The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 305 The King of Dark Night falls! Flowers rain all over the sky!


The moment the 'Original Technique Killing Formation' broke out, the entire Holy City seemed to have fallen into an extremely terrifying doomsday of destruction. The terrifying aura of destruction instantly shocked all the monks in the Holy City. Those who were closer to the hinterland of the Jiang family even had the idea of ​​despair. .

In the void, the invisible, yin, and yang power contained in the world of one hundred and two bright crystal beads detonated instantly, and countless mysterious formations emerged.

The positive five elements circulate and condense the four images, while the reverse five elements transform tribulations and differentiate yin and yang.

The extremely mysterious qi machines directly turned into machines of destruction, intertwined together, forming a terrifying formation, covering the void.

It seemed as if even time and space were going to be extinguished, and all the rules of the avenue possessed by many monks in the formation collapsed, like a doomsday natural disaster, suffocating people, making it difficult to breathe, and their souls were trembling.

In just a moment, except for the three ghostly old monsters in the 'Original Technique Killing Formation', they jointly resisted for a moment with the strength of their consciousness comparable to the boundary of the third heaven in Sendai.

The remaining "holy lord" beings on the second level of Immortal Platform were all directly under the terrifying power of the "Source Technique Killing Formation", and everything was wiped out in an instant, without even a trace of resistance.

It was as if all traces of the world had been wiped away.

Even the weapons on his body that were initially intertwined with "Tao" principles were directly crushed into powder by this destructive power.

And in the next second.

"Do not!!!"

"Spare your life..."

"Jiang Taixu...I hate..."

Those three ghostly old monsters also followed in the footsteps of those 'Holy Lord-level' beings from the second level of the Immortal Platform.

Although the strength of the consciousness of the three old monsters is due to the 'Yin Ming Grass' and four thousand years of tempering, it is no worse than the strength of the consciousness of the ordinary third-level heaven-slaying Dao King in Immortal Stage.

But after all, he is not the true king of Dao Slaying. Even if the three of them join forces, they can only last a few seconds longer under the destructive power of the Source Technique Killing Formation.

He only had time to let out his final cry before he was completely wiped out.

Even because the body has turned into a rotten corpse, the speed of destruction is even faster.

However, in just a few seconds, nearly ten powerful beings who had pushed the Jiang family to the brink were all killed.

Even the power of the 'Original Technique Killing Formation' has not reached its limit, it is only the power of the killing formation at its initial stage.

It's a pity that after the 'Source Technique Killing Formation' is played, it cannot be taken back and can only be used once.

The destructive power in the void began to disappear in a disorderly manner because it lost its target. The terrifying Qi machine and even the avenue were shattered and destroyed. It persisted for nearly two minutes before gradually disappearing.

"what is this?"

"What a scary smell..."

"How is it possible...that I can't hold on even for a moment..."


The terrifying power made everyone in the Holy City extremely horrified, and they all turned their attention to Ye Fan, who had created this Source Technique Killing Formation in the Jiang Family Hualong Pond.

Shock, horror, fear, etc., many eyes emerged.

In particular, some of the holy places, great religions, and ancient families of Yuanshu who had malicious intentions towards Ye Fan were extremely surprised and grateful.

They never imagined that Ye Fan would have such a terrifying trump card in his hand.

Many elders of the Jiang family in Hualong Pond were also dumbfounded, looking blankly at Ye Fan who had become the center of attention.

Originally they all thought they were going to die, but they didn't expect...

Even the fight between the Dark Night King and the God King 'Jiang Taixu' in the high sky stopped for a moment.

Immediately, the Dark Night King's somewhat frustrated voice sounded: "A bunch of useless trash, can't even do such a small thing..."

At the same time, the King of Dark Night was also a little frightened by the power of the Source Technique Killing Formation. The terrifying sense of crisis told him that if he was trapped and locked in the Source Technique Killing Formation, although he would not perish, he would definitely be severely injured.

The God King 'Jiang Taixu' was also a little surprised. Although he felt that the trump card hidden in Ye Fan was extremely powerful, he did not expect it to be so powerful.

But precisely because of this, Jiang Taixu's eyes suddenly flashed with relief, and then his pupils flickered and he held his right palm empty.

Before the Dark Night King could finish his words, a huge golden war spear instantly pierced the void, directly penetrating the Dark Night King's vision.

"Fighting the Holy Law!"

