The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 299 Exchange of scriptures and secrets

"Good guy..."

"The Holy Light Technique and the Hunyuan Holy Light Technique of the Shaking Light Holy Land, Old Qin, aren't you just a branch disciple..." Ye Fan looked through the classics exchanged with Qin Mo with his eyes shining.

After a moment, the sound of air-conditioning sounded.


""The Heaven-Swallowing Demonic Art"! "The Immortal Heavenly Art"!"

Ye Fan, who was originally sitting cross-legged, jumped up in an instant. As the two notorious emperors of Beidou, how could Ye Fan not know that feeling the mysterious energy of the two scriptures, Ye Fan was shocked in vain, and there was a faint feeling. There was a sense of familiarity, and several figures instantly appeared in my mind.

"Hua Yunfei, Jiang Yifei, Ye Xiaoman and... The Holy Son of Fluctuating Light..."

Ye Fan had an inexplicable look in his eyes.

"Old Qin, this difficulty is from the Holy Land of Shaking Light..."

In response, Qin Mo just nodded meaningfully without explaining.

Seeing this, Ye Fan's eyes suddenly showed a solemn look, and at the same time, he also realized in his mind. No wonder there was no emperor in the Holy Land of Shaking Light, but there were emperor soldiers.

But in an instant, the solemnity on Ye Fan's face quickly disappeared, replaced by excitement.

Although the "Swallowing Heaven Demon Technique" and "Immortal Heaven Technique" are not perfect, they also contain the four secret realms of the Wheel, the Dao Palace, the Four Pole, and the Dragon Transformation.

In other words, even if Ye Fan did not obtain the "Hengyu Sutra", the strongest scripture in the Four Extremes Secret Realm, and the "Taihuang Sutra", the strongest scripture in the Hualong Secret Realm, there is still no shortage of cultivation scriptures.

Although "The Heaven-Swallowing Demon Technique" and "The Immortal Heaven Technique" are very famous in Beidou, and even somewhat infamous, with almost everyone shouting about them, they are actually scriptures that all practitioners desire.

Especially for those practitioners with ordinary talents, its temptation is even stronger than many other imperial scriptures.

This is true even for those geniuses with excellent talents. After all, no matter how strong their talents are, they cannot be stronger than the 'Chaos Body', which is known as the strongest physique. It is a powerful physique that will definitely become an emperor when it grows up in this world.

If it weren't for the emergence of the Shishiless Emperor who possesses the innate Tao Embryo Holy Body, the Chaos Body would definitely be the strongest physique in the Zhetian World, far superior to many top physiques.

And if you practice the two great emperor scriptures of "Swallowing Heaven Demon Technique" and "Immortal Heaven Technique" to the extreme, you can transform your own physique into a powerful physique like the 'Chaos Body'.

Even if one is unable to practice the two great emperor sutras of "Swallowing Heaven Demon Technique" and "Immortal Heaven Technique" to the extreme, it is still enough to greatly improve one's own cultivation qualifications.

This temptation can only be resisted by those who themselves have inherited the complete Imperial Scripture.

Even so, in the original work, the successor of the Jiang family who was chosen by the ruthless lineage also used the "Immortal Art" to sublimate his talent and even defeated the Jiang family's divine body.

However, compared to the "Swallowing Heaven Demon Technique" and "Immortal Heaven Technique" which have countless legends and terrible names, Ye Fan is more curious about the last scripture, the "Qian Kun Jing" created by Qin Mo...

""Qian Kun Sutra", good name, good spirit..."

Ye Fan looked at the crystal clear jade-like pages in his palm, with an inexplicable sigh in his eyes.

Just the Tao Yun contained in the three words on the page of the book made Ye Fanyin realize that compared to many other secrets and scriptures, although the "Qian Kun Jing" only has three volumes: Lun Hai, Dao Palace, and Si Ji. But it was created by Qin Mo, the creator, and naturally contained more and more complete Tao Yun.

"Heaven and earth are the images of the universe... Set up the positions of yin and yang..."

Ye Fan chanted slightly, and instantly seemed to sense an eternal, endless, boundless vast universe, with endless mysteries, laws, and avenues intertwined and derived.

After just reciting the Wheel and Sea Scroll of the "Qian Kun Sutra" once, Ye Fan's eyes were extremely shocked, because in his perception, the mystery of the "Qian Kun Sutra" was not inferior to the Great Emperor's Sutra, and even Ye Fan had some vague ideas. I feel that Qin Mo's "Qian Kun Sutra" is more complete than the several imperial sutras he has obtained.

At the same time, Ye Fan also saw the method of making the secret technique 'Crystal Beads' that he had been thinking about.

"With the power to open up the universe, it turns into a prison in the void, sealing the sky and locking the earth... It turns out that's how it is... It's really mysterious."

"No wonder it matches the killing formation in "Yuan Tian Shu"..."

The 'Bodhi Seed' in Ye Fan's hand shone slightly, countless insights emerged in his mind, and he instantly entered a state of deep enlightenment.

