The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 278 Constructing the magical ancient scriptures to repair the Immortal Realm of Evolution! &

The huge bronze coffin was completely dark, with some people shivering and others sobbing softly. As soon as they closed their eyes, they saw the horrific scene of their foreheads being pierced, blood splattering, and brains leaking out, like a nightmare.

Even though it seems to be safe at the moment, the remaining people are extremely confused about the future. No one knows where the giant bronze coffin will stop in the next battle, or whether it will always wander in the universe until they are completely dead.

It wasn't until he was exhausted that the sounds in the darkness slowly subsided and he fell into sleep. But even so, he still hugged the incomplete Buddhist vessel tightly, as if he was holding on to the only comfort.

In comparison, Ye Fan and Pang Bo were in much better condition, while Qin Mo was a little pale at the moment, as if he was seriously ill.

Under the dim light of the bronze lamp, Pang Bo looked at Qin Mo's extremely pale face. A hint of concern suddenly appeared on his face, and he asked in a low voice: "Old Qin, are you okay..."

Following Pang Bo's whisper, Ye Fan's attention was also attracted, and he immediately looked at Qin Mo. However, compared to Pang Bo's simple concern, Ye Fan, who had obtained the 'Bodhi Seed', was vaguely interested in Qin Mo at this moment. The status is perceived.

Hearing this, Qin Mo felt helpless. This time, not only the gathered world sources were almost exhausted, but even more seriously, the 'Qiankun Cauldron' in the sea of ​​consciousness.

At this moment, the 'Qiankun Cauldron' in the sea of ​​consciousness is full of traces of fragmentation, just like a broken piece of equipment that has been repeatedly glued together after being fragmented. If the foundation of the world in the 'Qiankun Cauldron' were not relatively stable, it would have been possible to directly Fall into ruins.

Fortunately, after all, it has changed compared to the Zhetian in the original work, and the origin of the world is still converging at this moment.

However, although he felt helpless, there may not be a turning point. Qin Mo's eyes quietly glanced at the 'Coffin within the Coffin' not far away, and his right hand subconsciously touched the center of his eyebrows, feeling the world that was constantly gathering between his eyebrows. Origin, thoughts are constantly flickering.

Seeing the concern on the faces of Pang Bo and Ye Fan, Qin Mo shook his head slightly and said with a smile: "I'm fine, I'm just a little tired..."

Regarding his own situation, Qin Mo didn't want to hide anything, but it was unnecessary. After all, neither Pang Bo nor Ye Fan had yet embarked on the path of cultivation, so speaking out would not help.

Pang Bo frowned slightly, which was obviously a shirk. He was about to say something, but was stopped by Ye Fan beside him. Seeing Ye Fan shaking his head slightly, Pang Bo's words were stagnant, and his face suddenly changed. There was a hint of depression.

Ye Fan could naturally see that Qin Mo's words were not sincere, but since Qin Mo didn't want to say it, there was no need for them to delve deeper.

He just looked at Qin Mo deeply, with concern and a hint of meaning in his tone, and said: "Old Qin, if you need anything, call us, and we will rest first..."

Hearing this, Qin Mo paused slightly, obviously hearing the deep meaning in Ye Fan's words, but Qin Mo could also sense that there was no calculation in it, only concern. A warm color suddenly flashed in his eyes, and he nodded and smiled slightly. Said: "Okay, I won't hold on..."

Hearing this, Ye Fan nodded immediately, and then directly pulled Pang Bo to find a relatively open position, ready to start resting.

For a moment, the giant bronze coffin fell into complete silence.

Seeing this, the expression on Qin Mo's face softened slightly, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he quickly scanned the giant bronze coffin.

The next moment, his spiritual thoughts fluctuated slightly, and the vajra pestle in his palm glowed with a faint light. On the coffin wall, a dark crocodile shadow as thick as a thumb quietly disappeared.

However, compared with this dark crocodile shadow, Qin Mo was more concerned about the illusory dark and evil thoughts in the corner and the inexplicable aura faintly exuding from several of the survivors.

Obviously, Crocodile Ancestor's distraction has parasitized some of Ye Fan's classmates through unknown means.

As if aware of Qin Mo's gaze, the gaze of the illusory shadow in the corner quietly shifted from Ye Fan to Qin Mo.

Cold and scary...

Instantly, an invisible and formless thought of terror invaded, and vaguely, a creepy sneer seemed to ring in Qin Mo's ears.

The inexplicable auras of the classmates who were invaded by Crocodile Ancestor clones also quietly condensed, and a pair of brutal and bloodthirsty vertical pupils stared vaguely, as if to say: "I'm eyeing you..."

The undisguised malice spread crazily...

But the next moment, the carvings of ancient ancestors and gods on the walls covered with patina inside the giant bronze coffin, as well as the bronze patterns of ferocious birds and savage beasts from the ancient times, quietly emitted a hazy brilliance that was so weak that it was almost undetectable. .