Jiang Taixu's eyes flashed with divine light. Countless laws of the great avenue were stirred in the void, and the war spear rotated. The terrifying power instantly tore apart the vision of the King of Dark Night.


A mouthful of silver blood spurted out from the Night King's mouth instantly.

Ye Fan, who was in the 'focus', was also extremely horrified at this moment, even though he had long known that the power of the 'Source Technique Killing Formation' created by himself and Qin Mo was extremely terrifying.

But I didn't expect that it would be so terrifying. Even the three old monsters whose combat power was not inferior to the third level of Sendai could not hold on for long.

But this is quite normal. After all, the world-shattering power of an ordinary 'crystal bead' is enough to threaten the half-step power of the first-level heaven of Sendai, and the power of several ordinary crystal beads combined with the second-level power of Sendai is enough to trap and kill.

Even if the 'Origin Technique Killing Formation' is not formed, the power of the one hundred and two 'crystal beads' that instantly shatters and explodes the world is enough to threaten the existence of the third-level heaven-slaying Dao King Realm in Sendai.

What's more, it was arranged into a source technique killing array.

The power of instantly destroying one hundred and two 'worlds', coupled with the transformation of Yin and Yang, the Five Elements, and the Four Symbols, has been completely transformed into the ultimate destructive power. It is not surprising that it can have such power.

Even more powerful than the Source Technique Killing Formation burned with Divine Source.

Of course, this is not without its weaknesses. Compared with the Source Technique Killing Array burned with divine sources, the Source Technique Killing Array laid out using 'crystal beads' is terrifying in power, but it can only be used once and is extremely controllable. Difference.


Several extremely powerful emperors surged across the sky, blocking and shattering the erupting Emperor Formation of the 'Hengyu Furnace', and shackling the 'Hengyu Furnace' once again.

It's a pity that it was too late after all, and the crisis in the hinterland of the Jiang family was resolved.

But even so, the 'Hengyu Furnace' in the void continues to erupt with bursts of fiery and brilliant red-blooded phoenix sounds. It wants to break free, and the entire holy city is reflected like a red cloud descending. Obviously, it is unwilling to be Shackled.

But it's a pity... There is more than one Ji Dao Imperial Weapon in the secret. Under the power of multiple Ji Dao Emperors, unless the 'Emperor Weapon God' is completely revived, be prepared to completely shatter the entire Eastern Wilderness and Southern Territory. , otherwise there is no way at all.

But this is absolutely impossible. There are many holy places and imperial clans in the Eastern Wasteland that have the Ji Dao Imperial Soldiers. They will never imitate the Ji Dao's resurrection.

And with the end of the crisis in the hinterland of the Jiang family.

Although many monks in the Holy City, as well as the Holy Land, Great Sect, and Imperial Clan were extremely surprised by the terrifying trump card played by Ye Fan, they did not make any changes.

At the same time, it also shocked certain existences in the dark.

The fighting in the void in the high sky also reached its limit. The void was shattered and torn wherever the battle occurred, and the horrific aftermath shook the Holy City.

The blood of the Dark Night King was like smoke, rising up along the golden spear, igniting his body and emitting a dazzling fire. He was in great pain, but could not get rid of it. "Damn?!"

The golden divine clothing on his body was dazzling, exuding the aura of the gods, but it could not change all this, nor could it stop the blazing flames.

Because the golden divine clothes did not cover every inch of his body, and the divine blood burned into his body from his hands, and the divine clothes could not stop it.


His internal organs were on fire. The divine clothes were brilliant, but they could not protect everything inside. The King of Dark Night's hair flew wildly and he looked up to the sky and roared.

He struggled hard, but to no avail. The hands of the peerless god king were like the roots of the earth, unshakable. He held the divine spear and remained motionless, like an eternal god.


Red clouds rose into the sky, fire filled the air, and the head of the King of Dark Night also burned. His young and heroic face was completely white and distorted.

"I am the Lord of the Night, and I rule the world. No one can kill me!"

He roared to the sky and mobilized the power of the avenue to extinguish the flames, but it had no effect.

The divine fire enveloped him and illuminated the pure land, like the first ray of light at the beginning of the world. The sacred peace contained endless terrifying power.

The King of Dark Night was unwilling to give in. He grasped the golden war spear tightly and wanted to pull it out from the body of the peerless god king and get rid of all this completely. Unfortunately, everything came to nothing and he was fixed in place, unable to move at all.