Upon seeing this, Qin Mo's brows suddenly moved slightly, and he felt a little surprised in his eyes as he felt the 'Qiankun' Dao Yun gradually lingering around Ye Fan.

The "Qian Kun Jing" created by Qin Mo is no less demanding than the "Wu Shi Jing" of Emperor Wu Shi. The cultivation conditions of "Wu Shi Jing" are so strict that only the 'Innate Tao Embryo Holy Body' is qualified to practice.

The "Qian Kun Sutra" is also almost the same.

After all, this is a sutra created by Qin Mo based entirely on himself. Whether it is the 'Qiankun Ding', 'Qiankun Realm', 'Nine Origin Rules' and the 'original body' derived from transformation, they all belong exclusively to Qin. Ink itself.

I didn't expect that Ye Fan would be able to achieve enlightenment, even with the help of the 'Bodhi Seed', the divine object of enlightenment...

But in a flash, Qin Mo also thought of the reason. After all, the derivation of the Wheel and Sea Scroll of the "Qian Kun Jing" was based on the Wheel and Sea Scroll of the "Tao Jing".

It is also the sutra method practiced by Ye Fan in the Wheel and Sea Secret Realm. Even though the sutras are completely different, the Tao Yun in them undoubtedly has some shadow.

Coupled with the analogy of the formations of heaven and earth in the "Yuan Tian Shu" and the "Void Sutra", we can gain some insights with the help of the power of the divine object of enlightenment, the 'Bodhi Seed'.

There are thousands of scriptures, but the simplest way leads to the same destination through different paths.

Of course, this is limited to the Wheel and Sea Scroll of the "Qian Kun Sutra".

It is not that simple to understand the Dao Palace Scroll and the Four Extremes Scroll of the "Qian Kun Sutra".

But this is enough for Ye Fan. After all, the secret method of making the 'Crystal Bead' that he wants most is in the Wheel and Sea Scroll of the "Qian Kun Sutra".

Relying on the 'crystal beads' condensed from the secret method 'Qiankun Sealing' derived from the Wheel and Sea Scroll of the "Qiankun Sutra", coupled with the many source magic killing formations in the "Yuantian Book", the combat power has been greatly increased.

Feeling the "Qiankun" Tao Yun gradually becoming stronger in Ye Fan, Qin Mo waved his right hand lightly, directly laying down a Qi isolation barrier, and ignored it.

His eyes quickly looked at the scriptures and secrets exchanged with Mark.

"Yuan Tian Shu", "Ji Zi Mi", "Dou Zi Mi", "Xing Zi Mi" are incomplete, "Xi Huang Jing" Tao Gong Scroll, "Void Sutra" are incomplete...

Although half of the scriptures and secret techniques are incomplete, their value is no worse than the many scriptures Qin Mo exchanged.

Especially the "Yuan Tian Shu", the "Western Emperor Sutra" Tao Gong Scroll, and the incomplete "Void Sutra", these three major scriptures.

Among them, the "Void Sutra" and "Yuan Tian Shu" about the mysteries of heaven, earth, and void, greatly complete the structural rules of the "World of Heaven and Earth". The Dao Palace Scroll of the "Western Emperor Sutra" is known as the strongest scripture in the Dao Palace Secret Realm, and it also makes the Dao Palace Scroll of the "Qian Kun Sutra" more complete.

As for "Ji Zi Mi", "Dou Zi Mi" and the incomplete "Xing Zi Mi", they did not improve Qin Mo much.

Known as the Holy Law of Dou Zhan, the supreme offensive technique 'Dou' is almost capable of evolving all kinds of attacks in the world, and even gained the reputation of being the number one in attack in Jiang Taixu's hands for four thousand years.

But there is no existence that can compete with it.

And Qin Mo happened to have two types in his hands, one of which was the 'Flying Immortal Art'. Legend has it that this 'Flying Immortal Art' was created by the ruthless emperor specifically for the Dou Zi Jue in the Nine Secrets. The overwhelming power of Tian Huan Yu.

The second is the holy killing method derived from the four poles volume of Qin Mo's "Qiankun Jing". It is a more pure and absolute method of destruction than the many holy killing methods and secret techniques in the world of Zhetian.

Absolute pure killing and destruction, just like the absolute horror of the collapse and destruction of the four poles of the world.

Time, space, yin and yang are all destroyed, turning into a world-destroying grind that consumes all things in the world and is absolutely destroyed.

Although the 'Ji' word secret can explode ten times its own combat power, it also has a limit. Once it reaches the forbidden realm, it will no longer be effective.

For Qin Mo, who has a permanent ten-fold increase in all attributes, it is nothing at all.

The 'Nine-turn Inner Alchemy' originally condensed in the 'Douluo World' naturally cannot amplify the power of Zhetian, but can only amplify the basic physical body and spiritual thoughts.

But with the initial transformation, the moment the original body condensed, it completely transformed into the great essence of the body.

