The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 283 Changes in the attribute panel! More than 3 times the medicinal properties of 'gras

"screw you······"

Pang Bo responded with a little excitement and annoyance in his eyes. In the past few months, he and Ye Fan had been taken advantage of in terms of titles.

But the comparison between the two people's faces at this moment and Qin Mo...

However, Pang Bo was more excited than angry, looking at the three bottles of 'Baicao Pill' in Ye Fan's hand with gleaming eyes.

Compared with him and Qin Mo who had opened up the sea of ​​​​suffering early, Ye Fan undoubtedly needed these more.

Ye Fan also looked at the three jade bottles in his hand with some excitement. He had a hunch that if he took these 'Baicao Pills', he would definitely be able to open up the sea of ​​suffering.

But in a flash, hesitation flashed in Ye Fan's eyes: "Old Qin, Pang Bo, these pills..."

Before he finished speaking, Qin Mo and Pang Bo guessed what Ye Fan wanted to say. Before Ye Fan could finish speaking, Qin Mo's fingertips moved slightly, and an invisible traction quietly burst out.

In an instant, a six-marked 'Baicao Dan' in the jade bottle in Ye Fan's hand quickly turned into a phantom and appeared in Qin Mo's hand.

"You and Pang Bo brought the materials. I'm just the one responsible for processing. I accepted the reward..."

Seeing this, Pang Bo followed suit and snatched the jade bottle containing the three-turn 'Baicao Pill' from Ye Fan's hand, and poured out half of the three-turn 'Baicao Pill'.

While pouring, he sighed: "Old Qin, your alchemy skills are really amazing. The efficacy of the elixir is much stronger than that of 'Baicao Liquid'..."

Then he threw back the remaining jade bottles containing ten 'Baicao Pills', the meaning of which was self-evident.

Seeing this, Ye Fan's eyes fluctuated slightly, but looking at the expressions on the faces of Qin Mo and Pang Bo, he did not reject their relationship at the moment, and there was indeed no need to be polite or polite.

So he just nodded to Qin Mo and Pang Bo and said: "Thank you, Lao Qin, Pang Bo..."

Seeing this, neither Qin Mo nor Pang Bo cared. Seeing the faint eagerness flashing in Ye Fan's eyes, Pang Bo immediately suggested: "Without further delay, Ye Zi, otherwise you can just take the 'Baicao Pill' here." Well, I don’t believe that your ‘sea of ​​suffering’ can’t be opened up if you take so many ‘Baicao Pills’.”

Qin Mo also nodded slightly and suggested: "Take the three lines pill first, the six lines next, and the nine lines as the final strength."

Hearing this, Mark Ye immediately no longer hesitated, nodded quickly, took a deep breath, and quickly sat cross-legged.

He quickly took out a three-marked 'Baicao Dan' and drank it, closing his eyes slightly, the scriptures of the "Tao Jing" quietly flowed in his heart.

The surging yet mild medicinal properties rose instantly, and the vitality essence quickly dissipated from the abdomen, quickly making Ye Fan's body slightly warm.

Feeling the life essence rising in his body, Ye Fan suddenly sighed at the mystery of Qin Mo's alchemy. Although the efficacy of the medicine was only doubled, the purity of the life essence provided was far more than that, and the medicinal properties were also milder. several times.

Even this is just the lowest level three-line elixir...

It's a pity that neither he nor Pang Bo has the talent to learn alchemy. The types of medicinal materials alone give them a headache, let alone refining them.

After sighing a little, Ye Fan quickly entered the state of practice.

The 'Baicao Liquid' originally brought back by Ye Fan and Pang Bo could be completely processed and refined into at least forty three-line 'Baicao Pills' and twenty six-line 'Baicao Pills'.

But in order to help Ye Fan open up the sea of ​​suffering to the maximum extent, he directly extracted half of the medicinal properties and condensed a nine-marked 'Baicao Pill'.

The three-grained 'Baicao Dan' alone is at least twice as good as the 'Baicao Liquid' in terms of medicinal properties and the purity of the life essence contained in it.

A three-line 'Baicao Pill' can provide practice efficiency, which is comparable to the medicinal properties of four bottles of 'Baicao Liquid'.

The six lines of 'Baicao Pill' on it can provide practice efficiency, which is comparable to sixteen bottles of 'Baicao Liquid'.

And the most mysterious nine-marked 'Baicao Pill' can provide a practice efficiency that is as terrifying as a hundred bottles of 'Baicao Liquid'.

Not to mention the mystery...

As Ye Fan took the elixir, Qin Mo's brows felt warm, and a lot of world origins quickly gathered together.

The gift of fate has already been marked with a secret price, even if it is mutual benefit that will not cause any loss to Ye Fan and Pang Bo.