The sneer of the illusory and dark shadow, as well as the blood-colored vertical pupils condensed by Crocodile Ancestor's distraction, all dissipated.

Obviously, whether it was Crocodile Ancestor's distraction or the illusory ghostly shadow, he was currently suppressed by the 'Three Generations Copper Coffin' and had no ability to do anything to Qin Mo.

The illusory ghostly figure and Crocodile Ancestor's distraction seemed to know this, so they just stared at Qin Mo, more like a warning, and then fell completely silent.

Seeing this, Qin Mo was silent for a moment. Just as the illusory ghostly shadow and Crocodile Ancestor were too distracted to do anything to Qin Mo, with Qin Mo's current strength and condition, he was also unable to do anything to the illusory ghostly shadow. , and what damage Crocodile Ancestor’s distraction caused.

The reason why Qin Mo cared about it was because he was worried that the two would affect what he wanted to do next. Then he quickly began to calm down and sat cross-legged, his eyes instantly locked on the 'coffin' not far away.

Feeling the warmth that was constantly gathering between his eyebrows, Qin Mo felt slightly uneasy: "I didn't expect this situation, and I don't know if such a little bit of the origin of the world is enough. If it's not enough, I will have to borrow one from Ye Fan even if I am shameless. Borrow 'Bodhi leaves'..."


Qin Mo took a deep breath, closed his eyes slightly, and the source of the world that was constantly gathering between his eyebrows began to evaporate in an instant.

In an instant, Qin Mo's consciousness suddenly became clear, and an extremely mysterious voice quietly sounded in his ears.

It seems to be telling something, and it also seems like the great heavenly voice is expounding all the truths in the world.

As Qin Mo's consciousness continued to immerse, the mysterious holy sounds in his ears became more and more magnificent.

"The way of heaven is to make up for the excess of damage and make up for the deficiency..."

The vast and profound sound seemed to come from the ancient time and space, and finally vibrated in Qin Mo's ears like a yellow bell, and quietly spread into Qin Mo's sea of ​​consciousness.

The next moment, within the sea of ​​consciousness, there were countless cracks, just like the 'Qiankun Ding' that had been re-glued together, and a glimmer of light shone in vain.

Hundreds of divine sounds from the Great Dao to Jane instantly set off endless waves in Qin Mo's calm sea of ​​consciousness.

The Heavenly Sound of the Great Dao is like an abyss or an ocean, profound and vast. Every word that is sounded is like the sea breaking apart, resounding throughout the world. It is like the singing of ancient Zen or the prayer of the gods in the ancient times. It flows in an endless stream. Break the eternal sky.

As the cicadas sang like the heavenly sound of the great avenue, the countless cracks on the 'Qiankun Cauldron' lit up with magical light in vain. "Buzz!"

The simple, thick bronze vibrato echoed, as if it had been completely revived. There was obviously no power fluctuation, but it began to recover itself.

There is even a hint of inexplicable supreme charm in it.

It's a pity that Qin Mo, who was deeply in the state of enlightenment, did not witness this amazing scene with his own eyes.

However, although Qin Mo could not witness it with his own eyes, he had already expected it. In other words, the reason why Qin Mo dared to extract the power of time and space to replenish the energy of the 'Tai Chi Bagua Diagram' on Mars regardless of the damage to the 'Qiankun Cauldron' was Because of the scriptures that are constantly being sung in the bronze coffins of these three generations.

The mysterious scriptures that are constantly being chanted in the bronze coffins of the Third Generation are originally the supreme essence left by the emperor Huangtian who has been arbitrary for eternity in the endless distant era.

Among the hundreds of ancient characters, nearly half are methods of constructing, evolving, and repairing the Immortal Realm. It is a pity that the bronze coffins of the three generations failed to enter the Immortal Realm and fully evolved and repaired the Immortal Realm, leaving it in the world.

Even extremely powerful worlds like the Immortal Realm can be constructed, evolved, and repaired, let alone Qin Mo's 'Qiankun Cauldron'.

Just after listening to hundreds of ancient words, the 'Qiankun Cauldron' in the sea of ​​consciousness was completely restored, and there were no more cracks on the cauldron. Even when it had just passed through the black hole of the universe, it was like when it met the Nine-Dragon Coffin. The damage suffered also completely disappeared.

Not only that, the fully restored 'Qiankun Cauldron' has even more mysterious charm.

The most important thing is that the 'Qiankun Realm' within the 'Qiankun Cauldron', which is fixed in time and space, also quietly begins to transform along with the cicada singing of this magical scripture.

In the past, even if Qin Mo used the 'Qiankun Cauldron' to refine countless plane stars, although it was extremely 'real', there was still an inexplicable feeling of emptiness lingering around. Even though it provided Qin Mo with extremely powerful combat power, But it still feels like a castle in the air...