With ten times the permanent combat power, coupled with the "Qian Kun Sutra" that completely suits him, he is completely in the realm of the "divine forbidden realm" even if he does not rely on his physical body and spiritual thoughts that exceed the realm specifications.

The ten-fold increase in combat power of the 'Ji' character secretary had no effect on Qin Mo at all.

However, Qin Mo was slightly aware of the mystery.

The Divine Forbidden Realm seems very mysterious, but in fact it is just a limit to the combat power that can be unleashed in the same realm. It is not even a secret method, just a realm.

As long as you have the combat power to cross the nine levels of small realms, you can call it 'God's Forbidden'.

As for the word secret of '行', which is said to sublimate when reaching the ultimate state and glimpse the mystery of time, it has a great effect on Qin Mo, but it is incomplete...

If it is the complete 'Xing' word secret, with its ability to peer into the time realm, coupled with the time rules of the 'World of Universe', Qin Mo may be able to figure out something.


The next day!

Jiang's underground palace transforms into a dragon pond!

The clouds and mist are lingering, the holy aura is blowing in the face, the underground dragon energy is surging, the sacred power is flowing, and of course there is a breathtaking coercion.

In the Hualong Pond, there are dots of light, and the water is milky white, exceptionally crystal clear. There is a skeleton-like body in the middle. The flesh and blood has completely dried up, without any luster, and is wrapped dryly around the bones.

It was motionless, without even a trace of breath, as if it had lost its life a long time ago, and could not sense any vitality at all. It was no different from a piece of dead wood.

Nine old figures with snow-like hair at the edge are sitting cross-legged.

The jade gourd hung above the Hualong Pond, with crystal droplets falling outwards. A burst of innate divine light burst out from the heads of the nine old men at the same time, melting into the liquid, refining into innate essence, and submerging into the old god king's withered body. .

There was too little divine spring, no more than half a bowl at most. They didn't want to waste any energy, so the nine old men worked together to refine one drop at a time and put it into the body of God King Jiang Taixu little by little.

Seeing the frugal appearance, Ye Fan felt ashamed, obviously remembering that he once drank the sacred spring as water without taking it seriously in the ancient forbidden land, and took a big swig.

Suddenly, an undetectable shock spread!


The bells rang loudly and continuously, resounding throughout the heaven and earth. The vast underground palace was shaken, and the colors of the beings around Hualong Pond changed.

"A top expert is coming to attack!"

"Who is this? Hengyu Divine Furnace suppressed Hualongchi, and he still dares to kill the God King. What kind of terrifying person is he?"

Ye Fan was shocked. As he expected, there were people who didn't want the Jiang family's god king to revive. Even if the emperor's soldier 'Hengyu Furnace' was stationed there, they couldn't deter him.

In the wheel sea, divine power surged quietly, and a horrifying wave of destruction quietly rose from the Eternal Mother Qi Cauldron. It was obvious that it had been prepared for a long time.

Fortunately, whether because it was just a test or because of the power of the Emperor's soldiers, the collision did not actually occur. Otherwise, if the Emperor's soldiers revived, the entire Holy City and even the Southern Territory might be hit. Shen.

Seeing this, Ye Fan also quietly restrained the terrifying and destructive fluctuations rising in the sea of ​​​​wheels.

In just such a moment, Ye Fan felt that his body had been greatly damaged. If it weren't for the 'Ancient Holy Body', which is known for its physical strength, other existences would have been torn apart by this terrifying wave.

Ye Fan's abnormal behavior naturally attracted the attention of Jiang Yun, the powerful leader of the Jiang family. At that moment, Jiang Yun even felt an irresistible death crisis in Ye Fan.

However, Jiang Yun also knew very well that the Ye Fan in front of him did not have any ill intentions towards the Jiang family. In addition, there was the imperial weapon 'Hengyu Furnace', so he just took a deep look at Ye Fan and said nothing.

A few days later...

After being infiltrated with vitality by countless magical medicines, Jiang Taixu, who was originally like a withered bone, obviously gained a little more vitality.

Seeing this, Ye Fan did not hesitate at all and took out a pill with nine true dragon patterns. The moment he took it out, the lingering aura made everyone in the dragon pool feel light.

This is the 'True Dragon Immortal Pill' that Ye Fan asked Qin Mo to refine in the past few days.

The main medicine was surprisingly the liquid of the 'True Dragon Immortal Medicine', and Qin Mo also used this to obtain two ancient immortal 'gods'.

Each True Dragon Dao pattern also represents a drop of 'True Dragon Immortal Medicine', and after refining, the medicinal properties and immortal substances in it are stimulated to the extreme.

Although it is not as effective as the nine-turn 'Baicao Pill' that was originally refined, it has achieved a hundred times the effect, but it has also been improved by more than ten times, and compared to the simple medicinal liquid, the medicinal properties are much milder and longer-lasting.

Just the moment he took it, nine extremely real golden dragons surrounded him. Jiang Taixu, who was only slightly alive but still shaped like a skeleton, seemed to go back in time, and his body began to fill up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

······(End of this chapter)

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