This is also one of the important reasons why Qin Mo chose the 'Lingxu Cave'.

Even though Ye Fan has not yet grown up, and has not even opened up the sea of ​​suffering in his body, the origin of the world contained in him is vast, and even continues to gather as he grows.

In comparison, the people who were selected to go to other cave heaven paradises are undoubtedly the ratio of Yinghuo to Haoyue. Even the origin of the world contained in Pangbo itself is far superior to others.

Compared with the world origin that had completely dried up a few months ago, although the world origin Qin Mo has now is still not too much, it has also relieved Qin Mo a lot, at least enough for ordinary practice and enlightenment.

Feeling the entry of the world's origin, Qin Mo suddenly showed a smile on his face, and then seemed to think of something. He quickly looked at Pang Bo next to Ye Fan, and subconsciously rubbed his chin.

Pang Bo, who was stared at by Qin Mo, suddenly trembled. He quickly saw the smile on Qin Mo's face, and his expression instantly froze and said: "Old Qin, why are you looking at me like this? You're so scared..." ····”

After a moment, a young man sitting cross-legged appeared in the thatched house again.

Feeling the warmth coming from his eyebrows again, Qin Mo's face suddenly showed a trace of satisfaction.

The next moment, the mysterious light in Qin Mo's eyes quietly revived, and the attribute panel quickly appeared.

[Name: Qin Mo]

[Realm: Lunhai Secret Realm—Life Spring Realm]

[Physique: Sendai First Level]

[Spiritual Thought: Sendai First Level]

[Physique: Original body]

[Instrument: Qiankun Ding]

[Dharma: "Mysterious Ancient Sutra", "Tao Jing" (initial chapter), "Six-Character Mantra", "Elixir Condensation Method", "Alchemy", "Taoism", "Buddhism"...]

[Original attributes: time, space, yin, yang, metal, wood, water, fire, earth! 】 【Dojo world: Qiankun world (time stasis and transformation)】

[Origin of the universe: 18435 squares ↑ (cannot be used during the transformation of the dojo world)]

[Origin of the world that covers the sky: 9854 points]

[Planes opened: Douluo Continent, Zhetian]

Compared with the 'Douluo World', the data on the attribute panel has undoubtedly undergone earth-shaking changes, and it seems to be more consistent with the Zhetian World.

However, this is not because Qin Mo adjusted the attribute panel, but as the world origins of Zhetian World gradually converged, the attribute panel naturally changed.

Even this change took nearly three months. During those three months, every time Qin Mo opened the properties panel, all he saw was blurry and no data was displayed at all.

Fortunately, during those three months, although the data on the attribute panel could not be seen, it did not affect the use of the attribute panel on the origin of the world.

It is precisely because of this that for several months, Qin Mo has put most of his time and energy into the collection of books in Lingxu Cave. Although Lingxu Cave is not powerful, the collection of books in it also makes Qin Mo extremely powerful. It complements the foundation of Zhetian World’s cultivation path.

Compared with this, the changes in alchemy and the improvement in realm are nothing.

But even so, relying on the bottomless knowledge, he directly broke through to the second level of the Wheel and Sea Secret Realm - Life Spring.

Even if it weren't for the fact that Qin Mo didn't realize that he didn't know enough about the cultivation path of Zhetian World and his own transformed physique, he would have been able to reach a higher realm.

However, these are only the most basic things. What has changed the most is the origin of the world itself and the world of Qiankun in the 'Qiankun Cauldron'.

Although different worlds all contain the origin of the world, and even the powers and miraculous degrees possessed by the origins of the world are exactly the same, and they can even achieve the same mystery, the actual essence is completely different.

In terms of quality alone, the original quality of the world in the Zhetian World is far more powerful than the original quality of the world in the 'Qiankun Realm', just like the contrast between dust and gold, even after the 'Qiankun Realm' has continued to transform.

Coupled with the differences in world rules and energy levels, the origin of the world in different planes greatly reduces the magic that can be displayed in the world in different planes.

The mystery that one hundred thousand points of the origin of the world of "Qiankun Realm" can be leveraged is not even comparable to the power of leveraging the origin of the world of "Zhetian".

In fact, Qin Mo has enough world origin of the 'Qiankun Realm' at this moment to lift the time and space stagnation of the 'Qiankun Realm' and start the evolution of the world. Even the nearly 10,000 points of the world origin that covers the sky are enough to transform the core of the 'Qiankun Realm'. 'Douluo Plane Stars' is unblocked.

But... this is tantamount to killing the goose that lays the egg.

Qin Mo knew what was most important to him, especially after he obtained the mysterious ancient scripture left by Emperor Huang Tian in the 'Three Generations Copper Coffin'.