But at this moment...

The inexplicable feeling of emptiness lingering in the 'World of Heaven and Earth' began to gradually disappear.

With the transformation of the 'Qiankun World', the rules and patterns of the 'Douluo World' imprinted on the 'Qiankun Cauldron' quietly began to evolve.

On the inner wall of the 'Qiankun Cauldron', divine inscriptions are constantly flashing as the Heavenly Sound of the Great Avenue echoes in the sea of ​​consciousness, as if following the appearance of the Heavenly Sound of the Great Avenue.

The sound of heaven rises, and the divine writings appear!

The sound of heaven falls, and the gods and texts disappear!

Over and over again!


He didn't know how much time had passed. In a daze, Qin Mo suddenly felt his body shaking, and the mysterious "Dao Tianyin" in his ears completely subsided.

"Old Qin..."

"Old Qin... wake up, don't sleep anymore..."

Pangbo's voice gradually became louder.

Qin Mo's eyes slowly opened, and vaguely, it seemed like a nine-color brilliance flickered, and his consciousness began to return quickly.

Looking at the surrounding situation, Qin Mo subconsciously showed a trace of confusion on his face. He was originally sitting cross-legged not far from the coffin. At some point, he lay flat on the side wall of the coffin in the center of the huge bronze coffin, directly treating the coffin as a bed.

Pang Bo's face suddenly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Qin Mo regaining consciousness. He didn't know whether it was because the 'Nine Dragon Coffin Pulling' stopped again, or because of the darkness and depression for several hours. Suddenly, 'cracking' words kept coming towards him. Qin Mo's ears were outputting.

"Good guy, Lao Qin, you can really sleep. I didn't wake you up even after shouting for a long time. The big shock just now didn't affect your sleep..."

Then without waiting for Qin Mo's response, Pang Bo looked at Qin Mo's face again and found that he was no longer as pale as a few hours ago. A smile suddenly appeared on his face and said: "Your face looks much better. It seems that you are indeed I’m tired, no wonder it’s so hard to wake up..."

"And Lao Qin, you are so brave. You dare to sleep next to this thing. If the coffin lid hadn't been opened and light came in, it would have been difficult for Ye Fan and I to find you... "

Apparently Pang Bo thought that Qin Mo wanted to be clean and was not familiar with the others, so he ran directly to the coffin in the center of the giant coffin to rest.

Listening to Pang Bo's crackling words, Qin Mo's consciousness gradually returned. Feeling the sensation coming from his body, Qin Mo's eyes suddenly showed a look of enlightenment.

The reason why I appeared on the side wall of the coffin is most likely because the shock generated by the 'Nine Dragons Pulling the Coffin' after it arrived in Beidou caused the coffin body to shift, causing me to fall into a deep state of 'enlightenment' and be directly shocked to the coffin wall. superior.

Under the coffin, Ye Fan's voice quickly interrupted Pang Bo's 'babble'.

"Pang Bo! Lao Qin! Stop talking now, let's go out quickly."

As Ye Fan's voice sounded, Pang Bo woke up, stopped his crackling output, subconsciously patted his forehead, and said: "I forgot about business..."

After finishing speaking, he quickly pulled Qin Mo and slid down the slope on the edge of the coffin wall, and then ran directly towards the coffin lid.

For a moment, fresh air blew in, even carrying the smell of earth and the fragrance of flowers and plants, and the natural atmosphere filled the surroundings.

Looking at the vibrant world in front of him, Pang Bo couldn't help shouting excitedly: "Finally I can see the sun again. Although it is no longer the same one as before, I still want to say loudly that I have been reborn!"

Not only Pang Bo, but Ye Fan on the side could not help but show a relaxed expression, and the dozen or so surviving beings in the distance were also extremely excited.

Compared with the ruined death realm of Mars, the world in front of us is like a fairyland.


Moments after Ye Fan, Qin Mo, and Pang Bo left the bronze coffin, the giant bronze coffin made a metallic trembling sound, which suddenly affected everyone's nerves, and they all turned around to look.

Most of the nine huge dragon corpses were hanging at the foot of the cliff, and the copper coffins were not far away from the cliff. At this moment, the nine dragon corpses like the Great Steel Wall were slowly sliding down the cliff, and the copper coffins were also slowly being driven along. Glide forward slowly.


The nine huge dragon corpses and the ancient bronze coffin made a rumbling sound as they slid on the top of the mountain, and finally accelerated and fell down the straight up and down cliff!

Looking at the bottom of the bottomless cliff, Ye Fan and Pang Bo, who were still excited just now, suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. It was only a few seconds away. If they were a few seconds late, I'm afraid...

Not far away, Liu Yunzhi in the crowd looked at Qin Mo and the others on the edge of the cliff, a trace of resentment and pity quietly flashed in his eyes: "What a pity, it's only a few seconds away..."

······(End of this chapter)

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