The peerless edge appears, Jiang Taixu stands still in the void, like a god or a demon, the great ways are united and born in harmony.

In an instant, the void cracked, and unparalleled pressure overwhelmed the sky and the earth!

This was an absolutely killing blow, as if it was opening up the world, as if it was back to the time when all things were born, and it shocked the sky.


The King of Dark Night roared crazily, his black hair fluttering wildly, and his golden divine spear pointing towards the sky to meet the shocking blow from the peerless divine king. At the same time, the divine clothes on his body were as gorgeous as the sun and burned completely.


The sky was directly bombarded with an extremely terrifying hole, the extraterrestrial starlight spilled out, and the terrifying power of destruction fell.

Everyone in the Holy City fell to the ground under the pressure of this supreme power, and no one could stand.


The King of Dark Night turned into a black meteor and crashed into the Holy City, creating an extremely huge crater. The life force in his body instantly fell to the bottom.

Although the ancient saint's divine clothing was intact, the body under the divine clothing was covered with terrifying cracks.

Obviously, Jiang Taixu, who possesses peak combat power, did not use the 'God King's Sigh' to kill the soul through the defense of the ancient sage's divine clothing as in the original work.

Instead, he used extremely strong combat power to forcefully tear and shatter the body of the King of Dark Night through the ancient sage's divine clothing.

The being who was secretly in charge of the Ji Dao Emperor's soldiers seemed to have noticed something was wrong. The Ji Dao Qi machine exploded instantly, and trillions of destructive thunders rumbled, tearing the void apart.


A void domain gate was torn directly out of the sky, submerged in it, and crossed the void.


The ancient sage's divine clothing on the Dark Night King's body seemed to have life. It automatically separated from the Dark Night King and directly turned into a golden divine light that penetrated the void and disappeared into the Void Realm Gate without a trace.


Seeing this, the Dark Night King suddenly showed a sad look on his face, obviously knowing that he had failed and there was no possibility of turning around.

Without the restraint of the ancient sage's divine clothing, countless cracks on his body quickly began to spread.

This is no longer a simple physical crack. The five secret realms in the Dark Night King's body are all covered with extremely terrifying traces of fragmentation. It was obvious that Jiang Taixu had shattered everything.

However, the face of the Dark Night King at this moment was strangely devoid of any fear, only...reluctance.

As if reflecting back on the light, the King of Dark Night, whose body was almost completely broken, looked at Jiang Taixu in vain with his eyes, and growled: "Jiang Taixu... four thousand years ago... you and me" Brother, in that battle... did you use the imperial weapon 'Hengyu Furnace'..."

Hearing this, Jiang Taixu looked calm and said with great indifference: "I have never used the Holy Furnace..."

As soon as these words came out, the light in the eyes of the Dark Night King, who was already on the verge of death, became even dimmer, and a sad smile appeared on his face.

"The twin kings...invincible..."


The King of Dark Night is destroyed in both form and body...


A few miles away from the Jiang Family Hualong Pond, in a quiet place in the void, there was a faint smell of blood lingering.

A colorful figure with an extremely embarrassed figure, even having a war weapon pierced through his chest. The infinite Tao lingering on his body gradually dissipated, and his eyes showed some relaxation.

Compared with the original work, Fairy Caiyun arrived at the Holy City much later, and her injuries were much more serious than in the original work.

He looked towards the high sky in the sky, looking at Jiang Taixu, who was of unparalleled elegance, with a little nostalgia in his eyes.


"Cough cough..."

With some black blood splashing down, the face of the colorful figure instantly turned pale, and his breath began to drop faintly, but his expression did not change at all.

"Brother Taixu... I knew you were fine... It's really great to see you again..."

"It's a pity... I don't have much time left... After all, I can't go with you..."

"I...I don't want to..."

Fairy Caiyun's right hand, which was stained with some black blood, stroked her already snow-white hair with some trembling.


Tears falling...

"I don't want you to see me like this now. I want you to remember me as I was four thousand years ago forever..."

After finishing his words, he staggered slightly and planned to turn around and leave.

But the next moment...

The void lit up with bright divine light in vain, like a paradise-like pure land world descending, with flowers and rain falling all over the sky.

Jiang Taixu's figure appeared in the rain of flowers at some point, his eyes full of love and care.

"Colorful clouds..."

······(End of this chapter)

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