That is a powerful scripture that can repair and evolve even the Immortal Realm, let alone the 'World of Heaven and Earth'.

Qin Mo is not arrogant enough to think that he can rely on the miracle of the world's origin and the natural transformation potential of the 'World of Heaven and Earth' itself to compare with the mysterious ancient scriptures left by the eternally arbitrary Emperor Huang Tian.

At this moment, the thousands of planes and stars in the 'Qiankun Realm' are constantly echoing the cicada singing of magical ancient scriptures. The essence of the world is constantly changing, and as a price, the origin of the world that is constantly derived in the 'Qiankun Realm' is being consumed crazily.

It's a pity that Qin Mo's current strength can only barely comprehend the mysteries of the mysterious ancient scriptures. Even with the help of a large number of world sources, the transformation speed of the 'World of Universe' is still extremely slow.

If Qin Mo fully comprehends the mystery of the magical ancient scriptures, it is entirely possible to transform the 'World of Heaven and Earth' into a powerful world that is not inferior to the 'Immortal Realm'.

The constant transformation in the 'Qiankun Realm' is also constantly driving the transformation of the 'Qiankun Ding' and the physique.

Even if Qin Mo is not practicing, his strength is growing all the time.

In just a few months, the physical strength and the strength of spiritual thoughts have steadily improved from being able to touch the Sendai First Heaven level to the Sendai First Heaven level, and it is in no way inferior to the Sendai First Heaven level with many miraculous physiques in the Zhetian World.

Of course, although the 'Qiankun Realm' at this moment is in a state of stasis of time and space, it does not affect the power of the 'Qiankun Ding' itself at all.

Qin Mo's eyes became more and more satisfied as he watched the "Zhetian" world origin points gradually increase as Ye Fan and Pang Bo continued to take the "elixir".


Three days later!

The three jade bottles in front of Ye Fan were all empty. Apparently, they all entered Ye Fan's stomach and turned into vast life essence.

At this moment, Ye Fan, who was sitting cross-legged, was shrouded in bright golden light, and the position of the Sea of ​​Bitterness was like a bright sun, with thousands of divine lights, as brilliant as a rainbow.

Inside the simple thatched house, there were faint waves of golden divine power, accompanied by bursts of lightning and thunder, and the waves crashed against the table.

Looking at Ye Fan, who was like a god descending into the world, Pang Bo felt his mouth dry in vain, and subconsciously slapped himself hard, as if to make sure that he was not dreaming.

"Old Qin, am I dreaming...Ye Fan, isn't he just opening up a sea of ​​suffering? How do you feel..."

Hearing this, Qin Mo immediately glanced at Pang Bo and said calmly: "Don't look at how many pills Ye Zi has eaten in the past three days. The medicinal properties alone are comparable to more than three hundred bottles of 'Baicao Liquid', especially the last one." That nine-turn 'Baicao Pill', if there wasn't this movement, it would be a ghost..."

As soon as he said this, Pang Bo immediately gnashed his teeth. If he drank the medicinal properties of Baicao Liquid, which is more than 300 times that of Baicao Liquid, he might be burst. No, it is not possible. He would definitely be overwhelmed by the terrifying medicinal properties. burst.

In the past three days, although he has been taking elixirs to assist his practice, he has only digested half of the elixirs. Even though the medicinal properties of 'Baicao Dan' are much purer and milder than 'Baicao Liquid', the rich medicinal properties are still the same. It made him a little swollen, and Ye Fan...

"No wonder the 'Holy Body' before the ancient times was astonishing and unparalleled in the past. Such exaggerated resources will only open up a sea of ​​suffering. It's strange that it is not strong..." Pang Bo sighed.


Qin Mo's eyes were slightly focused, and his gaze quickly locked, with a faint flash of divine light.

Qin Mo could sense that Ye Fan at this moment was like a world-destroying volcano that had been suppressed for countless years. The surging life essence and divine power were boiling and surging crazily, just waiting to erupt.

The next moment!


The incomparably bright golden vision instantly submerged the entire thatched cottage, like the rumble of world-destroying thunder, intertwined with the sound of tsunamis sweeping across the sky, and the entire space illuminated by the incomparably blazing golden light was like a divine realm.

The blazing light could not even be blocked by thatched houses. If it wanted to break through the sky, it would be at least dozens of times exaggerated compared to the fluctuations when Ye Fan opened up the sea of ​​suffering in the original work. Fortunately, Qin Mo's cover did not attract the attention of Lingxu Cave Heaven. .

Among the vast fluctuations, a bright golden light point quietly condensed at Ye Fan's "Sea of ​​Bitterness".

······(End of this chapter)

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