speaking, a strange black figure quietly appeared. The two titled Douluo stood opposite each other, holding each other's hands. The bodies of the ghost and Yue Guan suddenly merged, and a sound like an accent sounded.

"Martial soul fusion skill: Liangyi still field!!"

In an instant, the nine soul rings on both of them lit up almost at the same time, as if they had turned into fuel, and two extremely bright flames rose instantly.

Among them, the flames outside the nine soul rings on Ghost Douluo's body are silver, while the flames outside the nine soul rings on Chrysanthemum Douluo's body are golden.

Under the bright gold and silver light, the eighteen soul rings quietly condensed into a huge gold and silver halo, instantly covering the surrounding time and space.

Under the halo, matter within a hundred meters in diameter was completely still. The whistling wind, the falling fists of the Titan ape, and the condensed earth elements were all frozen in place.

Seeing the stagnant Titan Giant Ape, the eyes of the seven Contra-level bishops who were following them suddenly lit up. Without any command, the soul power in their bodies quickly exploded. His most powerful soul skill.

Seven surging soul attacks instantly burst out towards the Titan ape's body.

But before these seven attacks could come, an extremely thick blue light wave instantly burst out from a distance. The strongest attack from the seven Contras instantly collapsed under this blue light wave.

Not only that, the moment the light wave burst out, everything around him suddenly turned into a cyan world, slowing down by more than 30.00%.

The controlled Titan ape also erupted with extremely terrifying soul power fluctuations, earthy yellow light shone, and the invisible gravity was instantly chaotic.

Under the explosion of the two great soul beasts, the martial soul fusion technique 'Liangyi Still Field' used by the two titles Ju and Ghost collapsed, and countless golden and silver light spots fell.

The collapse of the realm instantly stagnated the soul power of the two titled Douluo, Ju and Ghost.

It seemed that he also noticed the strangeness of the two titled Douluo, Ju and Ghost, and the aura on the 'Titan Giant Ape' became even more terrifying.


An extremely cold voice sounded instantly.

The surrounding space seemed to be smeared with a layer of pale white, and the extremely terrifying God of Death realm exploded. The extremely cold killing intent instantly caused everything to fall into silence, and even the temperature in the air instantly dropped a lot.

In the God of Killing Domain blessed by Bibi Dong's terrifying murderous intent, the gravity control domain and slowness domain of 'Azure Bull Python' Da Ming and 'Titan Giant Ape' Er Ming were instantly suppressed, and the earth elements gathered in Er Ming's body were instantly suppressed. Collapse.

Upon hearing this voice, the bodies of Ju and Gui, as well as the seven Contra-level bishops, trembled in vain, with a hint of fear in their eyes.

I saw that Bibi Dong, who was originally extremely dignified and beautiful, was completely transformed into a huge terrifying spider at this moment. The eight extremely ferocious spider legs were like spears, and the purple-black carapace of the whole body was covered with a layer of purple light. Wherever they passed, the ground was scorched.

The two major titled Douluo, Ju and Ghost, and the seven Contra-level bishops who were following them quickly moved away. This was the true form of Bibi Dong's number one spirit, the Death Spider Emperor. Even though the terrifying toxins in his body were... Just a trace of it is unbearable for a titled Douluo.

Feeling the fear and strangeness flashing in the eyes of the two titled Douluo Ju and Gui, and the seven Contra-level bishops, Bibi Dong, who had activated his martial soul true form, had even more murderous intent.

Bibi Dong has always been extremely disgusted with her two martial arts. As a woman, especially a woman whose appearance and figure are the best in the continent, both the Death Spider Emperor and the Soul-eating Spider Emperor are too ugly. .

Even if it is just a simple martial soul possession, it is extremely ugly.

Therefore, even though it was because of these two martial spirits that Bibi Dong had such a powerful talent, his hatred was not diminished at all. Even because of this, Bibi Dong hated his two martial spirits even more deeply.

If it weren't for her plan, which required these two 10-year-old soul rings and soul bones, it would have been impossible for Bibi Dong to use her martial soul avatar.

······(end of this chapter)

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